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Chapter 39: Off to the witch we go

After running for an half hour, and dealing with minor exhaustion from keeping TOTW active instead of throwing it at something, I made it back to Atlas. The place was a little damaged, though I wasn't sure if that was because of Shizuka, or the Titan.

From where I was in the sky, I could see the massive fucking crater she made. (Damn... You could fit a lake in there.) It was probably bigger then that, but that was the closest comparison that I thought up on the fly. Though, I didn't see my girls anywhere at the front, so they had probably gone over to the labs and all that. So I decided to run over and check.

After getting to the building, I picked up their scents, and tracked my girls down to our room. Though I paused after opening the door. It was just like the scene of Saya sitting on Saeko, but MORE. The girls all had their hair down, and everyone was naked for some reason. I'd seen them all naked enough to not instantly get an erection, though it was still a nice sight.

Shizuka was laying on the bed, getting a back massage from Rika. I was pretty sure Shizuka said she taught Rika how to do that because of the back issues she had from her massive melons.

Saeko was feeding her... Grapes? (Where the fuck?) She had the whole grapevine thing, and I had no idea where they got them from. Atlas was a winter hellhole, grapes did not grow here.

Then Saya was giving her a foot message, she learned how to give massages just because, and now it seemed like it was coming back to bite her.

Though they all turned to me when I opened the door, and we all just stared at each other. "... Well then... I guess that's happening." Rika laughed, Saeko and Shizuka giggled, and Saya just groaned.

"I would've won! I swear I would've!" Saeko sent her a smirk, and I could feel Saya's agitation from the door. Despite her complaining, there wasn't any REAL heat behind it.

"Sure you would've Saya. Whatever helps you sleep better at night." The two of them were about to get into it, but Shizuka stopped them by bonking them on the head. Saya got a foot bonk, and I had to try not to laugh. Saya was the most protective of her hair, and having it be hit by Shizuka's foot was almost the worst thing that she could've been hit with.

"Losers don't get to fight. Back to the massage! And the grapes!" Saya grumbled, Saeko sent her another smirk, and Rika just laughed. With them back in order, Shizuka reached out her arms to me, and I smiled.

Walking over to her, I sat by the foot of the bed, and let her wrap her arms around my neck. She started humming that happy hum of hers, and I knew she was satisfied. "So, I miss anything else?"

"Not really. Ironwood's trying to figure out why they didn't notice a Grimm army and Titan showing up on his doorstep, but I didn't pay much mind to what he was saying." Made sense. I doubted Rika would want to hear a debrief after just having the most fun she's had since coming here.

"It's probably a bug of some kind. It makes the most sense." Which was true. "But it'd be kind of stupid of them to not do routinely checks on their systems. Ideally, this event will make them set up that procedure." I paused.

"Why don't you just give them guidelines?" Saya scoffed at the idea.

"I'm not their mother. If they're too dumb to do it themselves, then why should I do it for them? Hell, Polendina could tell them to do it. He's just too busy trying to bring his daughter back online." Oh yeah, Penny.

"How's that going by the way?" I was curious about her. Saya had given the good guy a hand in bringing back Penny, but it wasn't her main focus. She was mostly devoted to her research on Remnants tech.

"Its... Going? The last time I checked in with him was a few days ago. Her databanks were retrieved, and he was making a temporary shell for her to reside in." Huh.

"Ya know, it's still weird hearing you two referring to a robot as someones daughter." I shrugged, and I think Saya did the same.

"It makes sense to do so. He sheared a part of his soul off to essentially 'birth' her. She has TRUE sentience, and is for all intents and purposes, alive. It's just right to call her his daughter." A part of me felt like Saya was talking more to avoid focusing on the foot massage she was giving Shizuka. But I didn't say it.

Though Saeko started humming, and for a second, I thought she was going to bring it up. "Still, it is interesting. He created a daughter. Taking notes on that Saya?" The way Saya started choking, made us all start laughing.

