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93.6% DxD: ReKiba / Chapter 113: Dominance over the Sea

Chapter 113: Dominance over the Sea

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Word Count 2175

Today Harry Potter/DxD: Raven will begin. I'd appreciate it if you would check it out and drop some stones, maybe if you are willing a review so that we can get it on the Rank List. 

The Fic is HP/DxD: Raven. In the Anime and Comics section. If you are not feeling lazy can you drop the stones there instead of Kiba. Thanks 😄


Tiamat vs Susanoo

The sea. An endless source of life. Humans have relied on the sea for a constant source of food. That source of life was currently upside down, in the entire region around the shrine. The Sea was floating towards the sky, and forming a dome-like shape. 

Inside the Sea Dome. Tiamat and Susanoo were rampaging. The inside of the dome was filled with whirlpools and currents. Water projectiles were being fired constantly. Explosions happening disturbing the water even more. It was as if chaos had become water for this fight. 

Both Tiamat and Susanoo kept drawing water from the sea beneath them as they went further and further away from shore. With the Dome following them while it got bigger and bigger. 

Each of them had their own divine energy which they used to control the water. instead of a battle of strength, this was a battle of precision. How much strength to put in an attack? And how much strength to use to wrestle away the other's control over the sea. 

At first, Susanoo had the advantage. Tiamat is a newborn goddess after all. She has been manipulating water for less than a few months. While Susanoo has been doing it for millennia. The only reason why Tiamat got this far is from the memories and experience she gained from her mother. The Dragon Goddess Tiamat, The Primordial Goddess of the Sea. 

She had even more experience than Susanoo. And Tiamat was slowly learning it all. At first, it was about 70/30 in the amount of control that both of them could exert. Susanoo had a significant advantage. But bit by bit. Tiamat improved in real-time. Her control over water increased. So much so that she was on the path to becoming Susanoo's equal. This fight, she was learning from him, gaining experience and understanding more and more of the memories of her mother.

On the other hand, Susanoo was getting angrier by the minute 'Impossible. She is gaining centuries of experience in minutes. This is impossible. Nobody can improve this fast? Is she sacrificing her life force for this knowledge? To sacrifice herself and take me down with her?

No, I don't feel anything wrong with her. That means this change has only benefits. How can such a thing be possible!!'

Summons a storm above the Sea Dome. He needs to push her back at land. He won't be able to use the sea, but he still has his domain over storms

A giant cyclone was approaching the sea straight at the Dome. At very fast speeds. The cyclone had a diameter of 1400 kilometers. Susanoo didn't even care about the people he was about to hit. He was determined to end Tiamat no matter the collateral damage.

Tiamat saw the giant cyclone coming' So he has abandoned the sea. Quite the pathetic move coming from a Sea god. I won't be able to stop that from moving me, but I won't make it easy for him. A pity, I was learning a lot, when can you say that you improved centuries' worth of experience in minutes? I got about a 100 years for every 3 minutes or so.'

The cyclone hit the Dome causing the water to burst apart. The moment it did so Susanoo released his control over all the water. That was when Tiamat made her move. She shifted into her Dragon form and used a lot of power to gather all the water, in front of her mouth and started compressing it while adding her own draconic energy

'Draconic God's Roar!' 

A giant beam of water shot at Susanoo who was not expecting that attack. The attack hit him head-on but due to Tiamat's large size, the cyclone hit her in the back, damaging her crazy durable scales.

'Fucking crazy bitch!' Susanoo got up from the crater to look at Tiamat's crazy grin as she was bringing in a Tsunami in front of her and a cyclone behind her. 'Why is she wasting so much energy on illogical attacks? No matter I will end it now.'

Now that Susanoo had dragged Tiamat back on land. He brings out the sword that made him famous. The sword that he had gained by slaying Yamata No Orochi.

The Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi sword. A Holy Sword of the Shinto Pantheon. Due to having a piece of Orochi sealed in it, it was more like a Sacred Gear. Orochi's poison was in the sword and the user could also summon the heads of Yamata No Orochi. They can attack and breathe fire, and regenerate after they are destroyed. A poisonous Holy Sword with God Slayer capabilities. A very powerful sword. 

Once Tiamat saw it, her eyes shined for a bit 'That would be a good gift to Isaiah. He just loves to collect the Holy Swords of the world'

"Kusanagi" Susanoo yelled out the sword buzzed as 8 giant snake heads came out of the sword.

Tiamat scoffed "You want to use Orochi's power to deal with me?!"

'Even when I was a Dragon King I was stronger than him. And he wants to use a piece of Orochi's soul stuck in a sword to deal with me? Especially now? How insulting'

Susanoo attacked with the sword. Tiamat just grabbed the snake heads and instead of breaking them, she put water spheres around them. "Like I'm stupid enough to let them regenerate. Let them drown over and over again"

Susanoo tried to wrestle the control of the water spheres from Tiamat but it wasn't working. 'How much energy did she put in these things?'

While the snakes were drowning Tiamat started to tie them up like knots. 'Stupid snake' 

Seeing that calling on the spirit of Orochi wasn't doing him any good. Susanoo dismissed the snakeheads and called upon his Divine Energy. He was an accomplished swordsman himself. He coated the sword with his energy and rushed at Tiamat. 

He started to slash and dash around her. His sword caused slash marks on her scales. But Tiamat didn't just let him do as he wished. Her body ignited in blue flames. But that wasn't all. Tiamat used her blood and flames to create monsters. Monsters that were resistant to 'Storms'.

She sent out hundreds of them to attack Susanoo. 

"You think that's enough to stop me!" Susanoo yelled out, scoffing at the idea that these monsters might do anything to him despite them being immune to his storm attacks. 

