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My Darkness system My Darkness system original

My Darkness system

Author: Patrik_Crown

© WebNovel


On a floating image showing the middle of a bright day, all four moons of Nenktese, a planet similar to modern Earth, suddenly formed an eclipse on the sky. 

Every century, this eclipse is formed and that's the time when the element demons come out from their prison to hunt an individual known as the first daughter of Eva.

And as the prophecy said, that's what happened.

Four individuals disguised as humans appeared out of nowhere in the middle of a busy street.

But for the people, this was normal. After all, Nenktese is a planet where magic blossoms at every corner.

The planet itself has countless Academies for gifted children and by those children, later when they mature, the planet is controlled.

But that doesn't mean normal humans aren't there.

There are, and for decades, they form alliances where they train hunters to hunt troublesome gifted individuals.

One of them are Demons, a race of Nenktese that is on the verge of being extinguished because of the hunters and the Demons' own troublesome natures.

That day with the Eclipse on the sky, in a medium-big city, a random boy and a random girl who just went for a walk together were caught in a crossfire between a newbie hunter and those elemental Demons.

At first sight, the girl looked normal, nothing special, but then, why would the elementals target them out of nowhere?

Those were the thoughts of the young boy accompanying her, named Michael as the floating image followed him while he ran through alleyways.

A few minutes before the Demons clashed with the Hunter, he and his friend were walking past them, when suddenly, the Demons looked like they recognized Michael's friend, Eva.

They tried to casually approach them but the Hunter appeared, and the fight occurred.

After the tough fight, the hunter tried to call for a backup which the demons used for a surprise attack, resolving to kill the hunter which proved to be successful.

And now, in dark alleyways, as the floating image follows them, the handsome young boy named Michael and the pretty, nerdy-looking girl named Eva are running hand in hand in front of the four elemental Demons chasing after them.

The wind is circulating through and around the alleyways, blocking many escape ways for the two.

At first, Michael thought that it was all just a misunderstanding, but throughout the way, he learns that the girl accompanying him has an enormous magical talent she can't fully control, which she is now hunted for.

She reveals that the Demons after Eva want to consume this talent so they can become unstoppable, but they have a limited time.

Time that ends when the Eclipse breaks.

Eva received this information from her mother, also named Eva who had a similar problem in the past, but instead of listening to her mother's advice and staying home where she would be protected, Eva left her home and now, those Demons are after her.


"Running is pointless. Give up you two! " shouts one of the human-looking demons chasing after them.

But instead of owning normal eyes, his eyes are formed from orange flames and he wears a demonic, wide smile full of sharp teeth.

Forming a ball of flames in his hand, he aims and throws it at the two who dodge it with some difficulty while running behind the corner.

 "Sneaky bastards! " shouts the man in anger as his pace speeds up.

Suddenly, the two reach a wall.

"What now? " Eva asks, terrified.

Thinking quickly, Michael says: "G-g-go, I-I-I will s-slow t-them d-down."

"You can speak?! " the girl looks at Michael with wide eyes that contain disbelief.

But when she wants to say more, the boy cuts her off, saying:

"G-GO! B-before the-they re-return..."

As those words come out of his mouth, the demonic group suddenly appears a few steps behind them.

"Well, well, well, a stammering boy without any magical talent helping a girl with an enormous talent she can't even control properly... just like her filthy mother..." the man with flaming eyes said, forming another ball of flames in his hand.

"When I'm done with you, I'll pay her a visit~" the fire Demon adds.

A woman with her eyes glowing blue and hair moving like water follows by saying: "What a pair of love birds~" as she inhales the scent of the girl, a trace her body is unconsciously leaving behind.

"I can feel her delicious mana leaking from her body..." she adds while licking her lips.

"Guys, we should hurry up before that old annoying hunter comes up. He probably knows we killed his disciple..."

"I don't know about you, but I don't want to spend another hundred years in that annoying Winchester's prison..." suddenly says a man with his eyes fully white as well as his short hair.

The wind around him is acting strangely, circulating like a hurricane.

"Don't worry, it will be quick... After all, they are just ten years old kids..." replies the flaming man but suddenly:

"N-Now! " the young stammering boy shouts as he swiftly grabs Eva's leg and helps her escape through the wall with a single move.

"WHAT?! NO! " the girl shouts as well as the flaming man.

The only difference is their tone.

