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Chapter 37: Afterwards

(A/N: Hahaha, been a while, hasn't it? Sorry for the stupid delay and the unannounced hiatus. The worlds been moving mad the last few weeks and I've finally settled down again. How've you guys been dealing with quarantine? I've been trying to learn Japanese and Java. Dunno if I can write with a consistent upload schedule but I'll try again. Anyway, onto the chappy.

P.s, if you're still reading this, be warned that this is more of a slice of life chapter but the more action packed chapters will come later. Have fun reading.)


While Rin was dealing with Mephisto and his report for the elementary school incident, the Order didn't stay silent in the news of the sudden appearance of silver flames.

-A certain someone's Pov in the Order-

(Reporting Exorcist): "Excuse me, sir! I have urgent news coming from the Japan branch!"

With a loud thud, the conference room door opens along with one of our Japanese Exorcists entering the room with a face full of urgency. Hmm, I wonder what's led a normally calm person such as himself to come here with such a dishevelled appearance?

(Another exorcist): "You fool! Do you understand what meeting you just interrupted just now?! We could have your head cut off for treason."

But before I could hear the young man out, another person who was taking part in the meeting spoke out to cause trouble for the junior exorcist. The young man jolts in surprise to the sudden shout before looking at me, asking with his eyes whether to continue to speak or not.

(Me): "Now, Now everyone. Let's put the meeting on hold, for now, to listen to what the boy has to say for himself."

I raise my hands to stop the fellow at the table from speaking any further before doing another gesture to let the young man speak for himself. Of course, if it's a report on something trivial then there's nothing I can do to save this man from the mouths of the others.

(Reporting Exorcist): "Y-yes! In True Cross City, near the True Cross Elementary schools, there were signs of suspicious Demons having a fight… and…"

(Everyone else): "..."

Everyone in the room stayed silent waiting for the young man to speak. Though the young man seemed to be having trouble speaking out the last few words that caused the people in the room to become annoyed.

(Reporting Exorcist): "...And… Sights of mysterious Silver Flames were at the scene as well."

This revelation caused most of the previously annoyed people to become shocked silent before their various levels of trauma began to show as they all recall their experiences with blue flames all those years ago. First Blue Flames now Silver Flames, huh.

(Me): "Alright, everyone quiet down."

I noticed the tension and terror on everyone's face and took it upon myself to quiet them down to prepare for the worse. Having these people decide an order filled with fear will lead to a bad outcome.

(Me): "Were there any casualties or any other information to these Demons?"

(Reporting Exorcist): "Reports say that one old upper 3rd class exorcist got involved with the two of those Demons, before… meeting his end. We don't know much about the Demons other than the silver flames as mentioned before and… some of the people who reported a claim to have also seen blue flames…"

(Higher up 1): "You mean to say that Satan is back!"

(Higher up 2): "No, not again!"

The room suddenly became chaotic as the more political members of the group soon began showing their unsightly side to the people in the room.

(Me): "Silence."

I release a little bit of my power to silence the weaker members of the room before saying my thanks to the man for the report.

(Me): "Thank you for the report. Make sure to keep this matter silent and inform those involved about the same thing. Today's incident shouldn't be widely known else it'll cause discord amongst our men and make the hidden Occultic groups take action. You may rest up for the day."

I tried remaining calm as I gave my order but I couldn't stop the subtle shaking of my hands. That day with Satan is a day I'll never forget...

(Exorcist): "Thank you, Lord."

As soon as the young man left the conference, I turned to everyone on the table to get a good look at which ones will be easy to deal with or which ones will cause trouble because of their fear. Of course, I could silence them again with my powers but doing so will do no good.

(Someone on the table): "The True Cross City... It's the territory that damned Mephisto owns! The wretched Demon, he must've had something to do with this event and Satan!"

And as if on cue, the person I thought would've reacted badly to this information spoke his mind out, immediately causing the rest of the room to unconsciously nod their head and agree with him eagerly. Almost sickly immediately.

(Me): "We can't make assumptions like that unless you are ready for the potential consequences that could follow afterwards."

Before I could hear these rich fools speak, I made my stance clear that I require evidence for this accusation. The fool was about to speak again before I gave him a small glare.

(Me): "I understand everyone is shaken up by this sudden news but we have to persevere just like that night 16 years ago. Firstly we must establish a new Paladin as soon as possible. Deploying more Exorcists to True Cross City would make our global operations harder as the same Demon could appear anywhere, as such we'll inform our men in True Cross City of this sudden development and train new Exorcists at a faster and efficient manner!"

(Exorcists): "Yes lord Shemihaza!"

I give my first few orders before mulling over the young man words. I do wonder what this Silver flamed Demon is about. Although I've inherited the powers of Shemihaza, we don't know much about gehenna itself and the various denizens it possesses. If something more powerful than Satan appears… then humanity will struggle to deal with them even more...

-Rin's Pov-

As soon as I left Mephisto's office I went straight to my room and landed face-first on my bed. Today's been a taxing day for me and I just want to close my eyes.

But even after having my eyes closed for hours, even with my heavy head, I still can't manage to drift my way into the land of dreams again. I guess killing a human affected me more than I thought it would've. Kuro and Midori have long since fallen asleep but I'm just stuck staring at the ceiling for hours.

