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Chapter 6: Recruitment.

"What do you think is going to happen to us?" A man who seemed to not have aged a day past 40 said with a worried tone apparent in his voice.

"I don't know honey, I am worried about the children, I don't want them to grow up in such a place. A nation that forcefully subjugates others without mercy until they surrender. Such bloodshed over what." The woman with dark brown hair said as she looked back at her husband visibly about to tear up.

Shifting his attention to another group of people nearby to gather more information the youth turned out the family and focused on another set of people.

"I did not expect the Eastern Empire to suddenly attack us out of the blue. Why would they do that? Uprooting thousands of lives for the sake of expansion such a selfish and alloys emperor." A man with distinctive features said as he seemed angry at the injustices he had to face.

"Such is the fate of the weak like us. This is the reality of the world, those with insufficient strength will always be subject to the will of the strong. Especially against a powerhouse like the Eastern Empire. A military nation with its army of over 2.3 million at attention at all times and battle hardened veterans. It's not a wonder why we lost. The playing field was never even." Another man said in response to the man with distinctive features query.

'Ho? How interesting an militant expansionist empire with a seemingly selfish and ruthless emperor. Sounds a lot like Ancient Rome under the rule of Julius Caesar. Let's see what else I can get from these people.'

Once again tuning in on the group of people's conversation. He began to pick up all sorts of useful information.

"I knew I should have gone to the Kingdom of Ingrassia when I had the chance, I can only curse my foolishness now. We are now being taken into the Empire probably to be used as workers or low level military cannon fodder. How pitiful! "said another man with a vengeful tone.

"At least you're lucky if you are to be taken in as military cannon fodder at least you won't be used as personal pleasure toys by the noble, I have heard of stories of what happens within the walls of the Empire and it is truly horrifying to say the least!" A woman said in an aggrieved tone.

And after listening for a few more minutes and deciding there was nothing else he could eavesdrop on without interacting with the people, the youth went back to his thoughts.

'This is a pretty interesting world I have been dropped into to say the least. It seems the time period here could be compared to the 17th century where systems such as Nobility were really prominent. It seems democracy isn't really a popular concept around here seeing as they are still using slaves and the like. I expect the level of development to be low. Well for now it seems I will be given two options, one as a physical labourer and the other as the lowest level of the military. Cannon fodder. My choice here is quite obvious. I will use my intelligence to rise through the ranks while absorbing more information about this world. And I will bring this world into a new age of prosperity with me at its helm. I will conquer this world…nay..This universe!!' The youth said as a glint flashed across his eyes, one that carried a remarkable amount of determination beyond normal.

Hours passed soon it seemed to be the youth's turn as he walked to a large gate and he was met with armed guards who seemed to be carrying what seemed to be guns but none that he was familiar with.

"You there, How old are you?" Said a tall man with a stern look plastered onto his face.

"18 years old sir" The youth replied back.

"Hm old enough to be a military recruit and to be a physical labourer. Which do you choose?"

"Military recruit sir." The youth replied, trying to suppress the grin forming on his face.

'That was easier than I thought I expected to at least be questioned a bit more, kind of disappointing to not be able to use the lies I weaved up. But at least it's easier this way.

"Go over to that lane over there. And wait until your turn." The man with a stern face said.

After a few more hours of waiting and seeing numerous people gather around him, In his boredom he had counted at least 1736 people. Most of them seemed to have gloomy expressions on their faces as only a few had expectant gazes on their faces. While the youth was thinking a sharp and gruff voice suddenly shook him out of reverie.

"Welcome you maggots! You may have ended up enlisting as a citizen of the great Eastern Empire. Or you may be a refugee whose kingdom was just annexed by our great power. What I am trying to say is that it matters not your origin, right here right now you have the chance to be a part of something greater than yourselves. You are given an opportunity to be the sword of 'God's Chosen' Emperor Rudra Nam UI Nasca. A sword that cleaves everything in the path of its wielder. And by extension of being wielded by 'God's Chosen' we are also chosen by God himself! Rejoice! For you shall forsake your old life and live only for the goals of our emperor worry not about your brothers and sister or your sons and daughters. For they have the eternal blessing and fortune to be raised in a noble empire such as this.The best in the world!" the man said as a rousing passion seeped out from his mouth and seemed to enter the rest of the people surrounding him as they all seemed to share the same passion and fervor the man on the podium shared.

