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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

I open my eyes and proceed to wince back at the brightness of my surroundings. I look around, my vision still quite blurry. I seem to be being held by my mother, I presume.

'Huh. Do I have an observe skill? I don't believe so. It'd be helpful if I did though. What do I do now? Still can't hear, which sucks.'

I continue looking around, hoping my eyes will adjust. After a while, I give up.

'Should I just go back to sleep?'

In the end that's what I decide. I pull up the timer again and go back to sleep. By the next time I wake, I'm around 3 months old. So says my status page.

'Ah. Hey! I can see now, and I can hear too!'

I look around at my surroundings. I'm in a crib, which is inside a small house or apartment.

*Through repeated action, skill Observe has been created!*

'Hey, that's more like it!'

I struggle to roll over.



Common crib

Made by decent wood worker, not many flaws. Made in Konohagakure.


'Oh. I am in Konoha. That's great! Much better than Kiri.'

I slowly work my way up to standing in my crib. It takes forever.

'This weakness is aggravating, luckily I have something I can use to fix that. Items!'


Max level ticket x20

Chakra pellet x100

Rare candy x9

Food pellets x1000

Water pellets x1000


'Damn. I'm not actually sure what all of these do. Rare candies aside of course. That was rather irresponsible of me. Let's observe them.'

'Observe max level ticket'


Max level ticket

Can raise one skill to its max level


'Hey, that was pretty obvious, I'll decide on what to use them on later.'

'Observe chakra pellet'


Chakra pellet

Small blue food pellet that passively raises chakra levels by 10.


'These can be used on my mother, she doesn't seem like a ninja, and while I haven't met her yet, she's still my mother. I also probably won't have problems raising my chakra levels when I need to.'

'Observe Rare candy.'


Rare candy

Raises level by one. Only usable on Jack (Hikaru). Use via ingesting.


'That's what I'm looking for, I figured that's what those would be. Food and water pellets are pretty self explanatory too though.'

'Use rare candy'

A small red pill appears in my mouth, I notice it's extremely bitter. It soon dissolves in my mouth.


*you have leveled up*

'Coolidge. Status.'


Name: Jack morena (Hikaru)

Class: None

Gender: Male

Title: None

Level: 2

Next Level: 29.5%

Age: 3 months (26)

Chakra control: Lowest

Kekkei Genkai: Swift release

Attribute: Wind, Lightning, Earth

Perks: (click for more information)

Items: (click for more information)

HP: 5/5

CH: 100/100

STR: 1

VIT: 10

DEX: 1

INT: 18

WIS: 15

LUK: 10

Stat points: 2

Karma: 825,144


I distribute my points into strength. I immediately stop struggling so hard to stand. I can walk around my crib now without any problem. I use the rest of the rare candies and distribute the stats accordingly.


Name: Jack morena (Hikaru)

Class: None

Gender: Male

Title: None

Level: 10

Next Level: 0.0%

Age: 12 months (27)

Chakra control: Lowest

Kekkei Genkai: Swift release

Attribute: Wind, Lightning, Earth

Perks: (click for more information)

Items: (click for more information)

HP: 25/25

CH: 100/100

STR: 10

VIT: 10

DEX: 10

INT: 19

WIS: 15

LUK: 10

Karma: 825,144


'There. I'm pretty balanced now. I won't have any problem moving around the house now.'

I finally notice my mother, laying in an armchair in the corner of the room, facing me. She's asleep.



Name: Miro Uzuma

Class: None

Gender: Female

Title: Caring mother

Level: 17

Next Level: 4.5%

Age: 28

Chakra control: Lowest

Kekkei Genkai: None

Attribute: Water

Perks: (Click for more information)

Items: None

HP: 130/130

CH: 10/10

STR: 26

VIT: 15

DEX: 16

INT: 20

WIS: 10

LUK: 8

Karma: 110


I click on her perks.


Uzumaki heritage (Active)(10.6% purity)

Good mother (Active)

Survivor (Active)


'Oh! She's an Uzumaki too? She must be a branch member. The bloodline purity would explain that, and also the reason she doesn't have the massive chakra reserves. Maybe I can fix that later, there's gotta be something in the shop for that.'

'But in the meantime, I can use the pellets to raise her reserves without her knowing.'