"Stupid crazy fucking sadomasochistic bitch." We all laughed even harder at that. I always enjoyed how much Saya took after Rika and I in the cursing department. Rika was like that rambunctious older sister in that regard.

We devolved into small talk from there, and after what I thought was fifteen minutes, I remembered what I was going to bring up. "By the way, I'm gonna go nuke the wicked bitch of the west. After that, I'm thinking of us going onto our next world after." That got all of their attentions, and I heard a hum from Saya.

"The world with gods and Alchemy huh? I remember you told us about it before, but what should we expect?" I thought about it, and decided it would be a good time to bring up the concept of a familia.

"So you know about Yin's Gamer powers, so this'll be sort of easier to explain." I heard hums of agreement. "In that world, the gods have a power that lets normal people become adventurers. Following so far?" More hums of agreement, but then I heard Rika go 'huh.'

"Why do they even need to do that? They're gods right? Can't they just magic up whatever they need?"

"You'd think that. But when they descend, they agree to locking their abilities away. I don't remember why, I just know they do." Rika just went 'huh' again, and went back to giving Shizuka her massage.

"My lord, how does that correlate to Yin and her abilities?" Oh yeah, I got sidetracked.

"It correlates since the way they do it is by giving people a 'Falna' after they join their 'familia.' If I remember right, then it's a seed of divinity... I think." It was Saya's turn this time.

"When you say 'familia,' is it a form of magical adoption or something?" Eh.

"Not really? I think it'd only be adoption if they couldn't change familia. But they can, so it's more of magical endowment really."

"Hm... We'll talk about that later. What about this 'seed of divinity' you mentioned. Is it as simple as it sounds?"

"It both is and isn't." Rika whacked me upside the head for that. But I huffed at her, and went on. "In simplest terms, the way to growing it seems easy. 'Push passed your limits' or to 'do feats that impress the gods.' Sounds simple right?" I heard a round of agreements, and went on. "But then there comes the 'isn't' part. Let's use a normal person back home for example. Surpassing their limits could be exercising and lifting... 300lps lets say. But they end up stagnating after that. They've surpassed their limit, but they can't surpass it again. See the reasoning?"

Saya started humming again, and I could tell she was thinking about it. "My lord. How would that work on us? Would our limits depend on our species, whether we're in our base or Werewolf forms, or other factors?" That was a good question.

"Dunno." And my horrible answer. Rika was about to whack me again, but Shizuka stopped her, and just put her chin on my head. "It'll probably be all of that, so yeah. Anyway, onto the gods portion of this system. Impressing them could mean alot of different things. A feat of heroism, power stuff like that. I'm not sure how that'll work, but we'll figure it out later." One last round of agreements, and we went back to small talk.

We didn't really bring up Salem, she was nothing to us. Saya had enough research material to last her months, and we could always just come back if she needed more.

We mainly talked about the world of Danmachi, and what we would do there. Then came another question from Saya. "So about these gods and their familia, what're we doing about them?" I hummed.

"I know where I'm going." That got me some curious responses, so I clarified. "I'm dropping in with the Greek goddess Hestia."

"Hearth?" The fact Shizuka knew about her was a surprise to I think all of us.

"Yeah. She's one of the good ones. That, and trouble follows her wherever she goes. So I won't need to waste my time going to look for it." Shizuka hummed, which felt nice against my skull.

"Should I come with? I don't mind." I shrugged.

"Up to you. I won't make any of you join the same familia if you don't want too." Her response was to hug me tighter.

"Then I'm coming with you. We'll be together forever!" I chuckled at her enthusiasm, and pat her head.

"You know where you're going. So do you have any suggestions for us? Or are you just going to throw us into the deep end?"

"Yeah. Want to hear em now?"

"Sure. Lay em on us Silver." Good then.

