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Chapter 24: Be Advised Host... (Edited)

They all continued to watch the battle between the two Withering Rose adventurers out in the Training Grounds.

Agatha served tea and some side dishes to everyone who were seated around in the dining area at the peak of the grandstands, reserved for the owner's comfort.

It was quickly sorted out by a few servants of the manor for the group to relax in comfort.

While they relaxed, ate, and watched on, Ben started to focus on the movements of one of the guys fighting.

He noticed after watching the fight for some time, Ben picked up on the movements and flow of their bodies, leaving him quite puzzled by their style of combat compared to his own.

Whereas Ben used his muscle strength to empower his attacks, and guard against the strength of enemies, to Ben the two individuals in the Training Grounds were fighting using a method that let them flow through the air, rather than the rigged than the slow, tiring, swordplay.

Ben struggling to understand how each swing, punch, and kick was flawless and precise, but the strength behind each of the strikes flowed flawlessly with their body full strength behind each attack.

Ben got a better idea about the combat style of the two fighters only after one of them changed his battle stance, agitating his Body Energy enough for the curious Young Master to notice.

Actually, it wasn't exactly a chance in body stances of sorts.

Instead, the body seemed triggered and agitated, going against the fundamentals of battle stances and how they benefit the user to calm their breathing and strengthen their fighting rhythm.

The strength though didn't lessen for the fighter in the Training Grounds, nor did it affect his fighting style, rather the moment the strike impacted the other combatant, there was slight hidden force condensed in the few seconds before impact.

To Ben astonishment, both fighters were able to condense a similar force and utilize it during combat at high speeds.

Whether it was with hand to hand or with weapons, the mysterious force would explode every time contact was made between the fighters.

Ben hoped the System could scan and find out what was going on for him with the battle in the Training Grounds, but his expectations seemed a little too much for the System Operations to handle.



'System can you find out what exactly that force is?'




[<ERROR> Unable to analyse… Recalculating…]

[<ERROR> Unable to analyse… Recalculating…]

[<ERROR> Unable to analyse… Recalculating…]

[<ERROR> Unable to analyse… Recalculating…]



The same error messages continuously spawned down Ben's notification list, with the same repeated sound ringing off in his mind, telling him a new notification appeared.

Soon enough his head started to throb in pain as he struggled to keep track of the notifications and the mind-numbing noise ringing again and again.

He massaged his temples to help ease the pain as he closed his eyes momentarily, to which Tia noticed Bens change in mood.

His face was somewhat scrunched together in pain, as his cheeks and eyes would twitch from time to time.

Both of them lost their focus on the battle alerting the others around them to also notice Ben's mood.

Liz immediately rose up and approached Ben before she gently held him in her arms.

She started to sing a harmonious tone as she bared Ben's weight, asking Allat to fetch some water for Ben.

Slowly, the tense and scrunched face of Ben relaxed, with the soothing tone helping Ben deal with the throbbing pain he was experiencing through his eyes and mind.

Before the battle came to a conclusion, Ben opened his eyes to see sight of the final few strikes of both fighters.

As the fighters made their final strikes, the System Notifications finally came to an end.



[<ERROR> Unable to analyse… Recalculating…]

[<ERROR> Unable to analyse… Recalculating…]

[…*Ding* Calculations complete. Analysing Data…]

[… Analysis Complete!]

[Systems Data entry on the world of Ullan has been updated]

[Please hold wait patiently while we implement new updates to the System Database 😊]



While Ben quickly skimmed the messages, his mother's voice caught his attention bringing his mind back to reality and away from the System Interface.

Ben noticed the concerned gazes from everyone around him, funnily enough the two fighters were also standing close by, included in the numerous faces looking down at him in his mother's arms.

It was then he noticed who they were exactly.

Their battered faces with dozens of small cuts across the, had dried up largely, with most of the scars scabbing.

Lues goofy smile could be noticed through the bruising and extensive cuts across his face.

Then the fighter on the right, who was barely maintaining his decency, as most of his clothes were struggling to stay together with only a single string of fabric keep his dignity together before his Young Master and Lady.

But the damage of the clothes was not of much concern to Ben once he saw the indents created on the man's body.

Some parts of his body were caved in slightly, such as his chest which was pushed in by a nail's length.

Ben felt significantly alerted and afraid the man might end up dying and tried to move, but before he moved, he saw something fascinating.

The fighters body started to heal itself, slowly pushing out the chest area indented and healing it back to anew.

With the body mass returning to normal, albeit the damage from the fight was still visible on the skin, its deep reddish scar made Ben wonder if it would slowly be healed as well before his eyes.

Ben looked up as he wished to know who the fighter, only to find, much to his delight, that it was Drav.

