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Chapter 4: 004- Year One (Part 2) Classes and Impressions

(A/N: Decided to just mention system sometimes, not really feeling it but it will help him along the way and be more easy on his day to day life.)


Sam woke up rubbing his eyes, he had to admit that getting his own room in Slytherin was a perk to be apart of the house. This also let him not sleep in the actual room instead he was in his backpack, getting out of bed he slowly made his way to the toilet to piss.

After his morning routine he went and took a shower changing into his workout clothes, they all now had the Slytherin crest and colors on them. This is all he would budge about when it came to coming close to wearing anything to deal with the school, he even ignored Snape when he said something.

Taking the stairs that led out of the backpack he came out to his room, their was a giant bed in it which he didn't even touch after entering. The time was still five in the morning and the first class wasn't until nine, at the moment the common room was cold but still bearable.

As he made his way out of there no one was awake at the moment, it seemed as the whole castle was asleep it was even quiet as he left out the castle. When he made it outside he started to run around the grounds, the place was excellent for a morning run the crisp air here was fresh.

Eventually he made it to the edge of the Black Lake and took a seat on a giant rock that was near it, taking out his phone he put headphones in and listened to music. Leaning back he enjoyed the early morning breeze as different songs played through it, honestly time passed without his noticed since he was stuck in the music.

It wasn't until he got a message from Hermione saying good morning that he got out of his head, sighing he got up and started to walk back to the Castle. Along the way he bought an map that showed the entire castle, it turned into a game map in the corner with everything labeled from classrooms to The Chamber of Secrets.

Nodding he made his way back to the Slytherin common room, he nodded to some of the people who were lounging around, Snape should be bringing out class schedule's soon. Going back into his room and into his backpack he took a shower before putting on a hoodie and jeans before leaving again slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

He started to message Neville and Hermione as he made his way over to Draco who was sitting on a couch, yawning he relaxed nodding to him before he waited. It didn't take Snape long to bring the schedules since they still needed to go for breakfast before classes.

Once they were delivered they made there way there, most of the older ones stayed though since they were waiting on friends. Sam just followed Draco who was talking to Crabbe and Goyle about something his father did, all he did was roll his eyes as he talked about it.

[120Million Galleons 33,000Mana]

He checked it out to see if he could buy what he wanted but was still short some, looking back up he was just in time to see Hermione show up at the great hall. Smiling slightly he tilted his cap and walked over to her taking her hand, seeing who it was she smiled and they walked in together she was telling him more about the book he gave her.

Neville was already sitting at the table when they walked in, Hermione looked a little sad he had to leave but seeing him follow she raised a brow, "What are you doing your table is over there." she said.

"There is no rule against us sitting at other tables, I just know it is for Welcoming feast, the Last Feast, and major Holiday's, other then that I haven't heard of any other times." Sam said taking a seat next to her as she sat down at the table next to Neville who gave him a smile.

"But---" She started but he cut her off.

"Hermione, I already told you I am a rule break and trend setter, now chill I will be fine. Look Professor McGonagall passed by and said nothing, though she frowned at my clothes a little." He said patting her head and helping her fill her plate then his own.

Since there was no orange juice he took some out his bag and filled their cups, even Neville's who was curious, "Fine. Don't do anything to major though, you don't need detention before class even starts."

He saluted did a small bow towards her, "Whatever you say my queen."

She giggled along with Neville's laugh, they all looked over as Harry and Ron walked in the two made a lot of noise as they came to take there seats. Seeing him Ron frowned but kept his mouth shut, Harry looked him over but it was more with curiosity then anything.

He nodded to Harry who returned it before starting to get something to eat, he went and compared his schedule to Hermione's who was also wondering. It seemed they didn't meet until 11am, before that he was with Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw for the first two classes.

They had double potions together though and promised to partner up together, finally he ended the day with DADA with the stuttering idiot. They were all in the class though since it was a bigger classroom, it was something he wasn't looking forward to.

