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Cultivating A Kunoichi Harem Cultivating A Kunoichi Harem original

Cultivating A Kunoichi Harem

Author: Ultimatedaywriter

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: In A Jailcell

Jack A Caliburn waited in a damp holding cell stripped down to his meat suit. His armor, weapons, and even his storage ring were gone. His memories were coming and going. A few things were clear. He knew his name, he remembered cultivating, and he remembered the last hour before his Lieutenant Nico shoved him through a portal.

"You always wanted a vacation." Jack muttered the words much to the annoyance of his captor. The scarred faced pineapple haired man didn't look amused by his outburst. Too bad, he needed to collect himself and if that meant talking to himself then he would.

After those words, he was sent tumbling through a portal. Little did either of them know at the time, transdimensional portals worked a lot like meat grinders. It tore apart his body and rendered him little more than a spirit surrounded by fading qi. After crossing a great boundary, he used his remaining qi and formed a body for himself. That had the unfortunate side effect of destroying his cultivation base and leaving him little more than a mortal.

Fortunately, his stuff survived the journey better than himself. Unfortunately, arriving in a military village with weapons and armor were more than enough to land him a place in jail.

"How did you sneak into our village? You have no chakra. Where did you get the weapons and armor?" Jack sighed and ignored his patron. He focused on cultivating. It would take time to restore his former strength.

"Listen you're just a civilian, you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Just tell us where you got the armor and weapons and we'll let you go." Jack remained silent. He was in a convenient place for now.

The man let out a sigh. "Fine, then we'll ask you more forcefully. I'll leave you alone to think about that." The pineapple haired man said.

Throughout his life, Jack had bitterly fought for every scrap of insight or secret of cultivation. It took him two centuries to reach Asura Platform. After reaching Asura Platform his potential was spent.

No number of supplements or new knowledge helped. His potential ended at the platform realm. That was great for an imperial legate. It meant he'd never be able to challenge his Warmaster. That fact gave him a level of trust from his Warmaster that few Imperial legates enjoyed.

Everything was different now. His potential had evolved with the creation of a new body.

Jack knew the pitfalls and better yet, he knew himself. Best of all this body was crafted by his very own qi. It was built for cultivating and modifying unlike the normal human body. To him it was like an old idle game. Once at a certain level starting over is the only way to move forward.

Focusing inward, he began to pull the power of heaven and earth into himself. There was so much natural energy in the world, and it wasn't being used at all. They had left him in a metal box where he could draw possibly the purest natural energy of earth to himself.

Vast amounts of filth poured from his body while he rapidly built up his cultivation base. Inner workings and machinery sprung up and hardened at an insane rate. His shear experience with the Grand Dao of heaven and earth benefited him most of all. To reach the platform realm a vast number of Dao must be learned, and a few must be mastered to the 9th earthly realm. The more Dao a qi expert possessed the more qi they could refine and the more qi that was needed to reach the next stage. Experience made a pain staking marathon through the qi refinery stage into a sprint.

Jack compressed his qi while footsteps appeared at the edge of his sixth sense. He performed a short technique and bound the power of earth to the sludge covering his body. The resulting mix was a thick protective cocoon. It would buy him some time to store his compressed qi and begin diffusion. Vast amounts of qi flowed into him. Years' worth of cultivation had only taken moments.

"Get the Hokage, this isn't something a civilian can do." Pineapple said. Jack knew the pineapple haired guy wasn't the leader but where did the Hokage fit in their hierarchy. He needed to get a handle on this world.

"Kami sama, it stinks. Do you think he's still alive?" A female voice asked.

"I don't know. We checked him for invisible seals, techniques that hide chakra, and even poisons. Whatever this is, its new. What a drag." Jack listened while his body prepared to step fully into the foundry realm. Most of his focus was spent to condense his qi to the proper concentration.

He messed with the Dao of wood and biology and worsened the smell. With the amount of qi in his body, breathing was optional. All he needed was to store enough condensed qi for the diffusion process to start. Then the fun would really begin.