While Eva's contains concern as fear, the Demon's voice contains only pure anger as he throws the ball of flames first at the wall in an attempt to hit Eva, and then at the boy, making his right hand melt.

"AAAAHHHH! " Michael shouts in pain while falling to his knees as the girl, Eva, runs, crying because she left Michael there.

"You annoying BASTARD. What you have done! " the man adds as he drowns the helpless Michael in his demonic flames.

After a few seconds of burning the boy, the rest of the demons suddenly start to notice that the Eclipse on the sky begins to break.

"Shit..." the female water Demon whispers.

"We don't have much time! Ignore him! " the last brown-haired and brown-eyed man says as all four Demons suddenly forcefully disappear.

Appearing on the other side of the wall, the fire Demon looks angrily at the white-haired air Demon.

"Why?! A few seconds more, and he would be done for good! " shouts the fire Demon.

"You want to know why? Because I'm not letting you fuck up our plan like the last time! "

"Because of you, I already spent another hundred years locked in a tomb! I'm not letting this chance slip again because of likes of you."

Turning his face at the female water Demon, the air Demon asks:

"Can you feel her? "

Sniffing the air, the woman shook her head, saying: "I can't, she's gone..."

"FUCK! " the air Demon curses, releasing a powerful blast of wind in all directions as he grabs the fire Demon by his neck.

Fixing his eyes on the eyes of the struggling fire Demon, the air Demon says:

"Pray to the Lord that we find her again because if not, I leave you to my Hellhounds. And trust me, those beauties are not going to have the same patience with you as I have..."

With these words, all four of them disappear...


[... At the same time ...]

[... In a completely different sector of the same Universe ...]

Upon a hill reaching above the black clouds, under the red sky with the cold glittering stars, four powerful-looking men are facing each other.

One group of two are the men of God, order, and holiness.

Their short white hair is floating in the air while a slight breeze is playing with it.

Dressed in the white, holy attire of Angels, but with golden details instead of the silver ones as the normal Angels have, the men wear small calm smiles.

Their azure blue eyes and emerald green eyes are fixed upon their enemies, and brothers at the same time.

After all the bad things their brothers did together, those two Archangels still feel some traces of good in their corrupted brothers.

And now, they are trying to find the source of the good so they can bring them back to Heaven.

The second group of two, however, wears grins as the only truly visible features of their black, shadowy-like appearances are their smiles and their eyes.

Eyes glowing blood-red and white-and-black, and smiles containing a bunch of sharp teeth.

"You are wasting your time here, brothers." One of the two dark figures speaks up, pointing his slender finger with a sharp claw at the two holy Archangels.

"The human race shall die tonight, and not even God can stop what is inevitable." The man added.

"Remember brother, that the man you talk about is our father. You shall pay more respect to his name! " Replies one of the Archangels with his azure blue eyes glowing in slight anger.

"Respect? And what about ME?! " the man replies with anger as the surrounding land shakes under the power containing his voice, adding:

"I paid enough respect to him. All I wanted was to have the same respect! I too deserve respect! And what do I receive instead? " he asks, looking at the Archangels.

"I received nothing, Michael! NOTHING! " he added.

"Calm down brother." Gabriel, who stands next to Michael speaks and takes a step forward.

"Or what? " Speaks the last one, the being formed from a similar Darkness as his brother, Lucifer, yet at the same time a little different.

While Lucifer is like a dark, blood-red-eyed shadow, the man next to him is more like a corruption, a combination of white and black, a color visible in his eyes as well.

He resembles more of a Ying and Yang as his body has a constant struggle to maintain one color.

Therefore, his body looks more like a flow of those two energies without being mixed together, while Lucifer looks more like a not-moving, stagnant Darkness.

"Don't meddle into this, Raphael! " Gabriel speaks up.

"You are telling me this? The biggest coward of Heaven? " Raphael replies and takes a step forward as well, facing Gabriel like an equal.

"A coward? " Gabriel narrows his eyes but for once, he decides to listen to Raphael's explanation.

"Yes, a coward who always disappears from any struggle, fight, or argument. A coward who is always hiding behind our Father's back. A coward who, after the last argument we had, decided to leave Heaven and hide on Earth rather than face this argument and stand up for himself! "

Hearing the sharp, shattering truth, Gabriel remained silent, as well as Michael and Lucifer.

"Brothers, we used to be the Elite of Heaven. Our fighting skills and teamwork were stronger than the skills of the Primordial Angels." Raphael speaks up as he walks in the middle of the mountain, between Lucifer and the Archangels.