"For you, I didn't really have any idea. I was just gonna let you choose whoever you wanted." She huffed, and I thought I could FEEL her eye twitch. "BUT! I thought about introducing you to Loki. Who's a woman by the way." Rika didn't say anything for a few seconds, but then just went 'Ok.'

"So, what about Saeko and Saya." Said girls let out interested hums, and I went on.

"For Saeko, I was thinking of introducing her to Takemikazuchi." Now THAT got a satisfied and far too intrigued sound from Saeko.

"A god of war. Interesting. VERY interesting." I suddenly felt bad for him. But eh, he could take it.

"What about me Zaka?"

"For you, I have two in mind. Hephaestus, who is a also a she by the way, and Miach. You already know about the whole 'god of the forge' bit, and she's still a blacksmith there. Miach is the alchemist though, so you've got choices. And before you bring it up, no I didn't choose him because he's Irish." I could tell she was going to bring that up, so I stopped her before she did.

"Huh... Well I'll probably choose Miach then. I've gotten some experience with weapon forging from Ruby, but Alchemy seems interesting. And even then, it's not like I can't go interact with the goddess of the forge or her familia, right?" Good point.

"Nah, you'll be good."

"Then I know my choice." With that done, we talked, eventually ended up fucking since Shizuka wanted too because she was 'number 1,' and ended up going to sleep after.

{Next day}

Waking up with the girls was a normal thing, we had all gotten used to waking up together. Though there was a difference about today. Today was the day we'd go say 'fuck you' to Salem, and then book it like Loony Toons characters. (Maybe I should drop an aura anvil on her first? That'd be fucking priceless.) Ways to humiliate Salem could come later, first, I had to get up.

Shizuka was in her place, laying on top of me as usual, so I had to gently nudge her awake. I could've just said something to wake everyone up, but none of us were morning people. More so after the rest of the girls turned into Werewolves.

After a few more nudges, Shizuka started groaning, and cracked an eye open. Like usual, the moment she spotted me, she smiled, and started to nuzzle me. When she had her fill, we kissed which she yawned afterwards, got up, and went over to the bathroom. Then I started waking up the others.

Rika was a weird one. Out of everyone, she liked to sleep in wolf form. No one minded, but it was just an observation. She would either, be cuddled by the other girls, sleep splayed on her back by my feet, or on the ground when she fell/got kicked off the bed. I made an aura fly swatter, and whacked her with it. She yelped in annoyance, and bit my leg for it. (I love the fact she KNOWS that does nothing to me, but still does it anyway.)

Saeko and Saya were by my sides as usual, and woke up after some shaking. With us all up, we got ready for the day. Though I dodged Ironwood when I smelled him coming. (Too early for that.) Which it was. I knew I'd get in a little trouble with Saya for dumping it on her again, but oh well.

I was up on the roof, waiting for Saya and Rika to finish up with Ironwood, when I got a surprise. [You awake old man?] Well this could happen.

~Yeah. What's up kid?~ Yin had yet to close the party, though Ruby and Yang were out of it.

[I got something from the gacha. Something I want you to have.]

~Go on.~

[You ever watch K?] Yes. I did. I liked K and their whole 'badass swords in the sky' bit. There being this unnecessarily sexy and busty blonde didn't increase my enjoyment whatsoever.

(I'm finding out I have a type... Moving on.) I wanted to see where she was going with this.

~You had my interest before, now you have my attention.~ She scoffed at that, so she got the reference.

[I got the Silver one...-]

~SAY NO MORE!~ I was sold. "GIRLS! I'LL BE RIGHT BACK! I'M OFF FOR A FREE POWER UP!" I kicked off the roof, shifted, coated myself in aura armor, activated Wrath, and then topped it off with TOTW. I made the sound barrier my bitch, and ran.

Was I going too far? Fuck no.

For a small anime like K, the Swords of Damocles were broken. ESPECIALLY the Silver King's sword. Sure the aura ability might be a little redundant, but I could work with it.

