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Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Fairy Tail Zero (9)

Chapter 21: Fairy Tail Zero (9)

~Third POV~

With the agreement of Zeref promising to teach others Magic Mavis showed her to her group as Yuri recovered enough with Warrod asking who the person was in front of them, "Who is he, Mavis?"

Mavis replied that it was another Wizard that is able to teach them how to use Magic Zeref eyes Rou a bit blinking confusedly as he introduces himself, "Hello sir, I'm Rou Ake nice to meet you."

Being friendly Zeref shook off his stare and returned the gesture with a kind smile, "Of course. Pleasure meeting you and the rest."

Bowing his head slightly he started to teach the group from a safe distance away how to use Magic taking a stick and using Fire Magic to create a Magic Circle with Warrod complaining, "It's too far away!"

Mavis sheepishly replies much to his safety of keeping clear from Zeref keeping the death energy fact to herself which didn't go unnoticed by Rou, "I wouldn't recommend you get any closer Warrod."

Doing so Rou took careful looks at Zeref teaching them magic taking out his book and writing everything down word for word runes for runes to get a better grasp Zeref seeing his attitude mumbled to himself, "Truly you seem to be quite the academic young man… although… no. It's not my business to ask."

Shaking his head at those thoughts of asking Rou directly about the changes in his body sensing the same power or whatever was left of magic residue on his person or could possibly be a creation of another mage.

He had sent his youngest creation Natsu in the future, so he was the last person to talk about bringing things to life and questioning it.

For that the studies between the group with Zeref as the rest were unaware of his real name merely calling him by the Black Mage or Black Wizard learning everything, they could from him about how to form magic.

When he finished those parts of the lesson, he then began to ask the group a question, "Now that we got that part done. I'll begin to teach you all basic Magic Spells."

Listening to this the group thought a bit before deciding what Magic they want as Rou mentally frown at this seeing his idea of asking about Healing and Augmentation Magic thrown out the window after thoroughly planning to ask beforehand.

He could only mentally sigh at this seeing the chance to learn from a master about Lost and Ancient Magic gone like that.

Although he could search for other means to learn them for now he would simply take the basic Elemental Magic in his arsenal.

Thinking a bit Rou recalls Zeref using Fire Magic as he finally settled to go for a basic but powerful archetype, "Hmm… in that case do you happen to know any Fire Magic? It's basic, easy, and straightforward to use."

Zeref pauses a bit before nodding in agreement as he goes through something Rou is going through and agreed as Warrod responds next, "For me? Hmm… I think something about plants doing some good. I want to help and support those near me."

Zeref nods as Yuri raises his fist in the air happy and thinking quickly about what he wants to learn, "I like lightning! Powerful and draws the eyes!"

Precht on the other hand sweat drops trying to dissuade learning, "I won't –"

However, Zeref eyes Precht with a small smile seeing potential in him making it known to him to try, "You seem to have especially good potential. At the very least give it a try young man."

Precht blushes a bit before finally agreeing to what Magic he wants to learn, "Since you're asking… maybe Magic about chains since I'm used to it in my fighting style."

Mavis next speaks up with determination in her voicing them out to Zeref, "Thanks for your help. I want to learn strong magic to help my friends!"

Zeref nods as he began to teach the others separately about what Magic ideas, they need to accomplish…


Separated after Warrod learned Green Magic as Yuri learned Lightning Magic and Precht Chain Magic it was finally Rou's turn to learn Enchant and Healing Magic.

On the separate side after Zeref finally explains the concepts of Enchantments runes needed along with Healing Magic basics he asked Rou a question, "Tell me Rou was it? I can sense Magic overflowing in you having the same potential as Mavis. Are you a Wizard as well young man?"

Blinking at this surprised by the sudden question Rou nods his head explaining his Magic to him as he shrugs, "Yeah. Although I'm not sure if you know this Magic though considering Mavis doesn't know it. Here let me show you."


Showing up on the screen was Rou's Archive Magic as Zeref is surprised seeing in his years living he found another Wizard using a new form of Magic, "This here I call is Archive Magic. Basically, it converts my Magic Power into data using my brain as a processing center like a Lacrima processing everything and projecting to her. Good enough to create a screen barrier of sorts but also allows me to use Telepathy but haven't gotten process to download on a different person?"

Blinking at this Zeref immediately knew what Rou meant talking to him what he meant, "You… you mean Memory Transfer? Hmm… in that case, if you use this on me it would be quicker to learn the Fire Magic… but…"

Pausing at this Zeref looks into Rou's magic being more mental base than the elemental of fire he previously stated as he asks him again, "Though after seeing your Magic I don't think simple elemental would work well for your innate Magic and this seems like an unfair trade though? Would you like to learn any more spells I have instead of the elementals?"