"What's going on? Kami that smells like a mountain of corpses." A big tittied blonde woman shouted. She was a bit aged for his taste, but he knew of a pill that could fix that. The illusion was nice. If she looked like that in her younger days, he'd consider adding her to his harem.

"Hokage sama, these are the reports you asked," Several folders hit the dirty floor of the prison. "What is that smell?" The pinkette was cute, he didn't sense any hair dye in her follicles. He peered through her clothes with qi sense. Oh, the carpet matched the drapes.

"Calm down Sakura. I'm certain he's still alive." She turned to him. "If you didn't smell so terrible, I'd smash you for stinking up my prison." She yelled like a drunk.

Aura exploded from his foundry. In an instant he felt aura fill his muscles, bones, tendons, sinews, and skin. From the end of the hairs on his head to his toenails his aura flowed through him. A red and black aura swirled out from his body and tore apart the cocoon protecting him.

Jack stood up and flexed. Telekinetic force blasted the filth from his body while he began to feel normal. Oh, he was frail compared to his former power. If he passed through a portal again, he'd adjust his barrier.

Unless this vacation turned around, he was going to fire Nico. He remembered the desperation on his friend's face, the sacrifice of his friend's cultivation base, and the fast-approaching supernova from their exploding sun. He'd give Nico every day off. A permanent vacation.

Slowly, he focused back on reality.

He hovered over the ground and stared at his captors. The blonde was there along with pineapple head. Some purple haired chick in a duster stood at the ready. Even the pinkette drew a kunai.

Standard procedure was to offer parlay. He'd give them thirty seconds to comply and then start killing. That was the normal way to handle things. But this was an untapped world filled with boundless natural energy. Even floating in the jailcell, Jack was soaking in vast amounts of natural energy and reconfiguring the machinery of his cultivation base. His mind wasn't really on them.

Should he give them information and slowly subvert their village taking control of individuals in power before fully taking over. That too was standard procedure when coming across a weak government. He knew this wasn't really a vacation.

He was stranded on some far-off world in another universe. As an Imperial Legate it was his duty to reconstruct the empire. With his new potential becoming a Warmaster was possible. That was what was expected of him. It was what he was trained to do. Its what the perfect Imperial Legate would do. In this new life he felt another option. He'd been the perfect Imperial Legate and it had left his cultivation base stagnant.

He wasn't Jack the Asura Platform warrior in charge of the 9th legion under Warmaster Augustus. Here Jack wasn't the only Platform realm cultivator to control a legion. In fact, he was a prisoner of a group of strange magician, mercenary, and maybe slightly ninja people. The pinkette turned her head away from him and blushed.

All the standards of his training gave him the tools to begin. Even at the Foundry realm he could take control of these people. Its what he should do as an Imperial Legate. Instead, he would do something he'd never thought of before. He said no. To a hundred years of traditions, doctrines, and tactics, he told them all no.

A weight fell off his shoulders and left him cast out into the wind.

"What are you doing here and why did you land in our village?" The Hokage asked.

"It was an emergency landing; I didn't get to choose where I landed. I suppose I'm here to heal and get back to where I came from." All what he said was technically true. Well he had no intention of going back.

"He's omitting something." Pineapple said.

"I know, he obviously isn't a shinobi. His lying skills are terrible." Tsunade said. Jack shrugged his shoulders. Maybe a light use of Imperial tactics wouldn't hurt.

"I can make a pill to restore your youth." Jack said. She froze and stared at him.

"He isn't lying so either he can, or he believes he can. Either way, I'm not swallowing a pill he makes." Jack smiled and shrugged. They all said no at first.

"I'll offer it again another time then. I'm sure the thought of death will become unbearable eventually. Death is harder to face when you have a way out." He'd known plenty of cowardly immortals. The more immortal a person became the greater their fear of death.