But Gravity manipulation? Yes please.

Immortality? Genuine immortality? Fuck yes.

Being able to shrug off mind control and other shit like that? Oh hell yeah.

A massive sword that hangs above me when I use my powers? Fuck a mecha! That was asserting dominance to the nth degree in my opinion.

[Why is my Danger Sense going crazy?]

~I'm hauling ass. No way you thought I'd just wait to get that.~

[... Are you sure I didn't lose brain cells when I turned into a Werewolf?] I snorted at that, but kept on running as fast as I could. With how I was going now, I'd get there in another few minutes.

{Meanwhile - Saya's POV}

"GIRLS! I'LL BE RIGHT BACK! I'M OFF FOR A FREE POWER UP!" Huh? That was all we got before I felt Zaka's power SPIKE. Then everything made of glass simply shattered. The sonic boom that came afterwards was just the icing on the cake.

(That's it!) I looked at the rest of my sister mates, and outright ignored Ironwood. "Who wants to help me shave Zaka?"

Rika was the first to agree. She was shaking out some glass, since she was the closest to the window, and looked as annoyed as I did. "Yeah, the fuckers earned a shaving for this."

Saeko came in a second later. "That should be fun." She didn't have any glass on her, since she was the furthest away, the lucky bitch, and just seemed amused at our annoyance.

And Shizuka didn't mind... Well, she did. "But his fur is the best! Who knows how long it'll take for it to grow back?" Sure she was right, but that wasn't the point! We had to compromise, and I had just the idea.

"What if we let you have all of his fur?" Shizuka did a complete 180, and it was like there was a fire burning in her eyes. (Hm... I might've just found the leash to go with his collar... In hindsight, that shouldn't be surprising... Actually, why the hell did it take me this long to figure that out?!) Internal monologue and berating myself aside, I focused back on Ironwood, who had just managed to get himself back in his chair, and looked far too disheveled for a man of his station.

It was far too funny.

{Maccillian's POV}

I once again, gave no fucks at the minor exhaustion I was getting from using my buff and strongest skill to run across the ocean. A free power up was always welcome. (Especially when it's something as broken as the Silver king's sword.)I was still fucking giddy at the thought, but it was fine.

I kept running, and eventually, I made it to Patch. Though I had to turn off my buff and TOTW before I accidentally made Patch the new Atlantis.

When I got in range of the house, I saw Yin at the clearing we first talked at. She waved me over, and I shifted back to land in front of her. The moment I landed, she gave me a hug, which I reflexively reciprocated. "Ok. Hugs are fine." She snorted, and broke it off after that.

"Again, thanks for helping bring back my mom."

"And again, it was your skill. Stop thanking me, it feels weird." She rolled her eyes at that, but it really did feel weird.

"Whatever. Anyway, here you go." And just like that, a silver orb appeared in her hands. It was like a marble. But just pure silver. She was about to say something, but then the orb shot out of her hand, and went right into my chest. We both blinked at each other, then I felt it. It started off as a spark, and then my aura erupted into the sky.


Werewolf Physiology, The One True Wolf, Wolf King's Wisdom, Wolf King's aura reacting to foreign influence...

Foreign influence detected to be beneficial...


Integration of the Silver sword of Damocles successful...

Abilities Werewolf Physiology, Wolf King's Wisdom and Wolf King's Aura merging with the Silver sword of Damocles...

Abilities updated...

Additions to Werewolf Physiology - Any subject bitten by the true bite shall become a member of the Silver clan. Members shall gain minor abilities of the Silver king.

Abilities those bitten will gain - Aura manipulation, minor resistance to foreign influences, enhanced regeneration, minor immortality.

Wolf King's Wisdom, Wolf King's Aura merged with the Silver sword of Damocles.

The Silver Sword of Damocles - The physical representation of a king. The sword has found you worthy to carry the mantle of Silver King. When inactive, the sword will take the form of an earring on the hosts left ear. When active, the Silver King's sword shall materialize above the kings current location.

