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Chapter 158: Chapter 33

With a tired look on his face, God Soma sat down.

In front of him layed the unconscious William with half of his missing body now replaced by pitch black darkness.

Eldest Lackey, Middle Lackey, Youngest Lackey, Haruhine, Lily and Emile stared at God Soma with untold expectations.

God Soma muttered. "Almost."

At a pace visible to the naked eye, the black shadow kept trying to take over the other half of William's body, but God Soma's control and mainly due to some mysterious power even God Soma couldn't understand, the black side was unable to advance forward making it compromise by fusion instead of domination.

Little by little time tickled by.

After what appeared to be an eternity.


As soon as God Soma finished speaking.


A terrifyingly pressure suddenly started emitting from William's unconscious body making every member of Soma familia take a step back in fear.

This feeling was too familiar!

It felt exactly the same as the One-Eyed-Black-Dragon's power!

Then under their vigilant eyes.

William's eyelids trembled for a moment before opening.

His eyes changed, completely unlike his crystal clear ones, they appeared black, as deep as the abyss.

And at the depths of that abyss, like a demonic spawn, a blood red vertical pupil suddenly appeared startling them.

"How do you feel?.", God Soma asked in a concerned voice.

Instead of replying, William suddenly raised his hand and sent a punch straight towards the sky.


An explosive sound rang out followed by massive waves of wind, throwing everyone off balance.

"I feel better.....than ever before."

As soon as William stopped speaking.


His unusual heartbeat caught his attention.


It was increasing.


His body was becoming hotter and hotter.

Without any warning, William suddenly jumped up high in the sky.

Then under his very eyes, his body started changing.

Skill *[Black Dragons's Descend(S)]* is shaking.

Cracking sound started coming from all over his body.

Skill *[Black Dragons's Descend(S)]* is shaking.

The colour of his skin changed to black, a hardened exoskeleton like armor started forming on his body.

Skill *[Black Dragons's Descend(S)]* is shaking.

His body sized increased at an amazing speed, making pitch black blood fall out in the process.

Skill *[Black Dragons's Descend(S)]* is shaking.

It all happened too quickly, before anyone from the Soma familia could react, a other black dragon suddenly appeared above their heads.

But unlike the previous massive monstrosity, the new dragon was incomparably small in size.

Though it was small, this black dragons's body was filled with a demonic shine, every part of its body was filled with scales which could cut through adamantine like butter.

Also although it was called a dragon, it's figure was more humanoid than draconic, it looked more like a giant man wearing full body armour with wings on his back, as well as a tail.

"God Soma isn't this going to be a problem?....", Eldest Lackey asked while his lips twitched in exaggeration.

The previous powerhouse of a man William has now become even more monstrous.

He couldn't even begin to imagine his boss's strength now.

But still combining a monster and a human...

"It doesn't matter.", God Soma said in a neutral voice while staring at William in the sky.

"Let's keep it a secret for now."

"What if the other Gods find out? We might face severe repurcussions..."

"If the other Gods reject us....."

A cold light flashed through God Soma's eyes.

"Then we'll simply kill them, send them back to heaven and create a new dungeon City."

Eldest Lackey scratched his head.

He wanted to deny God Soma's words, but seeing the calamity flying above them, it might very well be possible.

Hmm perhaps he should also open a community to accept minotaurs when they make the new dungeon City...

It could totally work!

While the two of them were busy in their own thoughts.

William suddenly came down with a bang.

"Get on.", His voice sounded heavy perhaps because of the transformation.

Then he quickly grabbed the members of the Soma familia and flew out of the land surrounded by the sea.

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