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Chapter 13: chapter 12 America's hero

[sorry for the late chapter so you comment I thing I allow it into the story for example harder enemies and ect. but will only allow one]

Kairos Tells Hitler the next step of the part of plan " Attacking on Denmark, for the invasion of Norway. The main purpose to secure the iron ore that shipped from Narvik. To capture Norway, control the port outside Aalborg in northern Jutland. by occupying Denmark to extend the German sea-defence network northward, making it harder for enemy ships to outflank it from the north when attacking ships in the Atlantic. Also Norway's fjords also provided excellent bases for your submarines in the North Atlantic." Hitler provide with this information goes and starts the battle.

April 9, 1940

Norway every is quite there is no noise it just silence and there was a fog that enveloped the sea shadows of boats of sorts can be see from the fog the Norwegian guarding the fort. hear the loud horns from the fog. Norwegians see things flying in the sky coming closer a sirens is heard and a long whistle then BOOM! explosion hit the fort the Norwegians surprised by the attack then the battle ship reveal themselves from the fog and the battleships set up a firing line and let loose and more explosion hit the fort and the Norwegians panic and scream because they are out tuned and unprepared by the attack.

The Germans send ground forces to take the fort and the dock boat arrived at shore and the nazis soldiers rush in gunning the injured Norwegians with no remorse. The battle success full and had occupied the fort they rest and rebuild some of the defences. Then travel north to occupy the iron mine from Norway then take Sweden, the Norwegian king , King Haakon VII is notified by his officials that Germany has declared war.

Germany invaded Norway. Germany sought to secure naval bases for use against the British fleet in the North Sea and to guarantee vital iron-ore shipments from neutral Sweden. Norway surrendered to Germany on June 10, King Haakon VII know that he has truly lost the battle ands failed as a king runs to London safely.

hitler reported to Kairos in his new human form that they captured Norway kairos says " okay with that you can now attack the low countries" Germany attacked in the west on May 10, 1940. British and French commanders had discuss and they believed that German forces would attack through central Belgium as they had in World War I, and rushed forces to the Franco-Belgian border to meet the German attack.

The main German force however, went through the Ardennes Forest in southeastern Belgium and northern Luxembourg. Then German tanks and infantry quickly broke through the French defensive lines and advanced to the coast. Belgium and the Netherlands surrendered in May. More than 300,000 French and British troops were evacuated from the beaches near Dunkirk (Dunkerque) across the English Channel to Great Britain. Then Paris, the French capital, fell to the Germans on June 14, 1940. Which was a massive defeat for the French they then became a puppet country, Kairos when to hitler told him that he will be on his only and kairos left to America and watched the war.

On June 22, 1941, Hitler ordered the invasion of the Soviet Union, codenamed Operation Barbarossa. Though Soviet tanks and aircraft greatly outnumbered the Germans', their air technology was largely obsolete, and the impact of the surprise invasion helped Germans get within 200 miles of Moscow by mid-July. Arguments between Hitler and his commanders delayed the next German advance until October, when it was stalled by a Soviet counteroffensive and the onset of harsh winter weather.

Johann Schmidt learned about the mythical Tesseract from reading into the history, an object of unlimited power which was left on Earth by the Asgardians centuries earlier. Believing it to be real he began searching for it, knowing it would give him power. In March 1942, Schmidt and his army invaded Tønsberg, Norway, looking for the Tesseract. After entering a church, Schmidt encountered the Church Keeper who refused to tell him where the object was. However, Schmidt found the Tesseract in the wall and shot the church keeper with his gun.

After gaining the Tesseract, Schmidt returned to his base in the Alps and gave the object to his top scientist, Arnim Zola, for studying. The Tesseract was shown to be so powerful that its energy could help the Axis powers conquer the entire world.

Now With the United Kingdom facing Germany in Europe currently, the United States of America was the only nation capable of combating Japanese aggression, which by late 1941 included an expansion of its ongoing war with China and the seizure of European colonial holdings in the Far East. On December 7, 1941, 360 Japanese aircraft attacked the major U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, taking the Americans completely by surprise and claiming the lives of more than 2,300 troops.

The attack on Pearl Harbor served to unify American public opinion in favor of entering World War II, and on December 8 Congress declared war on Japan with only one dissenting vote. Germany and the other Axis Powers promptly declared war on the United States. President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared that the United States would build fifty thousand planes to fight the armies of Hirohito and Adolf Hitler. Howard Stark supported the American war effort by building one hundred thousand planes for the United States Air Force.

