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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: An angel and a system?

Bright. Where is this place? Everything is just so bright.

"What happened?"

I was supposed to be at the club. Not good, I've got no time to lay here, if I don't meet the quota by this afternoon I don't know what those guys may do to...

"Wait where is this?" Looking around there's just blank space everywhere.


Calm down. Calm down me. Let's try and remember what happened...

"That's right, there was a raid and... and I-I..."

I was shot.


"... NO..."

"Can you hear me child of man?"

"Who's there!" Turning around, there was no one until a sudden fluctuation of light emerged several meters right in front of me.

There's this mysterious glow that blocks my full view of the person. But I know he has long blond hair. And the stature of a body builder. He is also tall. But somehow there's no doubt in my mind...

"Y-you are... an angel?"

"For you mortals that maybe what I am. But to the Divines I am but a servant. I am here to be a messenger." The angel?... introduced himself as such.

"So I really am dead, huh?"



I'm dead now, is this where they judge whether someone would go to heaven or hell.

Heh, I think I have a pretty good idea where I would be going. I've long accepted it.

"You seem to take your death easily. Very unusual for a mortal."

"What's the point of living anyways?"


It may be pointless asking that question to an angel. No, he said he was a messenger.

"You said you are here to be a messenger?"

Must be my judgment.

"Yes I have a messege from the Goddess of Fertility."

Goddess of what now?

"For me?"

"Yes. You child of man, has committed sins against the teachings of the Goddess of Fertility and soiled her beliefs over an astounishind number of times. For this she has despised you. And thus you shall be punished in your next life..."

Oh great. Now this Goddess of Fertility that I'm hearing for the first time hates me that she wants to punish me.

I get it. This is indeed just and rightful. After all, I did scammed quite a number of people. Especially, women. There's so many of them I couldn't even remember anymore. I'm a scum of the earth. I've always known I deserved to be put to hell for all of those.

I knew.

I already knew that... but still...

*Drip* *Drip*

Tears still unwillingly flowed out my eyes.

No, this can't be. I know I deserve all this... but still...

Memories of my whole life past by my mind at this moment. And with them, are the emotions I needed to learn to keep, flew out at once. A whole lifetime worth of emotions ransacked my whole being.

Sadness. Loneliness. Defeat. Self-pity. Regret. Anger. Self-disgust. Hatred.

But the most prominent of them all. And the one that hurt the most.


With that my knees gave out and I slumped to the ground. My tears uncontrollably flowed. Tears of Indignance... As always.

"It's not like... I wanted to... I didn't... I hated it... But I... I didnt have a choice... I-I never had a choice.... guh... K-Aaaaaargh!"

This is the first time I let out such a loud cry. I would normally hold it in. But at this moment I just didn't care. At this moment, I let out all the pain I held back throughout my life.

The messenger watched as the mortal cry on his knees. Watching the expression on his face alone is enough to feel the horrible constricting pain of indignance that he felt. His heart ached for the mortal.

He is of the Divine, they do not possess physical bodies but they do feel emotions. Heartache. This is the first he has ever felt this.

It is not a pleasant feeling at all. The messenger devised.

I don't like it one bit. He added to himself.

And it is not even my own. Just imaging his pain right now...

*Ache* His face contorted as he tried to imagine the mortal is going currently through.

Horrendous. It must be a horrendous pain. He said to himself.

God of Fortune and Misfortune. The messenger thinks back to the perpetrator of this all.

Hateful. He agreed once again to what his Goddess has said. Really, really hateful.

A willy-nilly God that does as he likes and takes his responsibilities half-hearted. All he knows is think about how to have fun in his time. And would often be careless of how he does his jobs and responsibilities.

The God at his carelessness, one day decided to throw all the misfortunes he is suppose to bestow to a world when he thought he is bored of it and just wanted to get it over with so he could finally have time for himself to have fun. And thus in consequence, it landed in one corner of the world.

As such, this particular mortal took the most of it. It then resulted to a lifetime of non-stop sufferings and misfortunes.

The days he was happy could literally be counted in one hand. It's just unimaginable.

"Haah..." The messenger sighed in tiredness and headache at just remembering it all.