'Ho, how interesting. such a rousing speech almost makes me want to give my life up to Emperor Rudra's cause. More tidbits of information were also shared here, I have finally confirmed my suspicion on the nature of the government this empire runs on. Imperialism.not a bad system of government per-se I wouldn't expect anything more from a civilization still in the 17th century. I really need to get to a library or at least find a source of information to put me on par with the natives here. I am completely clueless to the state of this new world I am in!. Calm down one step at a time.'

"Now, My name is Lieutenant Colonel Aloin Wardell. I am the leader of the 21st squadron of the Restructured Armour Corps. And starting today you are all under my command.Any questions?"

The man who was previously on the podium soon came into light as his whole body was shown. He was a man who seemed to be in his late 50's with splashes of gray splattered all over his hair.Sweeping his gaze over the group of 1500+ Aloin looked disappointed. 'It seems there aren't any special ones within this new batch of recruits'. He thought as a dejected look hung over his face.

"Hey old man. I have a question, Why the hell would we listen to you? I heard from outside that you could challenge a superior if you feel you are stronger than them and jump ranks. So you up to it old man?" A man who seemed to be in his late 20's spoke as he rolled up his sleeves as his body seemed to be adorned in muscles.

"Ho, A challenge? It's been a while since I have received one of those. Let us see if you have the appropriate strength to back up your words."

Aloin quickly brought out what looked to be an amulet as he opened it and seemed to tap on it in a random manner before he spoke into it and said.

"We have a code CC-16, I request an Impartial Arbitrator."

"Requesting Authorization. State name and squadron." The voice from the amulet spoke.

"Aloin Wardell 21st Squadron of the Restructured Armour Corps."

"Access granted, Confirm challenger's agreement?"

"Hey, boy I need you to say 'I agree' into this amulet." Aloin said as he slowly walked towards the boy and brought the amulet towards him.

"I agree!" The boy said seemingly displeased with all the unnecessary proceedings going on.

The rest of the squadron looked on in wonder as they were both expectant of the fight as it was not every day they got to see a Lieutenant colonel challenged for his rank. Some of them had even started to gamble as murmurs could be heard throughout.

"Challenger's agreement confirmed.Sending an Impartial Arbitrator"

Aloin quickly closed his amulet at the sound of that as he silently closed his eyes and waited for the Impartial Arbitrator to be sent in.

It took not up to a minute as a loud boom was heard as a large man with dark red hair landed onto the platform right in between the two fighters.

"I will not intervene in this fight under normal circumstances, I will only check if you use underhanded means that may be detrimental to the empire." The man said in an almost robotic tone.

"Finally I have waited for so long in order to finally fight. Are you ready old man?" the boisterous youth said as he finally got onto the platform where the old man was still standing and looking serene as if this match was of no bother to him.

"Begin the match" The red haired man ordered.

The youth suddenly charged with all his strength and if one could look closely they would see various veins popping from his legs as he lunged towards the old man who still had a serene expression even with a fist fast approaching his face.

As if time had stopped the man seemed to move beyond ordinary means as he dodged the punch fast heading his way. The youth seeing this was aggravated further once more as he quickly released a barrage of punches, confident that at least one would be able to hit the old man and as if being protected the old man managed to dodge all the punches thrown his way. This further aggravated the youth as he thought the old man took him lightly.

"Fine! If it is death you wish for, That is exactly what you shall receive![Rampage]" The youth said as his body glowed with a transparent red energy.

"HAHA, This is real power old man." The youth roared as he once again charged at the old man with speed incomparable to before. And as if predetermined, the old lieutenant dodged every attack flawlessly. Once again to the shock of the youth. He had thought upon the activation of his skill [Rampage] he would be unbeatable, But that proved not to be the case as he stared at the old man's face still as serene as when the fight started. The youth then realized that he was unable to beat the man in front of him before he could apologize and ask for mercy. The old man spoke.

"While you may possess a skill others may envy, you lack the most basic grassroot level of knowledge on how to fight. All that potential wasted on one single power hungry fool.The world truly is unfair" The old man said with a disappointed tone.