Due to Wolf King's Wisdom, those of the Silver clan under their kings sword shall automatically be strengthened.

Due to Wolf King's Aura, host aura has gained gravity manipulating properties.

After my status updated, I couldn't help but just look up. "Holy shit..." My Sword of Damocles resembled Isane's, but there were a few differences.

Instead of the orbs representing the other kings, mine was pure Silver.

The left and right sides on the guard looked like claws ready to cut into an enemy.

The hilt was entirely different. It was a wolf's head, appearing to be howling to the sky.

Then there was the blade. Isane's was a little strange, but mine was wild. The sides were serrated, sort of like teeth... "Yeah, those are teeth."

Those were the changes, and it was fucking cool. Like REALLY cool. My sword reflected ME. And it was the coolest shit I'd ever seen. "Holy fuck... Maybe I should've kept that." I snapped towards Yin, and with the grace of a toddler, denied her.

"NO TAKE BACKS!" Then I fucked off. I shifted, turned on wrath, and ran like the wind. Was it immature? Sure. Did I care? Fucking gods NO! I had some new kickass powers, and they were mine!

[... Why are you the way that you are?]

~Just am. Deal with it.~

[... I don't know how Saya deals with you.] We all knew she was the most sane of the girls.

~Love is one hell of a drug.~

[Uhuh. Anyway, why did I get a buff while that was out?] That made me blink. I had an idea, and now that she confirmed it, I hummed.

~I'm assuming your system treated it as if I bit you. Not sure why, but it makes sense. I got an extra Titan kill, and I'm pretty sure it came from you.~ She was quiet for a bit, which was fine. I kept on running.

[System says it's because you were the template it picked. 'The dog had the best foundation available' it said.]

~Huh... I feel cheated.~ She snorted at that, and I sent a huff at her. That was all, and I went back to running.

It was while I was running over the ocean that I started thinking on my new abilities. Mainly the aura and gravity powers. Now I already had aura. Two different versions of it. So I started getting a feel for the third part.

The three of them were different in their own ways.

Werewolf aura was meant for offense. Sure it could be used for constructs like armor or the aura fly swatter I made in the morning, but offensive abilities came the fastest when Werewolf aura was in play.

Remnants aura was support. It helped healing, gave us a barrier, and empowered our Werewolf aura and helped shape constructs.

K's aura was a mix of the two. It could be violent and used for attacks, like the Red King's aura. Then there were defensive techniques of the Blue King. The Silver King had representations of all the kings in his sword, but I didn't. So my version of that aura had defaulted to the middle ground.

That's where things got interesting. When it was just the first two, it felt like they were meshed together. Sure you could use either or, but there was still something a little off to me.

But that was where the aura of K came in. If I was going to give it a comparison, then it'd be like a sword and shield. Werewolf aura was the sword, Remnant's aura was the shield. But with the addition of K's aura, they became one. It was like a mechashift weapon. They were all in one vessel, but they could shift at any given moment. It balanced everything out, and helped them flow.

(Saya's going to have a field day with this... I wonder... Would it help with their control? With K's aura, I can feel my aura platforms are sturdier, see them clearer, and that it's easier to call em up. I hardly feel that tiny ping of stamina going out when I bring them up, so maybe it'll help Saeko and Shizuka. Rika might even be able to make platforms now... There's alot to think about now. And that includes the gravity powers... How the fuck do I use that?) When I thought that, it seemed like a switch went off, then I was suddenly floating... Wait a minute. (Please for the love of all that awesome let this work.)

I tried to focus on my new ability, which was weird. It was like I was trying to hold something while my hands were covered in soap. I almost fell into the ocean at one point, but I made an aura platform under me, and kept trying.