(Yukio): "Oh? You're still awake Rin?"

Once the clock hits 2 in the morning, I see Yukio walking into the room with a tired face as he unties his necktie for breathing space. Looks like he's had a rough day as well. Exorcist duty must be hard for him to come back at this time of the night… I wonder if he's ever killed a human… in one of his missions before....?

(Rin): "Nah, just thinking about being an Exorcist… It's weird how we kill Demons without hearing them out or try reasoning with them but we put humans in trials or prison with a debatable chance for them to change…"

I ramble out my thoughts without thinking of who I'm talking to before looking Yukio in the eyes. Fuck. Yukio looks back at me in shock before reverting back to his calm eyes.

I probably shouldn't have said anything like that since Yukio's eyes showed some kind of understanding. Great, nice one me for opening my big mouth.

(Yukio): "Well, it's more like we don't have any laws for Demons. The majority of the world aren't aware of their existence other than in stories they've read as children or in movies. It would look rather weird to have laws to protect the things they can't see, wouldn't you think? As for the other part about humans, it wasn't always like this as there were the death sentence and such. It wasn't that long ago that countries started to get rid of the death sentence and human rights became more proactive."

Yukio says that calmly as he starts changing into his pyjamas. I guess it's because this world's too immature huh. Hmm, because they can't see them...

(Rin): "Then what would happen if everyone could suddenly see Demons?"

I ask that with a questioning face to hide what I know. Depending on which world I'm in and my actions, the general mass will be able to see Demons unless I can somehow stop Gehenna colliding with Assiah. The only problem is that I have no way to find the gate or how to close it properly.

Yukio, who finished getting changed, sat on his bed as he responded after a bit of contemplation.

(Yukio): "The answer should be obvious... Total mayhem and chaos. Enough to make the order to lose control since there'd be a severe lack of manpower. People who can see Demons are more disposed of being possessed unless they are trained to resist possession. Demons can use fear to possess their victims or for many other reasons like to gain strength. Honestly, the outcomes are too many to list which is why we make sure such a thing never happens."

And yet it still happens in the manga and the anime. Sure there should be ways to counter it so it never happens but isn't it just postponing the inevitable?

(Yukio): "So why the interest all of a sudden? I would never have thought of you as the worrying kind."

Yukio says that with a gentle smile as he stares at me for my answer. Looks like he's starting to get suspicious of me.

(Rin): "I was just thinking about humans and Demons coexisting. It'd be nice if we didn't have to hide but I guess there's no helping about the violence, huh."

I quickly made up an excuse that sounded like something Rin would say while looking at my kids bad sleeping postures. I'm all in for peace and all but I find it highly unlikely to achieve thanks to things like human greed and racism. A perfect world is nothing but a hopeless dream.

(Yukio): "Haah, I should've known you'd think of something like that. Unfortunately, the world isn't a fairytale-like place where peace is everywhere."

Yukio says that with a little sigh before making a refreshed smile. I guess he's been busy with his job. I wonder what his reaction would be if he finds out that I killed someone. Even though I know he's not my real brother, I treat and look at him as one.

(Rin): "Yeah, I've been thinking about a lot of things lately. Everything just… Seems just like a dream, you know? I'm just going with the flow and lost."

I still find it hard to believe that I left that old woman behind… That I've left my old world, took over someone else's body and impersonated him, being able to use his powers, being able to fight Demons, meeting new people, making friends even, oh, and I can't forget adopting 3 Demon Children, plus most likely more to come.

It's just… I just fear this is all too good to be true… I'm scared to wake up one day back in that cold empty room again… Being forced to think of what I'm going to do for food tomorrow…. Being forced to think of how to avoid my mother and one of her many boyfriends, even her ex's...

(Rin): "Well, a few things have been on my chest for the last 2 weeks and I'm still adjusting to this new lifestyle. Hopefully, things will get better but probably not thanks to my shitty luck."

Knowing my luck so far, I'm sure fighting the Demons isn't going to be my only problem. I need to stop relying on my flames and learn some other techniques to help me. Would help when dealing with non-lethal enemies or for people who're scared of Satan itself. I'm sure my fight with the banshee has gotten to the Orders ears, and if not yet, then soon. Having my flames as a last resort will be more useful for my growth.

(Yukio): "It's not strange for you to feel that way. I'd find it strange if you felt indifferent after everything that's happened. After… The incident... I've noticed you've changed… It's a little scary how people can change all of a sudden but it's just a part of life. As you said, life is about going with the flow, yes, but it's also about breaking the flow to get a better, steady current."

Yukio says that whilst looking up at the window, immersing himself with the sight of the stars and entertaining my sudden mood. So he's noticed the differences huh. Luckily I can make up the excuse of the incident with father as a stimulant for my change.

(Rin): "Thanks, I feel better talking to you, Dr Okumura"

I'm being serious. Telling this to Yukio weirdly helped cool my head quite a bit. Though… I don't know if this will be the last time I'll be having these therapy sessions.

(Yukio): "Oi, I want to become a Physician, not a therapist."

Yukio says that with a little smile. Jeez, this guy.

(Rin): "haha, yeah, I know, but thanks anyway. You're the best lil bro a guy can ask for."

