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Chapter 6: The dead and the family

I was in hell. I was convinced of it. It's been 10 minutes since Shizuka latched onto me, and even when I got her to put actual clothes on instead of streaking everywhere, she still clung onto me. So here I was, laying with my head in her lap, I didn't mind that part, and she was playing with my ears.

The kids weren't helping me, and were just having their own conversations as they flicked through different channels and took in the news. Saya was even claiming her vengeance as she rubbed my fur. Though I think she just liked the feel of it and stopped caring about that after the first 3 minutes of rubbing it. Rei had gone upstairs with Takashi to 'watch for THEM,' and Kohta was focusing on the TV.

Saeko was looking at me, and I saw this mischievous glint in her eyes. I think she was about to say something, but then something came up on the news.

-Breaking news! Contact with the United Kingdom has been lost. Last we have heard, the Queen fell to the infection, and the rest of Royal Family has died. The British military had been scrambling to restructure themselves, but just 1 hour ago, all contact with the British government has been lost. This is the 1st major power that has gone completely dark. The Russian, American and Japanese governments are also teetering on the edge. The British were the 1st, but who will be next?-

(Huh... Well that happened.) Shizuka and Saya stopped petting me when that happened, and we were all looking at the TV now. I had enough time to move out, and shift back to my human form, and sat next to Shizuka. Both girls noticed I shifted back, and Saya clicked her tongue as Shizuka pouted. I had an idea, and smirked at Saya as I ruffled her hair. Not too hard mind you, but enough.

"S-stop that you mutt! Do you know how hard it is to get my hair like this?"

"Nope. Don't care either. Take the retaliation cub!" She flailed her arms at me, and I just laughed. Shizuka pouted even more, and before I realized what she was doing, she grabbed my other hand, and put it on her head. Saya and I just blinked and looked at her.

"I want some love too Silver. Now gimme gimme gimme!" I blinked again, and sighed.

"Fine." And so I started to rub her head. She mewled, like a fucking cat, and I did NOT feel a little embarrassed when she did. Saya ended up realizing she had a chance, swatted my hand away from her head, and sat by Saeko and Kohta.

"Anyway. Are we going to mention that news, or leave it be?" It was a good question, and I could see Saeko and Kohta think about it. I was curious, so I asked Saya something.

"Hey cub. What's the population like in the UK?" She huffed when I called her cub, but thought about my question anyway.

"We could always just google it, but last I remembered it was somewhere in the 60 million range. Japan has essentially triple the population." Ah. I nodded to that.

"Hmm. Looks like they were just unlucky then." I wondered which place would die off next, but I wasn't able to go down that train of thought since Rei and Takashi started coming down the stairs.

"Someone change the channel! Something seems to be happening at the bridge, and it's starting to bring THEM in." The fuck? It wasn't nightfall yet, why was that shit going on? We looked at Kohta, and we watched as he flipped through the channels until he got to where we needed.

-From what we can see, the police are beginning to set up a barricade. As you can see behind us, a dozen different cruisers and their officers are setting up, and it seems as if they will be bringing in construction vehicles to carry barriers and block off the bridge.-

(Ah. So it's the start of the event... We'll duh. It had to happen at some point, but it's like... 1? Why is it starting now? That barricade got run over during the night. There's atleast 5 hours till nightfall, so what the fuck is going to happen before that?)

"Those idiots! They'll be bringing people from all over towards the barricade. What's the point in reporting about it if you're just going to bring protestors or desperate people towards it!? They're just asking for it with this!" Saya was right. People might've flocked towards it naturally, but with them airing the situation on the news, they'll be setting a beacon for people to gather towards.

"Depending on the amount of ammo, the police might get overrun in a matter of minutes. Standard police issue won't be able to deal with a horde unless they bring in unconventional weapons. And even then, unless they're all properly trained and coordinated, there's bound to be mistakes or complications." Which was true. I'm pretty sure a cop ended up offing himself before or during the horde happened, so that should count as a complication.

