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Chapter 161: The Pieces Has Been Set(5)

Down the hallway on site-17, Rodeo and Michelle had just left the room after shedding every tear and crying their eyes out and felt a little better for the time being.

"Are you feeling alright now?" Michelle was first to ask after a brief silence between the two.

"Yeah, for now at least, but I still can't get most of the stuff out of my head sometimes, and today's going to keep me on edge from now on."

Michelle wanted to say something, but what can she say? He wasn't wrong. After many people lost their lives, many were injured, the site went into complete chaos, and D4C successfully obtained the arrow. This event will be something they will never forget.

"Did anyone from the staff tell you how many casualties were there?" Rodeo asked her.

"After Robert healed us and I came to, one of the MTF soldiers told us there were 58 people dead and many injured. It could have been higher if it weren't for Robert."

"I see."

As they continued to walk forward across the long hallway, they then spotted two scp guards pushing a stretcher with a critically injured SCP-5351 who Michelle beat the ever living crap out of on it approaching them. Not minding the unconscious SCP for a moment, the two walk past them and head further down the hallway. 

"Who was that?" Rodeo couldn't help but ask once they passed it.

"A crazy lady who I beat the ever living crap out of today."

"I had a similar experience."

"With whom?"


"Oh yeah, you mentioned that before."

"Yeah, I did." Rodeo smiled, feeling a little better when having a pleasant conversation with a friend. But then, he has something in mind. "You know what, I'll check on Lawrence and Collingwood. Think you can check on the rest of the team?" he asked.

Michelle nodded in response, "Sure."

Despite his stern expression, Rodeo let out a faint smile before heading to the infirmary while Michelle checked on the team. 


At Ward H in the Infirmary, Rodeo visited the room and could see Lawrence and Molly having a conversation with each other.

"Collingwood? Lawrence?"

The two stop themselves and turn their attention to him, and before they could respond, Rodeo suddenly appears in front of them in a blink of an eye and hugs both of them, which they embrace in return, feeling relieved that they are alright. For a brief second, Rodeo breaks away from the hug and asks them. 

"How are you two holding up?"

"It's been... rough for both of us today, but we're doing just fine for now." Molly responded with a bit of hesitation, followed by a nod from Lawrence.

IfRodeo had any expression, his smile would dropped as he spoke, "...Guys, I really wish I could have done something more for all of you but we were outsmarted and everyone here is hurt both physically and mentally. I'm sorry." he apologized.

"It's not your fault, kid. No one expected this to happen. You did your best." Lawrence comforted.

"I know, but we lost, and that's the thing that's bothering me right now. They won, we lost, they got the arrow, and we couldn't do anything about it."

"We get it, Rodeo," Molly remarked, placing her hand on his shoulder, "But for now, let's try to heal our physical and emotional wounds, alright?"


After a brief glance, Lawrence spoke out, "Also Rodeo, I wanted to show you something…" 

With a single thought, his Stand, Ain't No Grave then manifests beside him.


Rodeo's eyes widened in surprise, "Dear God you got yourself scratched by the arrow?"

"Yes, including Molly."

"So that means you both now have Stands?" Rodeo rubs his brow, knowing his fear just happened without him knowing.

"Well I can see the Stands, but mine hasn't appeared yet."

"I see-... hm?"

All of a sudden, Rodeo noticed something was hiding behind Molly and staring at him like a shy child.

Feeling a similar situation, Rodeo kneels down and assures, "It's ok. You don't have to be scared. We're all friends here." 

The being's head perks up, and it appears itself in front of the three in an instant.

 "Whoa!" Molly and Lawrence were both startled at the sudden appearance of the Stand.

What they were looking at was a female humanoid with the same height and build as Molly. It had dark green skin and neck-length vivid orange hair. It was dressed in a dark red tank top and light green shorts with a white star symbol on the left side and a crescent moon symbol on the right. It also wore a long-sleeved purple leather jacket with multiple white star and crescent moon symbols imprinted on it, as well as ocean blue leather boots with a quarter moon symbol imprinted on both of them, and a yellow blindfold around its eyes with a white full moon symbol imprinted on it. 

This was Molly's Stand. 

"Dune. Dune." Molly's Stand nervously waved at everyone.

"I think she can see us even with the blindfold on." Rodeo remarked as he examined it, "Although the stars and moons on her may hint at what kind of power it has."

