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25% Ranger_
Ranger_ Ranger_ original


Author: boywhotalkswithcat

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue

My father's herculean figure stooped down to my level, his strict eyes now locked onto mine. I averted my gaze; I'm already perfectly aware of his next words, however, I cannot accept them.

"I need you to listen, Ryuuji." My father declared, holding my head between his large, firm hands. "You're not ready to come with us yet."

He says the same thing every time. His words differ, but his reasoning is always identical. No matter how much I change or how strong I become, his opinion of me is that of a powerless child.

"But father, you said I was strong before, I defeated that A-tier demon, remember?"

I looked my father in the eyes, hoping that I can convey my resolve. Hoping that he lets me raise my blade and fight alongside him.

"I want to help you defeat the demons!" I exclaimed.

"You are strong, Ryuuji. You're only 14, you possess limitless potential," my father assured me. "As the Warden, you will one day become the shield that protects humanity,"

I do my best to get strong. I try my hardest so that father notices my improvement. Yet the more I advance and develop my skills, the more my father's cold statement hurts.

"Commander Matsumoto, we need to leave, now," Nakano stated in his usual, rigid voice.

Daichi Nakano, my father's friend, a guardian classed as the Summoner. I hate him. All he's ever done is take my father away from me. His robotic behavior and boundless loyalty towards my father make me sick.

"Ryuuji, just stay here and wait for us to come back, we won't be long." said my father as he got up and followed the other figure towards the exit of the chamber.

I've already proven my strength many times, so why am I time and time again left behind?

This time, I'll go with him and prove my strength once and for all. I'll defeat one of the S-Tier demons, and maybe then he will finally realize my abilities.

With this goal in mind, I trod through the guardian headquarters and followed my father.

"The kid doesn't lack courage," I heard Nakano say in his customary, stiff tone.

"There's a thin line between courage and foolishness, he fails to see it; just like his old man." My father let out a hearty laugh.

I'm maneuvering the familiar halls, staying out of sight but still in range to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"That reminds me, how's Airi? She doing all right?"

"Yes, sir. She's been experiencing some morning sickness, but other than that she's doing perfectly fine," Nakano responded flatly to my father.

"That's good, let's hope the baby comes out just as lively as Arakan's kid." My father chuckled.

The silhouettes of Nakano and my father faded away as the portal consumed them. Following their steps, I ran up to the portal and jumped through.

As the image of a city landscape revealed itself, I saw Nakano and my father meet up with another person. I quickly repositioned and took cover where I wouldn't be spotted.

"What's the situation like?" My father asked.

"There are 3 S-tiers and an unknown SS-tier demon general currently engaging with Mr. Taro." A familiar voice replied to my father.

"No way, so I can't come, but she gets to go?" I thought after recognizing the new voice. It belonged to Ichika, a girl my age who possessed the Assassin class.

My father is underestimating me, I'll show him I can defeat more demons than Ichika…

"No time to waste then. I can't let them take away our strongest guardian. Daichi, Ichika you will take on the S-tiers and I'll assist Arakan with the SS-tier general. Let's move!" My father ordered.

"Understood!" The two voices replied.

After a few seconds of silence, I deemed it safe to leave and abandoned my cover.

"What are you doing here?" A voice stopped me.

"I-Ichika?" I stuttered, "how did you find me?"

"I'm an Assassin, dumbass." If I wasn't already used to her harsh remarks, I might've cried. "And it's Miss Ueno for you," she scolded me.

I didn't come here to mess around with her.

"Just don't tell father I'm here…"

"If I wanted to, I would've already told him," she snickered. "If you're planning on coming, then hurry, the fight might be over by the time you move your ass."

Hmph, she got lucky in a spar, and now she acts like she's infinitely stronger than me.

I followed her as we dashed across the rooftops.

We reached our destination. A fierce battle was taking place behind a small residence.

I scanned the area, searching for a demon that I could defeat. I'm planning to eliminate one of the S-tiers, then my father will have to accept me as a guardian. I noticed that Ichika already joined with Mr. Nakano; they were now fighting against two S-tiers.

As I searched for the remaining S-tier, I spotted a humanoid demon leave the house at the center of all the action.

"I'll take on this plain-looking guy first," I uttered in excitement.

I concentrated my spirit energy and shaped my armor, then formed my blade. Finished with the preparations, I approached the masked target; it was holding what seemed like a detached arm in its hand.


Suddenly, I got knocked up and slammed into a wall. I looked for the demon behind the attack, however; it was my father who revealed himself. He glanced at me with rage.

His burning eyes conveyed his message clearly. I wasn't needed here.

He shifted his gaze to the masked demon.

"You'll pay for that, bastard," my father exclaimed.

"Ahaha, does this belong to your buddy?" The demon fell into a burst of hysterical laughter.

