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Chapter 13: Chapter 12

James reclined in his seat, reading all of the harry potter books combined into one large book, just relaxing. He hadn't had a chance to do that in a while. The snow had melted away, and spring had come and gone. Now, it was summer. This realm was incredibly beautiful this time of year. All the flowers were in full bloom, and the sun shined down brightly. Oddly enough, he hadn't had visitors in a very long time. He had taken this chance to get caught up on his favorite novels, practice his magic and spearwork, generally having a good time. He closed the book, sighing and rubbing his eyes, before opening them in shock. Today was his birthday, he was turning 32!

He closed his eyes again, reminiscing. He hadn't celebrated his birthday since before he died. He slowly hummed the tune of happy birthday as he closed his eyes, ready to take a nap. However, he fell out of his chair a second later as the doors opened, letting in something he didn't particularly want to deal with, an angsty teen.

*Angsty Teen POV, 2 hours Prior*

He sighed, rubbing his eyes as he stood in the dark morning. He didn't know why he was here, only that he had been told to get out of bed at 5 in the bloody morning, get dressed quickly, and come. Despite it being summer, it was chilly, and still dark. He pulled down the sleeves of his robes even more as the winds assaulted his 14 year old body. "Harry, come quickly." He sighed, following Dumbledore to the end of the street where he took his hand, soon feeling like he was in a tube. He gasped as he landed roughly on the cold stone floor, his stomach threatening to burst. However, he was pulled up soon by an apologetic Mcgonagal who ushered him after dumbledore.

He didn't pay much attention to where they were going but he did notice that they were going down, far further than he even knew existed. They finally stopped before a blank stone wall, when Dumbldore tapped it and whispered something, causing it to fade out of existence. As they walked in, Harry gasped, looking around amazed at the runic inscriptions on the walls, and the huge purple crystal lying in the middle. It was radiating extremely thick magical energy, so thick that he could see the wisps of light. "Incredible, isn't it?" Harry just nodded as Dumledore continued, "It's the ward stone that powers all the defenses of Hogwarts. It was created by the founders, and is one of the most powerful magical crystals around today. However, that is not what we are here for." Dumbledore directed him to the other side of the crystal, where a crack lay in the air.

"This, Harry, is what is known as an anomaly. They have been recorded throughout wizard-kind history multiple times. Not much is known about them, except that all who enter come out much stronger than before. It is believed that these are portals to another world, one which allows the traveler to get incredibly strong, incredibly fast. We have been presented with a unique opportunity, as one has appeared in our own school. We will be entering, in an effort to gain an upper hand against voldemort." (This is set after Harry's fourth year, so Voldy has made his full return.) Harry listened with rapt attention, after all, any chance to get back at Voldemort is one he wanted desperately. He was ready to leap into the portal, but that would be stupid. "Well professor, what are we waiting for?" Dumbledore smiled, stepping forward, and walking through with Harry, "Nothing, my boy."

Dumbledore landed perfectly on his feet, used to the feeling of teleportation already. Harry fared much worse, tumbling through the grass and getting dirt all over his clothes. He snarled in disgust as he stood up, trying to wipe some dirt off of his sleeves. They were in highlands of some kind, and it was beautiful. However, what stood out the most was the gigantic tower that stood a little bit away from them. "I believe we should start there first, no?" Harry agreed, and they began the trek towards it. Dumbledore's apparition did not work, so they were forced to walk it. They didn't mind though, as the air felt pleasant and the sun was shining down on them, despite it being dark when they left. Reaching the tower, they realised how tall it really was. They could barely see the top, and it seemed to be getting taller with every second. As Dumbledore placed his hand in the slot, the great doors rumbled open, revealing the inside of the tower.

*James POV*

Dumbledore and Harry potter. Two very interesting characters, from a very interesting story. They were looking around in awe, and as Dumbledore noticed him, he instantly avoided eye contact. He had no idea if his shields could protect from someone that experienced, and he didn't want to test it. "Welcome travelers, to my library. I am the tower master, who might you be?" He knew who they were, but if he knew them and they didn't know him that would be suspicious. Dumbledore smiled and responded, "It's very nice to meet you. I am Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, and this is Harry Potter." James smiled, that name was incredibly long and annoying, it brought back memories of people complaining about its stupidity.

