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Chapter 20: Small Plans Part 3 Talking in the woods again

"Time I go." Shen Yue was feeling a little sleepy in a way. To much running around and using his Astral Sense all day left him somewhat exhausted. " Do not stay out to late you kiddies." Both of them took offense to that.

But Xiao Ninger was actually wanting the two to speak to see what was going on.

"Hold on!" She grabbed Shen Yue's sleeve and turned to Nie Lie. "We need to clear the air on what happened in the library. No sense in making enemies when we can be friends. " Nie Lie was a little more willing but Shen Yue was feeling odd about this.

'She is not the social butterfly... or is it a side effect of the glass I gave her before?' Wanting to see what this was about more, Shen Yue agreed to remain for a little bit longer. "Sure but only for a bit. I have things to do mind you."

"So should we finish your treatment?" Nie Lie looked at her as innocently as possible. "I am sure you two are close enough that he already knows about it." He was sharp enough to tall that much and since Shen Yue was the only other that seem to be in the area the previous time, it just led him to believe so.

"Continue on as normal.." Shen Yue placed a rune in the dirt to help isolate sound. Just in case things happened unexpectantly as well as him wanting to test something out. ".. I will do a follow-up check when you finished. I am after all a doctor."

"A medical Alchemist, aren't you to young for that?" Nie Lie grinned a little. Thinking the other was just trying to impress Xiao Ninger.

"Never said anything about a Medical Alchemist. My medical knowledge completely trumps my Alchemy skills. After all, Alchemy is a means to an end. I can take care of and treat way more people with my Medical Skills." Sitting with his backs to the two to allow privacy, Shen Yue pulled out a few books from the library and some paper. The books were actually medical ones on Acupuncture Techniques with Demon Beast Anatomy to help improve Astral Sense and the Flame Vortex Star Dragon even further. "It is always good to have something to excel in."

"That makes sense on how you were able to understand what was happening with me." Xiao Ninger came to her own conclusion. She was both right and wrong. Her condition actually sounded like a type of "Walking Phenomena" from modern Earth. "Let's get started Nie Lie!"

"Eager aren't we?" Nie Lie chuckled a little but started all the same.

The final treatment only took a few hours. With Xiao Ninger having finished off the glass that Shen Yue gave her already combined with the method of Nie Lie helping her, the chill has long since gone and had upgraded her Soul Realm by leaps and bounds.

Adjusting her clothes, Xiao Ninger turned to Shen Yue who didn't look back even once. To engrossed in his books and writing to even give a peak. This caused her to feel a little happy that he was a good friend to her. But Nie Lie liked to tease her every now and then during treatment.

"We are finished, ready for the check-up." Xiao Ninger looked directly at Nie Lie who gave her a dopey expression. A small vulgar smile in his eyes. But he turned stern when he notice Shen Yue only placed his ring and middle finger at the center of her back. He did not chant or make any other movements. Blue white spirit energy left and entered Xiao Ninger. "By the way Nie Li, since you and Shen Yue offended the Sacred Family, you two will need to tread carefully."

"Do not worry about them, I have means of dealing with them." Shen Yue answered calm as can be. "If you see them up to know good or hear they are planning on doing something to Dian Mu, Dian Rei, or Shen Xiu, let me know or help them. That is all I ask."

After all, those who try to kill him are just helping his cultivation and overall knowledge along when he refines them.

As the energy moved along inside under the direction of Shen Yue and Xiao Ninger, the latter having her Soul Realm start to stir as it changed. Xiao Ninger could tell something was odd but left it for later. She only noticed that Shen Yue only kept working on the check-up and nothing more.

"The Sacred Family overall is full of despicable and shameless people." Despite Shen Yue being behind her, she did not mind her words. "The reason the Winged Deagon Family fell into decline and continues to fall is in large a part done by them. Causing more than 80% of the property to fall into their hands. It is one of the reasons they think it best to marry me off to them. Humph!"

"Ah, I already thought about that, don't worry. The Sacred Family cares a lot about their appearance, I reckon they won't give me any trouble in the short term." Nie Li only smiled at her worry. But he kept the fact she spoke as if the Winged Family was a separate matter than actually something that affects her. 'She disappeared into the Forest back in the past, so with her having a cure, maybe she will leave sooner? No that can not be the case!'

