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Reborn as a devil fruit Reborn as a devil fruit original

Reborn as a devil fruit

Author: Baldysalino

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Asian Mom's are scary

The day began like every other day, with the rise of the sun, chirps of birds, and shouts of angry youth who spent the night gaming without paying attention to the time and the small fact that he has classes very soon.

"Damn you Klab! Why in the hell did you triple the boss's health! Saying you must learn the pattern my ass!" Yes, truly a natural otaku in its habitat.

Dear young Lester was busy playing Bleach brave souls, while not knowing what plans I-EHEM, fate had for him. Sighing, he finally put the game aside and looked at the time.

"Crap! I'm late, very late. Very very late!" he shouted as he sprang down from the top of the bed, falling face down of course, replacing his earlier shouts of anger with shouts of pain.

"Great! Just fudge puddingly great," he said as he tried to get up and step forward, only to hit the chair with his toe.

Lester shouted "WHY WORLD WHY! Why are we here, just to suffer?" , he grimaced and wondered if he would reach class in time. That is, if 30 minutes late counts as in time.

Finally after some time, he managed to get himself together and get ready to go outside. Lester said "Bye! I am leaving for college!" to the surprise of the author, as there was no one in the house and there is no way young Lester would know he was peeping on him in third person.

Lester grabbed his bag and flunked it over his shoulder as he closed the door behind him.

"Crap! I forgot my keys!" he said as opened the door to rush back in again to grab the keys from the counter near the door. After some struggles of trying to find the key between the trash scattered on the counter, he finally found it and sprang towards the door, finally getting outside and locking the door behind him.

Thankfully, his house in the apartment was near the elevator, and he quickly reached it pressing the key to go down in the elevator.

Not so thankfully however, it appeared that the elevator was broken earlier that morning, leaving dear Lester no choice but to take the stairs.

Grumbling to himself, Lester went towards the emergency staircase of the apartment and started running down the stairs, while regretting the fact that he lived on floor 30 of the apartment, having a long way to run down. By the time he reached the main floor, he was breathing as if he had just run two marathons to the moon and back. "I.. huh.. huh.. really shouldn't….huh… have skipped Gym for so long!" he said as he was trying to catch his breath.

He took out his phone to look at the time, because who uses their watch to check the time and saw he was going to miss the bus if he continued at this rate.

"OH COME ON!" he said while startling the old man sitting on the couch, and he mustered the small bits of strength he had gathered during his short break from the moon marathon and once again started running, in hopes to reach the bus on time.

He opened the doors to the apartment and ran outside, ignoring the shouts of the old man behind him trying to warn him about something, just to slip and nearly fall down. Apparently, since all the events this morning weren't enough, it had also started raining heavily in the moments he was running down the stairs and the grandpa was trying to tell him to be careful not to slip.

Lester regained his balance and continued marching through the rain towards the bus station, trying to avoid the puddles of water forming on the ground and failing miserably at it.

He ran towards the intersection of the street and managed to reach the bus station which was very close to his house. In fact, one of the main reasons he had chosen to live in that apartment was because there was a bus station going straight towards his college near it.

Standing near the sign while breathing heavily, he waited for the bus to reach him so he could get on it.

To his surprise, however, the bus just went straight past him ignoring him and splashed a large puddle of water on him, making him even more wet and bothered than before, while as if in a mocking tone a message was printed on top of the bus "Sorry, we are filled".

Lester stared in shock to the back of the bus leaving him behind, like a love-struck Yandere whom her love just rejected her confession trying to grasp what the hell had just happened.

Finally coming to himself as the bus disappeared in a corner, he murmured "Stay calm, Lester. You can do this, breath".

He once again started walking, deciding that he will just walk down to the college, as it was a 30 minutes walk away. Though he didn't particularly like walking there, not just because he was lazy but because oddly enough, there was a fish market there and the smell of fish really bothered him on the way.

While mixing between jogging and walking, he continued to move forward to his destination, and 12 minutes in, he reached the spot he dired the most. The fish market.

