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Chapter 39: CHAPTER 39 - The Power of the Phoenix and the Dragon


After they had finally obtained the Phoenix Cross, the Song sisters and Prince Yue are together in a meeting inside a private room where they'll be discussing the paired magical items and figure out what kind of powers they have.

"Okay, we got the magic blade and we found the magic cross," Dahlia said as if to point this out in emphasis before she gives a puzzled look at the others as they're looking at the two items that were placed simply on the table before them. "So, how do we know what kind of great power they have once they're together?"

Violet deduces a bit from what she knows about the two. "Well, we know that the Dragon Blade has the power to turn back time, and the Phoenix Cross has its power to heal. I guess that maybe together it might be the same but combined?"

Iris shook her head in a negative at her deduction. "No, I don't think so. Magical items don't do the same abilities if they're conjoined with another item, because that would be like conflicting the energies of the mana against one another. I've looked into the matter about it, and trust me when I say, that I have read and studied through everything and they all say that it's not possible."

"But the stories have told that there is some kind of special ability that these two have which is the reason why they're a magic pair," Jasmine said.

"Yeah, but what could it be? And how?" Lily asked the important questions that are all on their minds.

"Well, we won't be able to find out unless we activate it ourselves and try to figure it out what and how as we use them and not just by staring at them. So let's try it out," Sage said as she reached her hand out to take the Phoenix Cross while Prince Yue hesitates a little before he takes the Dragon Blade in one of his hands slowly.

Since the two of them seem to be the only people who were able to activate the two magical items, as the others have already tried but they couldn't as there was no reaction to them except Sage and Yue.

So the prince and Sage studied and looked over each of their items intensely as if trying to figure out how they were activated and why only they can do it and use it.

Sage looked at each of them for a moment before something came to her in her mind as a small idea got to her.

"Wait a minute," she murmured softly.

Sage remembered before that back at Asher Grey's Mountain when they were attacked by the mountain ghost and she was at Prince Yue's side, she remembered that she felt a needle-like pricking from her hand when she held the cross as she was beside him when it activated and healed him magically.

Sage looked at the Phoenix Cross more closely and found what she's looking for. There was a faint blood smear on the open beak of the Phoenix bird carving on the silver cross.

Her eyes had a slight glint as the thought in her head grew more in realization and then she suddenly grabbed Prince Yue's wrist that held the Dragon Blade which almost startled him by surprise at the action.

"Prince Yue, I want to double-check so did you remember that when the magic blade activated, you felt something pierce you like a small needle or something like that, and then noticed that your blood dropped into the blade?" Sage asked, almost demandingly.

He blinked in confusion on why she asked that strange kind of question but he nodded to her. "Yes," he said.

Sage nodded, "That's what I thought. Come closer to me and position the blade with its hilt facing me while I position the cross."

The others were confused as they watched whatever Sage is doing and telling Prince Yue as he did what she instructed.

Sage carefully positioned the magic cross almost near towards the magic blade and then she said something weirder. "Now prick yourself and drop a bit of blood into the carving of the dragon while I do the same with the phoenix. You ready?"

Prince Yue was becoming more confused as well as the others but he did what she ordered him to and then bit himself on one of his fingers with his teeth to spill blood and he slowly dropped a bit of it right onto the dragon, straight into its open jaws.

Sage did the same to herself but she had a little needle with her to prick herself of blood and the drop went into the phoenix's open beak.

Once the two drips of blood dropped into the two magic items, they reacted in unison and once the two items felt each other's proximity, they almost pulled their wielders together like strong magnets as the cross sucks the blade's hilt inside it, like a key inserting into a slot and the magical items revealed its paired unity.

The magic item turning into a combined Phoenix Dragon dagger.

"Okay--what just happened!?" Rose demanded, looking shocked at the sudden magic transformation.

Sage is shocked too that she didn't notice that she lost her grip holding the hilt of the phoenix as Prince Yue pulled the new magical weapon away from her and inspected it.

He turned it around and stroked at the hilt and saw the phoenix's head is almost near against the dragon one like the combined carvings were made to look as if they're mated to each other and almost kissing.

He didn't notice that some of his thoughts strayed a little into the idea of wanting the Phoenix Dragon dagger to be a sword, and the magic item seemed to respond to his thoughts and obeyed his mental request.

Suddenly glowing magic erupted again and the Phoenix Dragon dagger instantly turned its blade longer until it becomes a Phoenix Dragon sword.

They all gasped, staring stunned at the transforming magical item.

"Whoa! Did it just turn into a sword?!" Iris exclaimed in shock.

Sage became more shocked as she snatched it from Prince Yue who was stunned and was about to drop it from his hands.

By the time Sage had gotten it, her thoughts also strayed into one of the ideas in her head that she was thinking of a spear.

Then the Phoenix Dragon weapon reacted again with its magic that's activated from the other wielder and then turned itself into another kind of weapon.

And that weapon is now turning into a spear, exactly what Sage is thinking.

"Holy--and now it's a spear!?" Dahlia exclaimed staring wide-eyed.

"A double-bladed spear, in fact," Jasmine cried in wonder as Sage twirled the new magically turned weapon.

Sage seemed to have thought of something as she realized it and gazed at the Phoenix Dragon spear closer. "I wonder," she whispered softly.

They heard her utter and look at her confused but Sage just closed her eyes as if trying to think of something and send it out loud and suddenly there was another reaction from the magical weapon.

It somehow responded to her thoughts again as it did before and then the spear instantly turned itself into a large round shield, with the carvings of the Phoenix and Dragon curling around each other in an entwining hug like they're soul mates at the front.

"Oh my! And now it turned into a shield!" Lily almost yells out loud in excitement and awe as she saw this.

Prince Yue, Sage Song, and her sisters exchanged each other's looks and stunned expressions after the united magical item suddenly lost its magic energy and power and then magically divided it back into two separate items again.

From that very stunning and shocking moment, they all discovered the power of the phoenix and the dragon.



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