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Chapter 29: Bad Adventure... Worst Ending...?

Tatiana POV

In a cell, four seemingly soulless adventures sit on a stone floor. They had been confined for over a day in the small cell. The group had received a visit from the dungeon representative Job about a day ago. Some of them thought it would have been easy to overpower the small Demi-human to escape. Unfortunately, reality smacked them collectively in their faces.

Even prepared to attack, the moment he opened the cell, the group of adventures found they severely underestimated their opponent. Even united, the party was insufficient to handle a monster like him. When the adventures attack him, he beat them black and blue with his bare hands. It was some kind of joke!!! A four-foot-tall Imp/Dark Elf beat them like kids in a sparring match. Oh, added insult to their injuries, he then gives the poor souls the message from Emma.

"Follow the orders of Mr. Job, huh?"(Tatiana)

"Tatiana, did you say something?"(Ragna)

"No, not really..."(Tatiana)

Tatiana's remembrance of the past few days had her repeat the request from Emma. Perhaps, this Job guy didn't believe she would follow Emma's plea. So, he added a simple "reminder" of what happened to uncooperative individuals.

Other then their "reminder", the dungeon dwellers fed them and refrained from interacting with them. Frankly, that suited them fine.

When Tatiana woke up to find the whole party was trapped together minus Emma, she panicked. Only after Hebe assured her it was for the best, did she relax. So, the not so pitiful group of marauders, waited for the time to go before the dungeon lord.

"Tatiana, do you think they will be reasonable? They seem fairer than normal Demi-humans we have encountered."(Hebe)

Tatiana raised her depressed head to look at her colleague. Even in the dark, she could make her out in her undergarments. Yes, undergarments. They stripped each one down to their underwear, along with their pride. It is hard to feel dignified when you are nearly nude.

"We can only hope so. We're not exactly in the position to negotiate. Candidly, I'm not putting much faith in escaping this situation. We got captured, stripped of our gear, and no way of calling for help. None at Eagle base know where we are or of our predicament. Our only hope would be if the whole base mobilized to search for us. Yet, not much hope even then, we traveled over a day away from the base chasing the Fox girls. The search area would be hopelessly huge. By the time they located the dungeon, what state do you think we would be in? We can only accept a miserable life with the small hope of rescue."(Tatiana the downtrodden)

The other girls' countenance dimmed with the unfortunate truth. It was a fact. They screwed up on this outing. Try to maintain some hope in the situation was the best any could do.


The sound of the door unlocked drew the attention of the women. The door opened outward to reveal the old Imp Job under his glowing crystal. Behind him stood Jack, both had combat gear on and weapons on their hips. It was the first time they ever saw them armed. Every time Job came, he was dressed in simple pants and tunic. Both of the clothes he wore were made from dark-colored fabrics.

"Come!! The Dungeon Lord is waiting for your group. He has been briefed on the situation of your group's capture. So now, he wishes to speak with you lot. Word of advice, do not anger him, ok? One of the Fox girls asked something from my Lord without thinking. Thought he was just upset, it nearly resulted in the unconscious destruction of everyone present. For your sake, I wouldn't do anything to agitate him."(Job)

What the hell are we going to talking to??!! They can see Job was visibly shaken from something. This guy, they cannot contend with, is pleading with them not to endanger the group, including him!!! What the hell is this dungeon!! A Primordial Predator??!!

The human adventures have been in dungeons before, but nothing like this dungeon. This place is too scary on multiple levels.

"Mr. Job, I said before we will comply with your demands. It would be in our interest to not make the situation worst for ourselves."(Emma)

Emma... oh, she was hiding in the spot Tatiana and the others couldn't see.

"Yeah, we understand. We will follow your direction when we meet the dungeon lord."Beatrix)

"Yes, we would like to make the interaction amendable."(Hebe)

Job stepped aside to have the four exit the cell. Once the party gathered together again, Jack leads the group through the halls. Job was in the rear of the formation to keep watch of the party. A little while later, they stood before a sizeable nondescript door. Jack knocked on the wood door with a bit of fear.


The speech of someone was conveyed to them. Instead of hearing his words, it was more accurate to say it appeared in their heads.

Jack opened the door to usher the captives inside. The group entered a faintly lit room with no furnishings other than an altar on the far end. The room was the same style cut stone walls and floor throughout the dungeon.

