Raiden Novels & Books - WebNovel

About 66 results

  • Raiden


  • Beneath the Surface: Secrets of an Obsessed Heart

    Beneath the Surface: Secrets of an Obsessed Heart


    "I'll do it. I'll do anything you want" Raiden clicked his tongue in a disapproving tone then raised Hiro's head once more. "That's not what I want to hear, Hiro" He said. "I want to hear you say it with your lips. I want to hear you acknowledge what you will be to me and your status from this day henceforth." He stared deep into Hiro's beautiful brown eyes as he spoke; "Say that from this very second, you belong to me. Your body, your soul, your mind, every part of you belongs to me. You will be my pet and remain by my side. You will do whatever I ask you to do. Tell me that I own you, Hiro." Raiden's voice was frighteningly deep and Hiro felt shivers run down his spine. There was nothing he could see but Raiden's smokey grey eyes, his handsome face and that devilish smile that gave him goosebumps and made his heart tremble with fear. With tears running down his cheeks, he balled his fists and spoke softly; "I promise, Raiden, from this very second, I belong to you. Every part of me is yours. My body, my mind, my soul, everything is yours. I will be your pet. I will do anything you ask of me. I will give you everything that I am. You own me, Raiden." Watanabe Hiro used to be very rich. As the last child of the Watanabe family, he was pampered and spoilt by everyone but he was a good kid. He was obedient and friendly. Nice and very caring. He never did anything to worry others. He also had a lot of friends. Some were with him because they genuinely liked him while others were with him because of his wealth. That is, until a calamity befell his family and everyone he considered a friend abandoned him. Hiro was forced to live a wretched life for 4 years until he met a former senior who was ready to save him but under one condition. Hiro had to become his for a year.

  • His Male Luna

    His Male Luna

    "I, Alpha Killan Raiden Leonidas, hereby reject you as my mate."When Ackerly Ciro Galeno heard these rejection from his mate because his sexual orientation, the man wanted to die and just vanished without traces. He became depressed and hurt, but he realized that he needed to move on because he was already used to being rejected by everyone.Alpha Killan then realized he needed his mate. It's his turn to go after his mate, but how can he prove his good intentions if Ackerly doesn't want anything to do with him?




    Power is always associated with trouble. Sometimes it is great enough to save us from trouble, sometimes it isn't. Sometimes it is so great that trouble can't get close and sometimes its greatness is the reason why trouble comes. Sometimes it's not about how you use it, sometimes it's about the power itself. The mere existence of a certain power could stir up fear, awe, hatred and envy depending on who percieved it and how they do. join me in this multi generational tale as we explore the lives of the different lords of chaos. Let’s walk with them in their trials and let their story touch our hearts.

  • The cafe of Raiden

    The cafe of Raiden

    Raiden grandparents died Now she has to work the cafe can she do it? Or will the pressure be to much?





    Sinopsis "LOVE MASK" Leyna Putri seorang guru muda, berasal dari kota Yogyakarta yang datang merantau ke Ibukota Jakarta. Baru satu tahun menjadi seorang guru di sebuah sekolah swasta, dengan gaji yang tidak seberapa. Sehingga membuat Leyna harus mencari pekerjaan tambahan, sebagai seorang pramusaji di sebuah tempat karoke. Hanya sekedar untuk menambah penghasilannya, agar dapat membuatnya bertahan hidup di Ibukota Jakarta. Sehingga dapat mengirimkan uang ke kampung, untuk biaya hidup Ibu dan adiknya yang sakit gagal ginjal Yang membutuhkan biaya banyak untuk pengobatannya. Tadinya semua berjalan lancar, tetapi seketika berubah. Sampai Leyna bertemu dengan seorang lelaki tampan Raiden Sebastian. Yang memaksa untuk menikah dengan dirinya. Akankah Leyna menerima tawaran dari Raiden tersebut? Apa mungkin Raiden benar-benar seorang lelaki penyuka sesama jenis? Bagaimana keseruan kisah ini, terus dibaca reader. Karena kamu, akan menemukan sebuah kisah yang bukan hanya menghibur, tapi juga penuh intrik yang tidak terduga enjoy it!

