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A Demon in the Dungeon A Demon in the Dungeon original

A Demon in the Dungeon

Author: Goreleech

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: A Demon in the Dungeon: Arrival.


DAY 1.

It was the usual misery for the guy known as Tyler. Get up from his hideout in the wal where his parents couldn't reach him, steal food from the kitchen and a shower as well before leaving the house. He sighed as he looked at his 5'10 frame in the mirror as he made his escape. He had brown eyes, brown hair and the build of one that spends more time running. He walked out the door on his way to his school dodging cars driven by people attempting to hit him for kicks. He rubbed his eyes as he walked. I hate my life. He shrugged at this truth as he passed an alley between two buildings. As he went, a light caught his eye and when he looked he suddenly felt pulled off his feet and catapulated into the alley. The next thing he knew he wqas face down in the dirt of another alley altogether with the sounds of hustle and bustle all around him. He was aware of two things: One. His outfit felt MUCH lighter, and two: He had WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED. So he got to his feet and saw his sweatshirt, jeans and workboots had been replaced with a light shirt and tan pants with sturdy hiking boots with harder soles. He looekd around and out the alley. Soon as he did he blinked for elves, dwarves, animal people of every variety and humans were wandering around with swords, axes, knives, staffs and were clad in everything from heavy platemail to robes of every color. Utterly confused he looked to his left and saw a reflective mirror. he was exactly the same in apperence, but in black clothing. Then his mind started working again. Okay. Step one. I'm in a new world. I need information, money and weapons. As long as they speak the same tongue I can play the lost foreigner card. He then listened with his honed hearing,

"Did ya see this axe? Got it for 25,000 vallace at Hephastus' shop in babel."

"You lucky bastard that thing is easily worth 30!"

Tyler nodded. Hephastus. Smithing god. not bad. vallace is the currency and it seems weaponry is pricey. Expected. he listend again.

"Org! You headed to the dungeon today?"

"Yup. Gotta make my vallace somehow Lea."

"Be careful down there. I heard the monsters have been tempermental lately."

"Always am!"

Tyler smirked. That's the last piece. i need to head into this 'dungeon' to fight monsters and I'll get money. Simple enough. I'm used to fighting for my bread. He walked over to the entrance to the alley after giving his pockets a pat down. Of course. Not even a knife. Typical isekai bullshit. He smirked and left the alley and looekd around as he sought the dungeon. He instead found himself gaping at a towering structure of white stone with intricate designs at heights it just was NOT possible to reach without a helicopter.

"Well. Looks like YOU'RE new in town."

He looked at the gruff voice to see a smiling dwarf beside him.

"That obvious huh?"

The stocky man patted him heartedly.

"Everyone has that same reaction the first time, me boy! So. You here for the dungeon?"

Tyler smiled kindly.

"Wow. And here I thought i knew how to read minds. There a trick to it?"

The man laughed.

"Ya got spirit kid. I like it. Head over to the guild there and ask for Aina. She'll set you right."

"Thanks. Can't beat solid direction from a dwarf."

That got him a hearty thump.

"And don't ya forget it kid! You're gonna go far here! See ya round rookie. And welcome to ororio."

Tyler smiled as hte kindly dwarf walked off.

"Watch out for the bunnies! i heard they're murder!"

He got another laugh as Tyler now headed for the adventurer's guild. Okay. as long as I can keep the fact I'm from another world a secret I SHOULD be able to get by just fine. I can't. Well. I ain't going back. Not alive that's for damn sure. He walked into the hall and smiled as it felt more like a goods exchange then a guild hall. He spotted the long counter and walked over to the first lady that was free. She smiled kindly as he approached

"welcome to Ororiro Adventurer's guild. How can I help you?"

Tyler smiled.

"I'm new in town and looking to get into the dungeon. I was told to ask for Aina?"

She nodded smiling.

"She is the overseer of the rookie adventurers. I'll just be a moment."

"I'll snoop."

She laughed and went to find the lady in question. Tyler looekd around the hall and spotted a caged booth with a line of adventurers outside it. Curious he watched as one emptied a pouch of crystals the size of his thumb into a tray. The thing was retracted and out came golden coins.

"1200 vallace. have a nice day."

Tyler had counted 3 of the stones that time, and made a note of it. If stones of that size get me 1200, then that means the larger the better. well. I HOPE. He watched them exchange more stones and noted the size versus payout ratio, and found it relient on size and quality. That detail added more to his fertile brain as he pondered his next move. As he did the sound of footsteps were heard behind him and he turned to see a slender lady with tipped ears and glasses approaching him. She smiled as she stood behind the counter.

