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The Dream's Last Inheritor The Dream's Last Inheritor original

The Dream's Last Inheritor

Author: PeaceAndQuiet

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Awakening

I've had so many dreams, one after another, so many now that I've lost count. At least at first I thought they were dreams but It´s been years. 5? 10? 50? 100 years? I'm not sure anymore, I've completely lost track of time after the first few. There is no way a human can be asleep for so long so maybe I'm in a coma? or ... dead?

The dreams I've been having were also very strange, there were no stories behind them. I was drifting with no control over where i went, and neither could i interact with what was going on as if i was a ghost. I saw many places, many worlds, each one very different from the last, even the laws that governed them were nothing alike.

I saw giant battles in space, so large they engulfed entire worlds. There were guardians who fought for peace with strange abilities and weapons of light that could cut through anything.

I saw a world of powerful magical beasts that could call upon forces of nature at will, yet they were still caught and brainwashed by humans using artifact sphere and then made to fight for their entertainment.

I saw a universe of powerful beings, each with abilities stronger than the last. This universe was plagued with conflict. The strong each always fighting for their own ideals be it power, peace, justice, revenge... most of them conflicting with another's plunged worlds into never ending war.

There were countless universes, so many that I can't remember, however that's not the only thing i can't remember, friends?, family? I can't remember anything about myself not even what i look like.

There is one thing i remember though, my name. I have a very vague memory where i remember someone important to me calling me by it "Leo". I don't remember who they were, what they looked like, or even if they were a man or a woman, however deep inside i could feel that they were the most important person to me.

As Leo was thinking he once again reached the end of another world, however this time his body stopped moving completely. Leo was no longer floating around, not only that but his mind started clearing up, it felt like the fog covering his mind was slowly fading away.

"what's happening?? I'm waking up?!"

Leo has been asleep for so long he was both excited and scared for what was to come. What was he going to see once he opened his eyes? he unconsciously started getting ready, he brushed his hair with his hand and tucked in his shirt then reached for the seat belt, however he quickly realized there was no seat belt for this ride. He closed his eyes and waited until he was fully awaken to open them once more.

Once his mind completely cleared up he realized he was finally awake as he started feeling again. Only someone who has been a ghost for years without any of his senses would be able to tell the difference between feeling nothing and room temperature.

Leo slowly opened his eyes and looked up at the white ceiling.

(white ceiling .. a hospital? so i was in a coma!) He though to himself.

Leo Turned his head to the left expecting to see some machines, or a nurse but there was nothing there, a completely white wall is all he saw. He turned his head to the right and when he saw the same thing he started to get nervous.

Slowly he pulled his body up and realized he wasn't on a bed but on the floor, he ignored it and then shook his head from side to side to get rid of the last bit of drowsiness. Leo then looked forward and again there was nothing there except a white wall. He now started feeling scared and his mind started going wild. (kidnapped? are they going to sell me as a slave? or experiment on my body? are they going to make me fight to the death for the entertainment of the rich? are they going to..... eat me?) each thought scarier than the last, Leo's back was drenched in sweat.

Quickly getting up he started to look at the ceiling for cameras but there were none. (maybe these walls are something like a one way mirror?) He then cupped his hands against the wall and tried to look through it but it looked like it was a normal wall.

Leo started to get worried, where is this place? how was he going to get out? he started to walk around slowly as he tried to think up of a solution however, he soon realized something, there was a long white hallway behind him, in his nervousness he forgot to look at his back. Leo felt a little embarrassed and decided to forget that ever happened.

He looked around a bit more to see if he could find any clues as to why he was here but he found nothing, he even went as far as touching as much of the walls as possible thinking there was might be some hidden switch but after an hour of trying he realized he realized there was nothing there and gave up. Though he was a bit nervous about what he was going to find at the end of this hallway he ultimately decided to walk through it. The hallway itself was extremely long, so long you couldn't see the end, not only that but it seemed like it was slightly slanted upwards.

For 2 hours Leo walked before he finally started seeing the dark end of the tunnel (wait shouldn't there be light?)

regardless of what was at the end, Leo dragged his burning legs and weary body a little faster towards it finally reaching the end of this bloody hallway.

(Thank god i see the end, i was honestly reaching a point where i started thinking that dying might not be so bad) Leo laughed to himself as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Walking for a couple more minutes he finally reached it and saw what that darkness was. A wall of stone. Many feelings came over him when he saw it, helplessness, regret, anger, disappointment.

Leo felt anxiety growing inside of him but he quickly controlled himself. He knew freaking out in this situation was not going to help, he took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

(There has to be a way out somewhere, just the fact I'm alive means there is oxygen in here and it has to be coming from somewhere!) Leo psyched himself once again and decided to keep looking for an exit.


Leo jumped up when startled when he heard that loud noise close by, he nearly had a heart attack. he looked around but saw nothing, however quickly he realized what it was and scratched his neck in embarrassment then looked down and patted his stomach.

*sighs* "Don't worry little thing ill find us some food soon, we cant die yet, we still have to .. ... we have to .. .... .. well we can't die yet and that's all that matters" Leo chuckled to himself and decided to rest a little before he started searching for the exit once more.

He looked at the stone wall and sighed once more then he turned around and leaned his back against it, at least he tried to before he realized, he went right through!

"****!!" was the last thing he said as he fell and crashed into a cold body of water and once again fell unconscious.

PeaceAndQuiet PeaceAndQuiet

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