Nie Lie was seeing Xiao Ninger in a more respectable light. Her demeanor did not seem like that of a love-stricken girl or one with a crush like a few rumors suggested. She seemed almost unbothered by the whole Sacred Family thing for herself.

"After you go back home, get a piece of unused Soul Crystal, I'll conduct an Attribute Test for you!" He switched gears pretty quickly and wanted to see if he could bring her more to his side. 'Xiao Ninger is trustworthy partner and her innate ability isn't bad as well. I should teach her some powerful techniques to help!'

"Hmm, sure. I have three unused Soul Crystals with me right now actually." Xiao Ninger felt Shen Yue pull his finger away along with his energy. A bit of it still lingers so she allowed it to disperse to parts of her body. 'His energy is defintely the same as that in the glass he gave me! But more peaceful and refined with this powerful flame!'

"That's great!" Nie Li received the crystal easy enough. A quick inspection and he passed it back to her. "Just pour your soul force into it for I can see."

*Shine!* A bright light appeared from the crystal. The image inside of a bird somewhat. But it seemed to be moving a little. Almost growing!

"Ugh.. it's so bright!" Nie Lie shielded his eyes until it died down some. "The Soul Force is way above a 1000! Soul Attribute is Wind Lighting with bits of Fire! It looks like the Winged Dragon but it is changing!"

Nie Li was not the only one shocked. Xiao Ninger mouth was agape as she knew very well she did not have Fire mixed in her Attribute in the previous life. As for what the Winged Dragon was turning into, it seemed to be more Bird than anything.

"What is this?" Her confused expression was not fake as she stared at Nie Li for answers. She spared a glance at Shen Yue who rubbed his chin a little. A small look of understanding in his eyes growing. 'So he does know a little about what is happening. I will have to talk to him in private later.'

'The form is that of the blasted bird statue from Star Martial God Technique! Did some of it find her acceptable? Or is it because of my Flame Vortex Core energy entering her changing things? I know I did not do this on purpose, so begs the question if my Flame Vortex Core energy will mix on its own in a different way even if I do not want it to?' Almost sumped by it, Shen Yue was not worried. 'I didn't lose any additional strength just know like when I do certain methods with Star Martial Arts energy. In fact, I gain a bit of information on a females meridian network just now. So not a downside per se.'

"Umm.. simply put your Soul Form is changing a bit. But why do you have Soul Force over a 1000?" Nie Lie was more concerned about that. "Did you have a miss-step in your Cultivation somewhere?"

"Not at all." Xiao Ninger hand went up as she shook her head. "I abolished my Cultivation to start over. To many problems, I found when practicing the Winged Dragon Family's Manual. It was better I do it quickly before things turn worse."

"I see. Well with your attribute having gained the Fire.."

"I have a technique that can help you in that department." Shen Yue would teach her Fire Body. The fire that generated in her attribute when the crystal shined was not that high. The Fire Body could help nurture that and give her more resistance to Fire based techniques. No sense in her learning deeper fire moves either. "It is pretty powerful and the basics can be taught for free. The higher levels I will have to get something from you."

"Sounds good." Xiao Ninger didn't mind paying for it. Since the fires she was sure was caused by him, it made sense to get a technique from him.

"I think this will work really well for you." Nie Li started to recite the Wind Lighting Dragon Technique to her. Shen Yue Astral Sense picked it up easily enough. Which was good, since it was better to acquire this way than ask for it. "This is the Wind Lighting Dragon Technique and will defintely develop fast in your hands"

*Woosh!* A wave of energy left Xiao Ninger as she directed her Soul Force under the guidance of the manual. Just with the combination of the manuals from her previous life added into it.

She broke through the 1st Rank of Bronze easily enough. Her energy way more than one at that rank would currently have. Her demeanor changed from the cultivation effect. She went from cheerful to serious as she looked at Nie Li.

Countless memories pass before she controls herself once more. A decision was made on the spot to see were this life would take her. Plans were put into motion to make sure she lived her best one before leaving.

"I'm really grateful Nie Li!" Xiao Niner said loudly. Her voice stunning Nie Li for a moment. It was a good thing that Shen Yue placed a sound rune on the ground. "I really do not know how to repay you!"

"We're all friends, helping each other is given!" Nie Li said wryly. A familiar feeling passed over him before it vanished. A vague image surrounded Xiao Ninger that made him doubt his own eyes. "Starting to see things, think I am tired."

