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Chapter 84: Chapter 84: Dark Days (3)

Chapter 84: Dark Days (3)

[Flashback to a few years ago…]

~Precht POV~

After stumbling around the mining town of Filan gathering information I finally decided to meet up with the Gold Owl Guild to cross reference research notes of finding the correct means of creating the Philosopher Stone.

Passing by the town and through some routes I finally stumbled what seems to be the location of the Guild is in the southeastern region of the continent of Guiltina, north of Filan.

Reaching there I saw the Guild itself looking like a steam workshop of some kind with the metals and iron plating of an Alchemist Guild.

Going towards the door I gave a knock as I heard a voice from the other end replying, "Hello? Who's there? Are you a client here to give us a request?"

Voicing out to them answering the question I replied to them to request meeting their Guild Master as I was sent an invite showing the letter as proof, "In a way yes. But your Guild Master Duke Barbaroa sent this out to me in the search for the Philosopher Stone. I'm Precht from Ishgar."



Listening to my words there was a small pause before the doors opened up to reveal a person I haven't seen before unless belonging to the Machia Race. Machias are a species of living metal machines on Earth Land.

Machias are a species of organic metal humanoids that can take on the appearance of humans as well as possess the capability to use Magic. It has been shown that some Machias are capable of changing their appearance to improve their functionality depending on the situation they are presented with.

As a result of their metallurgy-derived biology, they are considered to be highly vulnerable to electricity and, thus, lightning-based Magic. However, it is possible for them to become resilient, and, in some cases, even adapt to repel Lightning Magic back at their attacker.

Their functional ophthalmology can be designed to allow them to analyze physical, and even psychological, factors of individuals for offensive and defensive purposes. Furthermore, Machias can be deprived of sensory functions, such as olfactory sensors, which can in turn prove to be beneficial by providing immunity to poison, for example.

But from what I can tell this one in front of me is different as I talked to her in a respectful tone of my voice, "I apologize if I seem to be intrusive miss but are you perhaps one of the Machias Race?"

At this, I took a good look at the young mechanical doll a mechanical Doll who takes the form of a voluptuous woman with long flowing light-colored hair and wears form-fitting white armor with long robes.

At this she merely tilts her head with a smile before introducing herself in a calm manner, "I'm Athena a member of the Gold Owl. I'm merely leaving for my business the Duke would be able to meet you soon."

Like that, she left as I entered inside.

Quite the interesting Machia that one as I couldn't feel her Magic Power.

Regardless though that isn't my business as I enter further inside seeing younger-minded alchemists work on their craft as I can see they clearly work hard to achieve their Alchemic methods of Transmutation.

Although the one I'm used to involves the circle they directly change the matter in their hands into something else grasping the current element they want to change without realizing the real specifics behind their transmutation.

The difference is clear as they day comparing my friend's work to theirs at an eye glance. They should have a different means to do 'that' than what I can understand.

Truly the old age will be surpassed by the young.

Quite the day that will be to see the younger generation surpass the old and one I quite can't honestly wait for the day to occur.

But moving on soon one of the Alchemists nearby came towards me he introduced himself in a calm manner, "Hello sir! I'm Alphonse Barbaroas apprentice to Duke Barbaroas. My master sent me here to his Master Chamber."

Giving a curt nod I followed young Alphonse guiding me around the Guildhalls of Gold Owl as they are certainly an interesting bunch.

Not as interesting as Fairy Tail of course.


Wandering around the guild hall and then into the corridors I was shown where I was going entering inside and seeing the Guild Master Duke Barbaroas himself in the flesh I couldn't hold my shock seeing how young he is as he laughed, "Ha! You should really see the look on your face second master of Fairy Tail! It's priceless!"

Getting me a twitch as a response I merely was surprised that despite the years the Duke didn't seem to age much into a fossil old man such as I am a young old man in his prime, but his appearance is startling, to say the least.

Duke Barbaroa is a tall older man who has a dark eyepatch over his left eye, a thick goatee, and light-colored hair that is well groomed with a braided ponytail. He wears a nobleman's uniform with a cravat.