"Hirano, how big of a horde do you think they could handle with their numbers?" Kohta started thinking about Takashi's question, and we heard him muttering about ammo capacity, how much each cruiser could have, how long it'd take to reload, and their current numbers as he glanced towards the TV.

"If they stay as they are now, they could deal with 100 if nothing happens. But that's wishful thinking and assuming each officer hits a headshot. The safest bet would be 80, the max would maybe amount to 175. If they used their cruisers and other vehicles in an assault then the odds look better. But those are my estimations." We all looked thoughtful at that, except Shizuka, because it was Shizuka.

Saya looked like she was worrying about something though. "You doing ok cub? Whatcha got on that massive mind of yours?" She looked at me, a mix of annoyance and indignation, and huffed.

"There's something off about this, but I don't know what. It's nagging at me and I can't tell what about the situation is off." Interesting. I'll file that away for later. For now, the rest of the kids looked thoughtful. Then something changed. Rei, out of nowhere, comes over to me, and does a Dogeza. Everyone, including Shizuka and Takashi, were caught off guard.

"Mr. Maccillian, I know you've done so much for us already, but I'm begging you. Can you look for my parents? I tried waiting, but this is wrong. I can't wait anymore, so please. Can you find them?" I blinked at Rei, and I thought about it.

(There's no reason not too.) And there really was no point in waiting. I remember her dad was still alive, and if I remembered the manga right, so was her mom. So, since there was nothing stopping me, I went for it. "You got it cavalry. Where's your house? I'll run over and see if I can pick up the scent." The way she perked up as I said that brought a smile to my face.

This Rei was different from her series counterpart. This just reaffirmed that for me. She hugged me, and I just pat her head. After she was done with the hug, she gave me directions to her house, and I was going to get ready to head out, before I had a thought.

"Hey cavalry! Write a note, and stick it in my collar. I'm not strong enough to walk off the police or looters getting lucky shots on me, I'll be going in my wolf form to avoid all of that. I need something to give your parents so they come with me." Rei widened her eyes, and went off to go find something to write on and write with. As she did that, Takashi came up to me.

"Thank you for this Mr. Zaka... Even if you don't find anyone... Thank you for going out like this for us." I huffed at that.

"You're all potential members of my pack. The pack looks out for each other, this is just me doing this in advance." He smiled at me and bowed. I was so not used to people doing that, so I just clapped him on the back. "Bowing too much will fuck up your back, you gotta stand up straight and hold your head up high kid. You'll be able to help her with something like this when you prove yourself." I saw the way his eyes glimmered at the 'when' not if. And that was on purpose. Takashi had balls of steel in some moments, and I already knew he'd prove himself eventually.

He was about to say something, but Rei came back with a note, and I shifted back to my wolf form as she wedged the note into my collar. She knelt and hugged me again, and after she let go, I got ready to go. I went to the balcony, and jumped towards the nearest roof. I had Rei's scent memorized, and I made sure to keep in mind the direction she pointed me to.

It would normally be 3 hours away, but if I went full speed, I should make it there in 40 minutes, an hour tops. I made absolutely sure I was going the right way, and I ran. I ran atop the roofs, ignored the zombies in the streets under me, and got rid of any that were on the roofs I had to use, and kept running.

I kept my nose focused on any human scents I came across, which were starting to be more numerous as I ran, thanks a fucking lot news reporter. I was starting to get annoyed since I was smelling a bunch of people bunched together, as survivors do, and I had to cut off those trails before they filled my nose. I paused on a roof, and shifted back to check the time. I'd been running for 15 minutes, and I hummed. (Maybe I'll get there faster then I thought.) I hummed at that thought, made sure the note was still in my collar, and shifted back.

I walked towards the ledge, and started running again. I knew her mom should still be alive, but again, Rei and Saya were different then their series counterparts, and events I didn't know about were happening. The sooner I got to her mom, the better.

{35 minutes later Kiriko Miyamoto's POV}

(Dammit! That goddamn fucking SNAKE!) Another walking corpse tried to get me, but I impaled it and the one behind it. I pulled my spear out, and turned towards the other corpse in the street. The thing had its bones out and looked closer to a skeleton then a zombie. But it was all the same. I spun my spear, and stabbed the corpse in the head.