"Do you have a name in mind for her?" Molly asked, her gaze fixed on her Stand in amazement.

"Got one, because Stand names were referenced from names of a piece of music, I'll call it 'Bad Moon Rising'."

"From the Creedence Clearwater Revival?" 

"Yeah that, kinda like the music, not my favorite but still good."

"Nice name. I'll keep it."

Lawrence then began to ask, "Rodeo... is there a way to-"

Rodeo immediately cuts him off, "If you're thinking of getting rid of your Stand, then no it's not possible. The only way you can truly get rid of them is by a Stand that can manipulate discs but once it extracts your Stand, there is a chance you might go into a comatose state or worse die." He explains, "The other way is by death of you or your Stand, but if you or your Stand die, you'll both die either way. I'm sorry, Lawrence but there is no way out of this."

"I see."

Once they were finished discussing with the topic, Molly turned to ask, "Rodeo, do you know any Stand that can speed things up in the universe because SCP-990 came in my dreams and I was able to see a glimpse of how that Stand looks, and is that he had speed dials on him."

"Speed dials?" Lawrence asked in curiosity.

Meanwhile, Rodeo stood there in silence. When he heard Molly's words regarding her dream, particularly the being she saw, he stared at the two, even though he remained stoic, his eyes gave off the most serious expression they had ever felt from him.

"We need to talk to the team now and you two are coming with me."

"Now?" Both asked.


Realizing Rodeo had known something, and given by his solemn demeanor, it is indeed something severe. So they nodded swiftly and followed him out of the room. 


At the Cafeteria, Michelle arrived there and first saw Evan and Jacob arguing with each other, while Green was trying to calm both of them down. 

"You could have at least told us where you were going before all of this went down so we could stop D4C!" Jacob shouted at Evan with a fierce look on his face.

"Well I'm sorry man, D4C caught me off guard, and that guard who I found suspicious but didn't think much due to the situation going on somehow had knocked me out with a crowbar!"

"How the hell did you got knocked out by a fuckin' crowbar!? You can survive a damn hit that could decimate an entire building, but got knocked out by a mere crowbar!? You are one laughable and pathetic guy who becomes the World!"

"Hey, it's not my fault how that happened!"

"Well congratulations now he has the arrow and we have no idea where they went as well! And the fact that he was able to find a counter to my abilities makes him a threat, so we can't underestimate the next time we meet him!"

"We get it Jacob, but blaming each other isn't gonna make things better." Green said to him.

Jacob could only scoff, "Whatever old man." 

"I'm not that old."


Hearing a new voice located at the entrance of the cafeteria, Jacob, Green and Evan turned at the door and found Michelle standing next to it, with Rodeo, Molly and Lawrence standing behind her.

"SCP-990 has spoken people. Gather the team in the briefing room immediately." 

Slightly surprise to hear Rodeo's unusual tone, they assume it's something very serious, so they all nod and assemble the rest of the team. 


All of the members of Queen's Requiem are now in the briefing room, including McQueen because Michelle used her rubber ability to drag him here and get him through the tight corridors easily. Even Carson, Molly, Lawrence, Ramsey, Amelia, Jones, Emma, Iris, Sophia, Sgt. Johnson, Simmons and Cain were also among those in present.

"I know that calling all of you here at a time like this after what went down today with... D4C and his team but it's urgent. SCP-990, otherwise known as the Dream Man, had appeared in Collingwood's dream and told her about a Stand, which can affect the universe itself and speed everything up." Rodeo stated solemnly. "Collingwood, you said that the Stand had speed dials on it, right?" he asked Collingwood.

"Yes, he did."

"Collingwood, what you saw was... Made in Heaven."

The people who knew a lot about JoJo, such as Carson, Simmons, Iris and half of the members in Queen's Requiem went wide eyed. They knew very well what that Stand was capable of, and if that Stand's first stage form is around and searching for the skeletal bone of Dio, then they will be huge problems very soon. 

"Isn't that the name of a Queen's song?" Jones inquired, "It's very classic, but I like it."

"Yes and that's the name of the Stand. Now I'll begin to explain to those who don't know how this Stand works." Rodeo remarked before detailing Made in Heaven's powers to those who have zero knowledge about it.

About a full minute has passed, the ones who didn't have knowledge regarding Made in Heaven now knew how it works, and let's just say they were shocked and horrified.

