/ Eastern / The Hidden Realm

The Hidden Realm Original

The Hidden Realm

Eastern 77 Chapters 78.5K Views
Author: Grecia Reina

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Eleand Altierra considers himself the luckiest man alive. He is a young multi-billionaire business tycoon from a well-known family, and he is married to a hot supermodel.

But a series of unfortunate events happen in his life—it involves him in a vehicular accident with his sister.

When he regains consciousness, he is in a strange place. The creatures he sees around are not entirely human—their beauties are ethereal; some have wings and deadly weapons!

He is in Erganiv. A hidden realm wherein distinct races of faeries live.

Eleand needs to come back home because he is just a lowly human unfit to stay in their world.

But he discovers the dark secrets lurking in his blood, and his quest for survival begins.

Will he abandon his humanity?

Because in this magical world, he found his mate…


  1. Patrick_Ezeokoli
    Patrick_Ezeokoli Contributed 358
  2. amidaev
    amidaev Contributed 334
  3. Sariffudin
    Sariffudin Contributed 325


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    Two years is a long time to stay in one place you are not familiar with. I sympathize with Eleand for being human, and powerless? I hope things will start looking up for him soon. I can't wait to follow him on his adventure.

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    I love this book! It is fast paced and I was not expecting the twist. I don't want to spoil but I really enjoyed Eleand's adventure. Plus the descriptive writing, I felt I have been trasported into their world. 🥰

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    Man as far as webnovels about realms that aren’t necessarily a secret but like not exactly known about either, it’s like more of a secret. Yeah, as far as webnovels abt secret realms go, this one is a good cool solid read. Very cool, ty.

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    Author here! Thanks for reading this book. I am currently writing the sequel and I hope it would turn well.

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    Author Grecia Reina