I didn't notice how long it was taking, but after... I assumed twenty minutes, I had it down. And I was losing my immature mind. "FUCK YEAH! I CAN FLY! FUCK YOU FRICTION! GRAVITY IS MY BITCH NOW! WOHOOOOOOO!"

I knew about friction and all that crap because one, my hero, two from Saya, and three because despite being a fucking idiot, I DID have a brain. Anyway, back to shouting like a loon. Thank gods there was no one in range to hear me cheering like a lunatic.

Not that it mattered if anyone did. I'd just threaten them with death or something.

Anyway, back to me shouting like I was insane. Flying was pretty cool. That's all I have to report.

"Wonder how the girls are doing."

{Saya's POV before Maccillian got the Silver king's sword}

After the whole Ironwood fiasco, we all went back to our room, and started plotting to shave Zaka. We knew we would leave telling him about it to Shizuka, since he wouldn't refuse her, but we were trying to figure out who would do what. Rika and Saeko were in the most competitive game of Rock-Paper-Scissors I'd ever seen, going on 40-49 in Rika's favor. They were debating on who shaved his paws, and it turned into THAT.

Shizuka and I were just watching it happen. It was already settled that Shizuka would get his face and I'd get his back. Rika and Saeko wanted his paws for some reason, and I had no fucking clue why. It just made no sense to me. "You two have been doing this for the past ten minutes, could you just give it a rest?!" They turned to me, stared me dead in my eyes, and then turned back to each other and went again.

My eye was twitching. I knew it was, and I was moments away from losing my mind.

Then all of our aura's flared, and suddenly, I didn't give a flying fuck about the ridiculous game happening in front of my eyes. I felt something just 'click' into place. My aura started to change, and I could see it all happen.

Normally, my aura was as pink as my hair, but this wasn't normal circumstance. I saw this silver sheen start to merge with it, and as it did, my aura gained a metallic sheen to it.

But it didn't stop there. It was while I was peering into my aura, watching the way it changed, feeling the differences that were going on in my body, that I felt something else click into place. And like a puzzle, it seemed like all the pieces were assembled.

I felt new knowledge flow into my mind. The first thing that flowed was something I'd been curious about ever since I'd seen Blake activate hers.

My semblance.

I understood what it was. And I already knew I was going to love it. I even named it the moment I understood the implications.

Laplace. My semblance. The more I studied something, picked it apart and grew my understanding of it, the faster I could truly comprehend it. The implications of this were IMMENSE.

I could study our aura. The more I did, the more I could improve any constructs, abilities, attacks, everything.

Mechanics. I could study something like engineering. The more I studied it, the more I could find out how to create mechs or robots of my own.

Anything technological, and understand not only the components that made it up, the materials those components were made of, and then the atomic bonds that formed said materials.

My semblance was perfect for a researcher like me. And I was going to abuse the hell out of it.

Then there was the rest of the knowledge that flowed into me, and damn was it alot. But there was something I paused and focused on. (Minor immortality? How the hell can you have MINOR immortality? We're either immortal or just really hard to kill. Which we already were!) After that though was something else. (The new aura. That was what started this. And now with my semblance, I am SO experimenting with all of this.) The resistance to foreign influences was great, just not something I could test.

"What the actual fuck?" Rika brought me out of my thoughts, and I saw her rotating an aura bullet around her palm. But I instantly saw the difference. Her aura bullets usually looked like purple, a different shade then Saeko's, masses in the shapes of bullets.

But now? Now it seemed not only like a real bullet made of aura, but it had a metallic silver sheen that looked like it was in a casing. Not only did it seem more compact and real, it even sounded like it was made of metal when Rika flicked it. "It even feels like its in a casing... Bet I could pierce that dragons ass with this." Saeko and I snorted, we knew she was still salty over how that turned out, and I turned to Saeko.

She was forming aura armor around herself, and I could see how it was different. Just like Rika's bullet, her armor seemed more solid, real. (Things that get shot to death know her bullets are real.) That thought aside, Saeko was forming her armor, and I could tell it was coming easier for her. She still didn't have it all figured out, but she would make way better progress now.

