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Chapter 3: Finding Civilization





The next morning wasn't as eventful as yesterday. Waking up, making breakfast, and training was done before he was finally ready to set off to find civilization. Relying on his eidetic memory and the original Adam Taurus's memories he began retracing his steps towards the closest road. It didn't take long to find, only about 3 hours of walking, before he found a wide dirt road.

The reason why Adam found the dirt road so quickly was because the old Adam was weak from all the abuse he received in the Faunus labor forces and never received a full meal. He was incredibly lucky to even be able to run away for the mines with his weak body, only by relying on will alone. Once Adam was done running he collapsed in the clearing and Juno's soul came into his being.

The bull Faunus was snapped out of his thoughts when a group of people walked out of the opposite tree line. Wearing black slightly ripped clothes and daggers in their hands, they stared viciously at the silhouette of Adam Taurus.

'They seem to be bandits...' Thought to himself while looking intently at the group of five humans. 'Should I run away? No... this is my chance to get enough lien for my sword...'

"Stop right there brat!"

"Be a good little brat and drop all your valuables!"

One person, who seemed like the appointed leader, raised his hand slightly in the air to quiet down his subordinates before fixing his gaze at the Faunus. "Now, be a good little boy and give us all your valuables and leave or else you won't be left with al-" Before the leader could finish his sentence he coughs out blood. looking down he sees a skinny and bloody forearm buried into his stomach.

Pulling he arm out of the bandit leader's stomach and letting fall down to the ground, he looks at the other four bandits with a cold an detached look on his face. The other four humans were frozen, looking at their deceased leader's body with shocked and frightened faces.

"L-Leader was k-killed so easily..."


Not giving the bandits a chance to reorder themselves, Adam channeled black and red aura into his legs and boosting himself the next bandit and punched him in the chest, with the chest giving out cracks that sounded like broken bones before going to the next bandit.

It didn't take long for the bandits to all be annihilated. They were regular humans, albeit slightly trained, but didn't unlock their aura.

Standing still, Adam looked down to his bloody forearm and fist with complex thoughts. It was technically his first time killing a human being if you didn't count the original Adam's memories. The thing that slightly bothered him was that he didn't feel anything after taking the life of someone. No guilt, no remorse, no nothing, just cold and detached. 'Is it because of Adam's memories that I'm ok with killing, or is it because of our fused personality?'

Looking at the bandit's bodies, he decided to look them before any Grimm find them. a few thousand lien richer and now armed with a dagger, Adam disposed of the bodies in the forest for the Grimm to find before setting off towards the town.


After the encounter with the bandits, the journey to the nearest town was uneventful. Standing before a raised wooden wall and gate was the nearest town. Before going in, the horned Faunus cut a piece of his shirt and tied it around his left eye like a makeshift eyepatch to cover his brand mark. After that was done, he was finally ready to go into town.

The was some things he needed to do in this town. First was to buy clothes, the second objective was to find a place that sells weapons and buy a sword, he wouldn't be able to create Wilt and Blush for a while so a regular sword would have to do, the third thing he needs to do was to buy a mask so that he didn't have to walk around with a makeshift eyepatch, and lastly, he needed to buy proper food to get his skinny and slightly malnourished body back in shape.

The easiest was finding a Huntsman clothing store, he bought a few form-fitting black, gray and red tunic. The sleeves had a zipper on the upper arm and wide black cuffs. His pants were a matching gray to the tunic. (A/N: What he was wearing in volume 5 but without the flares on his hips). They also sold masks so he bought a mask that was whitish-tan with red, Japanese style, horn-like symbols decorating the front, and two slits on each side to allow for vision. (A/N: Cannon mask)

Next was buying a backpack and buying food such as vegetables, fruits, and different meats.

All of this cost Adam about 500 liens. They only thing the Faunus needed to do was purchase a sword.

After asking for directions from the locals, the best place for a Faunus to purchase a weapon was called Stan's Blacksmith. Walking in the store there were weapons lined up on the walls and a counter where Stan was waiting for customers. Walking up to the counter, Stan looked at Adam with a slightly confused face.

"Aren't you a little young to be in here kid? where are your parents?" With a slight tilt of the head.

"I need a weapon, preferably a Chokutō." Adam looked on with a cold and detached look on his young face.

"Whatever kid, look around and find a weapon."

looking around the shop for a while, Adam stumbled upon the perfect sword for him. It was a black, straight one edged Japanese sword that was a little long for him and a black sheath. Walking back to the counter and purchasing it, He walked out of the Blacksmith's shop.

"Thank you and come again," Stan said with a bored tone.

Walking out with his new sword and attaching it to his waist, Adam set off to leave town and go back to the forest clearing in Forever Falls. What he needed most right now was training. He was weak right now, a footsoldier in the eyes of his enemies. he needed to be strong enough to stand against them.

With his plan in mind, he decided to focus on speed and aura training, while not neglecting strength training. The reason for this is because his semblance was a very offensive type, probably one of the most offensive types of semblances out there, so he needed to focus on speed. His aura training was already a given.

With a new plan in mind, Adam set off to Forever Falls to start training.

Zhepr Zhepr

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