"I see we've a new adventurer in town."

"And it will never be the same. I'm Tyler. Aina, right?"

She nodded smiling.

"Yup. I understand you wish to enter the dungeon?"

"Yup. Was told to talk to you. So. What's the catch?"

She chuckled as she slid a paper to him.

"Well. The catch is you MUST be sponsered by a god or goddess' familia. These are all the actively recruting familia's in the city at this time. Once you've recieved the blessing from the dieity just come back here for the line signing. Easy."

"when you say it out loud. Okay. Are there any on here you'd recommend over others?"

hse smiled and pointed to a few.

"Smart. This here is the Loki familia. They have some of the most powerful adventurers in town. Then we have the hephastus familia of smiths. They're hard workers."

Tyler listened intensely as she ran down the list till she tapped one.

"Then there's this one. The Hestia Familia. It's small with only one member but he's a kind one and she's a warm one as well."

"A familia with only one member has GOT to hurting for people. That works. Where can I find them?"

She blinked.

"well. Here."

She passed a map of the city over and tapped a sector.

"This is free to all new citizens as a guild courtesy."

"Oh thank the gods for that. I WILL get lost at least twice."

She smiled and used a pen to make a line from the guild to the spot.

"They live in a rundown church."

"Sounds homey."

She chuckled.

"Nice one. Is there anything else you need?"

He rolled the thing up.

"Not at the moment. Once I got connections I'll come bother you again."

She smiled.

"Thanks for the warning."

He walked out and ran the conversation over in his head. If we're dealing with ACTUAL gods and goddesses I'm fucked. They'll be able to tell right off I'm not from around here. I'll just have to hope they're just arrogant. He headed off along the asy to follow directions of the map and found a section of the city that had definitely seen better days as the buildings were all crumbling and most had. Tyler looked around and spotted the rundown church easily enough. He noted the state of the walls and roof and nodded.

"YEah. that place has ten years tops."

He walked up to the front door and walked in.


The place was empty. He put his hands on his hips now in mild confusion.

"The hell?"

He looked around at the ruined pews and smashed pulpit, only to notice a seam in the wall directly to the right of the altar. That got a smirk. Neat. Seems they're a cautious group. He walked to the concealed door and tapped a knuckle with a bit of force.

"Hello? who is it?"

He smiled at the chirpy lady's voice.

"I'm looking for the Hestia familia. I'm an adventurer lookin to join?"

He heard the flurry of steps and wisely backed up as the door flew open as a shorter girl came SPRINTING out of the door. She was a pretty enough girl with long, black twin tailed hair that hung to her lower back with flowers in the ties. Her eyes were a sparkling blue while her outfit was a white dress that hung to her lower thughs with a blue robe that supported her large bust and she wore sandles. To Tyler she seemed a cute space cadet. She smiled excitedly as she looked at him.

"You found them! I'm Goddess-what the?"

She lost ALL her exurberant joy the instant she got a good look at him and Tyler jumped right the fuck back off the alter.

"Holy shit. I'm out."

She held her hand up as he was about to actually run!

"Wait! Let's just talk! Please!"

He was backing away as she sat on the edge of the alter to look at him.

"You're from another world, aren't you?"

"I"ll die before I go back. I won't go and you won't make me."

she leaned back at his tone of utter resolve.

"But, you don't belong here. This isn't your home. I can send uyou back-"

He smashed a pew and pulled a wooden spike and set it to his jugular.

"No. I will NOT go back to hell. Not this time."

She was utterly taken aback but the vehemence in his voice.

"Why? Don't you want to go home?"

He was shaking as he readied to stab the vein at a SECOND's NOTICE. Then she saw something in his gaze.

"What happened there?"

He didn't move from his posture and she hopped off her spot to go to approach him, only for him to start poking his skin,

"Stop! please! just tell me WHY!"

Her voice was shaking now as she saw he was really prepared to kill himself rather then RISK going back. He looked at her.

"Promise a divine oath to NOT send me back."

She frowned.

"I need to know WHY first."

He sighed in despair.

"I guess it WAS too good to be true. Eh. I go back I'll kill myself there."

He lowered the spike and looked at the short busty goddess.

"You REALLY wanna know?"

She nodded with a little fear now.

"I've never seen such fear or a willingness to die to avoid going back before. So, please."

He sighed again.

"You asked for this."

He grabbed his shirt and lifted it. Soon as the light his his torso she gasped in horror.