"Mhm... Does this mean we're not shaving Silver now?" We all turned to Shizuka, who was watching Rika juggle aura bullets, and I thought about it.

"No... No, I don't think we are." Shizuka was a mix of happy and sad at the same time. It was strange. But after this, I didn't mind letting Zaka's punishment wait for another day.

For now, it was time to figure out just what we got.

{Maccillian's POV}

(I might've made a mistake.) Zooming around without friction messing with me was a cool thing, sure... I just didn't know how to make it stop. I didn't have an instruction manual with this. (Which is kind of bullshit now that I'm thinking about it. Why couldn't my sword come with an instruction manual?) Anyway, I was stuck going at the speed of SPEED, and I didn't want to try making aura walls to crash into... I'd just break them.

I would know, I tried. My own aura wall hurts alot. Now I was just trying to figure out how to stop. You'd think it'd be easy, but I was doing this on the fly. (Dammit Yang.)... Ignoring that, and I had no clue what I was doing. The only good thing about the situation was that I somehow made it back to Atlas... I was slowing down, which was good... But I was still going fast and was about to crash into the lab building... Correction. I DID crash into the lab building.

"Oh... Hey there." Saya was in the lab I crashed into, and the way she looked at me was a cross between 'what the fuck?' And her classic 'are you stupid?' Face.

"... Are you going to get out of the wall anytime soon?" That was a great question. And when I realized I wasn't floating anymore, I dug myself out of the wall, and just laid on the ground. "That's better... Now... I'll ask the big thing first. WHAT did you do?" I looked at her, and the idea to fuck with her, and everyone in Atlas, grew. I grinned, and started to flare my aura.

The earring, which was just a miniature version of my sword but on a small chain, disappeared. Saya blinked at it, then she looked up. Though there was a ceiling in the way. "Go look outside real quick." She looked back and raised a brow at me, but did so anyway. After making an aura platform, and looking up, I watched her pause, and just STARE.

"Zaka... What in the actual fuck am I looking at?" I barked out in laughter at that. There was no way for me not too. Saya was at a loss for words, and I could even hear other people starting to freak the fuck out. Which made sense, considering a giant fucking SWORD just appeared over Atlas, but it was funny.

"That ceann beag, is a representation of my status as Silver King. My own Sword of Damocles... If we ever vacation to a slice of life world, remind me to see if they have the anime 'K.' This is where it's from." Saya just kept staring at the Sword of Damocles, then walked back in. With her in, I reigned my aura in, and let my Sword of Damocles return to my ear.

"Sure... Anyway, next question. This new aura we have, is there anything I should know about before I find it out on my own?" Hm...

"Not really. It's neutral now, so not really. It's up to you girls to make something of it." She hummed, then went back to the work station she was at, and opened... "Another one? Where the hell are you getting them all?" This encyclopedia was just as thick as the others, and from where I was, just starting to be filled out.

"I asked Polendina for them. He goes through a bunch of these whenever he's working on his projects. He doesn't trust keeping important information online, especially now. Penny herself has three different books ranging from the process to create her first body, the materials and how they were made. Then his lead up to sheering a part of his aura off to give it to her. Considering I helped him out with the process of getting her a new body, he doesn't mind giving me any." Oh. That made sense. "Anyway, I have experiments to do, so I won't be joining you to attack Salem."

That was a little disappointing, but made sense. "Alright. Where are the other girls at?" Saya started making small aura constructs, and hummed.

"Saeko should be at the coliseum. She wanted to try testing her armor, and a few other things. I think Shizuka and Rika should be with her. If they aren't, you'll just need to track them down the old fashioned way." I nodded, and finally got off the ground. As soon as I was up, I went over to Saya, gave her a hug and kiss, then walked out of her lab.

