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Resident Evil: Darkest Days Resident Evil: Darkest Days original

Resident Evil: Darkest Days

Author: Starr_Dakota

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Nightmare

"Is the whole city infected?" Alex asked as looked out of the helicopter door on the way to the Raccoon City Police Station and as it came into view they started to take heavy fire from somewhere below.

"You're going to have to jump!" The pilot yelled as the back rotor burst into flames and Alex grabbed a rope to rappel with before holding his hand out for the pilot to come with him but the pilot shook his head, "I'm going to get you as close as I can! You have your mission and I have mine!"

"Don't be stupid!" Alex yelled but he knew both of them couldn't get out in time as they began to lose altitude. He grabbed the rope and jumped from the helicopter as it began to spin out and throwing him towards a second floor window. Leon couldn't believe his eyes as Evan crashed through the window ahead of him and they both heard the helicopter crash.

"Hey are you alright?" Leon asked as he ran up to Alex and helped him up, "Were you in that helicopter I heard?"

"Yeah. I was sent here to help any survivors that might be left but the helicopter took gunfire as we got close to here and lost control." Alex explained as he walked next to the wall and slammed into it to relocate his shoulder. Leon was surprised by Alex's pain tolerance as he rotated his arm a few times and began to check his remaining equipment.

"I'm guessing we're on our own now?" Leon asked and Alex nodded his head, "There are two other survivors here. Claire, a woman who came here looking for her brother, and Marvin, a Lieutenant Officer."

"So three survivors." Alex said to himself before throwing Leon a handgun magazine, "I'm sure you need that."

"Thanks. I was running low." Leon said and put the magazine into a pocket on his leg, "You don't seem worried by the situation here."

"If you focus too much on the things you can't control then you won't be able to handle the ones you can." Alex explained as they began to walk towards the crashed helicopter and Leon thought about what he was telling him, "In other words you'll get killed trying to fix everything."

"Damn." Leon said when they saw the helicopter in the hall engulfed in flames and they went through the door to the metal stairs outside.

"Leon!" Claire yelled as the two walked down the stairs and surprised them both, "Who's your friend?"

"Name's Alex and I was sent by the U.S. government to rescue any survivors that were left." Alex explained while looking at the remains of the helicopter, "But it looks like I'll be needing rescue as well."

"You guys wouldn't happen to have a key in those fancy pockets would you?" Claire asked as she tried the gate and Alex pulled a lock pick out of his chest pocket. It snapped as he tried to pick the old lock and he sighed as he lowered his head.

"Even if we did the lock's jammed from rust." Alex explained while standing up and they heard zombies coming from behind Claire, "You should get out of here."

"We'll meet up with you again." Leon said as the zombies came into view and Alex pulled out his handgun just in case.

"Try not to die you two." Claire said before running away from the gate and Alex shook his head while chuckling.

"So where's Marvin?" Alex asked as Leon lead him back inside and to the main room where Marvin was sitting on a bench, "Leon."

"I know..." Leon said as they looked at the bite make on Marvin's side, "Hey Marvin."

"How are things going Rookie?" Marvin asked before he realized Alex was behind Leon and examining the room, "Who's your friend?"

"His name is Alex and he's some sort of Spec Ops here to help save people." Leon explained as they both watched him, "He was in the helicopter but it ended up crashing."

"So a pro has showed up." Marvin said before he examined Alex and saw how young he was, "Alex who are you exactly?"

"My name is Alex Clark and I have no connection to any specific unit." Alex told him as he walked over and held his hand out, "I'm twenty-one and I was recruited almost straight out of basic training. To be completely honest this is my first mission."

"So we have two rookies now." Marvin said with a laugh, "This was Leon's first day as well. You take care of each other and you might just survive."

"I'll be trusting you." Leon said as he held his hand out to Alex and he shook it with a nod, "Good to have someone with me."

"I think the first thing we should do is put out that fire upstairs." Alex said as they walked into an area that looked like a waiting room of sorts, "Zombies are bad enough but if this places burns down then we'll be dead men."

"Take a look at this before I forget." Leon told him as he pulled out the book he got from Elliot and Alex flipped through the pages, "It has a way out of here."

"So we need to collect three medallions and put them into that statue back where Marvin is?" Alex as he handed the book back to Leon, "How many do you have?"

"I managed to get one before I heard your helicopter." Leon explained as he put the book back into his back pocket and Alex opened a door to a dark hallway with an officer's corpse in the corner. They let their eyes adjust before continuing on and Alex kneeled down to examine the strange wound on the corpse.

"It looks like a razor was sliced through his face but he died from a broken neck." Alex said as he looked at the man's neck, "No human did this, zombie or not."

"Alex we have trouble." Leon said in a low voice and Alex turned around to see that the hall was full of zombies that hadn't noticed them yet. Another zombie started to hit the window next to them from outside and caught the attention of the others.

"When I need to reload you take point!" Alex yelled as they pulled their handguns out and he began to shoot the zombies at center mass but they wouldn't go down.

"Aim for the head!" Leon yelled as they switched positions and he was suddenly pushed to the wall by Alex. He understood why as a red monster with an exposed brain jumped past them and sliced through the closest zombie. Leon saw the door Alex had his back on and realized it had the same symbol as the key he had picked up earlier. He quickly unlocked it and they nearly broke the hinges going in.

"That's probably what killed the cop we saw." Alex said as they took a breath, "So zombies and monsters. This place is getting crazier by the second."

"Says the guy who flew through a second story window." Leon said to try and help calm them down but the monster began to slam its body against the door, "That thing didn't have eyes so it probably uses sound to hunt."

"I noticed that to." Alex told him as the door opened and they slowly stepped away from the red monster. Its long tongue began to wave around and Alex slowly pulled his knife out. He motioned for Leon to go to the far corner and make some noise as he stepped to its side. He slowly went to the corner as Alex readied his knife and he whistled, catching the monsters attention and Alex instantly shove his knife into its exposed brain. It dropped to the ground and they held their breaths until they were sure it was dead.

"Razor sharp claws and teeth with a long tongue likely used to help locate anything next to it that it didn't notice. This is definitely what killed that cop and this most likely isn't the only one." Alex explained as he pulled his knife from the monster's head and noticed that it got severely damaged, "If I hadn't used my full strength we would be dead right now."

"If these things could see we wouldn't stand a chance against them." Leon said as he leaned his back against the wall and tried to calm his pounding heart, "Let's take a few minutes to breath before we leave."

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