/ Fantasy / I See One Second Into The Future: Loner In The Apocalypse

I See One Second Into The Future: Loner In The Apocalypse Original

I See One Second Into The Future: Loner In The Apocalypse

Fantasy 306 Chapters 1.7M Views
Author: Disgrace

3.92 (41 ratings)

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I will not die. Not for someone else.


For as long as Kairos could remember, he experienced things twice. Originally, Kairos believed that was completely normal. However, as he grew up, he realized that it was not nearly that simple.

Kairos would experience things one second before they happened. At first, he used it to avoid stubbing his toe or having a plate fall on his head. But as he got older, he realized that being too different from other people was essentially a sin.

And so, Kairos quickly covered his ability up and pretended to be a loner. He let himself get shoved around even when he knew he could avoid it, just to blend in with the crowd.

However, things weren't just left at that.

Along with his strange ability, Kairos always had dreams.

Dreams of a rising red sun.

At first, they were infrequent and more confusing than anything else. But as time went on, he had this same dream more frequently.

And it also became more terrifying.

Kairos would wake up in a cold sweat, not truly understanding why he was so afraid. That is, until one day.

When the red sun rose.

And the apocalypse descended.


300 Powerstones = 1 Bonus Chapter

800 Powerstones = 3 Bonus Chapters


Credit for original art: https://twitter.com/suechiee

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  2. DragnHeart
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  3. Trexuda
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    I See One Second Into The Future: Loner In The Apocalypse is a story about about Kairos, someone who can see one second into the future. He uses this ability in order to survive a sudden apocalyptic event, where the sun is deadly, and monsters appear. Novel had at interesting design, and the main character had a interesting ability, however there's too many things that cause you to go "that just doesn't make sense". Writing quality is pretty good. It's readable, no obvious grammatical errors or mistakes. Nothing to write home about either. (4/5 stars) Onto the story development. Like I said previously, this novel had a interesting premise, where the sun can kill you, while it creates various monsters. However, there is a downright ridiculous amount of plot holes. I'll just make a quick list. - The words "loner in the apocalypse" are in the title. This is the opposite of what happens, the main character immediately makes a party with people who he doesn't trust. Later on, he accepted someone else into the party that he himself admitted that if the guy didn't have a certain weakness, he would try to kill them all. - The main character doesn't trust his party, so he doesn't upgrade his stats to show of his strength. A few chapters after stating this, he immediately fights ten+ monsters all on his own. (They are more powerful than humans) - Main character stocks up on stat points for no reason. You cannot add stat points while in combat as it would disrupt your attention. This happens over and over. He decided to attack a group of bandits with average-ish stats (2 - 4 points in each stat) while having 20+ points that aren't allocated. - Main character fights some random chick with red hair that has a katana. After making her surrender, the main character asks for her katana. She gets a new weapon before giving it to them. Main character for some reason accepts this stupid arrangement. Then, the main character, despite literally being able to see the future, lets her take one of his companions hostage. Theres more, but I can't be asked to write about this completely illogical story. (1/5 stars) Character design. It's meh. Side characters are rather useless, not sure why the main character decided to take them in. After all, part of the title is "loner in the apocalypse". Aside from that, the main character is exceedingly stupid. Nothing he does makes sense. He accepts people he doesn't trust into his group, including people who have every reason to kill him. He decides to hide his strength, before choosing to randomly show it off a few chapters later, etc. (2/5 stars) World background is a solid 3/5. I have only read eighteen chapters so I can't say a whole lot. There isn't a terrible amount of world-building, but the amount of content before the apocalypse was rather lackluster. Not much to say here. (3/5 stars) Overall, I feel like the novel would've been much better if the author went through his novel for the ridiculous amount of plot holes. I feel like the author didn't really have a plan. I give this novel 3 out of 5 stars.

