/ Fantasy / {QT} Is it bad for me to go OOC?

{QT} Is it bad for me to go OOC? Original

{QT} Is it bad for me to go OOC?

Fantasy 12 Chapters 14.3K Views
Author: DaoistSFHCTS

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"Huh, quiet and gentle...I can work with that." Yu nodded.

"Alright this is a simple mission, just don't go ooc." The system was relieved it was an easy task.

A few minutes later~

"Are you stupid?! You really didn't think I would notice huh?" Yu spat out to the person lying on the floor.

"..." -male lead

"..." -person on the ground

"HAH?!!!!" -Everyone else

Heyo Im Koru and i'm a helper for the author Kist. Kist has been trash at doing updates for her own books, so I wrote my own.

Parents Strongly Cautioned


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Author DaoistSFHCTS