In North Africa, British and American forces had defeated the Italians and Germans by 1943. An Allied invasion of Sicily and Italy followed, and Benito Mussolini's government fell in July 1943. However, the German troops immediately occupied northern and central Italy, slowing the advance of the Allies.

On the Eastern Front, a Soviet counteroffensive launched in November 1942 ended the bloody Battle of Stalingrad, which had seen some of the fiercest combat of the war. The approach of winter, along with dwindling food and medical supplies, spelled the end for German troops there, and the last of them surrendered on January 31, 1943.

In June 1943, as part of the Strategic Scientific Reserve's Project Rebirth, Abraham Erskine recruited the sickly Steve Rogers into the US Army then who hand-picked Steve Rogers to be the soldier who received it based on his scrawny body and great strength of character. Erskine emphasized that his serum enhanced not just the body, but the mind as well. Rogers and other potential candidates for the Super Soldier experiment were moved to Camp Lehigh. Colonel Chester Phillips and Peggy Carter put the candidates through a series of physical tests. Meanwhile, Johann Schmidt, having discovered Erskine's whereabouts, sent his agents to kill him.

Following a week of evaluation, Erskine picked Rogers as the subject for the Super Soldier experiment based on his strength of character, knowing that the serum will react to that character. Phillips was not impressed with the choice. A day later, Rogers underwent Erskine's Super Soldier treatment and experienced a transformation which increased his strength and stamina.

Heinz Kruger was one of HYDRA's top assassins. He successfully assassinated Abraham Erskine under the orders Schmidt, infiltrated the secret Strategic Scientific Reserve laboratory in Brooklyn where the experiment was held and killed Erskine. Kruger escaped but was captured by Rogers who was unable to stop Kruger from killing himself rather than be interrogated by the Americas. Meanwhile, the German armies began to suffer serious defeats. The Battle of Kursk in July 1943, with which Adolf Hitler hoped to turn the tide of war on the Eastern Front in his favor again, ended in the devastating defeat of the German forces.

Hitler, who funded Johann Schmidt's research for years, now expected from HYDRA's scientists to make new weapons for the German armed forces. But the army never received promised weapons. Schmidt ignored all of Hitler's calls.

Worried, Hitler sent three loyal SS officers, Oberstgruppenführer Roeder, Gruppenführer Schneider, and Sturmbanführer Hutter, to Schmidt's base. Schmidt's visitors were intrigued by the unusual uniforms and equipment used by the soldiers of HYDRA, but they told Schmidt that the Führer felt that "the Red Skull" was indulged long enough. Provoked, Schmidt showed them his Tesseract powered cannon. But when they discovered that he intended to invade Berlin and overthrow Hitler, Schmidt vaporized them all to silence them. Though Schmidt didn't start an open war against the Axis, HYDRA no longer worked for Nazi Germany.

Shortly after, a battle was fought near Azzano in Italy between the American troops and the German Army. A company of HYDRA soldiers joined the battle, wiping out the Germans with their pulse rifles and capturing almost the entire American unit. The prisoners were soon transported to the Austrian HYDRA Weapons Facility where they were forced to work as slaves.

Rather than risk their only super soldier in combat, the US military leaders decided to use Rogers as a public relations tool, having him appear around the country at War Bond rallies as Captain America. The new hero soon became the subject of war movies and comic books. Meanwhile, President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered the Strategic Scientific Reserve to concentrate its efforts on combating HYDRA.

Soon, Rogers' War Bond show turned into a USO Tour show and was sent into Italy. In November 1943, Captain America was met with derision from soldiers who had actually been through months of grueling combat. When Steve found out about the casualties sustained by the 107th, the unit of his friend Bucky Barnes, he planned an impulsive rescue mission. Aided by Peggy Carter and Howard Stark, he flew behind the German lines into Austria, where he parachuted near one of HYDRA's bases in the Austrian Alps, halfway between Kitzbühel and Klagenfurt.

Captain America sneaked into the base and freed 400 captured Allied troops including Barnes, Timothy Dugan, Gabe Jones, Jim Morita, James Montgomery Falsworth, and Jacques Dernier. During the battle between the freed prisoners and HYDRA guards, Captain America confronted Schmidt and his top scientist Arnim Zola. After attacking Rogers and punching a hole in his shield, Schmidt ripped off his face mask to show him what Erskine's serum did to his face. While Rogers and Barnes looked onward, Schmidt escaped in a plane while Zola took his car. Rogers and Bucky were able to escape from the facility before it exploded and walked with the released prisoners all the way back to the American camp in Italy.

Valentino_666 Valentino_666

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