/ Action / I Stayed At Home For A Century, When I Emerged I Was Invincible

I Stayed At Home For A Century, When I Emerged I Was Invincible Comic I Stayed At Home For A Century, When I Emerged I Was Invincible Comic

I Stayed At Home For A Century, When I Emerged I Was Invincible

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Nhà xuất bản: Webnovel Comics

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Tóm tắt

Chu Xuan travels through time and becomes a young master of a powerful family in a fantasy world. Because of a small mistake, he is banished from the ancestral house and driven to a remote cottage. However, he does not care because he has access to a system that makes him stronger as he spends more time at home. After having been home for a day, he is rewarded with the Indestructible Body Technique. After having been home for a year, he is rewarded with the Jade Void Sutra and a century of cultivation accomplishment. Nobody can make him go out. He will stay here for good!

Người hâm mộ

  1. Miroby_0405
    Miroby_0405 Đóng góp 11144
  2. KaseyB
    KaseyB Đóng góp 9333
  3. Tristan_Kennedy
    Tristan_Kennedy Đóng góp 9270

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    Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực
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