"Alright... It's that way?" I was only there once, so I wasn't really sure if I was going the right way. Though like Saya said, I could always go the old fashioned way. Which I could also go for right off the bat.

I went over to our room, sniffed out the girl's scents, and followed them. I ignored the panicking Atlesian personnel, and made my way out. Though while I was walking the streets of Atlas, I realized I might've fucked up a little bit. (I mean, again, hindsight is 20/20. If a giant sword comes out of fucking nowhere, of course people are going to panic. Though now that I think about it, there probably aren't enough Grimm to really hurt Atlas now.) That last thought made my entire earlier train of thought pointless.

And it did NOT annoy the hell out of me.

I kept on going, and eventually made it to the coliseum. And immediately got tackled by a purple missile. I reflexively hugged her, and looked at the excited face of Saeko. She had aura gauntlets, leg guards, and an aura breastplate on her. The most she could do was on one area at a time, but now she was almost there to a whole set. "My lord! Can we go fight the witch? I have things I must test!" Huh... That didn't seem worrying at all.

"Sure. What about Rika and Shizuka?" I started hearing footsteps, and looked up. Shizuka and Rika were coming towards us, and Rika was trying to keep Shizuka from launching herself at me... Though I knew if Shizuka REALLY wanted too, she could just break free from the hand on her arm. She WAS physically the strongest out of the girls after all.

After Saeko was done with her hug, Shizuka got hers, and then it was the four of us getting ready for the Grimmlands. 'Getting ready' meant something different then usual though. Instead of grabbing weapons, other then what they had on them, we grabbed some food, water, snacks, and then just left. We didn't really need much else.

So it with that done, I made an aura road, and when Shizuka saw it looked like bricks? She let out this happy squeal, and I knew I made the right choice. "OFF ON THE SILVER BRICK ROAD WE GO!" She ran off ahead of us, and the rest of us laughed. Sure it wasn't leading us to the wizard, but the joke still landed. The girls started running on my silver brick road, and we went off to the Grimmlands.

[Omake - Uh... I can explain? Yin's POV]

Watching Maccillian zoom away from Patch was strange. The logical part of my mind knew the guy could destroy continents, but the immature part of me focused on how childish that last move he pulled was. (There's gotta be a pattern here. Why are a majority of OP people just super powered children?) The system didn't answer me, so after sending a sarcastic question to Maccillian, and a small conversation, I started going back home.

Though I hardly got a few feet away when I spotted a familiar red cape and rose petals zipping towards me. Though she wasn't alone. The rest of the house were hot on her heels, all armed and ready. That's when I remembered JUST what happened. (Holy shit. I think I HAVE lost brain cells! In what world did I think letting someone summon a goddamn SWORD the size of a tower was a good idea? ESPECIALLY after a Grimm attack? Why did I not tell anyone about this? Why the fuck is hindsight something that's been biting me in the ass so much recently?!) I was seriously questioning if I got dumber. It would've made the most sense.

But Ruby and Yang didn't fuck up as much... (So maybe it's just a me and Macky thing? Oh gods... He gave me his stupid.) It was like the big bang went off in my head. I was suddenly understanding(read blaming) that it was his fault! (Should've kept the sword. Who cared if I couldn't use it?) I was out of time to think, since Ruby materialized in front of me, and I already knew I had a long day of explaining ahead of me.

Again, this'll be the last outright power up Maccillian will get. Next chapter SHOULD(It's not) be the jump to Danmachi. I have ideas for the world, and will be making a few changes. Nothing MAJOR, but stuff that should make sense.

I also have a plan to induct more people into the PACK, not the harem, but there's an idea for a potential person for that. Just one though, unless I can't figure out a way to do it.

Saya's semblance - Laplace - The more a subject, material, concept is studied, the faster it is comprehended.

Examples were given when I introduced it, but if its still difficult to understand, think of it like a car. Lets say Saya studies the engine. The more she learns about the engine, the more she can learn how to improve it.

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