/ LGBT+ / After Breaking Up, I Married the General

After Breaking Up, I Married the General Original

After Breaking Up, I Married the General

LGBT+ 93 Chapters 109.8K Views
Author: Ann_Lucy_4506

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Ryzel, a nineteen-year-old guide, was expecting to marry Dwight, but the man changed his mind a month before the wedding.

“I’m sorry, Ryzel.

I wanted a nice and compassionate wife, so I am going to marry Sean instead.

Unlike you, who were usually preoccupied with other things, he always showed concern for me.

Not to mention how highly compatible we are with one another.

I've actually met him before, but he persuaded me to date you because he feels sorry for you."

Without even waiting for Ryzel's response, the man left.

Ryzel, who was left behind, can't even bother caring about his heart because he's been dealing with a lot of issues as a result of the sudden rejection.

He was turning 20 in a month, which meant he had to be married according to the federation's laws.

After he reaches the age of 20, the government's assistance will cease, leaving him to fend for his own expenses.

If he is not married to a powerful sentinel, he will not be able to reclaim his inheritance and will be forced to die on the front lines.

He instantly began looking for solutions, but his hope kept dwindling as his birthday approached without a proper solution to his problems.

On the day he felt all hope was lost, his ex’s superior, General Lewis, proposed to him.

"I'm not gentle and kind; my priority probably won’t be you; our compatibility may not be high; do you still want to marry me?" Ryzel questioned, fixing his gaze on the general.

"It's okay, I don't need my wife to be gentle and kind. Our compatibility is also high. You can focus on your studies, job, or dreams. As long as you remember that you are my guide."

“Okay, let’s get married.”


This is the story of Ryzel's advancement in career and love life, even with all the troubles surrounding him.


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    Hey! I've been enjoying the book, but there's this recurring issue I've noticed with the privileged chapters. Sometimes they're just re-uploaded chapters or even chapters from [Second Life of Loraine]. I'm not sure if they're meant to be placeholders or fillers, but it's a bit of a letdown when you unlock them, expecting new content, especially if it's close to the end of the privilege period as if too close to the expiration period it may lead to loss of coins. So, I'm currently on the 'Preview 15 chapters in advance' plan for 799 coins, and I'm at [61 chapter 60]. After that, the chapters are just reuploads. I've got 1,148 surplus coins to burn + my monthly 1,150 coins and the monthly webnovel membership, and considering I'm hooked I hope this issue can be resolved for a better reading experience and simultaneously your writing and webnovel creator’ experience as well as increased profits. As for a solution, I'd recommend changing the file formatting for the chapters. Each novel could have its unique file naming format. For example, '0061 chapter 60' for [After Breaking Up, I Married the General] and for [Second Life of Loraine] ‘0 [chapter number] and [chapter name]’, although the current format seems effective maybe this could be beneficial for uniformity. To avoid reuploads, maybe have three separate folders: uploaded/existing chapters, new chapters (in case they're not all uploaded at once), and drafts. You could even color code each file following each novel’s distinct color scheme based on either the cover and/or the main theme or simply a cool, warm, or pastel color scheme as you see fit. Additionally, though I assume you already do if not, or for further improvement, I’d recommend having backups of the chapters, either in the cloud or on a disk/USB. This ensures that draft chapters, new chapters, and existing/uploaded chapters won't be lost in case of anything or if they need to be re-uploaded. I'd also suggest using a separate filing app in addition to the current one, both of which are unrelated and of course in the same folder and chapter format — so basically as a clone of the main filing app, just in case there are any issues with the main app. And maybe include a note explaining the formatting for said novels file formatting in case a third party has to upload the chapters, though ideally, it's meant to be self-explanatory and straightforward so it's easy to grasp. Anyway, this about covers it. I hope these suggestions are helpful! Let me know if you need any further clarification.

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    Author Ann_Lucy_4506