"Welcome, Albus and Harry. As I said before, this is my library, and it contains everything ever written down. I can allow you to take one book, as long as you return it within two weeks. Simply request a topic, and I can give it to you."It wasn't even 10 seconds before Dumbledore answered, "Horcruxes. A book on horcruxes. Specifically how to destroy them, permanently." (AN: I know technically they don't know about horcruxes but i'm changing that) That was unsurprising. After all, Voldemort had split his soul into multiple pieces, and destroying them was hard. "That can be done, one moment." He held out his hand, and a book came whizzing down. Despite the repairs done daily, you could tell this book was centuries old. Handed the thick tome to Dumbledore and spoke, "I hope you enjoy it, and remember, return it! Bye Bye now." That last part got confused looks before he forced them out, humming happy birthday all the while.

*2 Weeks Later, Tower*

James sighed as he pulled on his battle suit. He had expected them to return it, so either this was some plot by Dumbledore, or the book was stolen. He hoped it was the latter. He grabbed the spear, throwing it in a pocket dimension. He had learned to do that after the fiasco in the bar, after all, he couldn't just walk around with a weapon everywhere. He sighed, making sure he was ready, and calling out, "World travel, Harry Potter. Location: Hogwarts Gates." A second later, he disappeared, reappearing in a dark forest. The iron gates rose in front of him, a convenient knocker placed directly in the center. He would be diplomatic at first, he didn't want to repeat that event with the strawhats. He knocked on the gates three times, and on the other side, Dumbledore appeared. "Mr. Dumbledore, where is my book?" That seemed to fluster the man, as he had jumped straight into business.

"Why don't we talk about that in my office, if you please." So he didn't have it, that complicated things. He sighed, walking through the gates and grabbing Dumbledore's arm, appearing in his office a second later. He didn't stumble or fall, though he did feel a bit queasy. The headmaster rounded his desk, sitting down and motioning him to do the same. As he did, the ancient wizard sighed, "I do not have your book. I apologize deeply, but it was stolen during a raid by Voldemort. I have been unable to track it and currently do not have a location." So, the big bad snake man had it. That made things a bit more complicated. Voldemort in this stage was always moving, and it would be hard to get a lock on his location. "Is there anyway you can help me, Mr. Dumbledore?" The man paused for a moment, before suddenly seeming to come to a decision, "Why yes, I can. I can offer you a teaching position here at Hogwarts, and in return let you use it as your base of operations. Deal?" That was incredibly annoying, but acceptable as the resources Hogwarts had could be incredibly useful. However, there was no way he was staying the whole year. He was gone the second the book was in his hands. "That is acceptable, Headmaster. What exactly will I be teaching?" Dumbledore smiled at his acceptance and responded, "Well ,to be honest it can be anything you want. We have teachers for all current clases so you could make up your own. Have it be an elective." At that, James smiled.

*Diagon Alley, One Day Later*

Diagon Alley was as mystical as they made it sound in the books, but currently he had another objective besides tourism. He was going to get the supplies for his new class. First stop, Gringotts Bank. His plan was to exchange some gold created by his magic for galleons, and have that be his main source of income during his stay here. As he entered the bank, he felt like he walked through a film of magic. It had scanned his body, and deemed him acceptable for entrance. He walked forward through the hall, watching as the goblins worked. Eventually, he reached the desk at the end, and waited.

That's right, he waited for the goblin to finish his work before speaking. If he was rude, he might be treated worse, and that would make the experience unenjoyable. He only had to wait 5 minutes for the goblin to stop his work and face him. "Hello, sir goblin. I was wondering if I could exchange some gold for currency." The goblin stared at him, before smirking and responding, "You can, show it here." He reached into his pocket dimension, grabbing a solid gold bar and placing it in front of the goblin. He watched as the goblin's eyes widened, before he began to frantically inspect it. When he found that it was solid gold, he became extremely respectful out of nowhere. "Please wait here a moment while I get my manager." The goblin said before practically sprinting away.

He imagined it was like a car salesman telling his manager a customer had an 800 credit score. Seconds later, the goblin came back with a different goblin. This one was in a very fancy suit, and you could tell he was important. The new goblin inspected it himself, before weighing it and finally nodding. "This is a solid gold bar weighing 1kg, so I can offer you 5,000 galleons for it." (AN: This number was made using the average price for a 1kg gold bar and the conversion of galleons to USD) That seemed like a lot, but he didn't care if he was overpaid or underpaid, he could always make more gold. He accepted the money in a never ending bag, for a price of 5 galleons of course, and was on his way. His first stop was a high end robe store. He purchased robes made from the finest material possible. Even though it was likely he wouldn't wear them again, he had money to burn.