It went limp and I pulled my spear out. I flicked the gore off, and sat down. I just cleared out a small sports equipment store, and I knew it was clear... Which let me vent my frustrations at what just happened.

"Fucking Shidou! Where the hell did he even come from!? They should've eaten that stupid fucking egotistical psycho piece of SHIT!" Sure the place was empty, but I wasn't about to ring the dinner bell for whatever was out there. But still, that fucker!

"That fucking bimbo bitch and that horny ass fucker of a neighbor are going get it after I ram my spear up his ass! I should've just threatened them for information, but nooo, I had to be the better woman. I had to wait until they were in to ask about Rei. I had to wait until that fucker was in my home to ask if my daughter was ok! Now look at me, stuck in some dumbass store twiddling my goddamn thumbs because of that rat bastard!"

And wasn't that the truth? Some bimbo wearing Rei's school uniform all but screamed for her and her group to be let in, and we did. And that was the start of the problems. I tried asking for information on Rei, but none of them would answer me. And the only one who would was Shidou, that fucking bastard. He looked at me and lied to my face! I could tell he knew, I was a former cop for crying out loud, I could tell he was lying to me. But I couldn't get any information out of them.

Then my neighbor, in his infinite wisdom, agreed to an idea of Shidou's, and suddenly he's the fucking leader? What kind of ass backwards logic was that? He joined for an hour, and took over the group I was in! "So fucking bullshit! I swear to god I'm going make them choke on their sacks if I get my hands on them!"

And that's how I found myself here, in this small store almost pulling my hair out over the annoyance that was Shidou. I was about to curse him out again, but then I heard something. The sound of something tapping against the stone floor. I tensed and grabbed my spear, preparing to take out whatever came my way. And as the tapping grew closer, I wound up my arm, and got ready to strike... And then I saw it.

"Is that... Is that a goddamn wolf?" I knew that Japan's wolves went extinct decades ago, so why the fuck was I looking at a fully grown wolf with a collar? The wolf sniffed, looked at me, and then sat on his haunches. I blinked at it, and looked at it some more. I watched as it raised its forelimb, and... Pointed at its neck? At its collar? "I'm going crazy. Must be a fucking gas leak or something."

I saw the wolf ra...- Yeah, I must've been going crazy. The wolf raised a brow at me, and just pointed to its collar again. "To hell with it." I walked over to it, and knelt down. "You bite me, and I'm stabbing you in the balls." I saw him blink at me, and look away. (Yeah. I'm going insane. No way it understood that threat.)

I shook my head, and rummaged around the area the wolf pointed too. I felt around his fur, and I found something. A note... In Rei's handwriting. My eyes widened, and I gently opened the note.

~Mom, Dad,

if you're reading this, then Silver found you. Yes, he's a wolf. He's our infirmary teacher's pet. I asked him to look for either of you, and I'm hoping he finds you. My group and I are at our Nurse's home, and we're safe. If you get on Silver's back, he'll bring you to us. So please, get on his back and come to me. Please.

Love, your daughter. Rei Miyamoto~

I looked at the wolf, then back at the note, then at the wolf again. "Can you really take me to her?" The wolf, Silver, looked at me, and nodded. I gripped my spear and the note in my hands, and stood up. "Alright... Alright. Take me to my daughter." The wolf grinned, and laid on the floor. I got the message, and got on. I held on tight, which was awkward since oh I don't know, I've never ridden a goddamn wolf before!

"Don't you dare drop me!" He barked in... Laughter? And started to run. We got out of the store, and as we made it to the street, I tensed. There were about 2 dozen corpses, and I was ready to impale them with my spear, and then the wolf moved. He jumped onto the nearest car, then onto a balcony, and then onto a roof! "What the FUUUUCK!" And then he started to run! The fucker must've been raised on steroids to be going as fast as he was!