"It is late. Have a good rest of your night you two." Shen Yue moved to leave but a tug on his sleeve again stopped him. "What is it?"

"I want to thank you to, I know you are not like Shen Fei and the rest." Xiao Ninger eyes almost bore into his own when they locked looks. "I will pay you back soon. Try not to cause to much trouble that you can't get out of it."

"Sure." Shen Yue nodded and left the two alone. He was about ready to head home but felt a bad feeling wash over him. "Tch!" In an instant, he shot off towards the city. 'Need to change my vocal first.' Removing a set of clothing from the storage ring that he was still suprised didn't burn up before, his disguise was complete.


Meeting in the shadows or an Ambush?-


Ye Hong was suprised things went so well. Despite it taking all day that is.

On his way back from the Alchemy Assoc, he felt as if someone was following him. The feeling didn't change and started to make him paranoid somewhat. Taking a few turns down a couple of alleys and keeping his breath controlled, he waited a bit.

'No way would someone dare to kill me.' Ye Hong's thinking was quite simple. The stress caused by the changes in the Sacred Family caused a few of the members to act recklessly. He turned just in time to dodge a few needles. "Woah!"

*Tink tink tink!* Three needles hit the wall embedding inside. A light green tinge at the tips. Facing his attackers, Ye Hong did not like the look of things at all.

"4 Gold Rank members!" Ye Hong was not a match by a longshot. He was getting ready to leave as soon as an opening presented itself. But not much hope was there.

*Bzzt!* A bolt of blue-white lighting appeared in the area. The alleyways lit up from the light as far as one's eye could see. Shen Yue was exuding pure energy from his eyes. The manipulation of the lighting he produced changed his appearance to keep him from being noticed by those with special techniques.

"I had more hope for you Ye Hong. Looks like I may have to invest in Ye Han instead. What a pity." Shen Yue was aware of the situation to the young teens' life due to using Astral Sense on the letter he held. His words were meant to stir Ye Hong into action and to see how he would respond in certain situations."But you have brought me a nice gift. These corpses will do nicely to pay for the pill I was going to give you."

"Tch!" The Sacred Family members were not optimistic about this. He was one person, yes, but the lighting around him felt dangerous. They backed away slowly to gain a little distance.

'Shit! Someone else is heading here!' Shen Yue was going to kill them to store for later. But the person heading this way would be to difficult to deal with currently. "Catch Ye Hong, do not disappoint me again."

*Fwip!* A pill bottle was tossed to the teen who grabbed it quickly. Inside were 30 pills created from the weird batch that had a large dose of the Flame Vortex Core energy inside. The pills were watered down after studying the effect on Shen Xiu.

Hopefully, it won't kill the young man.

"I.. I won't disappoint again!" Ye Hong put the pills away but did not run away as instructed. "I will help you take them down! I will not let you clean up my mess alone!" With his strength, he would at least be able to live. 'The way the Alchemy Assoc acted towards the thin glass is enough to make the Snow Wind elders pay attention.'

*Bzzt!* Shen Yue raised his hand firing a bolt of lighting that arched into each of the Sacred Family members. Effectively paralyzing them and frying their blood vessels and causing their hearts to spasm.

The attack was quick and hastily done so it contained less control. But it still did the trick.

"They are effectively weakened. Kill them and I will know your worth. Behead them and bring the heads to me later." Shen Yue felt the presence get closer and the person was not alone anymore. About 10 Black Gold Rank joined in. 'Dammit! Not a good time to fight all of them!'

Circulating his energy to his feet, he activated the lighting movement technique and pushed his physical abilities to the limit. Escaping was not something he enjoyed doing but plans and surviving took precedence.

"Grr!" Ye Hong growled in frustration and sent a palm strike to the first assassin near him. The blow ended the man's life as Ye Hong turned and with a swipe of a dagger cut the throat of another almost separating the head from the body. 'If I fail and he decides to help Ye Han... I will never forgive myself!'

Magmatide Magmatide

Status: Shen Yue Health 1200 Spirit Energy: 70,500

Power: 29 Defense: 23

Willpower: 30 Intellect: 30

Connection: 5


Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Gold Rank 2

Flame Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Star Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Dragon Martial Arts: Celestial Realm

Metal Seed: 4th tech level

Fire Body: 4th tech level

Astral Sense: 5th tech level

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