  • The world in the shadows - Raiden ( The God of thunder )

    The world in the shadows - Raiden ( The God of thunder )


    The world in the shadows - Raiden (God of thunder)This is a very special story for me.The main character Raiden is a living legend for others ... a savior ... a judge ... a King ... a God ... a devil.Regardless of their opinion, Raiden goes the way he chooses. Break the walls of fate. He breaks the handcuffs of the past, and Heaven itself bows before him.It is a story in which the point of view often changes, and the monologue of our character Raiden is almost non-existent.I don't know what kind of story you like, so I'll present it in a few words.The main character is - a genius boy, noble, charismatic, nostalgic, cold, strict and fair. Ruthless for enemies, but a saving god for the innocent.Throughout the story we will always see how he is always knowledgeable and strong. No weaknesses.Throughout the books we will learn the experiences of the ancient Kings of Light, dark pasts will come out, buried secrets will be found, and humanity has changed in the hands of this God.The book will have mystery and the slap on the face (which I love). Fighting on the vine and death ... tragic family stories ... pretending for life ... surprise developments ... destined couples ... psychologicalAbout these will exist in my novel. Now what will not be:Harem X male leader has never fallen in love with you (so the book does not have a female leader) X weak and pure women with a brain as big as a hazelnut.The novel is programmed with several volumes.I invite you to read it and tell me your opinion !!!

  • That Time I A Shinigami Got Reincarnated With A Slime

    That Time I A Shinigami Got Reincarnated With A Slime


    Raiden a shinigami from the soul society, Seeking greater strength he gets involved in the experiment that aizen did on the visoreds to obtain greater power. During a fierce batlle he uses his Zanpakutō Shingetsu final move paying a heavy price and unleashing a devastating force destroying his body in the process. He loses some memories but at least succeeded in protecting his soul nucleus and most of his ego and escaping in the chaotic spacetime that occurred because of the attack. And thus raiden embarks on a journey to a new word but at least this is not his first ride. After waking up and finding a reincarnating soul in a gargantium like space he hitches a ride to follow Mikami Satoru who had just been stabbed by robber protecting his kouhai into the world of TenSura.

  • him and i 

    him and i liam nia clara raiden ben rosie ren

  • Infinitus: Tomo 2

    Infinitus: Tomo 2

    En la esperada secuela de 'Infinitus', Aiden se encuentra perdido en un mundo desconocido, desprovisto de los amigos que se convirtieron en su apoyo inquebrantable y del amor que cambió su vida para siempre. Herido pero decidido, Aiden emprende un viaje épico en busca de redimirse y cumplir la promesa que hizo a sus seres queridos en el otro mundo: convertirse en el héroe que juró ser. Mientras Aiden busca obtener los anillos elementales y reclamar el título de "deiak", su amigo Raiden se convierte en el último bastión de defensa en su mundo. Enfrentando amenazas cada vez más colosales y oscuras, lucha por proteger el hogar que comparten con Aiden. Cada batalla es una prueba de su tenacidad y determinación, pero la incertidumbre sobre el paradero de Aiden lo lleva a cuestionar si su amistad y compañía serán suficientes para mantener la esperanza viva. En medio de estos desafíos, una figura enigmática emerge en el horizonte, sus palabras ponen a prueba las creencias arraigadas de Raiden, sembrando dudas sobre su camino hacia la victoria. A medida que Aiden se esfuerza por reclamar su destino como "deiak", enfrenta desafíos que pondrán a prueba su valentía y determinación, mientras su ausencia deja a Raiden luchando por proteger el mundo que comparten. "Infinitus: Tomo 2" es una continuación épica de la historia original, donde los lazos del pasado y el presente siguen entrelazándose de maneras sorprendentes. A medida que Aiden y Raiden luchan por su supervivencia y propósito, se embarcan en un viaje emocionante y lleno de desafíos. ¿Podrá Aiden convertirse en el héroe que tanto anhela? ¿Raiden encontrará la fortaleza necesaria para proteger su mundo sin la presencia de su amigo? En medio de la incertidumbre, ambos deberán enfrentar sus peores temores y descubrir el verdadero significado de la amistad y la valentía. "Infinitus: Tomo 2" lleva a los lectores a un viaje fascinante y lleno de giros inesperados que los mantendrán cautivados hasta la última página.

  • Concealed Knight

    Concealed Knight

    IMPULSE AND INCLINATION SERIES - IITHE CONTROLLING KNIGHT: RAIDENKerstein Wijndelts is a timid, Middle-Born citizen who works at the Tourism Industry Council as the Director in the Office of Special Concerns. She then attends the Noble Lord's inauguration where she meets Raiden Jin, an arrogant, egotistic, and domineering man, who makes her blood boil.c: Pinterest for cover