Although I wish he won't be as unreasonable in the future like the original. Hopefully Amethyst can sort that side out of him but I feel like it might continue to stay even after they start dating. Guess I should be preparing for the worst huh

(Yukio): "Yes, yes, older brother only in name."

Yukio says that jokingly as he takes his glasses off and gets under his covers.

(Rin): "Whatever smartass, I'm going to get some shut-eye. I got to wake up early tomorrow."

(Yukio): "Alright, have a good night."

(Rin): "Yeah, good night."

And soon I quickly found myself sleeping like a baby. Maybe a little too well.

-Next day-

Ok, I'm sore all over and I can tell it's way past my normal waking up hours since the numbers 10:39 came to my head. Looks like I overslept massively… and I missed my morning practice with Sora. Hope she doesn't get too annoyed at me.

I look down to my chest to find the cause of my pain before quickly spotting Kuro, Midori and Kage all sleeping on top of me with content sleeping faces on. Geez, these three just make me want to hug them to death.

Ok, jokes aside, why are they here? Wouldn't they usually be up at this time?

(Rin): "Alright wake up everyone."

I gently nudged the trio and poked on their cheeks as they started showing signs of waking up. I resist the urge to hug them from their cuteness as one by one they get off my sore body.

(Kuro, Midori and Kage): "Morning Father/Tou-san."

The trio drowsily respond as they get off me. Seriously, I moved beds because it was starting to get cramped and now it got more cramped. Oh well, it's not too much of a problem.

(Rin): "Alright, morning sleepyheads, let's clean up then have breakfast."

(Kuro, Midori, Kage): "Okay!"

I say that while head patting Midori and Kage whilst using my tail to head pat Kuro. I considered taking a morning bath but decided I should try getting my day back into schedule.

(Rin): "Stay still, I'll clean you guys up."

I reluctantly use my flames to clean my children and myself while remembering my words of not becoming over-reliant on my flames. Guess it's gonna take a while for that to happen huh.

After finishing cleaning the kids, I combed their messy hairs for a little before we headed to the cafeteria room.

(Naneko): "Oh, morning lazy bones. Too tired to get out of the bed?"

(Sora): "Morning Rin."

I entered the cafeteria room that seemed to have made a transformation while I was sleeping. There's consoles, flat screen Tv's and even a sofa in the room now! It looks more like a lounge room now than a dorm cafeteria. When did they even get these and how so soon?

I turn my head to find the likely cause of this transformation, Naneko and Sora, playing against each other in another fps game while Akane seems to be reading a book. I wonder how mad Sora is at me?

(Rin): "Morning Naneko, Sora. Yeah, I was really tired yesterday after Cram School so I ended up sleeping in. Also, Sorry Sora, I couldn't wake up in the morning you see…"

I guess the fact I killed a man and made him suffer for unnecessarily long made me really tired. I don't know whether it's because of my true self or because of my flames but I can see my behaviours are slowly shifting every day. I hope it doesn't get any worse. Another reason why I don't want to rely on my flames too much.

(Sora): "It's no big deal really, I usually wake up and have my morning routine at that time so it's not something to worry about. Though, maybe you could make me a little something to eat since I went through the trouble to get here?"

Sora says that with somewhat pleading eyes and a wink before continuing her game. Haah, seriously? If you want me to make you something you don't have to use a roundabout method of asking.

(Rin): "Sure, I still need to make something for myself and the kids as well. Did you two already eat?"

I say that while head locking Kuro and Midori then giving Kage a head pat before asking Akane and Naneko the question. Surprisingly, Akane is reading a book while the other two are playing on the PlayStation. I never thought of her as the reading kind.

(Akane): "Yep, Naneko made us something to eat earlier."

Without looking away from her book, Akane responds with a smile on her face while diligently reading. I wonder what the book is about.

(Rin): "Oh cool, then I guess I'll make us a Devilish Breakfast. Back in a moment."

(Sora): "Make it satanically hot pls!"

(Rin): "Of course, part of the Devils way, Madam."

I leave while saying a stupid joke with Sora before entering the familiar kitchen to make some grub.

(Rin to Kage): 'By the way, Kage, revealing our powers to people is a no go unless you judge them as a friend or they're part of our organisation, okay?'

(Kage): 'Yes, Tou-san."

While I was washing my hands, I gave Kage a telepathic message to not randomly reveal our powers just in case. I hate to admit it but I can't fully trust Sora yet until she joins my organisation. Her skills seem useful for training and for dealing with annoying people. Oh, now that I think about it, I haven't thought of a name for the organisation yet.

While thinking of stupid names for the organisation, I soon returned to the new lounge room with the usual traditional Japanese breakfast which received the praise of everyone including Akane and Naneko who sneakily asked for food.

While eating my own food I helped Kage to eat and taught her how to use Chopsticks, though it soon became a competition between the girls in who can feed Kage.

(Sora): "Say 'aah~'"

(Kage): "Aah~"

Sora especially seems to have taken a liking to Kage. She's been having a big smile on her face every time Kage makes a cute face. I think I can confidently say we were all resisting the urge to hug Kage to death right now.

(Midori): 'Seems like the girls have a favourite.'