"What HAPPENED to you?"

His chest was covered in thousands upon thousands of scars with every one showing signs of healing badly, indicating he'd healed them himself. He sighed as he put the shirt down.

"I wasn't very popular in my hometown. Plus the entire town wanted me dead."

She walked over and hugged him.

"Okay. No. I swear a divine oath you will NOT be sent back. I can tell your world's gods don't care."

She let him go and he deflated from utter relief and it broke her heart. Then he looked at her.

"Alright. I'd like this to NOT be a known thing."

She nodded.

"I'll let the other diosdie know you were rescued from your world by ours. Look this is a tragedy."

He chuckled.

"And here I thought it was a comedy. Anyway. I'd like to join your familia."

She sniffed at his joke and nodded.

"Alright. Come on and I'll give you the blessing."

"Why o why am I getting some SERIOUS bed games vibes here?"

She went full tomato red at that one! He patted her chuckling.

"Wow. I think I'm gonna enjoy myself this time around."

They walked through the door and into the basement and he snorted as he saw the door's seam utterly vanish.

"I've seen that one in a few churches."

She smiled as she led him down the stairs.

"Most have them."

"They were child molestors, Hestia. And I've had to fight them off every time I saw a door like that."

She just slumped now.


They walked into a small living area with a wardrobe, a large queen bed, a sofa, a coffee table, and a coat rack. He nodded.


she rounded on him.

"Bell does his best!"

He looked at her strangely.

"Ummm, huh?"

She saw his confusion and groaned as she gestured at the bed.

"Just lay down. ON YOUR BELLY."

"wow. a Divine massage. Sounds heavenly."

She blushed again as he took his shirt off. Then she just collasped in on herself as she saw his back had even MORE scars then his chest did. She ran her hand on a thicker patch.

"Those are from that time I was chained to a rock for a slavewhipping demostration for a class project on our world's history. The teacher charged the townspeople ten bucks for ten minutes whipping. She even had four different styles. One guy used a razor blade tipped cat-o-nail tails. and paid for a full hour."

Hestian just rpessed her head into his back with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry."

He turned to smile at her.

"Eh. It's not your problem. Plus they can't reach me anymore. So. This blessing?"

She sniffed, utterly impressed by his inner strength.

"Like I said, lay on your belly."

He did and his back cracked along his spine.

"Damn. Things freakin comfy."

She climbed up onto his back smiling,

"I love it for a reason."

He had a thought.

"This won't remove my scars, will it?"

She blinked.

"Why would you keep the reminders of such pain?"

He smiled again.

"Because they always remind me of the fact there are fates worse than death itself. I got my strength from the pain and that is nothing to be a ashamed of, Hestia. Plus they look cool and will reinforce my backstory."

He felt her tears on his back as she asked the question.

"What backstory?"

"That I'm an escaped slave looking for a fresh start. With this many scars it'll be an easy sell."

She sniffed as she pricked her finger with a needle.

"You have the strongest soul I have ever seen. Now. How much about this world have you figured out?"

He explained what he knew and she nodded.

"An impressive amount from obsevatiopn and deduction alone. Well. When you kill a monster you're after the magic stone. Beyond that that's really all you really to know."

"I kinda figured."

He felt a drop of blood hit his back and shivered.

"Oh now that feels weird."

She chuckled as he was tattooed with numbers and a level of one.

"Okay. Intelligence, 150, Strength, 125, defense, 500? Okay. Makes sense. Agility, 50. Ha fits."

"Whatever tiny dancer."

"Thank you. dexterity 75. Average. Stamina....175. Not bad for a rookie. Magic is...0. Not bad. I was expecting much worse."

Tyler chuckled.

"I was too actually. In smiliar stories in my world when a character arrives in another world, they're blatantly overpowered. Me? I'm just a brickwall."

She smiled as she pressed the numbers into his back.

"and a smart one as well."

He felt her press a piece of paper into his back and trace a circle on it.

"All done."

She got off his back and he smiled at the cooling spot.

"Wow. You're a warm one aren't you?"

She smirked.

"And you're cold."

She passed him the stats paper as he pulled his shirt on.

"Just take this to the guild and they'll sign you up."

"Nifty. Alright. Time to kick some ass."

That was when she thought of something.

"What DID you bring with you?"

He chuckled.

"Nothing. My clothes were converted into this outfit, but this is all i got."

She nodded and went to the couch.

"Bell is in the dungeon right now. So, I'm sure he wouldn't mind letting you borrow this for now."