"You're saying if we even went toe to toe with Made in Heaven, we'd still lose?!" Lawrence was the first person to reply.

"Yes, but if we can prevent or stop White Snake wherever he is, from achieving that form, or find anyone who has turned into Weather Report, we might be able to get out of this unscathed, but D4C is another story entirely." Rodeo glanced at Jones and asked, "Jones, does the O5 know about what happened today?"

"They do Rodeo. I'm the one who gave them the news after waking up from a punch to the face by a humanoid on a motorcycle, and they're concerned and are demanding us to do something about retrieving it." 

"I see." Rodeo said, turning to the young blonde Scp, he asked, "Iris, did you find your Polaroid camera?"

With a sad frown, she shook her head, "No, I think D4C threw it to a parallel world or might have kept it with him."

"And the Forces of the Hell Dimension?"

Ramsay, the bald African-American woman responded, "We couldn't track them. They must be long gone by now."

Rodeo then thought for a while, he turned away from everyone with his hands behind his back. 

"Listen guys, I… no, we failed against D4C and I'm still shaken about it, but now that SCP-990 has predicted that Made in Heaven can appear here and with the other factions out there doing god knows what and... the Scarlet King and the Hell Dimension being a major problem as well, our road to stopping evil just became more difficult." He sighed frustratingly, "I've been mentally pained and physically scarred as well throughout my first day being here in this world, and today I felt fear. True genuine fear. After what happened today and what might happen next, and that four of you got a power you didn't want to have and yet... fate let it happen either way, and most of you got hurt in the process."

Rodeo glanced back at the group, he continued, "I believe that a good world can be achieved in this universe is possible but if maniacs with evil intentions walk around us then... we need to stop them." With eyes filled with determination, he added, "From now on we aren't gonna stay in one place and wait for the enemy to come to us. No! We will find them, stop them and make ourselves get stronger as well. Even if we have to travel the entire world to do so. So for now we will let D4C take this victory, but when we find him and the other enemy Human Stands and Stand users, we execute justice on them for harming good people and taking away their lives for their own goals. Got it people?!"

Many of them shouted, while others silently nodded in acknowledgement.

"For the time being, let's try to get site-17 back in working order and plan our next step."

"Right." Everyone said in unison before parting their ways.

Once everyone had departed, leaving Rodeo alone in the briefing room, he thought, 'I hope we can stop them. Fate, if you're kind to me, then please I just wish everyone gets through this safely.'


Millions of miles from Earth, the two Hunter-class and five Destroyer-class ships finally arrive at the red planet known as Mars. One of these ships was Archvile as he came out of one of them, behind him were a handful of Marauders, a few dozen of Blood Maykrs, a hundred Immoran troopers, and last but not least...

Ten Armored Barons. 


"Where must we go?" One of the Armored Barons asked their commander, Archvile.

"Marauder said of an abandoned night sentinel city underneath that mountain where the weapon is located." Archvile stated, pointing to the mountain not far from them.

All of a sudden, the ground slightly shook, the demonic forces readied themselves from what was to come, but Archvile raises his hand to settle them down, except for himself when he abruptly spotted an enormous machine emerge out of the mountain, holding a massive argent axe and by doing so, obliterate the entire mountain in the process, sending everything from small rocks to massive boulders flying as it stopped moving once it set foot on the surface. 

What the Hell forces were gazing at was a machine, known as…




















An Atlan, also known as a Sentinel Mech. 


"HOLY SHIT!" Archvile loudly exclaimed. He and the rest of his forces approach the Atlan with extreme caution. As they went too close to it, they noticed on the top of the head of the Atlan was the Marauder and the four troopers jumping off the head and landed on the ground safely due to the low gravity of Mars. 

"So this is what you found? An atlan?!"

"Yes, and this 540 to 560 feet tall machine of war will help us wisely since we have no Hell Barge on our side, and the argent signal was coming from the axe itself since it was being powered by argent batteries." Marauder simply explained as he pointed to the axe the giant mech was holding, emitting crimson energy that could pulverize a soul.

"I see, can the mech move right now?" 

"Unfortunately no, because whoever abandoned this mech here was operating on a low sentinel battery. It took the last amount of energy from the sentinel batteries to get it out of the mountain, but if we put argent batteries in it, it will able to fight non-stop for decades, maybe even centuries."

