/ Adventure / Apocalyptic Super System

Apocalyptic Super System Comic Apocalyptic Super System Comic

Apocalyptic Super System

Đã hoàn thành 159 Chương 1.3M Lượt xem

Nhà xuất bản: Cat Prince/China Literature+DXD Comic

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Tóm tắt

The apocalypse has arrived and the world trembles in terror as Earth becomes a hunting ground for zombies and mutants. Zhao Tianlei stumbles upon a mysterious Super System and although he is no saint, how can he stand by and watch while his classmates are slain and the Earth is in such a tragic state? With the Super Upgrade System and Exchange System, will he be able to lead the humans to defeat the zombies, and restore human civilization?

Người hâm mộ

  1. Sean_Batchelor_2309
    Sean_Batchelor_2309 Đóng góp 4871
  2. Fox_Starwar
    Fox_Starwar Đóng góp 4830
  3. Kahemoto_Daemon
    Kahemoto_Daemon Đóng góp 4746

Quà tặng

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    Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực
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