She passed him a 6 inch knife and he smiled.

"Thanks Hestia. But borrowing something from someone without them giving it to me doesn't sit well with me. That's just me. I got a nasty set of unarmed skills I can use till I get enough for me own blade. Appreciate it though."

She smiled ruefully as she put it back.

"Okay. Sure. When you're done, just come back here."

"In between getting lost. Got it."

He walked out as she waved.

"Welcome home, Tyler. Try NOT to get killed!"

He took off running along the road with the paper smiling as he went. I got my second chance. and DAMN if it won't be a good one! he returned to the hall and spotted Aina by the counter alone. He walked over and she noticed him.

"I see you had some luck."

He chuckled as he gave the paper to her.

"Hestia's a bundle of nerves. Fun though."

Aina nodded fondly.

"I've not met her myself, but those that have met her say the same."

"Wow. So she's a consistent spaz? I like her a lot more."

Aina smiled as she looked at his numbers.

"Tyler. Level 1. Intelligence, 150, not bad, strength, 125, again not bad, defense, 500?!"

She looked at him with shock and he sighed as he lifted his shirt.

"My owner wasn't nice."

Her shock went to utter heartbreak as she saw the scars. he put his shirt down and she had a single tear fall.

"That is simply tragic. Okay. Agility, 50. Ha."

"Whatever. Not ALL of us can frollick ya know."

She laughed at that one.


"Hey! That hurt!"

She laughed again and looked at them again.

"Okay. Dexterity 75, magic 0, average, stamina 175. Not bad really. Your past helped you here at least with a decent head start. Alright. I trust Goddess Hestia explained how the dungeon works?"

"Kill stuff, bring the glowing rocks back, put them in the tray and get the shiny stuff?"

Aina chuckled as she shook her head.

"Never heard it put like that before, but essentially yes."

He nodded.

"Am I good to get to work then?"

She smiled.

"Patience, rookie. I just need to put a stamp of approval on her stats."

"Wow. That's a helluva way to mark your territory. Sure."

She blushed smiling at this charming rogue.

"Come on."

She led him to a spot nad he lifted his shirt. She sighed in sympathy at the even MORE densely packed lines as she pressed a stamp into his back.

"Alright. You are officially a Hestia Familia adventurer."

he smiled as he stood.

"I good to go?"

"Eager aren't you? I see you don't even have a knife to fit with. Bottom rung huh?"

"with nowhere to go but up."

She smiled at that sentiment.

"I like that one. Just be careful. You're cleared for floor one. Don't get cocky."

"Nah. I will tomorrow though!"

"Get outta here! the dungeon is out the door underneath the big tower."

"Later Aina."

He took off running as the lady that had met Tyler first came over smiling.

"Well Aina. He's certainly a charmer, isn't he?"

The elven lady sighed sadly.

"With a truly tragic past, Luma. See his scars sometime and i dare you to be fine after."

Tyler was running with an eager smile as he headed for the tower. I am going to make SUCH a mess of this town. He followed the line of other adventurers as they went into the tower and down. The ones with the rush he followed more as he found floor one at the bottom of a set of stairs. He smiled at the well-lit section of long winding corridors.

"Let's hunt."

He started walking along one lane and as soon as the stairs were out of sight he got hit as a group of four small green creatures with axes came dropping from the walls. He chuckled as he rushed them.


He hit the first with a clenched fist and it exploded into black dust leaving a stone to drop into his hands as he spun a kick and shattered another against the wall. There were ten more of the things as he grabbed the second stone and readied for the next attack. he smiling as he felt three come at once. He hit one in the face, stomped on another and headbutted the last. Three shots, three more stones. The rest swarmed him and he grinned as he bathed in their cries as he crushed them with his bare hands and collected their stones.

"12. not bad. Keep it moving."

He wsas off and hunting again with a wild light in his eyes as he ran at the next creature that crossed his path. This one being a large wolf on it's hindlegs. He didn't break stride as he slammed his fist into it's face with a savage force and reducing it to dust outright. This stone was bigger and he smiled as he added it to his pocket. As he did the sound of falling rocks was heard as MORE wolves dropped in. about ten.

"Oh this just got GOOD. COME ON PUPPIES! THE VET IS IN!"

Tyler ran at them and dropped two with similar shots to the teeth as one pounced and latched onto his back to sink teeth into his body. Tyler laughed as he flipped the beast over his shoulder and stomped on it'a head as he grabbed another by the face and crushed it. The last attacked at once and he killed them as well. Now bleeding from some new holes in his body he collected the stones.