So there I was, on fucking wolfback as I was holding on for dear life and screaming my lungs out. The wolf, Silver, was definitely laughing, I was sure of it! "You assholeeEEEEE!"

I didn't even pay attention to our surroundings anymore, I was just screaming to god, hoping I didn't survive an apocalypse just to die from riding a wolf! I didn't know how long he ran and I screamed for, but the very second he stopped, I dropped my spear, and hugged the ground I found myself on. A part of my mind recognized it as a balcony, but I didn't care about about that, I just cared about the ground.

"Oh sweet sweet ground, I'll never leave you ever again!" I laid there as Silver walked into the house, and went through the room. I think I saw him go downstairs, but I didn't care. Then a minute later, I heard the sound of someone running, and I looked towards it. And I froze.

"MOM!" My daughter ran towards me, and pulled me into a hug. I reacted the moment she did, and I held her tight. She was here, my little girl was here, and she was safe.

{Maccillian's POV}

This was a nice sight. I stood by the door, in my human form, with the rest of the group, and we all watched as the mother daughter pair reunited. Everyone looked happy, though I think Saya looked a small bit conflicted, and I remembered why. So I reached my hand out, and put it on her head. She looked at me, probably about to swat my hand away and then yell at me,

But I just looked at her, and she held my gaze. I was looking at her to give her comfort, and she must've seen it, since she didn't swat my hand away. We all looked at the scene, but I ended up clicking my tongue. "There's a horde coming our way. A big one too. I'm hearing atleast 100 coming our way, there's too many for all of you to handle right now, so I'll go deal with them."

I saw them all look at me, and nod. "Stay safe Silver." I looked at Shizuka, and smiled.

"Who do you think I am?"

"My pretty little doggy." I clicked my tongue again, and she smiled as she rubbed my head. She was lucky I cared for her.

The kids were watching us, and they smiled at the scene. Saya even joined in and ruffled my hair as well. I'd get her back for that.

I walked into the room, and passed the mother daughter duo, and stood on the balcony. I looked to the direction I heard the horde coming from, and I grinned. "Free power here I come." And I jumped.

"Wh-Sto...-" Rei's mother watched and tried to stop me, but I still went. I dropped towards the zombies, and let my claws out.

"The hunt is on!" And I charged.

I fanned my claws out, and ran into the horde as my claws tore through skull after zombie skull, and even when I was grabbed and bitten into, I fought on. Whatever bites, claw wounds, or ripped flesh I got from tearing into them healed as I fought, and I kept tearing into them. This street was tight, so I ended up surrounded at some point, but eh, who cares about numbers? I was a Werewolf.

I saw some more shambling towards me, and I grinned. I ran towards the zombies in front of me, and shifted mid stride and jumped. I came falling onto the corpse, knocking the couple behind it down, and I bit into the zombies neck, tearing it off. I threw the zombie's head at the others in front of me, and continued my rampage.I fought in both forms, and smiled like mad as I did. I wasn't exactly sure why, but fighting this way just felt right.

10 minutes later, and I cleared out the horde. Though I did feel a little tired, probably from all the healing I had to do. With all that done, I stretched, and started to make my way back home. I could see the group watching as I fought, and the look on the face of Rei's mother made me laugh. I kept walking, and jumped back onto the balcony. Though Shizuka ruined my fun.

"Silver! Bath, now!" I blinked at her, looked at myself, and just noticed I was pretty much covered in blood and gore...

"Fine..." I started making my way towards the bathroom, but before I got in, I heard Rei's mom say, "Honey! Explain now!" and I laughed. I got into the bathroom, took off my clothes, which were already cleaning and self repairing, including my watch and collar, and soaked into the water. As I did, I checked my status, and grinned.


Werewolf Strength stage 2/4 - 153/750 - 260/750

Regeneration stage 1/4 - 18/200 - 40/200

Though a part of me was annoyed at how long it was taking me to rank up regeneration. I was tempted to just keep breaking my arm over and over again, but then I'd need to eat to get back the stamina that constant amount of healing would need. Hell, I was hungry, and it felt like I hadn't eaten for 2-3 days from just 22 uses of my Regeneration. Though a part of my mind told me I could just go hunt for food, and it was right. So I made a plan.