He tried to hold his breath in, to avoid breathing in the smell as much as possible. He passed by a young Asian teen in an argument with his mother, the mothers' loud scolding scaring him a bit. A man near them suddenly called to him "Hey! We got the best, fresh salmons! Come get some!" Lester tried to ignore him and walk faster while shaking his head to say no.

This soon proved to be a poor choice of action, as he suddenly tripped over something, and fell down on the floor. While he was trying to recover, he felt as if he was hit by something, and a second later, a cold and slimy feeling liquid with sharp pieces of an unknown object spilled all over him, smelling horrible.

Turns out, at that exact moment a black cat which was a regular customer of the fish market tried to get near him in hopes to get a fish, and Lester, not seeing him, tripped on the cat. One of the owners of the stores was also passing by, carrying the dissected parts of the fishes to throw out of the garbage can, and didn't see young Lester on the ground either, as the bucket filled with the blood and body parts of the fish had obstructed his vision.

The aftermath of all these incidents was a Lester moaning on the floor covered in blood and fish heads. Not a very pleasant feeling at all. And of course a very hissing cat.

At this point, Lester had given up on going to college, staring hopelessly at the sky trying to figure out what exactly he did for things turning out this wrong. He thought "this has been such a terrible day, it's as if the universe itself has started rejecting me, spitting on my face. But let's try to stay positive, right? It can't possibly get any worse than this."

This made the author gasp and smack his forehead, as he knows very well, you can mess with anyone, but you NEVER challenge Murphy. NEVER. Sadly the young Lester had not learned this lesson yet.

As if on queue, a loud Honking noise could be heard. Lester tried to lift his head to see where the sound had come from, and not so surprisingly there was a massive truck coming towards him at a very high speed.

"Is that the lord almighty Truck kun sama?! Has he come to take me to another world with massive cheats?!" Lester shouted with stars in his eyes. Clearly all the impacts to his face from morning had finally started taking effect.

To him, The truck was nearing him with a big grandfatherly smile, ready to take him to a candy shop. With no fish in the surrounding.

Moments before the impact, he braced himself, opening his arms as if welcoming the truck to his embrace. Suddenly, as the truck was just about to hit him, it stopped and started to do a weird motion. If one were to describe it, it was as if the truck was sniffing him…the truck suddenly started to go back, looking disgusted by something. It turned back and sped up getting as far away from Lester as possible, leaving a very shocked Lester behind.

"Did I…just lose my chance at reincarnating because I smelled like fish?!!" he stared blankly at the direction where the truck just left. The author also frowned, he could clearly tell this is going to be a fishy situation (A/n: hehe. fishy).

Before Lester could react however, he felt a very hard object hit him in the back of the head with tremendous force sending him flying well over 2 meters, smashing to the ground.

The surrounding started to fade away from his eye, everything getting darker by the second. He tried to move and reach his phone, but failed to do so as he was unable to lift his hands.

Finally making a last struggle, he remained on the ground motionless, unable to hear the shouts of worry around him anymore. That was how young Lester spent his last moments on a planet called Earth.

Watching all of this from a sideline, a mysterious man could be seen wearing a large cloak. "Finally, this one took a while to finish up. Now I can finally get to writing the story. Man, I always knew those slippers packed some force, but who knew it was this deadly."

Yes, the object that had finished off Lester was a slipper thrown by the Asian mother towards her teen son. As the son was heavily trained in the arts of getting beaten and courting death, he had managed to dodge the slipper, going past him and smacking poor Lester in the head.

"Well, time for me to go as well. If I don't go there, who is going to record the story?" said the author while taking off his eyes from the now very terrifying Asian mom with worry.

Just as he was about to leave the scene, he realized a slight problem. Truck kun had now left the scene, leaving him unable to get isekied along with Lester. And there was no way he was going to let himself get hit by that slipper. "DAMN! Sigh, guess this is another failed subject. Time to go find another one, and let's hope Young Lester can overcome his challenge without the need of plot armor." he said while fading away to thin air.

Baldysalino Baldysalino

alright, that was my first try at writing. let me know what you thought about the chapter, and tell me what you think about the author's interference with the story, most likely won't happen as I was left behind but might bring it back if you guys liked it.

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