Midori was the first of us boys to speak our mind out of the current situation. Though he seems a little sad from the way he 'spoke'.

(Kuro): 'Yep, you jealous of our lil sis?'

Kuro quickly followed up what Midori says like a big brother while also having sadness in his voice. I guess the kids feel sad for being left out.

(Midori): 'Hmm, sorta, but why do I have the feeling this is only the beginning?'

(Kuro): 'So I'm not the only one huh.'

(Rin): 'Should I say sorry or have fun with this sight?'

(Kuro): 'Maybe a little of both?'

(Midori): 'Yeah, I can already see this family get bigger and so will the number of mouths to feed.'

(Rin): 'Why do I feel attacked?'

(Kuro and Midori): 'Because it seems like something you'd do?'

(Rin): 'I swear, you guys speaking in unison is usually cute, but not right now!'

(Kuro, and Midori): 'Haha, good.'

The three of us had our own conversations for a while during the mini-contest the girls were having till we got interrupted.

(Akane): "Here, have some."

While we were in the middle of eating and mentally talking, Akane brings a chopstick to Midori's face that's holding a Furikake deviled egg. The boy himself had no clue what Akane meant before quickly realising and eating the egg.

(Naneko): "Here, you two. Sorry for leaving you guys out."

(Kuro): "It's no problem. Tasty."

Following Akane's lead, Naneko began to feed Kuro with some of her own food and soon the atmosphere changed to the girls feeding the kids. I stared at them feeding the kids whilst cleaning their cheeks of any food with napkins and I started remembering my past life…

I guess this is what a mother figure would've been, huh? The only 'real' mother figure I had was with my grandmother who'd always be overprotective of me. My eyes moisten a little while thinking of those cherished little memories of mine before I started imagining what it would be like if we became an actual family. It gives off that kind of vibe but I wonder how much our relationship would change if that was the case?

(Naneko): "You thinking about something serious?"

Naneko says that with some concern in her eyes, probably from noticing my unique mood, as she feeds Kuro with another piece of food. She may not look it with that messy appearance but she's weirdly perceptive of other people. I wonder if that's a Cat-sidhe trait?

(Rin): "Of course I would be. My children are getting hand fed while I'm at my lonesome. It's not fair I say!"

I tried changing my mood by cracking a little joke and a small tantrum but to my surprise, the girls reacted differently from my expectations of getting a laugh.

(Naneko): "Oh? If that's the case, little child, then say 'Aah'."

Naneko quickly shoves the chopstick with dried fish into my mouth before I could process what just happened. Naneko herself seems unperturbed by what she just did but her two tails are swinging around as if they want to be propellers instead. If there's one thing I noticed about Demons, their tails give away their emotions. Seems like she's also embarrassed too.

(Rin): "This little one says thanks. Now's your turn, say 'Aaah'."

I say that with a higher voice before taking the chance to feed her some of my food. Naneko reacts surprised and looks at me with a glare as I smirk at her as a little revenge.

(Sora): "Come on, it's too early in the morning for you guys to flirt."

Sora immediately chimes in between Naneko and me with her joke to make us embarrassed. I only laugh awkwardly as I feel the intense gazes coming from my kids that have happy expressions. Just great...

(Akane): "My turn."

After laughing off the embarrassing play, Akane began feeding me this time. I fed her as well but unlike Naneko who tries to hide her feelings, Akane has a light blush on her face as she smiles in blissful happiness.

These fun and stupid times really are a blessing for me.

Soon we all finished our breakfast while talking about random stuff or feeding each other. When it got to cleaning the dishes, everyone moved to the kitchen where we all cleaned in a systematic order before spending some time playing CoD.

Sora kept on targeting me as revenge for yesterday at the club room which got a little annoying but that didn't mean I went easy on her nor did it mean I was slacking either.

Soon it hit the time I should go to the Cram School and as I got back from changing into my school uniform, Naneko received a phone call.

(Naneko): "Hmm? Yes? Oh, it's about that. Yeah, I have time that day. Hmm, I can bring guests along? Sure! Thanks!"

(Rin): "What was the phone call about?"

Judging from the way she spoke, it seemed to be about work. I strained my ears a little and found out I could hear her conversation perfectly but I unfocused myself to give her some privacy. Seems like I need to test my 5 senses someday.

(Naneko): "It was from my manager telling me about a small concert happening this Wednesday. Any of you guys wanna come?"

A concert huh. That means I'll be going to two this week. Still need to think of how I'm gonna get answers from Kirihime but I guess I'll take it one step at a time.

(Rin): "I'd love to go. Sounds fun."

Plus, I've never been with one so going with friends first sounds like a better idea than going to one with a 'date'.

(Akane): "Same here. Nano's singing is the best."

(Naneko): "Come one you overrate me too much Akane."

Naneko says that as her tails go wild again, betraying her face in not being excited. Cute.

(Kuro, Midori and Kage): "We wanna go as well!"

(Naneko): "Sweet! I'll show you guys what I'm capable of!"

Naneko says that cheerfully as she starts jumping around and playing with the kids again. I wonder if this'll be alright since we're only guests.

(Sora): "Sorry, but I don't do well with concerts."