All to soon classes began and the first day officially started, like someone would expect Charms was just theory with no actual wand movement making some sad. Herbology was the same but they learned a little about the plans they were going to be working on for the year, not something he was really looking forward to even though the place was singing with him there.

By the time the two classes were of they had a fifteen minute break, for them and Ravenclaw though it was actually more time for them to get to their next class. Since he had a map though it was a leisure walk for him though, Draco noticed and followed him since they already knew where the class room for potions was anyway.

"So game night on our first free weekend?" Draco said bringing out his phone and starting up a game.

"Sure what are you thinking?" Sam asked. At the moment Draco was the only person who knew about the apartment inside his backpack so they took full advantage of it.

"How about some WOW, I still want to pass that mission." Draco said some excitement in his voice, he was actually practically bouncing.

"Sure, I still want that equipment anyway so we need to beat it in one try." Sam agreed.

As they were walking there he got a message form Hermione saying she was already there waiting on him, he smiled at that and replied to her.

[To: Hermione

Of course you are there early, but shouldn't I be saving the seats for us my queen?]

[From: Hermione

Har Har. Hurry up and get here you don't want to be late for our first potions class.]

Shaking my head I did speed up some since we only had four minutes left and we were down the hall from it, walking inside they both saw that is way hardly half full. Draco and him split as he walked over to a beaming Hermione who put away her phone the moment he walked over to her.

"Let me guess you were the first person in here weren't you?" Sam said setting his backpack next to the table. She blushed slightly but nodded making him laugh, "Well can't fault you for being a good student. So do you want to go with the library with me tonight and work on our homework?"

"Yeah that sounds great." She smiled.

He nodded as the last of the students rushed into the class, as it started he saw the look the Snape gave him but he ignored it and made faces at Hermione. She smiled but at the same time she was trying to get him to pay attention as Snape talked he just shook his head but still wrote it down.

Soon he stopped on Harry and started to do just like the movies, Sam had to hold back his laugh as Hermione was practically bouncing at the moment. He grabbed her hand holding it when Snape sent a glare to her, she pouted but accepted that he wasn't going to ask her anything

They were making a boil removing potion for this class which had gone well at first, Sam had all the information so he was just teaching Hermione to do it. It was all going well until Neville messed up and caused it to explode on him and Seamus, this got a Snape glare.

He quickly turned on Harry and Ron who were right next to them and went off on Harry for not warning Neville, all Sam could do was shake his head while Hermione pouted. He gave her a gentle squeeze and got her attention back onto the potion that they were making, no need for Snape mad at his Mione.

After those two left the class everything went back to normal, I sent a glare to Draco before he could make fun of Harry for getting reprimanded. Nodding in understanding he went back to working with his stal--- friend Pansy who was happily mixing their potion.

As class was coming to and end they were making their way out when Sam called out to Harry, "Hey Harry!" he said gaining his attention, "Mind if we talk in private for a second?"

He paused but then nodded telling Ron to go without him, Sam sent Hermione on and stayed with him and Draco. "Hey look I wanted to be friends but first I needed a friend to apologize to you." Sam said while tapping Draco on the shoulder making him look up from his phone.

"Look Harry... I am sorry about the train, I only made fun of Weasley because he laughed at my name it was rude of him to do that. If you are willing I would still like to be friends with you." Draco said there was hopefulness in his voice and he wasn't showing any of the arrogance from before.

Harry was stunned a moment before he smiled, "I would like that actually, I know that you shouldn't judge someone before really talking to them. Plus what you said is true Ron was wrong for making fun of your name like that."

Draco smiled hearing that and we all started to walk to the great hall for lunch, it was finally time for first years to have their lunch. Some people were surprised to see them actually smiling and talking to each other while Ron scowled seeing Harry talking to Draco.