    View 14 Replies

    i like it keep going and don't drop i can't wait to see more chapters. [img=faceslap][img=coins][img=exp][img=recommend][img=fp][img=update][img=update]

    View 1 Replies

    Title is “Loner in the Apocalypse” but immediately after it starts he groups up. Hoped for something a little unique, but this one so far just seems basic.

    View 5 Replies

    The story has Potential but I don’t like how the mc goes about his Decisions cause he had the perfect opportunity to get as strong as possible put then only gets a little bit stronger. Other than that there are some pretty deadweight characters that he is lugging around that i would not mind much if they were killed off. Other than that I like it and will probably keep reading after more chapters upload cause I am all caught up.

    Reveal Spoiler
    View 1 Replies

    I will not die not for someone else this is the sypnosis But why do you have romance isnt that will make the story the opposite of your story

    View 2 Replies

    MC's extreme distrust is getting on my nerves so much I want to kill him, he's putting off everything even strength just because he doesn't trust system. bro you will die first before the system does anything to you if you keep on being so dumb. Secondly, interactions with characters arent really logical, it seems quite forced. they don't really think into things. Harold is too cowardly for the first half, but good thing he still tried to save his wife. Thirdly, too much fights and all of them are very long, I'm now around 30 chapters and the whole thing is just fighting and nothing else, even adventure is very short and plain, no relaxation at all, it's as if I'm watching a 10 hours long Naruto fights compilation. we can't be so tense the whole few hundred chapters, that's not novel, that's torture. Fourthly, MC is too bloodthirsty and doesn't think about using terrains to fight, he also attacks someone that he knows could kill him without even talking it out, just say that you want to end things peacefully, u haven't even killed anyone from each side yet. Fifthly, some forced plots are too obvious, should think of lengthening the plot and adding more points instead of directly going into it and forcing everything. sixth, this is just my preference. it's fine if you want to add mystery and all that, but at least let us know basic things gradually and not just put fights without going into mysteries.

    Reveal Spoiler
    View 1 Replies


    View 1 Replies

    well yes..... this is a good one...... 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    View 0 Replies

    very good work I must say, better than Shakespeare. 🥶🥚🥶🥚🥶🥚🥶🥚🥶🥚🥶🥚🥶🥚🥶🥚🥶🥚🥶🥚🥶🥚🥶🥚🥶🥚🥶🥚🥶🥚🥶🥚🥶🥚🥶🥚🥶🥚🥶🥚🥶🥚🥶🥚

    Reveal Spoiler
    View 5 Replies

    Well good enough I thought mc is smart and all but he is just too suspicious of everything. He doesn't trust system and loses his chance of becoming strong, cares so much for Nicole's Parents but show little to no affection towards his own. And loner My a*s he is travelling with a group (Nicole's Family) which seems like a burden to me. Sorry Dude I'm dropping this. Although author has great himar (Author's note at end of chapter is always funny) but it's not my cup of tea. Thank You!!

    View 1 Replies

    This is fantastic, the development, and action scenes are very well developed, the character growth, and strength growth is really well done, and I can see myself reading this for a long time.

    View 0 Replies

    Uhhhhhhh, MC just keeps his points and never uses themmmm, then he curses himself for not adding them and then does it againnnnnnnnn. Moreover he is extremely distrustful of his team for no reasonnnnnnn.

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    It's alright if you don't mind reading contradictions. The title is bs, he's all abou 't forming a team even before it begins, and he cuts himself as a form of pain resistence training since forever... He also apparently had dreams about the apocalypse and didn't do Jack to prepare other than cutting himself. Flashbacks are poorly indicated if at all. Its an alright read if you don't mind feeling you read a poorly translated wuxia novel with great grammar and western names. That said, that's only up until it gets monitized and if there really isn't anything else to read. Its like listening to a little kid spewing off his fantasies about how this and that character he imagines is better because if yours does this, his will have a special item or prep to do that, and then when you bring the slightest Incling of logic into play, not even pragmatism but simply, I thought you said he is this and that, then obviously he's that too but the new and better thing more so. Get it? There's no lasting definition in anything. First chapter paints him as some sort of bullied unfortunate self destructive lonely emo kid that can see the future, and the next he's calling his friends, mostly girls to get away from the windows cuz the sun is bad and takes of his mystical glasses of a clear stone that blocks his future sight abilities that he found as a kid cuz else he be like cyclops with his lazer beams so he needs tha mystical glasses to block his future sight... Ya get it? No? Exactly. That's what the story is like.