"You said something about showing me real power. How laughable. I will tell you and everyone here what real power looks like." As the Old lieutenant finished his statement his expression shifted from the previously serene one to one of absolute bloodthirst. As everyone including the new recruits seemed to be suffocating under the oppressive aura. The only one seemingly unaffected was the red-haired man who stood with an apathetic gaze towards the entire situation.

Within the big group of new recruits within them there was a youth who currently had a lot of thoughts running through his mind.

'How interesting, I am finding this world more interesting by the moment this 'spectacle' has provided me with sufficient information on a lot of things and another thing seems to be speaking to me within my mind. My skill [Sixth Sense] did not seem to be warning me about the lieutenant colonel like it had during my journey in the forest.. It seems to function more like an animal's instinct when faced against a predator they have no hope of winning against.'

Back on the podium with the oppressive atmosphere surrounding the old man as the boisterous young boy seemed to be unable to bear the full brunt of the oppressive aura as he quickly collapsed onto the floor grasping his neck and looking upon the old man with a look of mercy.

"No enemy in their right mind will spare a defeated foe. For there will always be fear of revenge present. That also applies to you." The old man said as the youth's expression turned for the worse as he quickly tried to fight against the aura and muster up strength to fight against this monster in human skin.

In seemingly a blink of an eye a head rolled onto the floor and if one looked closely one would see it was the head of the boisterous youth who had been pleading for his life a moment ago.

"Let this be a lesson to you all also, Never ever allow an enemy to live!" The old man said as the oppressive atmosphere took a significant decrease. With the match finally over. And as silent as a ghost the red haired man disappeared unnoticed by all the new recruits and even Aloin.

Upon looking around for a few minutes and finally being aware of the IA's presence or lack thereof Aloin solemnly thought to himself.

'It seems the gap between me and those guys is still huge. At least I can take some comfort in knowing I can reign over these little ones while they are still weak.'

"So you all have seen what strength is, Anyone one still wish to challenge me?" upon seeing not one among the 1500+ raised their hands the Lieutenant Aloin had a smile on his face.

"Finally we can move on from the pesky little nuisances and get to the important stuff, As I said before you all have forsaken your identities here we do not use names. But rather you will be referred to by your numbers only those at positions of leadership get to have the right to a name until then you are all to be referred to as numbers. Am I clear!?"

"""Yes sir?""" Upon receiving an almost unanimous affirmation Lieutenant Aloin was pleased at the development of things as the previous youth who had just lost his life served as motivation for them to listen to his commands more clearly.

"When you all have received your numbers, We will meet again right at this spot tomorrow. Disperse!". In a uniform motion the group of people all went to receive their numbers from a building.

Upon forming a semi-orderly line the number giving process began with people being given numbers in increasing order.

'Such an interesting system, It seems I won't have to reveal as much information about myself as I was previously expecting.'

After waiting a few more hours it soon got to the youth's turn as he looked down beyond a glass with a lady on the other side who had not even bothered to look at him.

"Your number is 0916. Never forget it. It is your identity as long as you are within the military." the woman said in a tone lacking all emotion. As she once again called out apathetically.


As the youth left the building he was once again met with the large group of people being led into the barracks. Where the soldiers would stay.

Upon the youth being led to the barracks where he would stay he was met with weird gazes as the rest of his 20 barrack mates looked at him.

The youth looked around in confusion before his gaze suddenly landed on his body. As he saw the tattered clothes he had been wearing for quite a long amount of time now. A look of shame donned his face as he excused himself from the large room.

Upon going outside he pondered on how to get a new set of clothes as he had nothing to his name until a voice broke him out of his thoughts.

"Hey there, You look like you need some clothes. Here you go." a young boy who seemed to be around 16 years of age said.

The youth looked at him incredulously and quickly accepted the clothes. It seemed to be two pairs of a plain blue shirt and black pants to go along with it.

"Thank you." the youth said as he replied to the boy in a gratified tone.

"No problem, My name is Andre Min and my number is 1306.What is yours?"

'A name? I haven't thought of that while I could use my previous name. I don't wish to. The 'Me' of this world is going to become the perfect version of the previous 'Me'.'