He always had an inkling about Drav since he first met him as a baby and over the years that 'inkling' became stronger.

However, he hadn't yet to figured out what the 'inkling' meant but Ben understood Drav was someone with a great future.

Even with the Systems help, or lack of, there was still a lot he did not know about, yet he could sense good fortune for them.

More than anything Ben was just fortunate to have such people around him.


"I'm fine… I just had a strong headache."

Ben said as he casted his head down, unable to gaze at the others.

He felt uncomfortable by their concerned gazes, as he felt too many eyes on him for such a small matter.

He wanted to avoid the awkwardness in the air by leaving, but when he tried to move, his mother's hold over him was so tight that he was suddenly gasping for air.

Ben turned his head to find his mother's smiling face, however he noticed her eyes weren't smiling or happy whatsoever.

He knew what this face meant, as it prepared himself for his mother's strong insistence.

It meant he was screwed and grounded.

Before he could say a word, his mother spoke.

"Mmm is that so… then you should go to your room and get some rest.

You've been pushing yourself quite a lot lately.

Right…?" with a deadpan face with that same old smile, Liz gave off a frightening aura, terrifying Ben yet his courageous heart made him try and resist his mother's insistence once more.

"But Mom I've got to plan-"

"Mmmm, what did you say dear…?"

Liz spoke, her ringing in Bens mind he knew he was fucked.

He only had one option left.


Tia!" as she shouted for her for help, he hoped his mother would realise there was a guest at their home, but he was out of luck.

"Don't worry dear, she can rest here tonight.

Actually, I would love to meet your father Tia sweetie…

If wouldn't mind if I invited him over for dinner, Tia sweetie…?

It's about time I met my 'sickly' sons Master."

Liz said with a gentler tone to Tia, even giving off a motherly charm as she spoke to the golden-haired Tia.

Tia hadn't met her own mother and as such she never received a mother's love.

As grateful as Tia was for her being there in whatever state he was, she always wished for a mother.

Her heart would ache and her eyes red from tears when her eyes would lay upon mothers and daughters in the markets, merrily walking together with smiles across their face.

She knew Ben's mother could not be her mother, but even if it was just a moment, she wanted to picture Liz as her own mother.


"It's ok, my Papa shouldn't have a problem as long as I tell him I am staying… with a friend!

Umm I can go and tell him about dinner tonight though…?"

Tia innocently said as she stared at Liz with somewhat expectant eyes for some motherly love.

Just a moment was all she cared for.


"Come here…"

Liz said as she pushed Ben away, who was immediately grasped by Allat before he could run for the workshop or get away from his mother.

Liz held Tia in her arms and affectionately teased her the young girl, making Tia laugh merrily with tears of joy at a desire long fulfilled running down her charming face covered in grime from the Smithery.

"Don't worry about that silly, I'll ask someone to inform your father.

Until he arrives, let's go and wash up, ok?"

"Ok!" Tia shout back, happy she got to spend some time with Liz, grasping tightly onto Liz as they left for the manor.

With Agatha in tow, the three ladies and some servants disappeared into the Manor, with Liz calling for a local tailor to come by the Estate and craft some dresses for Tia.

Tia had long forgotten the reason she'd actually come to Ben's home, having already decided that she'd rather not leave.

All the while…

"Hey ahh, Allat, umm would you be a-"

"Shut up Young Master…"

"Yes sir…" he spoke as he stopped struggling in Allats hold, he knew he had to face his mother's wrath at some point before he had his freedom again.

Very rarely he would cause a problem to gain her wrath, but when it did occur, he would suffer for quite some time before he was allowed to leave the manor and roam around on his own.

Previously when he faced his mother's wrath, he'd failed to return home while working on the dagger for Jym overnight and didn't inform someone that he'd arrive home very late.

That night she had stayed awake waiting for Ben to arrive home…

Until he arrived home the very next morning to find her smiling back at him, though her eyes were chilly cold while staring at him from outside the manor doors.

Swearing to never let that happen again, Ben rushed off to his bedroom and jumped straight over onto his large bed with silk sheets.

'Screw it…

I'll deal with the System for now…' as Ben called out for the Systems Interface to appear.

'Hey System, bring me up to date with the changes and updates with everything that's happen and whatnot…' he said unenthusiastically, now further depressed at the probability the System could be further broken.


[Host has yet to check previous Rewards description, as well as the updated information from the scans, the Host must choose what you would like to know about first]

'Tell me about the reward…'

[Host Acquired! – Gene Bank]

[Host can acquire genetic coding of creatures, beasts and beings which will be saved and improved by the Gene Bank operations]

[The altered and developed genetic coding taken in by the Gene Bank would allow the Host to use it to his own benefit or others]

'… System can you elaborate more for the love of God!'

