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Chapter 4: The First Target Of My Corruption

A few minutes and meters later...

"So Vega, I did what you asked me to do. Don't you think that now it's your time to fulfill your part of the deal and finally tell me what is going on? " Raphael asks as he leaves the random store he found on his way while wandering the town and opens his newly bought beer.

The surrounding place looks like some of the well-known neighborhoods from Earth, known for their "shady" activities.

"You're right..." Vega spokes as the wind around starts to blow slightly.

"So, where should I start? First, you should know that you're not here without a reason..." The A.I. adds.

"Obviously..." Raphael replies as he looks from side to side and crosses the road, already adapting as if he is one of them, the everyday people of Nenktese.

The part of the town he is now in looks like some kind of shady Chinese street with Asian-looking people as he passes by a couple of drunk guys singing happy songs with their tired voices while a group of women in attractive dresses is eyeing them up.

'Weird how something so pointless can bring so much happiness.' Raphael thinks with an inner smile about the alcohol as he shifts his gaze away from the group while Vega continues to speak.

"Sadly, I can't tell you yet the purpose of your forceful transmigration. For that, I would need your help, because only with that, I can unlock the rest of my software."

"Also, I don't know how long will it last for me to unlock my 100% capacity... But at least, I might know what you need to do to help me out..."

While he listens to Vega, Raphael walks back to his neighborhood which lasts around ten minutes.


"Are you crazy? " Raphael suddenly asks, stopping in his tracks after Vega explains his plan to him.

He is already in a more familiar place now, near the street where he met Amy.

"Do you know how stupid this sounds, Vega? " Raphael starts walking but again stops in his tracks and drinks his beer in a row when he realizes again what an absurd explanation Vega gave him.

"Yes..." Vega replies as Raphael then continues talking with anger.

"Me? Locked in a novel written by some filthy, horny human who doesn't know how to date women so he decided to write this harem shit to relieve himself with the help of his imagination? This is just a clear nonsense! "

Silence, nothing but silence follows Raphael's small outburst.

"Talk to me, VEGA! " Raphael shouts due to the silence, making a wave of corrupting darkness explode from his body as the passing people suddenly look at Raphael like he came from Mars.

Horrified gazes of the people are wandering across the beautiful man's body as he wields his head and looks at them.

"What? Mind your own Goddamn business, people..." Raphael says as the people, scared for their lives suddenly starts running away from the street.

"Eh? That was easier than I thought..." Raphael mumbles as he watches the people running away from him, but only Vega's following words make him realize why.

"Probably because you are now in your demonic appearance? " Vega says as Raphael looks at his now demonic-looking, sharp-clawed hands covered in black-and-white, corrupted shadows.

"Damn IT! My cover is blown... " Raphael shouts, smashing the empty beer can against the ground as he dissolves into shadows and appears in a dark alleyway, a few hundred meters away from where he was before.

But sadly, one of the CCTV already caught him using his powers, alarming the local police immediately.


Taking a deep breath, Raphael calms down a little as the sound of nearby sirens is heard.

"Alright Vega, explain it one more time, now more slowly..." Raphael says as his gaze falls on the end of the alleyway, which leads to the busy street of this town from where techno-like music seems to enter the alleyway.

"Fine, you ever heard of the saying that every time someone writes a story, the individual is actually creating a new universe out there, in the cold space? " Vega speaks in Raphael's mind.

"Yeah, I heard of that..." Raphael whispers as a bunch of slightly drunk guys pass the alleyway.

"Then you must know that it's true. Each time an Author writes a story with trust and faith in their words, faith coming from their very soul, a miracle starts to happen." Vega says.

"Yeah, something like Tulpa, an ancient creature from Tibetan Buddhism that with enough human faith can become whatever the people think it is... Bla, bla, bla... From a ghost to a murderer, a poltergeist, or other shit..." Raphael says as he takes a step toward the entrance to the alleyway.

"Yeah, the power of faith is stronger than everyone thinks. But this is not about those nasty bastards but about your transmigration." Vega says.

"Yeah, so... what else you got? " Raphael asks as he takes another step forward.

"So, as I said, someone out there, on Earth, has enough faith to form this massive universe... so much faith that it actually took your soul from one universe, a true living soul, and transported you here as an individual who, according to the script, should become the villain of this "story"."

"But why? And what script?! " Raphael asks.

"First why, okay..." Vega says and explains.

"So, I assume the Author used some other method of describing you, the villain. Maybe he used something that after the combination with his faith reacted and took you here. I can't come up with any other explanation yet..." Vega says.