Sora says that with a somewhat serious face that I've never seen from her. Now that came as a surprise. I thought concerts were straight up her alley. If not then why did she try hard for the concert tickets? Hmm, I guess because it seemed fun to participate but I thought she wanted to go there with Kirihime?

(Naneko): "Awww, no worries Sora. Maybe next time?"

Naneko slumped her shoulders for a second before regaining her cheerful demeanour. Looks like she was hoping for her to join as well.

(Sora): "Yeah… We'll see about it. Oh wow, it's getting late, I'll head out now. I still have to see my Tsuno!"

Sora says that slowly as if she was thinking of the right things to say. Now her behaviour makes me curious. Let's make a mental note of this.

(Naneko): "I'll message you two the time and location later. I need to go to work soon. Ciao."

Naneko says that while running off to work with a smile on her face and her tails running wildly. I wonder who's the real child here?

(Rin): "Yeah, see ya later."

I wave goodbye to Naneko and the same to Akane and the kids as I head to the Cram School entrance.

(Akane): "I'll look after the kids in the meantime. Study hard."

Akane says that while doing a military salute but her face slowly turned red, probably when she heard of what she said.

(Rin): "Thanks Kaa-san. Make sure the kids don't break anything while I'm gone."

(Kuro): "Oi!"

(Kage): "We are not trouble makers!"

(Midori): "Yeah!"

The kids protest a little before I ran into the door to avoid their attacks. Not before glancing at Akane once more.

(Akane): "Of course, dear Tou-san."

Akane replies in even a deeper shade of red as I close the door with a smile. The sensation of walking through the door is similar to whenever I entered into my pocket dimension but I guess it's because of their concepts being similar.

Hmm, note to self, find out how Mephisto's key system works. Seems like a useful reference if I want to create a gate or something of my own.

(Shiemi): "Good afternoon Rin, are you ready for your shift this afternoon?"

While I was immersed in my own thinking, I ran into Shiemi wearing her usual pink yukata and her school bag as she asked me the question with a smile. She seems to be in a good mood.

(Rin): "Afternoon to you too Shiemi. I think so but that's still in another 5 hours from now."

I got a message from miss Moriyama earlier this week saying my shifts will be on the weekend from 5-11. The job description is just to look after the counter and the pay isn't much but the experience and learning about herbs are my main goal.

That and their family secret.

(Rin): "I can't wait to go to my first official job!"

I say that with a genuine smile as I give myself a pat on the shoulders. Something about actually getting hired instead of being self-employed makes me feel happy.

(Shiemi): "Congratulations Rin, it'll be the first time a friend came over to my house."

Shiemi says that with another smile bigger than the last. Looks like she's happier than me though it seems like she's forgetting the main purpose of it.

(Rin): "Haha, but I'm supposed to be there to work, you know."

I decided to tease her a little and get a reaction from her. It's been one of my favourite things to do with the girls in Cram School or at the Culture Club.

(Shiemi): "Yes but the shop isn't usually that busy so there's a lot of free time for us to play!"

Shiemi says while being unaffected by my reason for working. She really thinks this is a playdate huh. Oh well, no reason to pop her bubble.

(Rin): "Sure, sounds like a plan. Oh, I have to go somewhere after Cram School so I'll see you at the supplier shop."

(Shiemi): "Oh, that's fine! I can't wait for tomorrow as well. My mother's been excited for the study group we're having tomorrow."

(Rin): "Same here. If you don't mind could you help me with the herbs and Demon Pharmacology?"

(Shiemi): "I'll do my best as a teacher!"

Shiemi says that while raising her arms into a guts pose. She seems pumped up for teaching. A bit too pumped.

(Rin): "Thanks Moriyama-sensei."

I say that teasingly which makes Shiemi blush. Too bad I couldn't continue teasing her since we've already arrived at the class door. Damnit, why can't these corridors be longer?

As soon as we sat down with Izumo and Noriko our grimoire's study teacher came so I couldn't mess around until the end of the lesson or unless we have class activities. We covered over the basics once more before being given a quiz at the end of the lesson.

(Noriko): "That quiz was hell…"

(Shiemi): "Maybe we should review this in the study session tomorrow?"

(Noriko): "Yes please!"

As soon as the lesson finished, the girls started talking about the quiz with the only one not worrying is Izumo. I would've thought she'd be talking to Noriko the most but I feel like her character has had a massive change recently.

I wonder if anything happened with her mother?

(Rin): "I need to head somewhere. See you, girls, later."

(Shiemi): "Bye Rin."

(Noriko): "Bye."

(Izumo): "See you later."

I said my goodbyes before walking to the Exorcist training room where we all agreed to meet. It's been about a week since I've seen Yoshikuni… and I still have to deal with that debt.

At least I have more than enough to win against my bet with Mephisto though I don't think it matters anymore considering he let me have a business in school regardless. I guess I'll try making another business since this school is loaded with rich kids.

(Rin): "Afternoon.".

I opened up the door with a simple greeting before seeing the chaos in front of me.

(Rin): "Okay, mind telling me what happened here?"

I see a mountain of broken Bokkens along with my three Kids and Akane on the top of them, unconscious. Meanwhile the perpetrator herself, Chelsea, simply dusts off her clothes and fixes her ponytail before noticing and greets me.

(Chelsea): "Oh, you're finally here."