"Alright. Next."

He rolled his shoulder and found it still functioning fine as he walked back the way he came leaving a blood trail smiling. More goblins attacked in a group of 5 he crushed without issues and collected their stones. He patted his pocekt and felt it full.

"That's it. I'm out."

He took off running and dropped every other monster he came across adding their stones to his collection as he found the stiars and headed up. His bleeding had stopped and he didn't feel pain to begin with. He walked out whistling to see the sun was going down and chuckled.

"Time flies on a rampage."

He walked to the guild where Aina was still on duty.

"Hey, Aina! that was awesome!"

She looked up smiling at his voice, only to go white with horror as she saw him.

"Tyler, are you okay?"

He blinked then looked down.

"Oh. Yeah. I forgot i took a few hits."

His clothes were soaked in his own blood and the blood of the monsters he'd killed and there was a new hole in his shirt where the bite was seen. He chuckled as he looked at the pale faced Aina.

"I'm good. Some mutts got the jump on me but I put em down!"

He walked over to the booth and put the pocket of stones in the slot. it retracted and pushed out coin in a small pouch.

"12,000 vallace. Have a nice day."

Tyler smiled.


He put the pouch in his breast pocket as Aina looked at him concerned.

"Look, you SURE you're okay, Tyler? That bite looks nasty."

He looked at it and shrugged.

"I've been bitten by wolves before, Aina. This one didn't get a good grip. So. Question."

She was just sad as she replied.

"Yes? How can I help?"

HE chuckled.

"Can you tell me a good place to get weapons and armor for 12k?"

She smiled at this.

"Sure. It's in babel floor 65."

"floor 65 ABOVE ground. Gotchya. Thanks, Aina."

He was off to the tower as Aina blinked.

"Is he STILL going?"

Tyler headed to the tower and found the elevator without too much issue. Though the looks on the faces of his ride mates made it priceless.

"me boy what happened down there?"

Tyler chuckled ruefully.

"I picked a fight with a wolf pack bare handed. Not my best moment."

The barrel that was thr dwarven speaker laughed as his companions shook their heads at this.


"Oi! I won didn't I? Barely."

They laughed as he walked out onto the 65th floor and smiled at the open stall style marketplace. He walked around and spotted a price for a long dagger.

"1200? That's not bad at all."

He looked around until he spotted a one handed sword with a wide blade. Intrigued he took it down and felt the wieght.

"I see you got good taste."

A man in a black outfit and red hair came over as Tyler looked at the beastly blade.

"It caught my eye, Mister?"

The guy laughed with a gravely voice.

"Wulf crozzo. Nice to meetcha."

Tyler clasped his arm.

"I'm Tyler. nice to know ya Wulf. So. This beast?"

He leaned on a wall grinning.



He blinked.

"what? No bartering?"

"I suck at it. i shit you not I tried it once at a tavern on a five val drink and ended up paying 1000! I STILL thought I coulda gotten a better deal!"

Wulf lost it laughing at the image.

"Okay. You're a funny one alright! 6k."

Tyler gave him the coins and strapped the battleblade over his back.

"Nice. Now all I need is a set of shoulder guards in case of angry puppy."

Wulf snorted and took out a set of slightly curved shoulder guards.

"Like these?"

"Perfect. 500 for the pair."

"Not bad. Deal."

Tyler smiled as he strapped them on as well.

"I've got 4500 left. 2000 is for Hestia. so. 2500 left. let's see."

He looked at the gear and spotted a dagger for 1200.


Wulf chuckled.

"I know that look. Weapon or armor."

"With cash for the one or the other. Eh. i got tomorrow to get more fangs. A set of greaves would be the better bet."

Wulf pulled a set of greaves out and Tyler nodded.


"You know a good deal. Done."

Tyler tilted his head as he put them on.

"Odd. i thought they'd affect my wrists, but they don't. neat. eh. The dagger for 12."


Tyler handed him 12 vallce and he laughed.

"Okay. Ya got me on that one. I'll let it go as a well-learned lesson."

"I only do it the once. We all need a reminder to pay attention every once in a while."

He got a pat for that.

"YOU got a brain."

Tyler nodded.

"Thanks Wulf. I'm set for now. So, i gotta question."


"If i want something custom do I come to you here?"

Wulf crossed his arms now.

"By custom, what do you mean?"

Tyler chuckled.

"Say a double bladed staff sword that seperates into two weapons with a twist. Somehow I don't think I can just pick that up stock."