"Do not despair, child of man. For the Goddess understands all your indignance. As such, the Goddess will bestow you a gift. A blessing. In your next life." In my moment of wallowing in self-pity, I heard the angel say that.

A gift?

Suddenly a feeling of hope arose from inside me.

"But... Didn't you just said she wanted to punish me?" I ask.

Why is this Goddess suddenly gifting me? Is this a trap? Does she want to give me false hope then pull it under me to make me suffer more? Does she hate me that much?

"Do not fear. For the Goddess knows you have already suffered tremendously in your previous life. It is true that you have committed all those sins. But it is also true that you have already experienced a lifetime worth of sufferings and thus this undermined your punishment." The angel replied.

I wouldn't be punished?

I could practically feel my eyes fill with hope at this moment.


"... As such you are only to be punished as a pretext of conducting the Order of Ways since time immemorial. It is more like a test. The Goddess wants to test you to know if you really did not meant any of the sins you have committed." The angel further elaborated.

"Of course I don't! There isn't a single time where my conscience and guilt isn't killing me as I do those things but I didn't have a choice!" I then desperately plead for my conscience at those things.

"That. You will need to prove yourself to the Goddess."

Hearing that my chest filled with determination. At that moment, I sweared I will clear my name and prove myself to the Goddess.

The angel must have seen the look of determination on my face and he nodded as if approvingly.

"So... What is my gift?" I ask shyly.

The angel then waved his hand. And then...

Health: 0/100

Strength: 5/100

Agility: 1/100

Magic: 0/100

Vitality: 0/100

Charm: 10/100

Intelligence: 75/100

Points to distribute: 50

Market points: 100

Abilities: None

There was suddenly a translucent screen like thingy in front of me. But when I reached out to touch it, it wasn't there! It's like staring at a monitor screen. And the monitor is my own vision!

"W-wha?! This is!" I could practically feel my soccets popping out.

"With this you should understand since you came from an advanced world, child of man..."

I did read some novels to pass the time. During some of those times where I'm waiting for my next victim.

I shiver and pushed the memory out of my mind right away.

"Of course I do!" I exclaimed excitedly.

Is this seriously happening?

"Very well, then you must know test the Goddess will impose on you."

The test! My heart suddenly jumped at remembering that.

"Sh-she isn't going to make me fight some Demon Lord or Supreme Overlord is she?" I gulp nervously at the thought.

Heck nah! I don't want to! I appreciate the blessing, but if I have to fight some supreme evil existence then I'll pass. I don't want to be put in a situation where I'll have to go through such sufferings.

"No no. In your previous life you did not honor the teachings of the Goddess of Fertility..."

"I...!" I started but the angel rose a hand stopping me from speaking.

"The Goddess knows. Therefore, she will test you true sincerity and character." He finished.

"I see. It's like that, huh? That's it? I swear I will prove myself!" I proclaim determined.

"But you must remember mortal. You must not sprout a life. That is the condition of the Goddess." The angel suddenly added.

Sprout a life? H-he mean, T-to have a b-baby?

I feel myself blush at the thought.

"B-but at some point in my next life I must have a child, right? Does the Goddess want me to be impotent?"

"Quite the opposite. Since your gift came from the Goddess of Fertility, in your next life you will be extremely potent in conjucture with the Goddess' blessing upon you. But because of what did in your previous life the Goddess doesn't want you to do that. And that will be your test. And if you do otherwise, then the blessing bestowed upon you will be taken away, is what she said." Without any emotions the angel stated as such.

So it was either to have this system and not have a baby. Or have a baby and lose the system.

"Does that mean I can still do the... the deed?" I ask meekly.

"Yes. But as I've said, in conjucture of you receiving this blessing from the Goddess of Fertility herself, you are extremely fertile. I will advice you to not copulate at all at this rate."


You know what? It's extremely awkward and embarrassing talking about sex and having a baby with an angel. But still...

"But at any rate, I may find the love of my life in my next life. We may get merried. Spend our lives together. But if I can't have a baby... won't she l-leave me?... I... I don't want that." By the end of that phrase my voice was barely a whisper but I have a feeling the angel still heard me despite that.