The room was occupied by several other persons, each sitting on the floor nervously. Two were the Fox clan girls that got them into this mess, and the other three girls looked to be from the Imp clan. None of them could understand why the ugly Imps changed into elvish lookalikes. The three Imp clan girls would have fetched a substantial sum in the capital if auctioned. Tatiana could only sigh; those thoughts were pointless.


The five girls did as told, sitting in a line facing the altar like the others. The two groups had some space between them for harmony's sake.

After Job and Jack joined their kin, they look to the alter. The adventures observed the altar as well. It was made of metal and stone. The surfaces were polished smooth. The design was artistic, and the black luster off the polished carved decorations made the altar feel empirical. It was like combining a kingly throne and a Godly altar to create the object they viewed.

On top of the altar, a diamond the size of a human fist rested. The cuts and facet of this gem were breathtaking. The worth of this object could not be determined. This gem greatest mystery was the soft glow from deep within. Like a black hole was trapped in the gem to protect the mortal world from the destruction, it could precipitate.

Their hearts palpitated the more they stared into the gem. Unknowingly, Tatiana and the other girls all looked down together, not wishing to gaze into depth of the abyss. It was at that moment they felt a presence wrapped their bodies. The presence felt innumerable tongues and hands inspecting everything about them down to the recesses of their souls. They could only tremble and wait for the entity to release them. A minute later, he did, then his words resonated within their minds.

"Humanity is truly Sinful creatures. They, overcome by envy, seek to possess. They, overcome by greed, seek to take. They, overcome by jealousy, seek to degrade. They, overcome by lust, seek to rape. They, overcome by pride, seek to prominence. They, overcome by anger, seek to murder."(Sirus)

The gathered could feel the tension of his words. None refuted him. Even objectively, his words rang true. The five humans' hearts quickened more than before. After hearing him, they now know something about this powerful entity. He was an idealist. They tend to be the worst type to reason with. Usually, idealistic people are rigid. They don't accept thoughts or reasons outside their own beliefs. This could be very bad for them if he were like that...

Sirus' continued words cut off the others' contemplation.

"I will not say other races don't exhibit the same Sins in their way. Yet, humans seem to take everything to the extreme. Also, I'm not without an understanding of the nature of humanity. Though, I don't condone the beliefs and practices of the human of Eliana kingdom. Until I fully understand their ways, I will reserve my verdict. The one exception is regarding the treatment of the Demi-humans. As of today, I will champion the cause of the oppressed nonhuman population."(Sirus)

The sweat ran down their face. He just claimed to reserve judgment of the human race!!!! What being has the audacity to make that statement??!! The part that made them want to vomit was they think he may have the right!!

He doesn't give the feel of a dungeon at all. He is like a majestic figure that sits on a raised throne to look down on the peasants. His charisma and aura was that unsettling. They long ago realized this dungeon was an abnormality, but today they understood why. They fell into the Royal palace of dungeons without knowing it was here. They wish to go back in time to slap themselves for the utter foolishness they would commit.

"So, I will be magnanimous in my approach to you, humans. Right now, swear you loyalty to me, Sirus. Those that accept my generosity will receive my blessings. Like the Imps, those who received my seal will be changed. You can see the benefits of my power first hand with the empowered Imps of Job's clan.

Unfortunately, due to the sensitive nature of my dungeon, I cannot release any of you. So, either willing swear your loyalty or forcefully become slaves. It's ironic the Fox clan girls who desperately escaped from you who wanted to turn them into slaves. Only, for you all to be put into the same situation."(Sirus your Majesty)

They screamed in terror as the invisible force pushed their heads to the floor slowly. A magic power so incredibly fierce that the hairs on their bodies stood erect. A feeling like an invisible hand was on each of the girls' heads firmly kept them in place.

Then, they smelled a sweet, musty scent envelop them. It was something they never experienced in their lives, the smell of a dominant male. Sure, they have smelt men before, but not like this. This was the musty smell of an apex predator. A scent that makes females excited for mating. Unbridled and potent, they found breathing hard and a burning in their bodies. The skin of the adventures flushed all over. They rubbed their thick thighs together an a vain attempt to scratch an itch deep inside.