Chelsea greets me with a somewhat annoyed voice as she gives me a little glare. The fuck did they for this? I wonder how they provoked her.

(Akane, Kuro, Midori and Kage): "Water/food/cheesecake/hungry…"

Before I could even ask her about what happened, the four Demons greet me with their own requests before passing out again. Damn, Chelsea did a number on them.

(Rin): "Ok, wake up if you want something to eat."

I use my flames to gently stimulate their natural recovery and get rid of their fatigue and injuries before opening up a small flame portal to grab some snacks from the fridge.

(Rin): "Come on you wild beasts, it's feedi-"

After waving the snacks and drinks in front of their faces, the group of kids nearly bit my hand off as they regained strength again. Once they were done devouring the food, the greedy pack of wolves looked at me with pleading puppy eyes for more food.

These cute creatures…

(Rin): "Sorry, you guys will have to deal with it for a little while. We're already behind schedule and I don't want to be late for my first day at work."

I say that with a firm tone, making the four of them grudgingly accepting when I gave them a deadpan look.

(Chelsea): "Hmm, you have work?"

Chelsea was the first to react to what I said. She seems less annoyed now.

(Rin): "Yep, I'm having my first day working at the Supplier shop that Shiemi's mum runs."

(Chelsea): "Oh nice, I have a few things I need to get to the shop anyway so that's perfect."

Hmm? What does an Exorcist with a knight meister need the supply shop for? To clean their swords? But if that's the case why visit Yoshikuni?

(Rin): "Sure. Can't wait to serve dear Customer-chan."

(Chelsea): "Yes, yes, worker-kun."

We joke around a bit and wait for the four Demons to finally get up. I've never seen Akane look so worn out before. Don't know if I should ask this but...

(Rin): "What happened here before I came?"

If it was a real fight with Akane using her blood abilities, I wonder if Chelsea could still beat her?

(Chelsea): "Nothing much other than being provoked by Akane. Unfortunately, I dragged in your familia-."

(Rin): "Children."

Chelsea started off the sentence while rubbing her temples before I interrupted her by putting my finger on her lips after what she said. It irks me whenever someone calls my kids as familiars, especially if they're a friend of mine.

(Chelsea): "Y-yeah, sorry for dragging your kids into it."

Chelsea says that with a red face, probably from embarrassment of being interrupted like that.

(Akane): "It's because I said she eats too many sweets... Almost like a Demon… Even I'd get a stomach ache after eating that many sweets."

Akane says nonchalantly that while cracking her neck and doing some light stretches while Chelsea's aura becomes more chaotic the more she speaks. Hmm, looks like she's self-conscious about her sweet-eating habits.

(Rin): "Oh? A fellow sugar-loving Demon, pleasure to meet you, sugar-mistress."

(Chelsea): "Oh? If you're a sugar-loving Demon then prove it."

I try making Chelsea feel better and less annoyed by cracking a little joke. Seems like she wants to challenge what I said.

(Rin): "I'd love to, but let's get going already. It's been 20 minutes since my lesson finished and we haven't gotten anywhere yet."

(Chelsea): "Yeah, will do."

Chelsea says that while using one of her keys to open the gate to Yoshikuni's place. Never thought I'd see another key to Yoshikuni's place but I guess that makes sense.

Now that I think about it, I'm curious about the security system Yoshikuni has. I mean, Exorcists come in and out to deal with their orders or for equipment but not all of them are going to be pure-hearted, will they?

Or it could just be me thinking pessimistically again. Once we got to the other side, I once again witnessed the beautiful forest of Kyoto in Yoshikuni's garden. It's nice and refreshing. If I could, I'd love to live near a forest like this in the future. I wonder if I can somehow plant trees into the pocket dimension?

(Kage): "Wow, it's so beautiful!"

(Midori): "Yeah! You think we can play some tag or hide and seek here?"

(Kuro): "We'd have to be careful if that's the case. Can we father?"

(Rin): "I see no harm, but maybe a little later, ok?"

(Midori, Kage and Kuro): "Okay~!"

I finish giving each of my kids head pats before heading to the other side of Yoshikuni's house where she's busy doing some laundry.

(Yoshikuni): "Oh, fancy seeing you all here."

Well, I thought she was just doing some laundry but she was also polishing some of the swords whilst testing them out.

Damn, this girl's busy. Almost makes me think she has something she's hiding to work this hard, or she might just be an enthusiastic workaholic. Then again, this is an anime world so both might be the case.

(Rin): "Nice seeing ya again ms Hardworking."

I say that with exasperation from seeing her busy schedule seems to be. I wonder if she's actually a demon for that stamina or hers?

(Yoshikuni): "And to you too Okumura-kun, I was just finishing off my last Bokken for the monthly contract and polishing some dusty swords. To what do I owe for this visit?"

Yoshikuni says that as she firmly grips the Bokken before putting it to a pile of them in a basket. Looks like I'll be sent to an errand once again, huh.

(Chelsea): "Good afternoon Yoshikuni, we're here to teach Rin how to take care of his Katana. He may have his 'Abilities' but he still needs to learn the basic of the basics."