"... "

It might seem selfish. I'm getting a new life. A blessing from a Goddess. A legendary system. But. I've always dreamt of it, you know? I know in my previous life I may have left sons and daughters. But as much as I want to i can't get close to any of them. I tried. But it ended in...

I shook my head at the memory. No, I don't want to remember that. That will forever become one of the many nightmares that hunts me in my dreams.

But despite that I still dreamt of having a family of my own. Having a wife. I'll take care of her, love her and cherish her. Then have kids that I would spend all my time showering with all the love in the world.

My chest would always feel fluffy imagining that. And without me knowing I now have a soft smile on my face, that did not seem to escape the angel's eyes.


"... W-well... I'm not suppose to say this but... The world, where you'll be takes is one close to the Goddess. Since this is a world where the mortals are the most aware of the Gods and Goddesses and their teachings and beliefs. Thus, this is one she sees the most potential in... " Being out of character for a slight moment, the angel said as such.

A different world?

"... I'm listening."

"But you see, since the mortals of this world are aware of the existence of the God's and Goddesses, there are also many religions built and thus conflict in beliefs often happened and so does wars. This resulted in the stagnation of the world's development. For thousands of years the world has stayed as it is. This hurt the Goddess' heart all the time. "

"So what your saying is..."

"Since you came from one of the most advanced worlds and you have the Goddess' gift... You now have the ability to finally advance the development of that world. She didn't say anything about it but I know this is one of the reasons of sending you to that world. And if you are able to, I may be able to convince to Goddess of your wish somehow." The angel further elaborated.

"I see..."



Developing a world. That is a big task. But as he said, I did came from quite the advanced world and I also have the system with me...



Alright! I've decided!

"Fine! I will do it! I want a family! For that I will do anything!" I then decidedly proclaim.

"Very well. Then off you mortal."

As he said that, my body suddenly glittered and before I know it I was floating. I can see the angel staring at me from below with a smile.

"And oh! An additional messege from the Goddess." As if suddenly reminded of something, he hurriedly talked.

"What?!" I yell. Half questioning and half panicking.

I'm freaking flying!

My vision the blurred. No. The surroundings blurred. Though it's not that noticeable since everything is white here.

"HAVE FUN!" I heard the distant shout of the angel one final time.

I sure will! Another world! Here I come!

"..." The angel continued to stare for a while at the vanishing silhouette of the mortal as his soul flew away to the world he's going.

"Good luck." With a content smile. That was his final words as he left the white space.

"I see. Interesting!" That is the reaction of the Goddess of Fertility after hearing the report of her servant. The same messenger that she sent. The same servant that seem to have the highest position out of all her servants.

"Very well! If he really is able to then I will grant him my permission. What an interesting mortal. I will be watching you."

With a smile of satisfaction the Goddess gave her approval to the mortal's condition. But as fast as it was there, it was the replaced by a sad frown.

"Is something the matter Goddess?" The same servant asked.

"Hah... It's just... to that mortal.... during his previous life without knowing of his situation I did indirectly... further sent him punishments and sufferings for what he has done. Now there is still this guilt because of that..."

"But you have already given him a great blessing my Goddess."

"That is different..."


"I have decided!"

"What is it Goddess? Whatever you will, we will surely accomplish!" Taking the lead this particular servant knelt.

"Your will shall be accomplished!" Followed by all her servants in the space.

"You..." The Goddess pointed at that same servant of hers.

"Yes my Goddess!" Energetically the same servant replies.

"From on I name you... Gideon."

"It's this servant's greatest honor to receive this name!" Still kneeling the same servant, now named Gideon replied.

"Gideon you are to descend to the same world that mortal is in and you are to be his guardian and protector. Until he accomplishes this mission, as long as he abides to my conditions and not lose my blessing. But do not reveal yourself, and only intervine if the situation is extremely grave or if his life is in danger. "

"Gideon accepts."

"Off you go." With a wave of her hand the Goddess dismisses Gideon.

With a final bow to his Goddess, Gideon turned into specs of light and disappeared.

"With this, I no longer have any lingering guilt."

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