"Maybe I should just say fuck it and break my arms everyday and spam my Regeneration until it gets better. That'd do the trick... Unless I get too tired from it..." I soaked in the water, and took it in... And I didn't seem to realize how tired I was. So I may or may not have dozed off in the bath.

I felt myself moving, and slowly opened my eyes. I woke up to someone shaking me, and saw it was Saeko. As soon as she saw my eyes open, she smirked at me. "Oh what a sight. An almighty king sleeping and drooling in the bath. How fearsome you are mi-lord." I groaned and rolled my eyes at her.

"Yeah yeah, eat it up why don't you. How long was I out for?" I got up and stretched as I said that, and grabbed the closest towel. I heard her click her tongue as I covered myself, and turned to her as I raised my brow. I saw her eyes were still at my waste, more specifically my crotch, and saw her look up at me.

"You've been out for half an hour. I came to check on you before Marikawa-sensei did." She answered, but I saw her eyes trail to my dick again, and I sighed.

"I'll say it now to get it out of the way, but if you want to be with me, then we'll have to talk about this with Rika and Shizuka. I'm not about to be in some weird love square if I can get it solved before it becomes an issue." I saw her raise her brow and hum at me, and I could tell she was interested.

"You'd like a harem hmm? Naughty naughty Mr. Silver." Even though she said that, I could see her nipples harden, and the way she licked her lips said she wasn't opposed to the idea. Hell, I think realizing that was an option just made her even hornier then beating zombies brains in.

"Ah shut it. I can tell you're liking the idea. Besides if you'd keep yourself from flicking to my dick then you'd have some ground to stand on." She just blatantly looked down to my dick after I said that, and I sighed. "Anyway, I'll go back to butchering my boars. I'll see you downstairs samurai." She made a sound halfway between a hum and a moan, and I got dressed.

With my clothes on, I walked downstairs, and went straight to the kitchen. Someone seemed to have worked on my boar, so I just picked up where they left off. As I did, I checked the time, and saw it was 2:41PM. There was still time before the whole bridge event happened, so I thought about what I should do. "I could work on japanese, work out, see if Rika's busy... And tell her about this shit... Maybe I should find time to hunt her down and tell her in person... She'd probably shoot me in the ass so I'll just wait for our next call."

There was a bunch of stuff I could do, but I decided to finished butchering the boar first. A few minutes later, I put the boar meat in the fridge, and threw the rest of the carcass into the street. I walked back in, and saw Takashi and Rei on a couch sitting with her mom, Saeko, Saya and Kohta on the other, and Shizuka nowhere in sight...

"Uh... Where is Shizuka?" I had a bad feeling about this, and just had to ask. The girls looked at each other, and then Saya confirmed my fears.

"She's breaking into the wine cabinet. Said 'we should celebrate!' And ran off while you were in the bath." I widened my eyes at that, and started running towards the stairs.

"Not aga...- Fuck." I was too late, again, and in came Shizuka.

"Silveeer! It's time to party!" Thank fuck she didn't throw herself at me, but she was holding a bottle of wine, some glasses, and it looked like she was already drunk. I sighed, took the bottle and glasses from her, and herded her back to her room.

"Away you go, it's time to sleep Shizuka."

"But Silveeer! You did a good thing, we should celebrate it! Partying is the best way to celebrate something."

"You're right, but not right now. Rika would shoot me if she knew I let you get drunk twice in the same day. I'd rather not deal with an annoyed or pissed Rika." Shizuka pouted at me after that.

"What about me? You don't want to deal with an annoyed me? Or a pissed me?" I thought about that last one, and I just couldn't picture it.

"Shizuka... You wouldn't be pissed if someone drove your car into a wall. And I can just let you play with my fur if you get annoyed." She blinked at that, tilted her head as she thought on it, then nodded.

