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Chapter 34: Dinner 2 [Bonus chapter]



"Let's just say, I got inspired."


"Yes. Anyways, eat up," he arched his brows at him and gestured using his chin towards Emrys back where the waiters were pushing the trolley carrying the food their way.

"Be ready for some treat and you can tell me about this business deal of yours."

"Most definitely."

As the waiters arrived with their meal, they each adjusted in their seats, ready to have a nice threat.

"Alright dig in."

On the other hand, Daciana and Kale enjoyed their meal in utter silence and when they were done, they decided to chat about normal things.

Left for Kale it was extremely boring just not doing anything. It wasn't how he imagined their outing to be. He actually has seen her having fun and being lively and that was what he wanted to witness and nothing much.

He just wanted her to be happy with him but for some reason, she looked tensed.


"Yes?" She peeled her gaze off the dessert she was looking at. "Anything the matter?"

"No. Not really."

"Okay." She did it again, looking back down as though peeling her gaze away, the chocolate cake would disappear and it really wouldn't.

"You are doing it again," he noted.

"Doing what?"

"That." He pointed at the cake and then at her eyes. "You are more or less fascinated by the cake and not me."

A light chuckle sound escaped her mouth as her lips pulled back to the side to reveal a nice smile. "No, wait, Kale do not tell me you are jealous now."

"Jealous?" He scrunched his nose at her before shaking his head and leaning forward to take his glass of wine. "No, you get me all wrong, Daciana. What would I be jealous of?"

"The cake."

He was about refuting her words when he realized that his words earlier on did sound like that. "No. I am not jealous of a cake. I am only stating that I would prefer we have a normal conversation and not just be quiet. I want you to have fun."

"I am having fun," she defended still wearing her smile.

"I do not think that is the case here, Daciana. You seem tensed. Am I in any way scaring you?"

"No. Why would you think so?"

Up till now, you hardly even look me in the eyes and you would rather focus your gaze on the food and in this case, the cake which you think I am jealous of."

"I got it," she looked up at him. "You are jealous of the cake."

"Daciana. That is not the point here."

"Then tell me what the point is."

"I am sorry. If I have offended you that has made you drift away. I really am sorry."

Just looking at him, she felt sad about what he said. She knew she wasn't giving him her best but that was because all she had and knew was a scary no-nonsense Kale.

She did not know how to interact with him other than that. He was always serious and it did not help that he ratted her out to her father about the Vampire initiation stuff.


"Fine what? You ready to forgive me?"

"Wouldn't you want to know what wrong you have done first?" She arched her brows at him while playing with the fork in her hand.

"I would very much love to."

"Good. You know, growing up wasn't easy both on you and on me but you might have had it worse when you lost him and had to start becoming a ruler at such age."

"Sadly but it is what needs to be done."

'I agree you had help but still, the burden must have been much and because of it, you weren't always free to play with us. So we grew up knowing you like the cold and strict one."

"As you said, my duties caused me to be so but you know I still know how to have fun."

"I did not say you did not. What I am saying in essence is that you became thorough with it and no information passed you by. Where you wronged me was when you went to tell my father about the initiation."

"Oh." He lowered his gaze but after some seconds, he brought his gaze back to her. "I know you must hate me but believe me when I say it was fr your good. We never can tell where their king lay wait and we cannot have you, the only heir lurking just anywhere."

"Don't you get? I do not want to live a caged life as you did. I would rule someday but I want a life. I WANT TO BE FREE."

"You still do not get it. For people like you and me, our responsibilities come first and this was more than just living, you were in danger. So many deaths have happened, I cannot add you to the list."

"I won't die."

"If you listen, yes but do not be too stubborn. You are making it hard on your father."

"What do you care?"

"I care because; I care about you, Daciana. I really do. I am sorry things have to be this way but being faced with such responsibilities, I know why. You may fail to see it now but in time I bet you, in time."

"I… I do not know. I just have been caged too much and I do not want to be that kind of leader that does not know what is going on. I haven't been to our kingdom since I was but a kid."

"He is scared. Think about him, you may call it selfish but he lost so much. Anyone in his shoes would do exactly that same thing."

"Yes, maybe."

"I am sorry, Daciana."

She did not speak further and just allowed his words to sink in. After about two minutes, she looked back up and smiled briefly at him. "I need to use the restroom, please excuse me."

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