(Akane): "Good afternoon Xi-Kuni. I'm just here to tag along here and I also know of Rin's "


The two of them give their greetings to Yoshikuni and their reasons while the kids wandered off to play somewhere. Hopefully, they don't go too far.

(Rin): "Xi-Kuni?"

(Akane): "A combination of Yoshikuni's first name and last name. Her full name is Xi Yoshikuni."

Oh yeah, Akane's nicknaming habits, I remember she gave me one after our nth battle. I wonder why she changed it back to Rin though?

(Chelsea): "Well, our battle maniac likes to give nicknames for stupid reasons."

Chelsea says that while slumping her shoulders a little. Looks like she's tired of Akane's habits of fighting and giving nicknames to people.

(Rin): "Oh? Like what? Chel-bee or A-bee?"

I thought this was the right time to play around with Chelsea a little so I gave her a little nickname of my own. I smirked a little when I looked at Chelsea's face of disappointment.

(Akane): "Ooo those are some good ones. I usually call her 'A-Chel' though."

Akane says that with a thumbs up as we both smile in agreement.

(Chelsea): "Please don't spread her idiocy."

Chelsea says that with a sigh as she rubs her temples again. Looks like she's felt the brunt force of Akane nicknames. Sorry in advance Chelsea.

(Yoshikuni): "hahaha, please come inside while I make us some tea. Then we can begin learning how to maintain your Katana. I should've taught you this much earlier but it didn't cross my mind since you already had Kurikara… By the way, can I have another look at it again?"

Yoshikuni started off her sentence in a business-like manner before ending it with sparkles in her eyes as she requested to look at Kurikara. Is the sword really that special in her eyes? I guess I take it for granted, huh.

(Rin): "Uh… sure I guess. Though it always surprises me how you three are calm with my flames."

She should be aware of the fact my flames are linked to that sword but even then she still wants to see them. Usually, people would've been afraid of the supernaturals, especially if they have anything to do with Satan. Though it seems like these girls have their own reasons to treat me the same.

(Chelsea): "Well, It's not that I wasn't afraid, I was more surprised that Satan's Son isn't more… well, Akane-like, I guess. Didn't take you as the cooking or the carer kind of person"

Oi, why do I feel attacked?

(Akane): "I'm starting to think Chel-Bee has something against me. Well anyway, my origins are quite unique as there's no records of Demons with black blood nor many with the blood manipulation skill. I can't really judge you about your heritage when I know nothing about my own. Plus you're good at fighting so it's fun!"

(Chelsea): "I swear sometimes…"

Akane started off with using the new nickname for Chelsea which makes the person herself just sigh. Of course, Akane would be happy to fight someone strong. Though her background still has me curious. I have a feeling Mephisto knows more about this than he's told her.

(Yoshikuni): "And I guess mine is due to thinking of this as a business transaction? Sorry, but I worked with a lot of Demon's since young so I don't have much discrimination. Though I must admit that I was a bit scared when I first met you."

Hmm, dealing with Demons since young huh. I wonder if that's because of her family or because of the Order?

(Rin): "Glad to know I'm feared…"

After hearing everyone's first impressions, I acted a bit depressed on purpose which made everyone comfort me. Though I did feel a bit glad they told me.

(Akane): "It's not like that! It's only thanks to the rumours we heard!"

(Chelsea): "As Akane said, we were misinformed that Satan's Son is also a good cook and has a weird thing for adopting Demon kids."

Chelsea and Akane immediately tried comforting me which made my heart feel warm.

(Yoshikuni): "Hmm? Rin's a cook? And a father at that? Is that even legal?"

(Akane): "Yep and a damn good one at that. I'm not sure about it being legal but his kids treat him like one and they have a good relationship."

Do I really look like a useless kind of person? Guess I need to deal with my appearance someday else this'll get annoying.

(Rin): "Why don't you join us for tonight's dinner? I'll be taking part in cooking though instead of making everything."

I'll be back later after all and I need to get the other residents to do work for themselves. I can't have them make me do all the work while they laze around.

(Yoshikuni): "Umm, I would love to but I'd have to decline. My Schoolwork is slowly piling up so I must finish that before having fun. I'll hopefully be able to join next time?"

(Rin): "No problem."

I was a little disappointed with her reply but I accepted it since everyone's busy. Though schools only started for 2 weeks. How could she be behind already considering she's strict in following a schedule? I don't see her as the slacking off kind.

(Yoshikuni): "Also the money for the Katana? Oh, and I must say that lessons to maintain your katana aren't going to be for free. Though I'll give you a discount for being Chelsea's friend."

Yoshikuni says that with a smile as I get sent back by her sudden reminder. Yikes, I didn't think she'd ask for money this soon but it does make sense, huh. Better start planning for other ways to make money and quick.

(Rin): "Hahaha, I'll get the money soon once I settle something against Mephisto. If it goes well I'll be able to get the money within a month maximum."

I gotta say there's some serious inflation for a Katana to cost 400,000 yen but I guess it's due to it being made with the aim of slaughtering and not for decoration. I'm not sure about my past life's Japan but here you're allowed to own a sword here as long as you don't carry it around without a valid reason or a license.

And of course, if you're a Knight Exorcist you get that license immediately. My situation's special so I got an exception from Mephisto himself.