"Hah," he sighs.

"You know, I regret many things in my life. But joining Lucifer is not one of them."

"With him, I finally understood what respect truly means, a thing I never received from my Father. Therefore I'm asking..." Raphael looks at Gabriel and Michael.

"Do you want to stop being drowned in the shadows of the Primordial Angels and join us? "

Raphael was never a type for fights, but rather an Archangel who preferred words before swords.

But after he fell and became a Demon, second in command right after Lucifer, he left the way of his previous self.

After Lucifer greeted him in Hell and took him as his right hand, showing him the pleasures of sin, Raphael received a new name from Lucifer.

A name formed from his desires that were hidden behind the facade of an Archangel.

He became Castiel Raphael Gremory, a number one pillar in Hell exceeding Lilith or Alastair in terms of influence, who were the first demons created by Lucifer, while gaining more power than all the Knights and Princes of Hell combined.

He became the second in command, and the right hand of Lucifer, the King of Hell himself.

And by becoming the second most powerful Demon with powers on both Light and Dark sides, which explains his "corrupted " appearance, he found a new way to reach heights he could never reach with words alone.

"I'm sorry, Raphael, but I never betray our Father! " Gabriel suddenly speaks and jumps at Raphael while calling his angel blade.

As the silver glowing blade appears in Gabriel's hand, he pierces the ground with it, but to his surprise, Raphael is nowhere to be found.

What Gabriel didn't expect was that Raphael would dissolve into shadows and appear levitating with the help of his demonic, bat-like wings.

"Too predictable, Gabriel. I can always read you like an open book." Raphel says as he lands on the ground, adding:

"I never imagined I would need to kill my brothers... But if that is what we need for success, then so be it..."

Covering his hands in corrupted, black-and-white flames, Raphael launches himself on Gabriel, as Michael starts to fight Lucifer.

Light versus Dark, Good versus Bad, Purity versus Sin, that's what is happening in front of the gates of Hell.


After the fight of these two principles that lasted almost an entire day, after the battle of the four brothers, Raphael and Lucifer fell on their knees, defeated.

"H-How? " Lucifer asks in the face of his demise while trying to heal the countless holes in his body.

His cracked sword is lying right next to him while darkness is leaving the cursed and cold metallic blade.

"Easly... Our Father is stronger than Darkness or any of those sins you are committing Lucifer..." Michael says while holding his left arm which is slowly healing.

They too with Gabriel went through literal Hell, but with the help of Heavenly Father, they managed to finally defeat their brothers.

"With his help, we will always win..." Gabriel adds.

Lucifer nods, understanding that he was probably wrong for trusting The Darkness, an entity that caused Lucifer to fall from Heaven, followed by countless other Angels, as well as his brother, Raphael.

An entity responsible for Cain killing his brother Abel, an entity responsible for deceiving Lilith and Eve while using the appearance of a snake in Eve's case, and an image of feminine pride in Lilith's case.

However, Raphael who is kneeling right next to Lucifer while squeezing the handle of his sword, shouts:

"Cowards! You are just a bunch of COWARDS hiding behind someone else's power! "

"No, NO! I will never give up. I will never lose my respect again. Its MINE! I'm never going to be defeated! "

"Raphael? " Lucifer narrows his eyes slightly but before he can do something, it is already too late.

As those words come out of his bleeding mouth, Raphael launches himself at Michael for the last time.

"I will kill you, brother-" but before he can actually kill his brother, a sharp pain hits Raphael's chest from behind.

*Cough! * Raphael spits black blood on the floor.

Looking down upon his chest, he sees the glowing white blade of Michael's spear penetrating his heart from behind.

"I'm sorry brother, you gave me no other choice..." Gabriel says with a tear falling from his emerald-green eye while letting go of his brother's holy weapon.

Taking a few steps away from his brothers, Raphael reaches the edge of the mountain.

Falling again on his knees, this time, Raphael is dying as his last words escape his mouth.

"It was a good fight... brothers..."

Falling then off the cliff with his back aiming at the ground.

With his eyes open looking at his three brothers who appear at the edge of the cliff, looking at him falling, a powerful pillar of black-and-white flames erupts from Raphael's body toward the sky, where it disappears between the cold stars.

In this process, his body is destroyed and consumed by the powerful pillar of Light and Darkness.


... ... ... ... ...

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