"Oops," he said as he dropped the object in his hand and stomped on it. His wicked wail amplified.

With a flash, my father charged at the masked demon who just continued his laugh. The attack stopped midair. Surrounding air rippled from the impact; a hurricane enveloped my father. The powerful punch definitely hit… something.

"Would you look at my invisible friend over here…oh wait, you can't!" The masked demon's laughter billowed my ears.

This concealed enemy must be the last S-tier, which must mean that the masked one is a general. I have to help my dad; I'll take care of this cowardly S-tier.

Out of nowhere, my father was flung to the ground. A mist of smoke obstructed my view of him.

"Father!" I screamed as I accelerated to join the fight.

"Stay away!" My father's roaring voice halted me. His enormous silhouette revealed itself as the dust around him cleared up. A small crater surrounded his unfazed, stationary figure.

The friction of the last attack must've burned away the upper part of his robe as he was now standing topless. His broad physique now appeared fully divulged.

The image of my father burned his statue-like composure into my mind. He made it clear that he didn't need me. This was his way of saying 'you will only get in my way'.

I stood still and watched the fight unfold.

The invisible demon couldn't inflict a blow significant enough to harm my father, but my father also couldn't locate the demon's vital points. It was an exchange of meaningless attacks.

"You two have fun over there, I'll be taking my leave now." The masked demon picked up the loose arm and began moving.

My father's body burned with frustration as he failed to get past the invisible demon.

"Ryuuji!" My father's cry alarmed me, "get ready!"

My body shivered as I realized my moment was approaching. I will finally get to impress my father.

"Listen closely," my father's colossal body appeared in front of me. "When I give you the signal, form your spirit blade and slash the demon with all your might," he said as he grabbed me under his arm.

The next thing I know, I'm flying through the battlefield with my father; we are nearing the masked demon.

As expected, the invisible demon intercepts us, however; my father throws me up and clasps the demon in his body.

As I begin falling toward my father and the demon he's grasping, I realize my father's plan.

"Now, Ryuuji!" My father yelled as my body reached terminal velocity.

"Don't worry, your unhoned blade can't cut me," he added as his body emitted a blazing aura, bracing itself for impact.

I put all my spirit energy into forming the strongest weapon possible. It let out a thunderous storm as it sliced through the demon and rebounded off of my father.

"It's not over yet, Ryuuji," my father explained, as he casually let go of the demon corpse. "I have something I need you to do."

"Bring Ohta here, he's in that house." He ordered and pointed at the house where the masked demon emerged from earlier. "I'm not giving up the Ranger class today," he muttered, then focused his attention on the masked demon.

I was overjoyed; finally, I was aiding my father in battle.

"Understood!" I shouted and ran into the house.

I made my way through the house, avoiding the collapsing rubble. I heard cries from the room ahead and went to investigate.

Mr. Taro's newborn son was there, embracing his mother's unconscious body. I picked the mother up and slung her over my shoulder, then I grabbed the bawling baby and leaped out through a shattered window.

I placed the mother away from the battlegrounds and hurried back to my father. He was now engaging the demon general. Nakano and Ichika seemed to have defeated the other 2 S-tiers and were now assisting my father.

"Those useless dogs, I'll just take all of you out myself!" The masked demon howled.

He raised his arms and summoned a barrage of black blades that blended with the night sky. The swords bombarded the figures around the demon and engulfed the area in dust.

As the horizon cleared, I saw the demon's laughing figure pinned to the ground by a white lion; It was one of Nakano's summons.

My father retrieved the arm from the demon's possession and flattened its masked face with his foot.

The cut-out laugh concluded the fight; I rushed over to my father and presented him the crying child.

"I can't reattach the arm to Arakan, but I can transfer the Ranger class to a different body." My father explained as he took Ohta and placed him next to the lifeless arm.

He touched the arm and a white arrowhead mark revealed itself on top of it. He gently placed his other hand on the baby and after a brief pause. The mark now repositioned to the baby's back.

"The Ranger class will live on!" My father announced our victory.

The slouching silhouette of an armless man appeared outside of the demolished house.

"Arakan! You sure as hell don't lack tenacity!" My father walked over to the figure and slapped him on the back.

"Ow, I'm in serious pain over here… more importantly, have you seen my wife?" He asked with a concerned expression.

"I escorted her to a safe place!" I said, interrupting their exchange.

"Thank you," he uttered as he bowed his head in my direction. "And I assume Ohta is the new Ranger?"

"That is correct. He was the only present candidate for the Ranger class," my father replied. "Don't worry, I have sealed his spirit energy; he can grow up as a normal teenager, just like you intended for him."

Mr. Taro smiled in relief. My father caught his collapsing body and dismissed the guardians.

boywhotalkswithcat boywhotalkswithcat

If you have already read chapter 1+, this prologue takes place 18 years before the events of chapter 1.

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