(Yoshikuni): "Hmm fine, but don't think you'll get away with it if you suddenly disappear on me. I'll get one of these two to pay the rest unless you can get the money yourself."

(Chelsea): "Oi, who said I'll pay for him?"

(Yoshikuni): "Then I'll interrogate you for his home address or for any family members

(Rin): "Alright alright, I'll bring you the money soon."

Yoshikuni says that with a strict tone as I laugh wryly, thinking of ways to make more money in a short amount of time. Looks like I managed to stall the debt collector this time. Though, the sudden change in subject has me curious for a few things.

(Yoshikuni): "Alright, I'll go prepare the tea now."

Yoshikuni says that after showing us to the old fashioned Japanese living room and heads to what I assume is the kitchen. I admired the living room a little before being interrupted by what Yoshikuni mumbled under her breath.

(Yoshikuni): "I might- get clues- time…"

The fact I could even hear that much surprised me but now I wanna know what she was talking about. I don't show my confusion as I look at Akane who doesn't seem to have heard her. Hmm, I wonder if my hearing is better than most Demons? I can't ask my kids since they're playing in the garden.

(Rin): "I think I'll help Yoshikuni out with the Tea. Don't start a fight while we're gone."

I say that as I get up from my seated position. Let's see what secret Yoshikuni has. Maybe I can help her out and get her to help me in return?

(Akane): "Whatever you say, uncle."

Akane says that sarcastically as she makes herself comfortable. This girl...

(Rin): "Oi, you're older than me, auntie."

I responded with my own stupid joke before turning to Chelsea, hoping she understands my meaning.

(Chelsea): "Yes yes, I'll make sure the battle maniac doesn't cause any troubles."

Looks like my eye contact with her worked. I smile in response as I make my way out.

(Akane): "Honestly, why am I being treated like a kid all of a sudden?"

(Rin): "Haha, sorry."

I say that with a cheeky grin before walking out to Yoshikuni's general location. Honestly, if my plan works with Yoshikuni, I'll be able to get a weapons supply for my faction and maybe a few buildings in the pocket dimension. It'd be awesome if I could make that place our base of operation but I don't like the fact Mephisto could easily enter that place.

(Yoshikuni): "I told you I'll be ready with the deliveries soon. Just give me more time, please!."

While I was walking through the corridor, I suddenly heard the begging voice of Yoshikuni as she talked to the person on her old fashioned phone. I hid my presence and leaned my body against the wall to listen to her conversation. From the looks of it, it seems like she's in for some trouble herself.

Should I say as expected of an anime world? Though the set up sickens me. I strain my ears to hear her phone call.

(???): "Remember what I said before. Fail and you won't ever see them again."

(Yoshikuni): "...I understand… They'll arrive soon along with the money…"

So that's why she's a workaholic… it sounds like blackmail… Yoshikuni hang's up the phone call and starts crying softly from where she's standing. I resist the urge to go straight up to her and demand answers from her since I doubt she'll easily give me answers.

Realising how useless I am in this situation, I sink my nails into my palm until it starts to bleed as I think of what to do. That guy on the phone… I'll make sure to deal with him soon. After all, I hate seeing someone crying…

(Rin): "Yoshikuni-san~"

Since I couldn't think of a good way to comfort her, I thought it'd be better to show her my presence from afar instead of randomly appearing next to her.

(Yoshikuni): "Yes?"

Yoshikuni quickly tries to fix up her appearance but her swollen red eyes are still there. Her sleeves have wet patches which nearly made me break my act from anger.

(Rin): "Haha, sorry but I got lost looking for the bathroom, do you mind pointing me to the general location."

I resist the urge to comfort her immediately as I try distracting her. Seems like I got her attention now.

(Yoshikuni): "Sure, it's just 2 lefts from the corner."

Yoshikuni says that as her eyes soon became normal and less fake. Good start. Now let's start my plan.

(Rin): "Thank you Yoshikuni~. Oh, that reminds me, I have another reason for being here you see. It's about this."

I say that as I summon a metal scrap that I merged my flames with. At first glance, it looks like the same old scrap but it glistens in a blue hue while feeling lighter and more durable.

It's one of the reasons I immediately agreed to visit Yoshikuni. We could use this for weapons after all.

(Rin): "What do you think you can do with something like this?"

I can see the intrigue in Yoshikuni's eyes, proving to me that she isn't a blacksmith only for the money but because she enjoys her passion and the challenge.

I handed the metal to her and for a few seconds, we stood in silence as the fires in her eyes seemed to have been lit again. I smile at her childlike gaze before recalling what happened a few moments ago. I'll get to the bottom of this soon…

No one will make my friends cry and get away with it...

(A/N: Alternative Titles: "A shit tonne of stuff happened", "The Orders Response", "Brother therapy", "Family Bonding", "Yoshikuni's secret", "Oh? Shiny metal")

S_jay S_jay

Who remembers the upload schedule for mlibe? it started daily, then became every two days, then every three days, then became on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, then became weekly, then monthly, and now it seems to be every 2 months. God, I've let my original goal of being productive down, huh?

if you want to talk to me, my discord is S_jay#4350

Btw, check out these novels, "The Infernal Blade" and "Kurosaki Hachi: My (Un)Ordinary Life!"

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