Stabler Novels & Books - WebNovel

About 2 results

  • The Neuromancer

    The Neuromancer

    Tim Roberts believes his life is about to turn itself around. Tim has received a minor scholarship for the elite school Waterford Academy for the High Arts in the eastern coast of the Wottalian Republic. Here in Waterford, they train the next generation of Champions to protect the Earth from those that seek to harm it! Or at least that is how their slogan goes.It has been a few decades since any beings from the Duat invaded Earth and mortals with their short lives has mostly forgotten their horrors. The prestigious Academies around the world that once trained mighty heroes has now become a place for the different orders, guilds, and countries to find talents to recruit then use, to fight one another for control of the Mortal Worlds.Tim doesn’t want fame or fortune, he only wants a diverse set of skills aimed at making a stabler way of life. His current aim was to complete the Intelligence Officer program and hopefully get a good hero to work with or maybe a quiet corporation.On his way to Waterford, a disturbance happens near the motel he’s staying in. While Tim was trying out the shiny new uniform from the academy, someone blasts his door open, picks him up, forcibly inserts something at the base of his nape, gives him a slip of paper, throws him out the window and then systematically destroys the whole building--by blowing it upThe last thing he heard before Tim lost consciousness was:“... get better hardware kid!”________________________________________________Image does not belong to me.

  • All Things Fragile

    All Things Fragile

    In the year of 1992, Serena Benson hires Elliot Stabler, an architect, to redesign the sunroom of the house that she and her daughter, Olivia Benson, have just moved into. Olivia and Elliot meet and embark on a whirlwind romance. When an alleged tragedy strikes, Olivia has no other choice but to pick up the pieces and carry on with her life. 29 years later, she learns she’s been living with a lie. What happens when the ghost from her past reappears?

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