Splitting Sam walked right to Hermione who saved him a seat and already had a plate ready for him, while Harry went to Ron and Draco over to the Slytherin table. He saw that Dumbledore raised a brow and watched as he sat down, some others who noticed him also tried sitting with friends out of their houses, soon it was a lot of people.

Sam just read this in a couple of fic's that is why he did it himself, he also just wore his normal clothes because he wanted to, even if he lost house points he would still do it. After a lunch where Hermione was almost bouncing in her seat because she was happy about the class and homework already we went to the last class of the day.

DADA, the moment we walked in the place reeked of garlic, Sam couldn't help but to cover his nose as he sat in the class. He could see others making faces but their senses weren't as high as his so they didn't get what he got, lucky he was able to push through it.

The stuttering idiot had so many tells that is wasn't even funny, shaking his head as he left the room Sam took Hermione's hand and asked her to explore since they were done for the day. She agreed but said they needed to get their homework done before they split up or she wouldn't study with him again.

No need to tell her though that he had a quill that could do his homework for him, that might be a great Christmas present for her though.

"This place is huge." Sam said as they climbed the stairs to the seventh floor.

Neville nodded along, he decided to join last minute Hermione was the one to speak, "Yeah I don't know what they expected but everyone should be fit by the time that they leave this place."

He had to agree since all he needed to do was run up and down the stairs and he would get in shape, seeing the way they moved he wondered if anyone has ever missed that last step. "Hey do you guys think someone has ever missed that last step and fell?" He asked both of them as they looked around.

"Y-you think t-that could happen?" Neville asked getting nervous looking back where the stairs were.

"Who knows, anything can happen right?" Hermione said with a non-answer answer.

He had to agree with her though, not like anyone would die from the fall as long as a teacher or another student got there in time to take them to the medical wing. They moved on and Sam could see that Hermione really wanted to go to the library but he was keeping her from it intentionally, didn't want to be them himself was the reason.

Eventually they found a deep corner in the back of the seventh floor, it was no ROR, but it was a nice spot with a bay window type view. There was even a place to sit and put their things down, Sam declared they needed rest and walked right over to it dragging Hermione along with him.

The place was on the opposite side of where the Gryffindor tower was, Neville didn't complain as he sat down setting down his bag and letting out a huff. Hermione was the one to start bringing out her homework and urging them to do the same, he saw no problem with it and copied.

The all settled in hearing the occasional laugh though no one came over, they kept working on their homework until they finished two hours later. Sam had to stop Hermione from copying almost everything from the books to make her parchment only one page long, no need to torture the teachers.

There was still two hours until curfew at the moment, Sam couldn't see how Ron and Harry never had time to do homework, then again Ron was a lazy idiot. "Mione, you better not let anyone copy your work either, got it?" He said turning to her handing her another book from his personal stash.

"Got it. I wouldn't want anyone to copy my work anyway, there is plenty of time who wouldn't be able to get it done." She said with a smile taking the book, she didn't start reading though since they were all on the same game on the phones.

Sam was thinking of giving them both laptops or tablets but hadn't decided yet, he was going based off what he wanted to play on at the moment so he wasn't buying multiple of different things. They soon saw Draco jump on and they all started to play together trying to clear dungeons in the game.

Unconsciously since they were so closer Hermione started to lean into Sam who didn't mind and let her back lean into his chest, the two kept playing like nothing was happening. After awhile they finally stopped seeing that dinner was soon, Sam though told them he had something to do and skipped it, he walked them down though.

After leaving the two he went back down to the Dungeons passing upper year Slytherin and Hufflepuff along the way, some cleared the way while others nodded at him. Getting back to his own common room he went and got inside his apartment going straight to the workout room.

He did this twice a day, and he wasn't skipping dinner for any other reason then the fact that the food was a little to greasy and all they had to drink was pumpkin juice or wine. He was just going to have his own drinks thank you very much.