    View 1 Replies

    I have read up to 37 chapters at the time of writing this review. WQ 5/5 my standards are low if I unfairly compared it to Infinite Bloodcore then 2/5 and that's me being generous. US 5/5 idk SD 3/5 It goes against the title and slightly goes against the synopsis. The story development is good but I fear the author would ruin it in order for the story and title to match. He already killed off one of the male characters. Oh yeah I fear it might become a harem. I just hope Chase doesn't die less it really becomes a "harem". CD 3/5 Unlike others I believe all the side characters are fine. The problem is the main character. All the others have some humanity in them but I suspect the mc is either the child or the reincarnation of a powerful monster/deity/demon/etc. He starts out kind of caring and his murdering of monsters has a good justification yet he could kill a human just as easily and the justification is bad and easily broken. He makes stupid decisions like withholding precious information that could help the team with a dumb excuse such as "they are not ready". He hordes point even if his life might be in jeopardy just so he could "put points during the fight". There were no justifications during the zombie freezer battle and his "inexperience" is not an excuse because common sense exists and he uses it and even mocks his childhood friend with it. Not to mention chapter 36-37 mentions how smart he is when he was a child to be able to notice his childhood friends bad intentions. One of the reviews is right, there are many plot holes but it is mostly on the mc himself. WB 4/5 pretty nice and just like WQ I have a low standard for this otherwise it is the same 2/5 as WQ.

    Reveal Spoiler
    View 2 Replies

    The novel is pretty good. It uses the apocalypse genre pretty well and includes a very interesting mystery with the mc.

    View 0 Replies

    All I can say is yes-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    View 0 Replies

    from what I read so far your doing really good my personal preference would be the Mc focuses on agility and knives but it I am looking forward to how he will evolve and develop his future sight and powers

    View 1 Replies
    LV 12 Badge

    I found this book 2 years ago and didn't read it because of the negative comments, thinking the story was illogical and stuff like that. I left it in one of my lists and I started reading less and less novels, until recently, I decided to find a new one. I went on this app and after looking around I found this, and after remembering it, I decided to give it a try, for real now. I don't regret it, there are some "illogical things" which become clearer later on, characters feel kinda real and development is there. [I'm chapter 145] After this much, I really like it and I kinda want there to be more chapters, cuz I'll eventually get to 300 chapters and upload speed is slow, but I don't mind it because the chapters are long enough. Hate comments aren't exactly accurate, and most of them read little part of the book, so don't trust them too much and instead give this book a try, you will like it by ch 60 of before. 10/10 book[ Just to mention that LONER part of the title doesn't mean he will be alone, it's more like his mental state, he doesn't feel comfortable around others, but that doesn't mean he won't be around them. This gets more thought about later in the book.

    View 0 Replies

    Was really good at first but the author tried to do too much at once and then forgot about the problems he had already set then introduced worse problems and terrible ways to fix them. also from around ch 160 he started straying from the synopsis he is in a relationship despite not wanting to die for anyone also he doesn’t want to be a loner anymore despite that being the whole point and title. He’s also losing his original thought process and original personality.

    View 0 Replies

    Everything in this story is good except for the unrealistic aspects like Nicole's constant pouting. you shouldn't pouting an Apocalypse no matter how stupid you are

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      Fluorescent Lights 4 months ago
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      Broken Shield 3 months ago
    297. 297
      Shallow Depths 3 months ago
    298. 298
      Build a House 3 months ago
    299. 299
      Dying Light 3 months ago
    300. 300
      Golden Gold 3 months ago

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