I lay back down. Thinking about myself for a moment, I wonder.

'Should I use those max level tickets? If I have absolute control over my chakra at 3 months old, that's gonna send up some serious red flags. If that gets out, forget about Danzō, I'll have people trying to off me from everywhere. But it doesn't hurt to be stronger. I'll wait a while, I should think on it more. But chakra sensing won't get me in trouble, I don't think so at least. Use max level ticket on chakra sensing.'

*Use max level ticket on chakra sensing?*



*skill level up*

'Observe Chakra sensing'


Chakra sensing lvl: 100 0.0%

You can sense chakra. This lets you pinpoint the locations of other chakra using beings. Can completely differentiate between chakra signatures. Can also sense negative emotions, along with positive ones, based on nature of one's chakra.

Capable of sensing up to 20 kilometers away if one so chooses.


'Hey, that's actually really cool. I can sense where a lot of people are right now, not all of the village, but still quite a bit of it.


I notice a rather large chakra signature relatively close to me.

'It's just sitting there? It's not even moving. Do I have people watching me?'

After a short while of thinking, I deduce the culprit to be an ANBU.

'I can't think of any other person that would just be sitting there, seemingly watching over me. Hiruzen must've sent them. I think Root would've taken me already, If they had wanted to.'

I push the matter into the back of my mind.

'I should turn on that tailless beast perk now, I don't have to worry about hurting my mom, and I have an (I think)ANBU to protect me.'

As soon as my finger hits the "active" button, a massive outburst of chakra is sent from my body, knocking me out cold.


In the Hokages office

Hiruzen pops up from his desk.

"ANBU! What was that!"

Two ANBU step out from the darkness.

"Sir, we believe it to be coming from the woman and child's home."

"Hokage-Sama, should we go check it out?"

A look of concern flashes through Hiruzen's face.

"Yes, go now. Hurry before Danzō's men get there."


Meanwhile, in ROOT HQ

"Go. Take the child now."

The young man looks up, into the mans bandaged face.

"Yes Danzō-Sama."

"Hurry. I do not want Hiruzen getting to that boy first."

"Yes Danzō-Sama."

And with that, the ROOT ANBU shushins away.

Danzō, already plotting for the boy, chuckles.

"Well well Hiruzen. Will you finally lose something?"


Back in the apartment~~

'Holy shit! That was a lot stronger than I anticipated it to be. With my damned luck, I'm going to have ROOT down my neck in minutes, I hope the ANBU can protect me well enough. Status!'


Name: Jack morena (Hikaru)

Class: None

Gender: Male

Title: None

Level: 10

Next Level: 0.0%

Age: 3 months (27)

Chakra control: Lowest

Kekkei Genkai: Swift release

Attribute: Wind, Lightning, Earth

Perks: (click for more information)

Items: (click for more information)

Skills: (click for more information)

HP: 25/25

CH: 590/590

STR: 10

VIT: 10

DEX: 10

INT: 19

WIS: 15

LUK: 10

Karma: 825,144


'That was a rather large jump. It would explain why the chakra boom happened. I'm probably mid Genin level in chakra right now.'

As I'm thinking about my chakra levels. A fight is happening right above my head.

Two Root operatives and Two ANBU are facing off on the roof.

"You will not get this child. He is under the protection of Hokage-Sama!"

The two Root operatives attack together. They clash at high speeds, landing kicks and punches in ways otherwise impossible without the use of chakra. The fight lasts a couple more minutes before more ANBU arrive and push back the already tired Root operatives. The Root agents, realizing they cannot win, shushin away. The ANBU start to follow.

"Wait. Let them go, they'll most likely die for their failure anyway."

Hiruzen Sarutobi appears in a wisp of leaves.

"You are dismissed ANBU. Go back to whatever it was that you were doing before."

The Anbu nod and disappear into the darkness.

'In the meantime, I have a mother to talk to.'

daoist_xuanshen daoist_xuanshen

Was honestly thinking about killing the mom, since someone said it was cliche to have one parent die, what do you guys think? And do you think he should use the max level tickets? Or will that be too OP? Let me know in the comments. Criticize me, and let me know where and if I messed up. Thanks guys. Rate and donate them power stones. I already owe you guys like 15 chapters and the story hasn’t even been up twenty four hours.

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