The forceful hand that gripped their heads eased its hold some. The hand moved on the heads of the girls like it was patting them. At that moment, something broke inside them... Maybe it was a combination of the fear, anxiety, and the pheromones attacking the females, driving them mad with lust. The girls' will to keep fighting diminished, and one of the girls responded to his demand.

"Lord Sirus, I understand my wrong and ask forgiveness. I will take your seal and follow you."(Emma)

The other girls were to busy shaking their ass unconsciously to care what she said. But, their minds cleared a bit when they heard the dungeon lord's reply.

"If you are willing. Step up to my altar and receive my blessing. "(Sirus)

The five girls felt the force upon them disappeared. They looked at the altar in curiosity. Tatiana watched Emma stand from the floor and walk to the altar.

From the altar, a pink gelatinous substance bust from the crystal. The core and the pink slime mass took shape on top of the platform. To the astonishment of the viewers, the heart and slime morphed into a black-haired man.

His body was mostly nude; only his lower half of his body was clothed. His muscular upper body look like it had been chiseled from white marble. His handsome face and shoulder-length jet black hair framed out his most mysterious feature, his eyes. In the dimly lit room, his eyes looked like two solar eclipses.

Emma stopped approaching the altar when the core began to change. She fearful hoped the dungeon wouldn't hurt her at this point. When Sirus appeared in his original form, everyone gasped. The combination of Sirus' physical appearance and his aura filled all the female in the room with lust. Even the Imps and Fox clans were not spared. All their bodies' wombs ached unconsciously.

"Job, lead your clan and the two Fox girls from the hall, please. What will happen next will not be what we discussed prior. This will be punishment and obedience. It will not be a true lover's embrace, but a means to an end.

Also, you two should take care of your wives. I may have affected them with my aura unintentionally. Use this time to ease the physical needs of your lovers."(Sirus)

"Yes, my Lord..."(Job)

"Haa... haa... Lord Sirus... we also... wish to receive your... blessings..."(frustrated girls)

"Alice convincingly changed my point of view on sex verse love. If this is what I was born for and my wife said I should be a man. Then, how can I not respond? So, if you girls desire me. I will not reject you. It would be rude to your feelings. But not now, this will not be love but punishment for crimes and obedience to me afterward. I cannot have loose ends, or everyone will be put in danger. Please understand..."(Sirus the team player)

Job help Cam off the floor, while Jack helped Ani. The other three girls followed the two couples as they tried to walk out the door. All the women kept their fevered gaze on the heavenly sight of Sirus. Then, the unfortunate humans were alone with Sirus.

Sirus stood from the altar and stepped in front of Emma. He pinched her chin to lift her face to look into his eyes before he spoke to them.

"I have my beliefs about love and lust. Smart girl, you choose to serve of your own free will for that accept my seal."(Sirus)

Tatiana looked in horror as the dungeon Lord leaned in and kissed Emma on the lips. The moment their lips touched Sirus' magical power momentarily pulsed. The magic power was incredible. The group nearly pissed themselves. Emma thought she kissed a bolt of lightning. The energies rampaged throughout her body. She screamed from the current running through her body, but only muffled sounds escaped due to the handsome man's lips that closed her mouth with his.

His tongue worked its way into her mouth before it began to play with her little tongue like his plaything. As Sirus kissed Emma, black smoke surrounded them. The incredible magic power started to altered her physique,

changing her at a cellular level.

Tatiana could only feel a mixer of envy and regret for not been the one to give in first. She decided after a moment and gasped out words through the panting.

"Lord... I would also like to... take up your generous offer and summit willingly too..."(Tatiana)

Tatiana realizes she was extremely stubborn in the past. They are here because of her stubbornness, but for once, she wanted to follow Emma's example...

After all, she strangely always seems to know the right path to take...

As the black smoke cleared, Sirus and Emma broke their deep kiss. The seal's effects on Emma wasn't as predominant as the Imps. Her body looked the same except her eyes. The eyes pupils color went to a blood-red color similar to the Imps. The metamorphosis of Emma indicated the alteration of her structure from pure humans into some form of hybrid.

Emma was weakened from the intense kiss and energies that jolted her entire body. Exhausted, Emma leaned her body onto Sirus's. The musty smell on him was too intoxicating to Emma that she unconsciously began to lick his muscular body.

"Then, step forward and receive my blessings..."(Sirus)

Tatiana didn't know what his "blessings" were, but she never wanted something this bad in her life...

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