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Chapter 179: Two Sides Of A Coin


"Sister! What on earth is going on?!"

Two people rushed to Hancock's side. Luffy looked at them and raised a brow at them. He looked at Boa Sandersonia, one of the three Gorgon Sisters that rule over Amazon Lily, and one of the second-in commands of the Kuja Pirates.

She and her sisters are called the Gorgon Sisters for supposedly heroically slaying a monster called the Gorgon. She is the younger sister of Hancock and the older sister of Marigold.

Sandersonia is a large woman who resembles a snake, with a curvaceous figure and large breasts like her sisters.

Her head is disproportionately large and wide to her body and her long tongue is forked, often sticking out of her mouth and has sea green eyes (amber in snake form).

Like the rest of the Kuja, she dresses in very revealing clothing: a green bikini top with white irregular patterns, a white cape over it and green panties encircled by flaps at both sides of her hips.

He then looked at Marigold who is the younger sister of Hancock and Sandersonia.

Marigold is a muscled, big, large woman, due to a similar training method used by sumo wrestlers to bulk themselves.

She also is one of many of the Kuja inhabitants who has large breasts with revealing cleavage.

Her hair is arranged in a way that it looks like the patterns on a cobra's hood and to some extent, a Valkyrie's helmet. Marigold wears a pink bikini with Kuja designs and gold tassels that trail down to her pink loin cloth and purple flaps. She also wears a headband and necklace that is made out of pink flowers.

But he quickly suppressed those unholy thoughts and focused back on present matters.

Luffy thought that Sandersonia looked cute. Especially her face, it made his heart beat very fast. But the one that got his heart beating the fastest and got his face blushing the brightest was Hancock.

"Who is that?! A man!" Sandersonia widened her eyes in shock. Luffy was confused as he sensed the emotion of fear in her with Kenbunshoku Haki.

The same was with Hancock and Marigold. He then palmed his face in his mind, knowing the exact reason why they were scared of him.

"Sister, your robe! What exactly has happened here?!" Marigold asked as she wrapped a bathrobe around Hancock who quickly put it on.

"He saw my back...." Hancock explained solemnly, making Marigold and Sandersonia widen their eyes in shock.

" Then he will have to die, that's the only solution." Marigold decided as Sandersonia nodded.

"What?! C'mon ladies! It's just her back! What's so bad about seeing someone's back?! It's the best back I've ever seen! Even though I did kinda barge into this place unannounced." Luffy grumbled the last part and looked at Hancock once again. Hancock glared menacingly at him.

"'That' which you have seen, 'that' which lies on our backs is something that must never be seen, even if we die!! Now take everything you've seen here to your grave!! " She shouted as she formed a heart with her hands.

"Mero Mero Mellow!!" She shouted as she used her signature technique, firing a heart-shaped beam from the heart she formed with her hands.

Anyone with impure thoughts(lust) towards Hancock hit by this beam will be turned into a stone statue. Any affected person's body can be destroyed, due to the fact that it is stone.

"Love Love Beam?" Luffy smiled as he closed his eyes, letting the beam hit him. Nothing happened to him. Luffy was supposed to be petrified into a stone statue by Hancock's attack.

Hancock narrowed her eyes, feeling confused as to why this man in front of her isn't petrified. She decided to try again. "Mero Mero Mellow!!" She shouted again as she fired another heart-shaped beam at Luffy. Luffy grinned as it hit him again but did nothing to him.

It was silent for a while as Hancock, Marigold and Sandersonia titled their heads at him with Luffy mimicking their movements with an amused smile on his face.

"Why do you not turn to stone?! Even after seeing me in the bath, is your heart not moved in the slightest?! " Hancock shouted at Luffy.

Hancock ate the Mero Mero no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows a range of attacks which use emotions of love, lust or adoration to transform opponents into stone.

" Don't be ridiculous, sister! Regardless of gender, age and preferences! None could fail to be captured by your beauty!! " Marigold supported Hancock's argument.

" His fear of death must be outweighing his impure desires! Pathetic, but lucky for him! " Sandersonia glared and hissed at Luffy. Luffy just laughed back at them, angering them even more.

" Oh? I can assure you miss, my heart is beating as fast as possible seeing you standing in front of me. But I'm not the type of guy who licks the ground you walk on. Lust isn't the only thing in my heart, ambition is the other. " Luffy replied confidently while pointing at his own heart. Hancock was in disbelief.

"Th-this.... This isn't possible! It always works!!" Hancock shouted, not believing what she was seeing. Luffy waved at them as he walked away from them.

" You enjoy your bath now, gorgeous. And I won't tell anyone what I saw on your back. I ain't no snitch after all." Luffy grinned as he ran towards a window and crashed through it.