"Open the cell." The hokage ordered. A figure teleported from the shadows and unlocked his cell. The door opened through his telekinesis and squeaked the whole time on rusty hinges.

She dashed forward, reared back her fist, and punched. Jack merely placed his barrier in her path. Her fist slammed into it cratering the barrier. The village leader's eyes widened for a fraction of a second. She raised her fist and struck again.

More of his barrier splintered and his cultivation base shook. Too many more hits like that and he'd have to start again from scratch.

"Enough of that." He raised his hand and she was pulled off her feet. Several animal masked shinobi appeared and drove their swords into his barrier. They managed to pierce the first layer where she struck only to shatter against the next.

The pinkette froze in place and suddenly, his movements were slowed. "Shadow possession complete, you aren't going anywhere. Release the Hokage, and we can talk about this." Jack was at a crossroad. Should he snap the shadow technique and kill his way out or play nice. He wasn't an Imperial Legate anymore but that didn't make him less of a cultivator.

Then he stared at the blonde. He wanted to fuck her tight Asian pussy and play with those big soft tits. Jack let out a sigh. He needed to fuck, if he wasn't fighting then he needed some pussy. There wasn't even a terminator waifu in a dozen kilometers to fuck. And Nico called this a vacation.

"Sure," He released the big tittied old lady. This was his vacation so; he'd have to find something to do to enjoy his time. Offering the aging leader of the village and extended life and tempting her with her youth seemed like a grand time.

"My name is Jack A. Caliburn Imperial Legate of the 3rd legion under Warmaster Augustus. You may call me Jack." The blonde woman stared at him with a look between hate and curiosity. A strange combination.

"So, you're a military commander. What are you doing here?" Jack remembered the sun exploding and solar fire pouring down on his command ship. Nico his lieutenant shook his hand and pushed him through the portal.

"You could say I'm a mercenary. My legion has been disbanded." Jack said.

"Then why don't you live here in the leaf village." Pineapple hair suggested.

"Shikaku Nara are you insane?" Tsunade said. Jack considered the words. That was very unlike him. Compared to leading tens of thousands of screaming cultivators into a war over every blackened patch of rock, it was paradise.

"No, but when kami hands you an S class shinobi you say thank you and put him under house arrest until his loyalties can be determined. All he really did was damage a training ground. Its not like he smashed into the residential district." Shikaku said.

The blonde leader stopped to think. "He'll have to be watched around the clock. We'll have to send him on missions with Kakashi. I wouldn't trust anyone else to watch him. We don't know what he can do." Tsunade said.

"So, we'll treat him like any other S class missing nin trying to integrate with us."

After that he was quickly moved out of the cell and put on the streets. It didn't take long for him to get some clothes and an apartment after that. Shinobi watched him around the clock while he cultivated. It was almost time to reach out for the core realm. After experiencing a realm returning to it was significantly easier. He had been basically reincarnated into this world with a perfect body. If he had been less panicked, he might have found a body to possess and hid his gear elsewhere.

Those were thoughts for next time.

He laid down to get some sleep and thought of that pinkette Sakura. He was free and unbound. There were powers and abilities he had that he hadn't used. In this calm world absent cultivators he could experiment as he pleased. To that end, he sent out a tiny fragment of his consciousness into the realm of dreams.

Jack wondered around the dream realm until he found an interesting fantasy. He stepped into the dream.

Jack found himself in a girl's room. It was a little spartan with a pink bed spread, and white sheets, matching brown dressers, and a single picture on the nightstand. On the picture was the pinkette, a boy with the hair of a duck's ass and a cyclops. Some tape covered the face of another teammate.

"Oh Sakura, I'd never leave without saying goodbye. The room shifted and he was at a park. The red dress wearing pinkette was held in the arms of the duck haired boy.

"Sasuke," She moaned out puckering her lips for a kiss. Jack caught the pinkette's lips instead and gripped Sasuke with telekinesis. Sakura's eyes opened in time to see him fling Sasuke far away. The dream version of Sasuke wasn't bound by the laws of gravity and soon passed out of dream earth's orbit.