"Smart Silver is smart... Annoying... Annoying boys should be punished." Huh? I had a second to process that before she tried to kiss me again. I moved my lips out of the way, but she decided to clamp onto my neck instead... And then she bit into it, lightly mind you, and gave me a hickey. When she was done, she stepped back, admired her work, then giggled into unconsciousness. I caught her before she fell, and just stared at her.

"I can feel the bullets now..." I think I heard Rei's mom ask something in the background, but I just focused on the sleeping Shizuka that nuzzled into me. I sighed again, and just looked over the railing. "I'm just going to leave the wine and glasses by the stairs, if any of you want it, come and get it." After doing just that, I picked up Shizuka, and made my way to her room, again, and laid her down. Though I wasn't lucky enough this time, and she latched onto me, legs and all, and I just gave up. I shifted, and let her cuddle me.

{A few hours later}

I didn't know how long we stayed like that for, but I dozed off after a bit, and then I heard barking and gunshots. I opened my eyes, and looked around. Shizuka was still asleep, but her grip on me was weaker then it was earlier. I wriggled my way out of her hold, and trotted out of her room. I shifted, checked the time, and saw it was almost 7PM... And I ran down stairs.

I looked around, the livingroom, and saw the kids, minus Kohta, Takashi and Rei's mom, and they looked at me. "What're we dealing with?"

"Just like I said earlier, those news idiots rang the dinner bell, and now the bridge is being overrun!" Fuck. I went back upstairs, and went to the balcony. Kohta was looking through a scope, Rei's mom was too, he gave her the other rifle at some point, and Takashi was looking through binoculars.

"G.I Koh, what're we looking at?" Kohta didn't even turn to me after I asked. Rei's mom and Takashi did, but I was more focused on Kohta.

"Hundreds. Hundreds if not thousands of THEM are coming in from the bridge. The police are already losing, I'll estimate they have a minute before they're fully overrun. If we don't move, the streets will be flooding with THEM, and we'll be trapped. From what you've shown earlier, we wouldn't be able to count on you to deal with them all... I recommend we retreat and begin to make our way towards the Takagi estate." I thought about it, and I nodded. I looked over to Takashi, and he got the question.

He was about to answer, but then we heard crying. The 3 of us looked towards the source, and I saw her. Alice. She was sitting above her dad, and crying over his corpse. We were all too focused on the bridge and sea of zombies to notice when she came in, but she was there. And the zombies were moving in. "Hirano, permission to fire granted!"

"Yes sir!" And Kohta shot. I looked towards Takashi, and I nodded at him.

"Give the word, I'll back you up kid." He nodded, and I saw him grin.

"Miyamoto, please tell everyone we're packing up. We've got a girl to save and an estate to get too." Rei's mom looked at all of us, and we saw her grin.

"I knew there was always something I liked about you Takashi." Rei's mom moved, and I looked at Takashi. I knew how we'd get to Alice, and it looked like he did too.

"Let's ride kid." And I shifted. Since I stopped the whole 'Rei and Takashi split off' thing, we never grabbed the motorcycle. Though, I was faster then a motorcycle.

Takashi smirked, held onto his bat, and got on. "Alright Sir Zaka, we've got a kid to save." I barked at that, and I ran off the balcony. The closest roof was where I landed, and I ran towards Alice and Zeke. We got there in moments, and I got ready to jump down. I barked at Takashi, and I felt him tighten his legs around my body, good. With that set, I jumped towards Alice. I saw Takashi raise his bat, and he swung towards the nearest zombie.

We landed, the zombie flew, and Alice and Zeke were right behind us. Takashi got off, and crouched by Alice. "It's ok, you're going to be ok." Alice sniffled, and I saw her latch onto him. It'd be cute... If there wasn't a horde of zombies closing in. I growled at them, and after Kohta sniped the nearest one, I extended my claws, and looked towards Kohta, and barked. I was hoping he got the message, and when he didn't fire after a zombie got in, I knew he did.

