/ Fantasy / deku and his lusty adventure

deku and his lusty adventure Original

deku and his lusty adventure

Fantasy 38 Chapters 116.0K Views
Author: 0_2hero

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u died in a plane crash and got 5 wishes u wished to be deku from my hero academia a system and a few others for now ur gonna just keep along with the story till later not gonna have a crazy amount of sex till like chapter 20 just a warning sorry

No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. F1reBeat
    F1reBeat Contributed 25
  2. RaeMaccar3v
    RaeMaccar3v Contributed 20
  3. 0_2hero
    0_2hero Contributed 16

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ok bro here are somethings that you should do, you know, to get more readers. first off stop writing in slang, I usually can read anything just fine, but in a webnovel format, and especially a anime fanfic, it becomes harder because you can't imagine those characters talking that way. second, use more punctuation marks, because my god, is it hard to know when someone finishes a sentence or not. third, try to make the user interface for the system look cleaner because it's a jumbled mess right now, and I can't differentiate between it and characters speaking. fourth, the passing in this fanfic is too fast, try to slow down a little no one is holding at gun point to go through plot points immediately. fifth, try to write longer chapters even if it takes too much time, it not only helps your fanfic get pushed to the top, it also satisfies readers since most of them like longer chapters (longer chapters than yours, because if we are talking actual long chapters those with 4k and more people don't like them, they prefer chapters between 1k and 2k words got it. I hope this helps you in someway fellow writer and I hope you continue your work

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Author 0_2hero