Susanoo was easily disposing of the monsters 'Hah, stupid bitch. Waste more of your energy. I can do this all day' He was completely sure of his victory. But he didn't even notice. After destroying each monster Tiamat took a little bit of damage. She had linked herself to the monsters.

Susanoo assumed that he caused all the damage on Tiamat with his Cyclone attack and sword slashes. 

Tiamat was firing fire breaths at the god, but what she was really doing was charging up her Karma. ' A little more, and I will have enough' 

A few minutes later. Susanoo destroyed over a thousand monsters. But he was tired and breathing deeply. Tiamat didn't just stick to one type of monster like most users of Annihilation Maker. She creates different types each with their own power. 

Many of them exploded or caused a poison cloud to be released when Susanoo killed them. His clothes were ruined, he was tired and was in an extremely bad mood. He was getting a report from the gods that were still alive in Takamagahara. The situation was not good. He needed to finish Tiamat off quickly. And if possible capture her to use her as a Hostage. She is a Draconic Goddess after all. She shouldn't die that easily. 

"Fall down already!" Susanoo rushed at Tiamat his sword shining brightly as he was getting energy from the huge storm above them. 

Everything was perfect. Tiamat was far away from her Sea Domain. That affected him as well but he was still gaining power from the Storm. He had done plenty of damage with the God Slayer Sword and drained her of her energy by defeating her monsters. He was the winner!

He slashed downwards, but at that moment Tiamat quickly raised her fist, engulfed in a bright golden flame. The flame was so big that it even went to her elbow. 

"KARMA STRIKE!" Tiamat roared out as she let out a devastating punch, the fist and the sword clashed

"What!" Susanoo was surprised but quickly grabbed the sword with both hands.

"Take back all of the pain you have inflicted at me!" her flames roared out engulfing Susanoo as her punch pushed further and further. The energy in the sword dimmed. 

"No! It can't Be! I am Susanoo-no-Mikoto. God of the Storms and Seas! The third Strongest God in Japan! I can't lose to some Dragon!" 

"Stop whining and die like a MAN!!" Tiamat opened her mouth and channeled all of her power into her Chaos Domain. She unleashed a breath of pure Chaotic Energy. A red and black beam engulfed Susanoo 

"AHHHHHHH!!!!" He was blasted backward as the golden flames and chaotic energy burned through his body. His divine energy couldn't stop it. In a few seconds, all that was left was a charred corpse. Barely holding itself together. 

Tiamat let out a sigh " Ahhhh, I'm tired of fighting these gods. But I can't say it wasn't worth it, My control over water has increased so much. But I'd better get ready for a few decades of just refining what I have before trying to increase any more of my water control. Now I need to go back to Nexus and take a nice bath while the sword extracts this guy's divinity" 

Tiamat used magic to make sure the corpse didn't fall apart and teleported herself back to HQ. 

Susanoo, god of the Seas and Storms. Defeated. 

~ Isaiah 

Was getting pushed back by the two gods. But the smile on his face never left. This infuriated Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi. They both had cool heads, but they couldn't help but feel anger in this situation. A child was facing both of them alone. And he was holding his own. If anybody found out about this. The humiliation would be insufferable. 

He was facing the two strongest gods in the Shinto Pantheon. And he was only losing slightly. He was maneuvering the gods exactly where he wanted them. The sun and the moon are opposites. It's like using fire and ice attacks at once. Without proper timing and synchronization, the attacks would cancel each other out. 

He has Divide and never has to worry about losing energy. Every 10 seconds he regains some energy or just Divides the attack of an opponent. He timed it so [Lacerate] and [Divide] are 5 seconds apart. Each has a 10-second pause between attacks. 

So he uses [Lacerate] and causes a debuff on one of the gods. Waits 5 seconds then uses [Divide] on one of them. Five seconds later he uses [Lacerate] again. This was just pure bullying. 

He also uses clones. His clones could not reach the same level as him, but they were useful in distracting the two gods by using suicide attacks. And then there was the Overblade. For others, he could only create one [Boost]. But for himself. He could use a lot more. 


*Slash* A gash appeared right above Tsukuyomi's eye. Lacerate was completely random where it would hit. 

When Isaiah saw where it appeared he directly used [Boost] to increase his speed. Along with an Accelerate Blade on himself 


"Brother!" Amaterasu yelled out as she rushed towards him as well but she couldn't match Isaiah's speed. Tsukuyomi tried to defend himself but all he saw was Isaiah's grin before the pain started.

*Slash,Slash,Slash,Slash.Slash,Slash,Slash,Slash...* Dozens and Dozens of times he was slashed by an invisible blade

*Boooom* Isaiah was blasted backward by Amateratsu. "Brother!" She quickly went to his side and tried to heal him, but found out that she couldn't. Something in the wounds was preventing her from doing so.

"Bastard" She turned to Isaiah who was smiling as took off his ruined shirt. He didn't even bother to defend. His scales were hard enough to make sure he wasn't killed instantly. 

"What's wrong? Feeling regret yet? Remember you attacked us first. And even the two of you at once can't handle me alone. A big part of that is that if you unleashed your power at your maximum you would kill all the remaining gods here. I will admit that much. But how would you handle it if I wasn't fighting alone?" 


"ROOARRRRRRRR!" A Giant Nine-Tailed Fox appeared through the portal Isaiah created. His very presence shook the realm. He was blasting his Sage aura at its fullest. The golden spots on his fur shined brightly. 

Kurama the leader of the Yokai, The Fox Sage, and Isaiah's right hand has appeared. 

Alcoholic_Panda Alcoholic_Panda

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