"Uhuh... Or what if someone helped him..." Raphael says as he approaches the edges of the alleyway.

"Possible..." Vega replies.

"Alright, this will take too much time. Let's discuss this later, after I grasp the basics of this world, and my role in it. Now, the script you mentioned earlier is more interesting than our speculations... What is it? " Raphael asks while looking around, but when he is about to leave the alleyway, two police cars quickly pass by.

Raphael quickly hides back before they can see him as he takes a deep breath.

'They are probably after me...' he thinks, while Vega starts talking again.

"It's not a script, more like a prophecy..." Vega says as an image of two beings facing each other appears in Raphael's point of view. 

One of the beings is covered in a holy light while the other is surrounded by corrupted shadows, a pretty similar to those Raphael possesses.

"One day, when the four Space Sisters of the Magic Brother merge in one to face him in an attempt to protect their Divine Father, the realm will open, and the five elements of Nature will gain bodies." Vega starts speaking as Raphael stops caring about his surroundings and listens to his A.I. friend's voice.

"Hidden between the People of Magic, the five brothers will then strike terror in an attempt to lure out the first daughter of Eve."

"At that moment, only the Sons of Light will help her as a battle between the Sons of Light and the five Knights of Darkness will throw a shade over the Universe."

"If the Light loses, the strongest Darkness Knight will kill everything, throwing the space into the abyss by diverting it in two by a line of the Divine Father's blood."

"Because the blood is divine, it will open a rift so the Knight's corrupted Darkness can escape while striking chaos into the Universal Tree connecting the Universes, seeking more to consume while filling up the entire space with only death and bones of our brothers and sisters..."

"Well... That's depresive..." Raphael says, clapping his hands while forming a scared gesture, adding: "Lemme guess. And I should be one of these Knights of Darkness... right? "

"Correct. More precisely the Knight of Souls, the strongest one between the brothers, the leader of the Darkness army, and your brothers who are already out there, looking for Eve..." Vega says.

"Brothers? " Raphael narrows his eyes as he finally leaves the alleyway and crosses the road.

"Yeah, brothers. From Michael's last memories-" images of four individuals and a girl appears in Raphael's POV "-I can see they're elemental demons and are the ones who killed Michael in an attempt to catch Eve, Michael's friend."

Eyeing one after another, Raphael makes sure to remember their appearance before the images disappear.

"Wait a minute, can you see what I can see? " Raphael asks.

"The Eclipse? Yeah, I can see it..." Vega replies.

"The four sisters are the moons of Nenktese and the Father is the "Sun" while the Brother is Nenktese itself..." Raphael reveals his theory as he passes by a bunch of drunk people.

"What about the Elements? " Vega asks with signs of interest.

"Those are the elemental Demons, and if you are right, and I'm the fifth Knight, the one controlling Souls, then it all makes sense..." Raphael replies.

"How so? " Vega asks again.

"In Magic, the Pentagram is probably the most obvious magical sign you use, and it is a five-tip star. Each tip represents an element, Air, Water, Fire, Earth,-" Raphael starts:

"-and a Soul," and Vega ends the sentence.

"So to understand it right, someone wrote a novel where these four demonic representations of elements are after this girl, Eve. To fulfill the plot, and the role of the fifth Knight, the main Vilain, I was forcefully transmigrated here after my death as their fifth brother to lead them to destroy this universe while helping them catch this Eve."

"Yeah..." Vega confirms.

"Damn, I wonder who has so much time to write all this shit. But what I don't get is who are the Sons of Light? " Raphael asks as he passes by a building with different lights flashing across the road.

In front of the building, a long queue can be seen, and in that queue, Raphael suddenly spots Amy.

Immediately, he turns so as not to attract her attention and starts to walk elsewhere calmly.

'Dang it, she almost saw me! I'm not prepared yet... What is she doing here anyway? ' Raphael thinks as Vega starts speaking again.

"The Sons of Light might be the Protagonists of this "story", don't you think? "

"Protagonists? Like those bastards with systems, cheat codes, different magic powers, secret power-ups, and the abilities to make the most useless shit become the strongest divine artifacts? Those Protagonists? " Raphael asks in a low tone as he passes a bouncer who stands in front of the building which is probably a club.

Looking up, Raphael reads the name of it.


Suddenly- "Yeah, you know how to read, now, get the fuck out or join the queue, idiot..." -The Bouncer speaks up as Raphael narrows his eyes, but decides to walk away without a word.

'What a dickhead...' he speaks in his mind as he walks further away. Seeing a nearby supermarket, he decides to go buy another beer.

