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Chapter 2: Flashback (2)

Flashback~ 3 months after the arrival in Remnant

Outside of Vale (The City), in the mountain range, a group of 10 bandits were currently attacking group of Faunus that was looking to migrate to Vale.

"On the ground you animals or you're all dead!" The man who seemed like the leader pointed a machete at the group of Faunus.

One of the elderly Faunus stepped up. His voice was raspy and old. "Please we've already given what we have!"

The bandit then clicked his tongue. "Do you really think we'll let you go? You bunch of animals need to be taught who's better."

Before he could make a move, a figure landed out of nowhere in front him. The figure was wearing in a black butler suit and white gloves with a black coat over him. His clothes blended in the dark so well that one wouldn't be able to tell if the figure wasn't standing in front of them. It was Faith.

"Wha- Who the hell are you!?" Before he could continue, Faith ran towards him. All the bandits went on guard. Faith then pulled out his weapon from his back which was currently retracted as two sticks on his back. When activated, the weapon transformed into that of a spear. A golden spear like that of Odin's spear but with black and red patterns across it. Gems were placed in the across the middle.

The leader of the bandits was at the front and with his machete. He swung his blade which was easily dodged by Faith who with that opportunity pierced the spear the man's chest. But just as he pierced it, the man's aura was used to block the blow. But the spear kept pushing forward and soon overpowered the aura by being pushed with a shot from the spear. The spear pierced the man shallowly of about 4 feet due to his aura but that still pushed him out of combat. The man was blown away.

All the bandits stood there in shock. The man was a former Huntsman who turned into a bandit due to attacking Faunus in public. And that shadowed figure defeated the man in one attack! With that thought all of them began to hesitate and step back.

"Don't run!" The leader shouted as he stood back up.

"He's alone! Even if he's a Huntsman he can't protect the Faunus and attack us at the same time." With that the bandits began to gather up and stand their ground. "Go for the animals!" They all began running towards the family of Faunus.

Faith began taking down bandits but the wave of them were too many for him to take down at the same time. He threw out the idea of letting them live and mercilessly pierced their brains out. He then heard the wind whistling as something came straight at him. He immediately blocked it with his spear. Both weapons clashed with each other.

The leader attacked him while his subordinates rushed at the running family. "Do you think you can protect them?! They're just an inferior race compared to us humans!" He cried out.

A young voice then came out of the the shadowed figure. "Seems to me that you have an inferior complex." A calm tone came with amusement sounded out.

"If you take too much time with me than that family will get killed." A victorious smile appeared on his face.

Faith then broke the clash between them and thrust his spear at his head. The bottom part of the spear fired a shot propelling the weapon even more. With that fast attack, the leader couldn't react and the spear pierced through the skull and it's back.

He didn't basked in his achievement and directed his attention at the 9 bandits left. He chased them while transforming his spear into a gun. His gun was a kind of hunting rifle with powerful bullets. He quickly shot down most of them but 2 of them were able to get behind and catch the family of Faunus.

"Hands down! If you don't than we'll kill them!" Faith considered for a moment but then stopped thinking about it. He rushed at the pair shoot one of them in the head instantly killing him. As he was about to shoot the second one. The man had his head slammed to the ground by a hand.

A newcomer had arrived and this man was wielding a scythe for a weapon. 'Seems like he isn't a bandit since he just took one down.' Faith then asked. "A huntsman am I right?"

The man then looked Faith and then looked at the Faunus family. "You guys should continue on and you will soon arrive to Vale. It will take about 5 hours if you continue walking." The family of four then gratefully thanked them and walked away.

"To answer your question kid, yes I am a Huntsman. But you aren't. How can you recklessly charge in like that? You could of gotten them killed."

"If I didn't intervene, then they would of been killed by these people." Faith stomped on the dead bandit's head. "If you want to reprimand someone then you should do it to that guy you knocked out. After that give him to me."


"What?" Faith asked in confusion.

The man sighed. "The name's Qrow kid. Now go back to school and study for your exam or something. As for the bandit, then you can leave him to me. I'll bring him back to the police."

Faith pulled out his spear and pointed at Qrow. "Don't do anything stupid. You don't know what you're doing kid."

"Look I know that's it's your job to arrest him but you don't get it. We should be taking care of the trash in this shitty world. So here's the situation, I'm killing a murderer and you're blocking my way. So how about you get out of my way and I'll let you go old man."

A sigh escaped his mouth. "First I'm not old. And second don't do this. You want to be a huntsman right? Collecting information is key even if he's just a bandit. If I let you kill him and I'd get nothing. Why am I even arguing with a kid."

"You asked for this." Faith charged forward immediately thrusting his spear with a boosted shot. The man simply took out a big sword and blocked it with one hand. "You asked for this kid." Faith pulled back his spear and swung horizontally only for it to be easily dodged.

'I should take this more seriously.' Colourful scales began to grow on his face and activating his eyes. His eyes turned red with one tomoe visible.

Qrow frowned when he saw this. 'Is this his semblance? No it looks more like his natural ability. It seems that he's a Faunus. Which also explains why he's protective of them. His eyes should also be a Faunus trait just like his scales.'

Faith didn't underestimate Qrow anymore. He changed his weapon to his gun and fired at Qrow while running towards him. He easily blocked the bullets. Faith then slashed with his spear only to be blocked. He kept up the pressure but Qrow easily blocked all his attacks.

Even with his eye powers he wasn't able to defeat him. He was inexperienced in using these eyes as he hadn't had the chance to use it that often in combat and even tho he was able to see his opponents move didn't mean that Qrow couldn't dodge or block his attack.

'I don't need to beat him. I just need to get rid of that bandit and run from here.' Faith pushed Qrow back and ran towards the bandit lying down. Qrow quickly ran to catch him and fired shots at Faith who easily blocked the bullets.

Faith then went next to the bandit and grabbed him by his head and lifted him. "Why are you even protecting these people?! They're a bunch of rats that are an infestation to this world. I'm not gonna discriminate humans and say that all of you are bad. But people like this are why our two races are against each other. Don't you get it!"

Qrow stopped in his tracks. "I got it kid but you don't. I'm not saying people like this are meant to be left alive. I'm telling you to let him go. If you continue like this then you're going to slowly become a killer and lose yourself in your goals." He retracted his weapon on put his hands up.

"You feel that it's your responsibility. I know how it feels. I've been forced to kill because of responsibilities too kiddo. But I've been helped by people that are close to me." A sad smile formed on him. "Maybe we can help you too."

Faith began hesitating. Should he just kill him? Should he let this bastard live? He began contemplating on what to do. "If you know how I feel than you should understand me. If I have to become a murderer to get rid of these people then I will." His spear ran through the bandits back and pierced his heart killing him.

Suddenly, his arms began being coated with his aura. He couldn't control it. And before he knew what was happening, his vision shifted. It showed all the memories of the bandit he just killed. He felt the emotions of the bandit in every scene. He felt all the sorrow and pain in all his life. Faith felt all of that in a single second. His mind was overloaded and he passed out while screaming.

Qrow quickly rushed and caught him before he fell not noticing a new tomoe was formed in his eyes.

WutDelusional WutDelusional

I was originally gonna write this as half a chapter and add other things but I was too engrossed that I wrote a full chapter of it. Sorry not sorry. Made me waste time so that’s good. By the way, please changed this author if you don’t want hen you’re dumb.

Also the fight scene are gonna be significantly better in the future. I just didn’t want to write too much here cuz the chapter was going to be too long.

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