For his dinner he had sushi that he kept under a charm to keep fresh, he was texting Hermione who asked to tag along next time, Neville too who was in the group chat. Smiling he finished the last of his food and went to take a shower.

A Month Later...

Time sure went by quick when you got into a routine, well it was probably that was more for him since it was a boarding school so the days just blended in for him. Every morning he would get up at five and workout before sitting at the black lake, what shocked him though was that Neville and Draco actually joined him in the runs.

It was a early morning when Neville woke up from something and accidently sent a message out in the group chat for the boys, that dragged him and Draco into it after finding out. Now they could be seen each morning doing this, even as the weather got colder, he just bought them some clothes that had warming charms on them.

Hermione actually found out but all she did was make sure to meet them at the end of the run at the Black Lake, the three were actually close which Sam liked. He saw less of the Draco he knew and more of a friendlier one, it was cool sometimes the were with Harry and Ron too.

Not for long though since Ron was an ass and kept slinging insults at Draco and Sam since they were Slytherin, Harry actually looked apologetic because of it. Sam only shook his head he hated the kid anyway, but it didn't stop Harry from being their friend.

He also gave him a phone which let him join in on their talks and fun, Ron wanted one but Sam told him to piss off and kept one away from him. This actually led to a lot of people asking for one, which he didn't mind at all, sure he was a millionaire but he still sold them.

Mainly though he sold them to the people who were siblings but in different houses or if he just like them, he didn't charge much but 100Galleons. People actually didn't see it as a rip off seeing the features they had.

This did lead to someone trying to copy it though which made the thing blow up, he only knew because a message was sent to him every time some tried it. Mainly it was the Pureblood students because they were sending them back to their parents, eventually it they stopped and just screen timed with their kids.

Now Dumbledore though had to state a rule about them so that class time would be interrupted, so they had to leave them in a bucket at the door before class started. Overall things were going amazing and the students who didn't have one really saved up to get one.

Ahh though people were a little shocked to find out they needed to pay a monthly fee of 5Galleons to keep service, only my close friends didn't need to pay. The ones who thought they didn't need to were mad when they realized their phones no longer had service and they sent money for it to be back on.

The study group also grew too, with the addition of Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott, ever now and the Harry would join but Ron was never seen at those times. With Hermione's help Harry's grades were growing since he actually joined a lot more, sure Ron was his first friend but with his friend pool in each house then he was more open.

He didn't need to just be around Ron who only liked him because he was the boy who lived, no he had friends who actually liked him for him seeing how great he was. Draco and him were also close having a lot of conversations, this led to Harry knowing that he was the Heir to the Potter house, since no one else was telling him what was going on.

So overall Sam was enjoying his new life in the Wizarding world and was actually enjoying first year, though he still found it the most boring year. Ahh he also hated Flying class which luckily they only needed to do once before never going back again.

Hermione shared his hate not seeing the need for it, though they were happy for Harry who made the team showing him that his father was also on it. They were now October, the weather was way chillier then what it usually was and there was a little depressing mode around this time but it was still nice.

At the moment it was October 14th Sam's birthday, which Hermione found out about, it was the two of them at the moment sitting next to the Black Lake just relaxing against a tree. Of course Draco knew about his birthday but he would give him something later.

Last month on Hermione's Sam gave her five rare books that made even Draco jealous as he asked to borrow them sometime, Sam loved seeing that they were friends. Not that Draco showed it around other Slytherin's he usually met with them in secret but none of them minded, they knew his father wouldn't approve.

Sam though asked to just spend his birthday with her, that is why she was sitting between his legs with her back on his chest reading a book. She saw it as nothing but harmless friendship but he smiled playing with her hair, waiting for the time to come when she would realize that he actually liked her.

Not love but liked, he still needed to meet Luna and Fleur before he decided anything but he liked the idea of him and Mione a lot.

Pink_Ghosty Pink_Ghosty

Dude writing at 5 in the morning is the hardest thing to do, but it is worth it enjoying this so far.

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