Sakura broke off the kiss. It tasted important like a first kiss. "What are you doing?" Jack took her into his arms and held her close.

"This place is a deep scare. Tell me why you care for him." Suddenly, tears poured down her cheeks.

"He left me. They both did, they left me alone in the village. I'm useless." He couldn't disagree more; she had a use. So, he left her and never returned her feelings. He was all her doubts and aspirations rolled into one. What use was she if Sasuke was her whole world?

Jack held the tear ridden psyche of the girl in his arms. She was a mess obsessed with the idea of a person. When the ideal didn't pan out, she nearly shattered. That was Sakura Haruno. That's fine, he liked broken things, fixing them was a hobby of his.

He kissed her and couldn't imagine how much damage he was doing to her psyche. Even in the dream she tasted of salty tears. With a firm grasp of her dress he ripped it away. To rebuild sometimes it better to start from scratch.

He exposed her pale skin, bound breasts, and tightly bound sweetness between her legs. She gasped when the cold hit her. He wasn't done. Jack ripped off the cloth binding her tight A-cups and pulled down the last of her modesty.

Jack altered his appearance until he resembled Sasuke. There were still parts of him that were Jack namely his dick. It was a simple trick. At first he'd appear to resemble Sasuke then over the course of a several dreams he'd slowly shift his appearance until he was himself.

When Sakura saw Sasuke's face, she kissed him with all the need, longing, and desperation she possessed. Sakura wasn't good enough, she was never good enough, and he pulled that from her mind.

He exposed her trimmed pink mound and felt his cock rise. In the dream there was no reason to prepare. Jack lifted her up and slammed home. Her firm virgin walls squeezed down on him with a desperate embrace.

Sakura screamed as he broke her hymen for all time. With a few gyrations of the hip and he supplanted himself as her first. Even if it was a dream somewhere deep inside a seed of himself lived. He pushed her against the bench and pounded into her. This was psychological warfare in the truest sense of the word. He wasn't implanting doubt or fear. Jack was implanting something far more insidious. He was implanting trust and familiarity.

By showing up as himself before transforming into a version of Sasuke, he added a sense of familiarity to himself. With his dick buried deep within her she'd think this pleasure came from him. Her obsession would begin to slide towards pleasure.

In a sense he was taking Sasuke's place. He was taking even the history of her obsession. It wouldn't happen instantly, and she may hate him at first. But every time he bottomed out; he was driving home that that it was his dick that gave her pleasure. Some girls needed the message repeated multiple times.

Slowly, he changed from Sasuke to Jack and then Jack to Sasuke. Each time he went through the change he picked up the pace and pounded into her soaking cunny. She gripped him with her sweetness and released the cutest moans. As first she screamed, "Sasuke kun," but every now and then, she'd almost scream his name. "Ja kun."

Each thrust brought him closer. Her pussy gripped him desperate for more. Tears continued to roll down her eyes and Jack pounded her. Sakura's tight Asian pussy was so good. It made her scream and moan and pull against him desperately. Jack would never have enough. He had to have her.

"Its time Sakura, I'm going to make you my girl. Would you like that?" Jack asked.

She looked at him with her hungry green eyes. "Do it, fill me, I want to be yours."

Jack emptied himself inside of her tight Asian cunny again and again. The pain she felt at first had quickly been replaced by pleasure only found in dreams. Her sweet cunny was inconceivably tight. Her muscles vibrated with every thrust. Jack almost lost himself inside her dream.

When the sun rose, and he slipped out of her mind in astral form. He noticed that her bed was completely soaked around her legs. Her hand was firmly over her buzzer. With a smirk he kissed her on the forehead. The first step of project harem was underway.

Ultimatedaywriter Ultimatedaywriter

Thank you for reading my story. If you like my writing then why not check out my other story "The Bleeding Moon."

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