  • Lost in Honkai, Starting the Gentleman Simulator 1

    Lost in Honkai, Starting the Gentleman Simulator 1

    Sci-fi ISEKAI

    Traversing into the world of Honkai Impact 3rd, Lu Yu activated his own simulator. [Simulator Activated] [As a host, please act as a gentleman and guide the heroines towards a healthy path in the simulation!] "Miss Kiana Kaslana, I am enchanted by your beauty." "Bishop Theresa, I'll be waiting for you at the church tonight." "Mei Raiden, you don't want your father to go to jail, do you?" "Queen Cecilia, tonight I am your dog!" Lu Yu: "The dog system took a bite out of me, where's the gentleman you promised?" (Note: This book is fanfiction with numerous alternative character developments. If you dislike it, please avoid reading.) This is a Chinese Translated Fanfic Author: 一只鸽子(A Pigeon) Link:

  • The Schatten Chronicles

    The Schatten Chronicles


    Part One: The GateRaiden gets admitted to the prestigious Schatten Academy after she applies there just for fun. However, during her usual troublemaking detours, Raiden comes across a mysterious Tantabulum that contains secrets about her parents that she couldn't believe. however, her parents mysteriously disappear as she tries to confront them. On her way back to find them, Raiden finds herself chased by Monsters. What is she gonna do?This book has been dropped.

  • Reaching Eternity

    Reaching Eternity

    The death of hundreds of thousands of people, in vain but will it repeat once more? Who is the real culprit? Can someone of low status, in the rank of ants ever dream of becoming as high as a tower reaching the heavens above?Eiko a girl lost in a thought whether a lie is the truth while the truth is a lie. All sacrifices come in vain, mistake repeats itself even after what thought to be the cause has ceased.What are the plans of heaven? Who is she truly? Are two people one, one person is two?

  • No Time for Forever

    No Time for Forever

    Cassie Just moved to a small town in California from New York. She meets Mark who seems to be her soulmate and a hottie named Raiden. Raiden falls for her despite all odds but she has her doubts. When she finally accepts Raiden, she later finds out he has a secret he does not want Cassie to know. What will happen if Cassie finds out his Secret?

  • Penguasa magis

    Penguasa magis

    berpergian ke dunia sihir, sai mendapati dirinya menjadi anak kecil bernama rahul.di dunia ini kehormatan di dapatkan dari kekuatan.sai yang mendapatkan dirinya menempati tubuh sampah tanpa bakat segara merasa putus asa sesaat kemudian terdengar suara sistem 'Ding tubuh inang terikat harap konfirmasi'.sai yang mendengar suara di kepalanya merasa terkejut,tanpa berpikir segara menekan tombol konfirmasi seketika tubuhnya bersinar terang.




    Long ago before the time of the dawn of humans there lived celestials. Celestials were both good and evil. They were powerful beings. Although they started out as a peaceful group of people, outrage soon began to break out as many were trying to travel up the celestial hierarchy. As this rose both good, people trying to get peace, and evil, people trying to overthrow the balance in the world, weapons began to be created to combat one another. Many millennia passed and these people began to die out and now are nothing but fictional study to the people of today's world. While they and their souls have long since passed their weapons haven’t quite moved on so well. These people created their weapons using their own soul power. Time itself won’t let these weapons perish and they are now falling into the human world. Discover who finds these weapons and what it will truly do to them. 

  • Classroom of the Elite Vol.5

    Classroom of the Elite Vol.5


    Kōdo Ikusei Senior High School is a leading prestigious school with state-of-the-art facilities where nearly 100% of students go on to university or find employment. The students there have the freedom to wear any hairstyle and bring any personal effects they desire. Kōdo Ikusei is a paradise-like school, but the truth is that only the most superior of students receive favorable treatment. Kiyotaka Ayanokōji is a student of D-class, which is where the school dumps its "inferior" students in order to ridicule them. For a certain reason, Kiyotaka was careless on his entrance examination, and was put in D-class. After meeting Suzune Horikita and Kikyō Kushida, two other students in his class, Kiyotaka's situation begins to change.

  • Protector of all

    Protector of all


  • The Tale of a Lost City in 25th Century

    The Tale of a Lost City in 25th Century



    It's 2412 Ad. This is your worst nightmare to exist in the world in war with the alien regime of Farworlders. Thankfully, You are far from the wars; but your humanity isn't. Raiden, a dead soldier from the 2301 Shanghai war; reincarnates in Bengal, India; after a hundred years of his death. It's his adventure. Find it with him. . . Cover is not owned by the Author. Author doesn't has English as his first language- kindly mind the grammar and mistakes, but don't mind to tell me where to improvise. Stay tuned for updates, and the author might be slow in updates- He isn't slow in replying the people. Finally, give this Novel a vote. Afterall- Every vote counts.