"Good job Marauder. This Atlan will benefit us greatly." Archvile said proudly to the former Night Sentinel before looking at the forces behind him, "Alright my comrades, tell the crew on the Destroyer-class ships to attach harness wires and anchors on the axe to carry it, while tell the crew on the Hunter-class ships to use the metal tentacles to carry the Atlan and get it to our hideout."

Everyone nodded and they started doing their job. 

"Things are starting to go our way, and with the Slayer currently in his never-ending slumber since Lord Davoth's death, no one shall stop us." Archvile smirked evilly.

"With the only resistance being the foundation and those bizarre individuals." The Marauder added.

"Yes, but if we play our cards right we'll be fine. Let's hope we don't have to deal with other idiots who want universal destruction of all living things." he remarked.

"Let's hope."


In a Chaos Insurgency base on Mount Robson located in Canada, a large number of CI soldiers were lying on the floor lifelessly,  the white colored humanoid with the executioner type clothing along with two other humans who have become a Stands were going through the files and looking for any information regarding the particular object they were seeking while inside a documents room, but came up empty. 

"Damn it!" He cursed loudly, "Two weeks of Chaos Insurgency base wrecking and we still get nothing. I know it exists here, if we can show up in this world, why not the bone as well?"  He remarked as he continued to search for anything regarding the object he was looking for.

You may already be aware that this humanoid was...






















White Snake. 


"I need to find it as soon as possible. For Made in Heaven will be achieved." He said with a threateningly cold tone that even chills the air around him.


(A/n: So this is more of a build up chapter for what comes next but I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Consider following me and vote for my stories and keep yourself notified for more chapters. Thank you.)





























In the vast region of space, SCP-179 was as usual searching for any potential threats from other planets and alerting them to the foundation satellite that constantly orbits close to her. At that moment, she spotted a strange rock that was shaped like a human entering the earth's atmosphere. Feeling something threateningly within it, she quickly pointed to it, and the satellite's camera picked it up.

Over the skies somewhere in the world, the human-shaped rock crashes on the snowy grounds of Greenland, creating a football field-sized crater and blanketing the entire area in a massive smoke cloud. Then something, or rather someone, emerged and stood up from the crater. 

*Music Starts — Avalon - Taku Iwasaki*

Coming out of the crater, the humanoid being lay his eyes at the sun. Normally, he and his race would have disintegrated into ashes when exposed to the sun, but now it merely blinded him for a few seconds before his vision adjusted and found himself crashed landed on a snowy terrain. 

For a moment of silence, the being's lips curved upwards and began to chuckle, "Hehehehehehe... HAHAHAHAHAHA!" he laughed maniacally, smiling widely as he had finally seen sunlight for the first time since almost a hundred years of being frozen in space.

"Finally! FINALLY! After what seemed like an eternity, I'm finally free from my frozen prison! HAHAHAHAHA!" 

Shining by the rays of light from the sun, it accentuates his features greatly, revealing his three horns and long purple hair, blood red eyes, and his highly muscular frame that can be described as true peak masculinity that what all men strive for, a body that that is only for Gods that have transcended mortality, all wearing a purple loin cloth.

This was a being that could not be killed, but had to vanish into the depths of space in order to keep the world from whence he came from and safe from his destructive wrath. 

He is Unkillable.

He is Unbeatable. 

Not even Hamon can harm him. 

He is the Ultimate & Perfect Being. 

And he's now in the SCP world. 

He is...





















K A R S ! 



With a tremendous roar in extreme rage, he morphed his arms into wings and rocketed through the sky at full speed. Just a split second, he effortlessly crossed several kilometers from his previous location in one fell swoop.

"Joseph! When I find you, I will rip and tear you to pieces for banishing me into space, I will end all humans so that there can be only one being in this world!" He shouted menacingly, filled only with rage and vengeance in his mind.

All pieces have been set for coming events that will happen in the world of SCPs.


Wonder of U 

White Snake 

Kars & the Pillar Men. 

Scarlet King & the Hell Dimension. 

SCP Foundation & Queen's Requiem 

Chaos Insurgency 

Global Occult Coalition

Serpent's Hand 

The SCPs themselves. 

Only one shall reign victorious.




"It has begun!" 

At the Council of Crows, the Leader of the organization loudly declared, spreading his hands in the air as countless crows soared past him.

<-------------------- To Be Continued


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