After waiting for a while and still not hearing an answer Andre quickly retorted.

"Ohh, You don't have to share your name or anything! I just heard it's a sign of goodwill to share names with people." Andre said in a polite tone.

"No not at all, I'd be pleased to share my name. It is Mahald Emrys. My number is 0916."

Mahald responded in a relieved tone.

"That is a nice name, I hope we can continue to be friends, Mahald!" Andre said enthusiastically as he quickly ran away as if embarrassed by the whole ordeal.

Looking at the boy's distant back a small smile bloomed on Mahald's face as the boy had helped him relieve some of the stress he had accumulated ever since he had gotten to this new world.

Constantly being on edge, not knowing who is a friend or foe, And being totally clueless on this new world. He couldn't afford to make any mistakes because they could cost him his life.

While still in his thoughts he once again felt something within him from the very recesses of his body change. As an apathetic voice devoid of all emotions confirmed his suspicions.

Notice.<<Individual ∎∎∎∎∎∎ has been recognized by the World as Mahald Emrys>>

The voice rang out and from the looks of it.It seemed only he had heard it.

'Voice of the World?! How exciting!How very exciting!" Mahald said as an uncontrollable grin planted itself on his face from ear to ear.

'First to change into these.' Mahald said as he quickly got out of his ragged old clothes and changed into his new attire. "This is a nice quality!" He said looking at the pair of torn and bloodied clothes with a look of reminisce in his eyes.

"Goodbye." He said as he threw the clothes on what he recognized to be a garbage bin.

Back within the barracks, With his now changed attire he drew less looks from the rest and he had to an assigned bed labeled 0916.

And with that he lay on his bed letting the past two months of fatigue wash away with this sleep.

While Mahald's body had collapsed from exhaustion his mind was an entirely different scenario as he seemed to be floating in an endless void of space with no colour in sight.

"Where am I!" Mahald, shocked at the absurdity of the entire scenario, was amazed at the blank emptiness of the space.

And then he understood. "This place, This is my mind! This never happened whenever I was asleep within the forest. Where did this come from?" He thought.

"It is because you were constantly on edge. Thus you had subconsciously always been on your guard even while asleep. And with your new safety within this place. You subconsciously allowed for the full realization of your mind." a voice called out one that seemed eerily similar to the voice of Mahald.

"You, Who is there? Who are you?How are you within my mind!?" Mahald called out in shock as he had expected to be alone.

"What do you mean? I am you. Well I am the one within you." The voice finally showed itself to Mahald.And to his shock the voice looked exactly like him.

"What are you talking about?" Mahald replied in a questioning and guarded tone.

"You don't get it do you? The potion you drank. The [Essence of Rick] you didn't just gain the intelligence of a 'smart man'! You gained the intelligence of a God, A being far beyond your comprehension. A being so smart whose understanding of the laws of the universe allow him to alter it to his every whim. From the moment you ingested that potion you had already become something far from human. While you do not have his knowledge. Your perception,Your learning capacity, Your rate of improvement, is vastly beyond human limits.Yet you frolic around playing boy scout. You could have asked for a library to learn more about the world.

The lieutenant colonel, We both know you could have beaten him in a fight. Otherwise your skill [Sixth Sense] would have warned you. You could have taken his position. Yet you didn't. You act so passive. So weak.There is so much to explore. Without intelligence we are bound to eventually leave this world and explore the infinite space beyond us!"

Mahald stood speechless at the realization of the truth within this 'other' him's words.

He could have talked to people within the line previously to gather information.

He could have asked for a library to understand this world better.

He knew deep down that he could beat the Lieutenant Colonel in a fight.

Yet he did none of those. Why? He was scared. Scared of what? Accepting.

Accepting what? That he had truly lost everything from his old life. He refused to face reality in hope that this would be some wacky dream he had.

Now he realized he had to accept this new reality if he ever wanted to have a chance to go back to his old life ever again.


He refused.

He refused to accept this reality, he refused to accept that he was forcefully torn away from his family from his life. To a new world where killing seemed to be the norm. A world where power dictated all. A truly fucked up system.

He simply refused to accept it.

And thus he did what all cowards do. He lived in a land of delusion. Both in fear and comfort.

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