"Yeah, those protagonists..." Vega suddenly replies to Raphael's previous question as he enters the store.

"This is just perfect..." Raphael responds as he enters the alley where all the alcohol is placed.

Picking up a can of a random beer, he walks to the Cashier where a beautiful woman in her thirties stands before him in the queue.

Dressed in a grey work suit combined with a white blouse under the suit's jacket, she gives off the aura of a CEO of some company, or a high-standing woman of some sort. 

The blouse is pretty tight around her chest area, hiding a pair of nicely developed and beautifully shaped boobs of an E-cup size, resting in a black, seductively laced bra.

The sight of her silky smooth decolletage is so seductive that Raphael is literally praying to not jump on her right there and then.

And you know when a Demon is praying, it must be serious...

The woman's long legs are enveloped in a layer of black nylons with engraved details that reach her juicy thighs, almost reaching her skirt, hiding her legs completely.

To complete her outfit, she chose leather high heels with a red sole or a platform...

Her probably preferred hairstyle is a bun with curly strains of her hair sliding down her cheeks while the entire look gives a more authoritative vibe with the pair of black angular glasses on her nose.

On her left hand is no ring which indicates she probably doesn't have anyone. That was the first thing Raphael looked at before eyeing the woman's figure completely.

If she would casually take her ring off every day before work or night out, at least a small circle would remain, indicating she has someone.

But no trace of the famous golden circle is visible...

All in all, the woman looks beautiful and Raphael feels excited, particularly eager to know what her figure looks like under the clothes.

Eyeing what she's buying, Raphael sees a small bottle of vodka and a lighter.

'Fun night out, or party in her home? Or a tough breakup? The last is probably false... She looks too happy for a breakup...'

'Or maybe he was a dick... That would make sense then...' Raphael thinks as he checks the woman's figure up and down again.

'Damn... She is worthy of any of the seven main sins~...' Raphael adds again while he tightly squeezes his beer.

"Anything you wanna add? " the Cashier suddenly asks as the woman looks behind her, more precisely at Raphael.

"What a tasty snack~" she whispers and says "I want a pack of blue lines please..." while she still looks at Raphael, staring directly into his eyes.

'DAMN! ' Raphael adds a new word to his inner monologue as it seems that his eyes are glued to the brown-eyed, Asian-looking beauty.

'Wait, Asian? ' Raphael asks himself. He never had anything with an Asian woman but, he is not against it after he sees this milf.

The cashier nods as he adds a pack of cigarettes and says "Twenty-five dedos..."

Finally, the woman turns her face away from Raphael, pays for her stuff, and leaves as Raphael hands his beer to the Cashier, still slightly in shock.

"Five dedos... Anything else? " The Cashier asks.

"Yeah, the blue lines and a lighter..." Raphael replies like a robot as he looks at the glass entrance door.

Seeing the woman through the glass crossing the road, making the cars stop while walking, and swinging her ass straight to the Nocturnus club, he smiles.

"Alright, this will be... thirteen dedos." The Cashier says as Raphael pays for the things and walks away.

Leaving the store, Raphael aims his way toward the Nocturnus club when suddenly, while he's crossing the road, a notification appears in his POV.

As he stops in his tracks, a car suddenly appears and starts honking at him.

"Idiot! This is a road, not a sidewalk! Get the fuck out! " the driver starts shouting through his open window as Raphael wakes up from his state and shouts: "Sorry..."

Quickly leaving the road, Raphael sighs as Vega starts laughing.

"You are here only a day, and you're already trying to transmigrate elsewhere? "

"Hahaha, very funny. Why don't you rather explain to me what that notification means? "

"That, my friend, is your new quest..."

"Quest? What quest? " Raphael asks, confused.

"You see, I'm your system, and like every system, I also have missions the user, you needs to fulfill."

"Uhuh... Another bullshit... Fine, explain..." Raphael replies with a bored tone.

"Look, if you want to survive in this world and not become a small shrimp to be eaten by some hero before you gain back all of your demonic powers, you have to reduce the chances of the protagonists themselves becoming stronger than you… You understand? "

"Logic... But how can I do that? " Raphael asks while slowly walking toward the club.

"By fulfilling my missions which will hinder the Nenktese protagonist's progress..."

"Uhuh, and what is my first mission? "

"Make sure you will become closer with the girl known as Amy before the Protagonist can make his first move on her... Also, make sure he will not interact with her the entire time you are making your move, otherwise, your progress will be hindered by 50%..."


... ... ... ... ...

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