I stood in front of the gate, and I prepared for the zombies to make their way in. I grinned as they started to come, and I tore into them. I heard the sound of Takashi's bat, and saw him beat a zombie into the wall. He had Alice on his back, and Zeke in his shirt, just like the anime, and I saw him climb onto the walls. He was doing the anime thing, and I decided to make sure it wouldn't be left up to luck.

I ran into the horde, and I howled. They were too close for a Sonic Howl, but I could divert their attention from them, and tear into everything that came close. The plan was working, and Takashi was making his way across the walls. I kept it up, I howled when it looked like anything got too close to them, and I shifted to tear through the horde faster. But it didn't seem to be ending. If I cut down 3, there were 5 behind them. I ended up surrounded again, but even as was being clawed, bitten, or had my skin torn through, I saw them make it to the rest of our group. And then I heard it. I heard the Humvee come down the road.

With renewed energy, I started to tear through everything around me, cutting through heads, biting off arms or hands, kicking bodies away or into other zombies, I fought a wave, and I cut them down.

I heard the Humvee get closer, and then I saw it, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Saeko on top, in actual clothes, the outfit she wore the episode after this, and I saw Kohta with his rifle ready. I met Saeko's eyes, and we nodded. I grinned a feral grin, and howled. If they weren't flocking towards me already, then they were now. I waited for the right moment, and as the sounds of Kohta firing, Saeko knocking zombies flying, and the Humvee drew closer, I knew it was time.

I cut down another zombie, and used it as a springboard as it fell. I back flipped off of it, and I reached towards Saeko as the Humvee got to me. She caught my hand, and I landed next to her as the Humvee drove through the remaining zombies and towards the route of the Takagi estate. I just sat down next to Saeko and Kohta, and laughed. I fought a wave of zombies, and I lived. I laughed at that, and Saeko joined me. I heard Kohta and the others sigh in relief, and I just kept laughing.

We got Alice and Zeke, we were on our way to the Takagi estate, and we were all doing great. And so, as we drove towards the estate, the sound of Saeko and I laughing, and the sound of the Humvee driving through zombies filled the air.

We drove on, and I was feeling more exhausted then I have ever since I got here. So after I finished laughing, Saeko and I got into the Humvee, I shifted back to fit inside properly, and laid in it. My head ended up in someones lap, but I didn't notice whose. So as we drove into the night, I let my head stay in someones lap, and drifted off to sleep. Though I thought I heard Shizuka humming as I did.

[Omake - So... You and Takashi huh? Rei's POV after Maccillian dragged Shizuka away]

My mom was here. That fact made me happier then I've been in a while. Though hearing about how Shidou messed with her made me want to kill him. Other then that, I was just happy to have her here.

When we saw Marikawa-sensei start to come over with wine, I was tempted to get some. Why shouldn't I? My mom was here, she was sure my dad was alive, and I couldn't be happier. Then we saw her kiss Mr. Maccillian, and I glanced at Takashi... And my mom saw that... And then she asked the question.

"So... You and Takashi huh?" Takashi and I stuttered and I tried to wave my hands around, though mom clearly wasn't buying it. "Oh come on, tell me about it sweetie." It was embarrassing talking to my mom about my 'relationship' with Takashi. I wasn't sure what exactly we had going on, but even though I was still hurting about losing Hisashi, I did feel something growing for Takashi.

"Eh, I kind of always expected it. It wasn't lost on me that you still had this little puppy love for him even after you found an actual boyfriend." I knew I still had feelings for Takashi, but did she need to say it?! I groaned into my hands when I saw Saeko look at me.

(Maybe I should've waited a little more.)


Name - Maccillian Silver Zaka

Age - 19(?)

Strength - C-

Dexterity - D

Vitality - D+ (Advanced)

Intelligence - E

Wisdom - E+

Charisma - D+

Luck - E (Advanced)

Werewolf Strength stage 2/4 - 260/750 - 377/750

Regeneration stage 1/4 - 40/200 - 73/200

Werewolf Senses stage 2/4 - 37/75

Wolf King's Wisdom stage 0/1 - 5/50 - 6/50


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