[…Host, it is best if you were to acquire materials from beasts or animals for now before System elaborates on Gene Bank Functions]

'Ergh… fine.

What about the other stuff System?'

[Host the System has learnt 'Spiritual Energy' from the force that was scanned]

[Those beings that were scanned were utilizing Spiritual Energy during their battle]

[Based on the scans implemented around Ullan and your surrounding area, the Systems database entry of the world updated as well to include knowledge about Spiritual Energy]

[It seems 'humans' of this world or <Error#4762> crafted ways to practise improving bodies and minds through 'natural' energies of the world that would appear in very few humans in the first place]

[The ones that were gifted the ability to use the Spiritual Energy, worked over the years to find methods to continue developing their ability to wield the Spiritual Energy of the world]

[As certain methods and manuals were written for humans over the years, more and more began to practise how to absorb the Spiritual Energy of the world into their body with scripture written down to explain to others on how to gather the Worlds Spiritual Energy into their bodies to strengthen it, their minds, and souls]

[However, there was an underlying problem because of this mew rush of people capable of gathering Spiritual Energy]

[The problem was practising those methods went against the predetermined laws of the world, especially when a large number of people started to practise these new methods instead of studying Magic]

At the beginning Ben felt he was keeping up with the System, but as it kept speaking, he felt more lost than informed.

'System please help me out, I still don't quite understand…'




[The description of everything considers the Hosts mental capacity, strength and intelligence…]

It took him a bit before he understood the System had just brutally insulted him.

Ben was left speechless for quite some time before the System spoke.

[Host should focus on forging and crafting for now…]

[Once Host is deemed ready, the System will inform Host of the Main Mission Objectives and Requirements…

[Goodluck… Host… 😐]

'… W-What…?!

What the fuck?!

Wait what do you mean by 'Main Mission' anyway!?!

All I have got so far is the Sub Missions with Kage and Val!

It's been years for God's sake!

Come on System!'

[…Host the reason the System has not issued you missions is because the System is trying to repair and update itself about the world]

[There are missions missing from the System Database and there are changes occurring that've gone against the original fate of the world]

[From what the System has gathered, the System is prepared for the upgrade, however the Host has fulfilled requirements to allow for System Upgrade…]

'Can you explain a bit more or am I too fucking stupid for that?!'

[… The Host has not learnt enough about the current area he is staying in]

[For example, the Host has yet to visit the adventurer guild or enquire about the world through their own means]

[Other than the information you learnt from your teacher designated -Gloria- the system has found most, if not all of the information she taught the Host so far is somewhat misleading or outdated knowledge, somewhat by a couple of decades]

'So, you want me to learn about the world and around me so I can then move along and start the main mission, right...?'

[Host should be aware your journey won't be easy and what you're going through now is as easy as it will be…]


[Host should be aware that your abilities, skills, and strength have been withheld by the System…]



[The System will take responsibility for the lack of information and its inability at the beginning to provide some information…]

[The world was crafted around Magic as its foundation, with the Energy called 'Mana' by some]

[For the foundation to lose its connection with Magic and the repairing Mana being corrupted by the large number of Spiritual Energy users, the World Grade was harmed heavily and reduced in Level to: -M]

[Resources, Energy, develop and many more worldly factors have been kept back from being rewarded to the world of Ullan]

[Host will be required to improve the world grade to A, however the host is far from being capable of achieving this currently]

[Therefore, the Current Mission is for the Host to grow, explore, and when the time is right you will be notified]

[For now, all the System can provide is that Hosts Main Mission will include traveling through the Endless Sea of Forest]

A small grin appeared across Ben's face as his misadventure was now approved of by the System, originally slightly afraid by the prospective of dying or getting lost like the tales he was told while journeying through the Endless Sea of Forests…

Ben became excited by the idea of his own adventure into the unknown but held back before he could ask for more information, as the System spoke once again.

[Host should be aware that the method for utilising Spiritual Energy is not stable]

[In fact, nobody here has a complete method or technique manual to practise Spiritual Energy to its fullest capability]

[The books with the knowledge about the truest methods to practise Spiritual Energy have been long lost]

[Some parts of it remain, spread across the world through different legacies or inheritances left behind to unaware heirs… but even those have lost their strength and value over time…]

[As the foundation became more saturated by the day, so has the ability for people of the world to develop their strength beyond a certain level]

'So how am I compared to the rest right now…?'

[You are capable alone...

But the current you must achieve more…]


Then tell me what I need to achieve for now.'

[Craft and forge weapons, armours and various other things that will improve the lives of the people around you and those who'll support you]

[Be advised to always be aware of the external threats as well as internal.]





PhantomMedjay PhantomMedjay

Final Edit 27/01/2022

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