"He jumped out from this height! Men are truly insane!" Sandersonia shouted as she and her sisters ran towards the window Luffy jumped through.

"Hmph!" Hancock huffed angrily as she blew a kiss, creating a pink heart-shaped bullet that floated in front of her.

"Pistol Kiss!!" She shouted as she fired it at Luffy by aiming it at him with her index finger. She also used it together with her Busoshoku Haki.

Luffy already sensed it coming through Kenbunshoku Haki and sidestepped it midair using Geppo. He landed on the ground on his two feet, creating a crater underneath him.

Instantly, every single Kuja warrior surrounded him and aimed at him, ready to turn him into a pincushion any minute now.

Luffy grinned as he raised his hand. "Ladies, maybe we could sort this out peacefully." Luffy offered. He sighed as he felt small snakes crawling up his body and tying his hands behind his back with their own bodies.

They were taking him prisoner again but Luffy didn't mind. Two Kuja warriors approached him.

One of the warriors' names is Ran. Ran is an average sized lady who has jet black hair parted on one side with an earring on each ear.

She wears long black stockings with straps that reach her matching color panties. Around her waist is a decorative belt of rings that is attached to a small flap of blue cloth to cover her rear.

Her top is a small orange flowered tank top with a window hole in the middle that seems almost too small for her size.

She carries a quiver of arrows slung around her back with a snake that is usually accompanying her. She wears an overcoat, similar to a Marine, like a cape like many of her fellow crewmates.

The other warrior's name is Daisy. Daisy is a slim, well-endowed woman of average height. She has long, bushy orange hair.

She wears an outfit typical to the rest of the Kuja Tribe; this consists of a skimpy green top which appears to be made only from a long piece of cloth which barely covers each breast and tied down with a thin belt, black thigh-high stockings, and matching panties with red cloths buttoned at each side.

As a Kuja Pirate, she also wears a white cape that resembles a Marine coat. She is easily distinguished by her wide, perpetual grin.

"Finally caught ya, stupid man! Zahahahaha!!!" Daisy laughed a little too much like Blackbeard as she and Ran grabbed Luffy and started guiding him towards somewhere with the warriors walking beside them.

"Your acts are unforgivable and truly vulgar. Though it is expected from a man. " Ran added as Luffy just chuckled.

" What's so funny? " Ran glared at him. Luffy shrugged.

" Nothing." Luffy mumbled.

"How are you not petrified though? You must've seen Hebihime-sama's back when you crashed into the bathhouse." Ran wondered, making Luffy interested in her mumbling.

" What do you mean?" Luffy asked her.

"Hebihime-sama, Sandersonia-sama and Marigold-sama gained a curse as punishment from slaying a monster called the Gorgon. The Gorgon cursed the three sisters with a pair of eyes on each of their backs, which would petrify anyone who set eyes on them.

As part of the curse, Hebihime-sama has the ability to petrify anyone that shows lust to her, while Sandersonia-sama and Marigold-sama can transform into human-snake hybrids at will. " Ran explained, making Luffy narrow his eyes.

'What? I didn't see any eyes when I saw her back. I only saw a mark. Why is she lying about it to her people?' Luffy thought to himself. Later, he was placed in an arena before the Gorgon Sisters and the entire Kuja Pirates.

The women were cheering at the Gorgon sisters crazily like they were their Gods or something.

Kikyo watched on nervously. "Let's hope we do not get asked about how he got in this village." She whispered as Marguerite stayed silent while watching Luffy who was looking at Hancock who was wearing a new outfit.

She wore a revealing red V-neck blouse that showed much of her chest and a loose sarong that exposed her long, slender legs with the green symbol of the Kuja adorned on it.

She also went with a white cape sporting epaulettes more commonly found on the jackets of high-ranking Marines, and red high heel pumps.

Luffy whistled to himself. He was thankful he could control his rubbery dick to an extent, Or else the women would definitely notice a tent being pitched in his pants.

Hancock sat on a snake. Her name is Salome and she is Hancock's personal Snake Weapon.

She is a large white snake with large pink spots running down her body. The underside of her body is pale yellow, with thin horizontal black lines across it.

She wears a horned skull with a couple of cracks on top of her head, has blue hair jutting out from the back of the skull, and is usually seen with what appears to be a smile.

Hancock looked down at him with a look that was as cold as ice while sitting on Salome who curled herself into a chair for Hancock to sit on, similar to a throne.

"Now then, let me ask you, man!! How, and for what purpose, did you come here to our island?! "

Luffy looked down and grinned to himself.

" Let's see if honesty works when talking to women."

To be continued...

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