He considered buying a trunk, before remembering he had a pocket dimension, which couldn't be stolen. He didn't books, as he was the teacher, and he couldn;t remember anything else he needed either. However, one thing he did want was a wand. While he didn;t need one, it could be useful and he anteed to blend in. So, off to Ollivanders it was. The second he walked into the store, he felt as if he was being watched. Shadows were creeping up the walls, and there was a man in front of him. He jumped in shock as Ollivander appeared in front of him, chuckling. He breathed out, trying not to snap at the man. "Welcome to Ollivander's wands, what can I do for you?" "My old wand….broke, and I am in need of a new one." He was quite sure that Ollivander had seen straight through his lie, but didn't comment. Only starting to pull boxes from the shelves. "Try this one, Aspen, 9 1/2 inches, unicorn hair." He picked it up, only holding it for a second before a muttering Ollivander snached it away. They tried a few more wands, but none seemed to work. James was getting annoyed now as Ollivander called down another box. "This one maybe? Beech wood, 10 ½ inches, dragon heartstring." He picked it up, feeling an instant sync to his magic. This was the one. Ollivander seemed to agree, as he nodded and sent back all the boxes. "Yes, that is the one. That'll be nine galleons please." He paid, walking out immediately, glad it was over.

He headed back to Hogwarts, ready to start his new, and short, career as a teacher. Students would arrive tonight and he had to get his classroom ready. He had chosen an old fencing room to be his classroom, as it would allow him to teach his subject effectively. After all, he would be teaching a new elective called battle magic. It had been decided that only 5th year and above could take the class, as giving 11 year olds the ability to destroy a building was a bad idea. He arrived at his "classroom" which was really just a large open hall with fencing stris and bleachers. Problem number 1. Everything was covered in dust. Evidently, Hogwarts had not offered fencing for a very long time. He gathered all the dust in a compressed ball in the middle of the room using air magic and….. Pushed it out an open window. He then cleaned everything using water magic and dried it with fire magic. When he was done, it looked brand new.

His second step was to recharge the protective runes around the fencing arena. As wizard fencing includes magic, this was necessary. Conveniently, it also meant he didn't have to write them himself. Simply put, when activated the runes would form a protective bubble around the combatants, which would block and absorb any wild spells. This was easy, all he had to do was pump magic into the array and they activated. Now, he was ready for classes. He didn't require anything for his class, other than an understanding that you could be harmed or killed, and that I didn't take any responsibility for anything that happened. He groaned as he realised he was almost late for the sorting ceremony, and sprinted to the great hall. He sat down in his chair just before the older students began pouring in. He sat next to a small man, Professor Flitwick. He smiled as they engaged in small talk, not really paying attention to the sorting ceremony, he only started paying attention when a small, fat, pink toad walked up to the podium and interrupted Dumbledore. She gave her bs little speech and I could tell Dumbledore and everyone else was getting annoyed. After she finished and returned to her seat, Dumbledore spoke again.

"As I was saying, we have a new class available for all 5th years and above. Some of you may have noticed, but we have another new professor this year. You will find this class with a box next to it on your schedules. Should you check this box, you will be enrolled in this elective. Battle Magic." Instantly excited and surprised whispers began among the students, interested in this new class. Dumbledore cleared his throat and began speaking again. "Please keep in mind that there are a limited number of spots. For those who check the box, grades, previous achievements, and luck will all play a factor in your acceptance. Without further ado, may the feast begin!" His last comment seemed to encourage some students and discourage others. James didn't care who was in his class though, it was only temporary afterall.

*Tomorrow, Period 2, Fencing Hall*

He watched as students began filing into the classroom. Instead of his robes, he had gone for dress shoes, tuxedo pants, a white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a tie. He could see some female students whispering and pointing to his muscles already, and he sighed. He didn't want a relationship with any of them, and he couldn't anyway. He was with the 7th years for his first class, Slytherin and Ravenclaw. There were about 40 students total, and once it seemed that they had all arrived he began to talk. "I am the teacher of this new class. You do not need to know my name. You will address me as either sir or professor. This year, I will be teaching you all about battle magic. Specifically the elemental aspects. Battle magic is magically taxing and harmful, so let me remind you all that I claim no responsibility for any injuries. I can teach you to burn armies with a snap of your finger." He snapped his finger, and a wave of fire was summoned above the students, it pressed down on them, dissipating before it reached them, harming noone."However, you need to earn that. Any fooling around will not be tolerated and you will be removed from this class. We are dealing with life and death here. Am I clear?" None spoke or even raised their hands. Good. "All right! Get down here and form a line, I'm going to assess your affinity.

*Author Note: Please leave suggestions for series, books, animes etc. you would like me to do!*

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