Noora Novels & Books - WebNovel

About 9 results

  • Lienzos de cristal.

    Lienzos de cristal.


    Es curioso cómo a veces la vida parece conectar los caminos de las personas indicadas. Cómo logra trazar un camino hacia la persona que necesitabas en tu vida, cambiándola totalmente. Noora Anderson lleva una vida monótona, tan rutinaria y carente de emoción que a veces siente ahogarse en un vaso de agua. Siempre en sus sesiones de violín, idiomas, y clases en casa. Y por supuesto, las galas extravagantes que sus padres organizan cada tanto para mantener apariencias y conseguir algún socio nuevo. Pero su mundo de perfecto cristal corre peligro cuando la peculiar, descabellada y divertida de Harley Prescott llega a su vida amenazando con romperlo.Harley es una artista, una pintora aspirante a tener su propia galería de arte algún día. Es por ello que cree conveniente hacer de Noora su lienzo en blanco, pero éste es difícil de trazar, parece que caminara sobre hielo, sobre un cristal duro e imprenetrable. Pero Harley no se rendirá, hará de la encantadora rusa pretenciosa su lienzo de cristal más brillante. 

  • Cherry blossom and the red lips secret of magic

    Cherry blossom and the red lips secret of magic


    A girl who can talk to animals and can see and hear spirits is just a modest 16 year old girl .But no one loves her, and she always just keeps on crying, but when Seeing a death angel crying, he would have felt that he had nothing to blame. But when the angel of death sees Heather in pain, he learns that she is going to kill her soon. But there is some work that he has to complete so he decides that he will help Heather.

  • Once Upon a Time in Archard

    Once Upon a Time in Archard


    Archard. Sebuah negeri antah berantah dengan berbagai kekayaan sumber daya alam tersedia di dalamnya. Dengan semua yang dimiliknya, Archard menjelma menjadi negara paling maju dan disegani. Kemajuan Archard tak lepas dari peran keempat golongan kuat yang melindungi negeri itu dengan masing-masing kekuatan mereka yang di luar nalar. Orion sang penakluk elemen, Noora sang penguasa langit dan teleportasi, Zhair sang penguasa pikiran, dan Qhun sang penjelma. Namun dibalik kuatnya pertahanan yang dimiliki oleh Archard, ada satu aturan yang tak boleh dilanggar. Tidak ada yang boleh menikah lintas golongan. Aturan itu terjaga selama berabad-abad sampai suatu ketika dilanggar oleh pernikahan pria dan wanita dari golongan yang berbeda hingga lahirlah bayi yang nantinya akan menjadi golongan kelima. Kelahiran golongan ke lima inilah yang ditakuti oleh para tetua sehingga keberadaan nya harus dirahasiakan.

  • Evil and Identical

    Evil and Identical

    This story is about Amara and Mara(twin sisters) , they lost their mother when they were just babies and were raised by their father Pablo, but as they were growing up some things made Amara hate her sister Mara , read this story and find out how everything ended . Comment.

  • flor de cerezo y los labios rojos secreto de la magia

    flor de cerezo y los labios rojos secreto de la magia

  • Amara My Twin Sister

    Amara My Twin Sister

  • Twilight 
Princess cruises

    Twilight Princess cruises

    An incomplete story of a princess. And a handsome prince who has four wives. Benefits of being his party wife.And And finally teaming up with the dragon to find an easier way to kill people.

  • Skam Philippines: A Fanmade Remake

    Skam Philippines: A Fanmade Remake

    *Inspired by SKAM Norway and Official Remakes*The story of four Filipino students struggling to solve the social disputes that society has judged them for.From rumours, to losing friendships, and religion to sexuality. - DISCLAIMER - *I do not own Skam nor do any of the references used. This is a fan remake and it mostly also uses the same storyline as the original but with a Filipino aspect added*(SKAM is an NRK (Norwegian) series following four main characters which each has four individual seasons. Each season tackles social problems in accordance with the youth today. The series involves a group of girls and their struggle with society's prejudices which try to break down their friendship.Season 1 tackles about Eva and her boyfriend Jonas, which is about Jonas' ex and rumours.Season 2 is about Noora, Eva's friend, who's in love with a treacherous "bully" who was supposedly in love with one person from the girl squad. Season 3 talks about Isak, a friend of Eva and Jonas who struggles with his sexuality after seeing a handsome guy in his school.Season 4 finally tackles about Sana, a girl from the girl squad who is a Muslim which tackles religious rights and prejudices from others.When the Original ended in 2018, other countries in Europe and many other countries also made their own remakes, like France, Germany, Italy and many more)

  • cinnamon and mint

    cinnamon and mint


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