Sitting down Barbaroa began talking business as soon as I sat down with a serious glint in his eyes speaking out, "To think you would agree to meet me, Precht. It's quite a pleasure to meet such a talented individual such as yourself here in my Guild. Also, apologize in advance for what happened to your First Master and lover."


I closed my eyes and gave a curt nod as the Duke babbled on with a defeated sigh taking out a canister and pouring me a drink of ale, "Sigh… to think it has been years since we last meet. And yet that kid Rou Ake was certainly a talented young man. And possibly better man to stay by his beloved side till the end huh?"

Not accepting the Ale I had my caution up but didn't show as I replied to the Duke leaning back on the chair recalling such events, "Talented? Yeah… Mavis and Rou were both two peas in a pot. Together till the end as they both began their lives together. Quite the destined pair the both of them were."

Sighing out a tired breath recalling the many fun adventures we all once shared.

Even everything we have gone through is something I will personally treasure as it led me to the greatest moments of life despite everyone leaving me for whatever reason or another following down their own paths meant for them.

Rou and Mavis both mysteriously disappeared giving me the passage to be Fairy Tail's second Master…

Yuri suddenly died at the hands of the Underworld King demon but left a legacy with Rita in the name of Makarov to live on.

Warrod has gone to help out those lesser unfortunate souls dehydrated or lacking forest life to sustain people even granted the title of Wizard Saint in the process…

And then there's me…

An old man searching for the impossible dreams of this world of creating the Philosopher Stone using my former friends, bits of pieces of research notes, and formulas along with Mavis's theories on the subject.

I did my homework to figure everything out and learn from many masters of Magic and mythical magic science of the world.


I won't be dissuaded by my friends, goals, and legacy I will surpass them and show that I'm equal to them.

Getting my attention back to this deal I have with Duke Barbaroas I released a deep breath I held in out discussing the important topic, "Sigh… yeah. They were the best of our time… But that isn't now to discuss the past. Where here to talk about the future. And that future is about creating the ultimate goal of any Alchemist…"

Muttering out loud for me to hear and clears his voice taking a swig of his flask of ale in a curious tone, "The Philosopher Stone. You aren't the first to make this project with me Precht. There have been others. But from what I can understand you have been doing research involving your friends Alchemy… Fairy Alchemy."

I narrowed my eyes at Duke Barabaroa's attention toward one of Fairy Tail's greatest secrets with Mavis being the 3 Great Fairy Magic Spells.

But in secret, there are 4 in total the 4th one that doesn't use Magic Power but rather Ethernano itself by controlling the very world in their fingertips to have infinite magic to wield rearranging the world to how they please.

It's always available in the Fairy Tail Guild but Rou made a series of tests for the Guild Master to be an expert level or genius level Alchemist to understand his Transmutation Circle to which the test requires one to figure it out yourself with the keywords being one is all and all is one.

I never really understood why though since most answers can be figured with Magic. I still can't quite grasp what Rou wanted the Guild Masters to learn but otherwise, I have no means of understanding.

Yet Mavis managed to figure out what the code needed or runes to understand…

However, such thoughts aren't for here or there at the moment. What's needed currently is help in researching and creating the Philosopher Stone with Duke Barbaroa's help it's possible and I know I can do it!

I'll surpass those two yet…

Regaining my composure, I replied to Duke Barbaroas with determination in my voice returning to the conversation of the project, "Yes but sadly even I don't know. But what I do know is I have a somewhat working foundation for creating the stone. But it won't work unless I need an equally talented mind to help. Now then Duke Barbaroas… will you assist me in creating the Philosopher Stone of this Era or not?"

At this, the Duke merely grinned showing his ambitions as well as some sort of plan of his revealing it to me shaking my hand sealing the deal, "I have done this song and dance before Precht. But if we manage to make it a success then those Six Dragon Gods will fall soon enough. Let's work together… partner."

I managed to get help from the Duke and in return helped me create the makings of the Philosopher Stone using my friend and theories to create the right material needed. All we needed was time to research the means needed.

And by then I will show my friends and everyone leaving behind the greatest legacy someone of my caliber will make in this history to right down my name as the man who created the myth and legend of the Miracle Stone of legends.

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