At this Rou's eyes widens wanting to ask more about what he meant when elemental magic wouldn't work for him but ignored it for now asking Zeref the spells he wants to get for his personal growth not expecting Archive Magic would interest him, "In that case… would you happen to know anything about Healing and Augmentation Magic known as Enchant?"

Blinking a bit surprised at those types Zeref couldn't help but question Rou for it merely for curiosity's sake, "Healing Magic and Enchant? I do happen to know them, but can I ask why those two if you don't mind?"

Rou sighs as he replies to Zeref honestly the reason as the group listens in to his words, "Sigh… the reason why is because I want to be versatile and helpful in a pinch. I want to quickly heal those close to me given the chance and power to do it."

Zeref nods as he agrees with the trade for the unknown Magic Rou showed seeing the chance to see it into action motioning his screen to Zeref for some control typing it as his Magic Power is converted into data easily enough as he soon summons up his own Archive Magic.


Popping up suddenly Rou was surprised at how easy it was for him to do it himself as he looks at it for a bit, "I see… so that's how it works. In any case, I seem to figure out how. Here's the Magic spells for your trouble…"


Soon enough Zeref Archive Magic sent data of Telepathy of his skills using Enchant, and Healing Magic into Rou's Archive screen with a download screen showing as his eyes blank out as it downloads…


Rou's eyes widen as multiple pieces of information about Healing and Enchant Magic are shown up with the different processes of knowledge as he takes a moment to recollect himself, "Whoa… that… that's a lot of information. Are you sure it's okay with me learning all of this? Not that I'm complaining it's just… wow."

Zeref replies calmly as he plays around with his new Magic learned of this generation, "It's fine. Healing Magic would take time to master for someone with your innate Magic Power. But Enchant would work well enough to establish your type of magic. After all, I for one never seen this type of Magic before so, in the end, learning new Magic is worth knowledge trading and growing of Magic Power."

At this Rou got confused as Zeref gazes into his questioning eyes with a knowing answer, "It's simple child. The more a Wizard learns knowledge and magic the stronger their Magic Power will become. Take these words to heart."

Rou didn't understand, much but nodded anyway as knowledge was power with him leaving away to study and create his own Enchantment following Zeref's knowledge of all of it as his still a Master Enchanter.

Leaning down on the tree he waited for Mavis's turn to teach a Magic Spell.


The two lean behind a tree as Zeref begins to admire Mavis's skills in Illusion Magic feeling the warmth of the animals nearing him, "Your illusions are truly amazing! Are you really self-taught?"

Mavis smiles at this but soon pouts at her illusions asking for Zeref about making her stronger in a fight, "But my illusions can't actually fight for me. Could you teach me some stronger magic?"

Zeref has a confused expression on his face as he questions her about his magic style, "Does that mean you want to learn black magic?"

Mavis turns her face at Zeref with a determined expression on her face willing to learn his magic not caring where it came from, "Black, white… it doesn't make a difference. I'm prepared to fight! I will make sure to return him back the kindness he showed me…"

Zeref sees Mavis's expression more determined before he closes his eyes making a comment about the person she wants to protect, "I see… truly love is a strong emotion. Your love for the boy certainly shows. He must be precious to you, young lady."

Closing his eyes Mavis blushes a bit as literal steams come off her head with her face red putting her hands covering her face and mumbling incoherent words as Zeref smiles lightly at Mavis's inexperience in this matter.

She mumbles to herself with Zeref listening to a Maiden's heart in the turmoil of her emotions as she paces her legs up and down in a tantrum, "Ah! I mean I like him as a friend, but he has his stupid moments that make my heart skip a beat… AH! Damn, it what do I do?! No books told me about how to deal with love. Ouhhh… why me?! I wish I could punch your dumb face, you Black Wizard!!"

Zeref on the other hand merely listens to Mavis's troubles with a light smile thinking to himself of the two after thinking carefully of how to word it in his head, 'Hmm… she certainly has enough light to walk beside me but… she's still a child. Perhaps fate might have other plans…'

And like that Zeref began to teach Mavis how to perform Black Magic Law as she agreed to promise him not to use Law unless she has done 10 years of training to cast the spell.

Although she was still sad that she couldn't punch Zeref face because she was literally dying if she tried after his comment bringing Rou and her being in love causing her to blush hard again after that.

All she could do was learn from the blasted Black Wizard about Law along with some tips to improve her Illusion Magic.

Thus when Zeref finish giving his teachings to the group to wield Magic he left as to not kill any of them by accident as the group finally train their Magic on their own.

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