Wulf blinked. Then busted up laughing at the image he'd just presented.

"Kid you got a scary mind for weapons. So yeah. You can usually find me here or in the smithing district. If ya find the materials in the dungeon bring them to me."

"Like monster drops?"

"Yup. Sometimes they drop items. And usually I can make some pretty good stuff with it."

"Oh I'll keep an eye out now. later Wulf!"

Tyler left the market and headed back to the ground. he whistled as he left the tower and headed rfor Hestia's church, Loving the feel of his new best friend on his back. I freaking love this thing. I can't WAIT to kill something with it. he noted the balls in lamps opening to reveal glowing stones as he went and smiled at the abundience of magic everywhere. I REALLY want to set some idiot on fire! he walked into Hestia's sector of the city and found the church again. He walked in and could hear the exurberant goddess chatting with someone else.

"Oh Bell! I got great news!"

"Oh yeah, Goddess? what's that?"

"we got a new member! And he's tough!"

"Really? That's awesome! Where is he?"

Tyler tapped a knuckle.

"I'm back, hestia!"


He stepped back as the rambunctiour girl threw the door open smiling.

"Wel-Oh what happened?"

He blinked and looked down again.

"Oh. I thought picking a fight with a wolf pack bare handed was a great idea."

She slumped at this.

"Argh. Come on."


He followed the small goddess as she walked downstairs.

"Well. he's here and a moron."

Tyler chuckled as he got a look at the other member of the familia.

"I AM a brickwall."

She flopped on her bed as the other kid came over smiling.

"I'm Bell Cranel. Nice to meet you Mister?"

Tyler shook the guy's hand.

"Tyler, Bell. I'm not old enough for mister."

He nodded smiling.

"Sorry. So. you joined the goddess's familia?"

Tyler nodded as he inspected the other member. Bell was a shorter kid with snow white hair and red eyes and a kind face. His outfit was a tan shirt and black pants.

"Yup. Oh. Here, Hestia."

He handed over 2000 vallace and her and Bell gaped.

"I hoped you'd work, hard, Tyler, but I wasn't expecting this!"

He set his gear in a corner as he smiled.

"I've always been a workhorse, hestia. Plus it's fun."

She smiled at that as Bell added the amount to a hidden coffer as he sat against the wall on the floor. She looked at his wounds

"They don't hurt, Hestia. Hell. They're already mostly forgotten."

She sighed sadly.

"I know you're strong and all, Tyler, but as your goddess it's my job to look after you. Okay?"

He blinked.

"That's gonna take some getting used to. But sure I guess."

She sighed with relief.

"Phew i was worried you'd fight me on this. Just come here and I'll stitch you up."

"Yes ma'am."

She snorted at that as bell looekd at the sword.

"That's an incredible Sword, Tyler. Where'd you get it?"

Tyler smiled as he took his shirt off for Hestia.

"65th floor in Babel. It's an open market for rookies. I asked Aina about good deals and where to find them and she pointed the floor out."

Bell looked over smiling only to gasped in horror at his scars. Tyler sighed now.

"I'm an escaped slave, Bell. And my owners weren't nice."

He nodded at this.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Well. At least you're here now."

Tyler smiled as Hestia got into him with needle and thread.

"My thoughts exactly."

Bell looked back at the sword.

"I wonder why Miss Aina never told me about the market?"

"Well did you ask?"

Bell blinked. Then hung his head ruefully at this logical explanation.

"Fair enough."

Tyler chuckled at his expression. I get the feeling bell is a sweet hearted guy. and just a BIT Naive. Lucky guy. Hestia sighed as she finished up her stitch work.

"There. I know you can't feel it, but all done."

He smiled as he moved his arm around.

"Thanks hestia. So, I'll take the corner."

She blinked then looked around the room.

"Oh. Right."

he patted her hair fondly.

"It's fine. Bottom rung and all."

Bell rubbed his chin.

"I don't mind sharing Goddess."

Hestia perked RIGHT up with a smile and Tyler riased an eyebrow. Oh she's got it BAD for him! and he'd got NOOOOO fucking CLUE. Poor girl and lucky bastard. Tyler decided to help them out.

"I don't feel right taking the Goddess's bed, Bell."

Hestia picked RIGHT up on the play.

"Bell, i don't mind if you join in my bed. It'll be more comfortable too."

Bell smiled.

"Well. if you're sure, Goddess Hestia, then alright."

Tyler got a VERY subtle back slap for his aid as Hestia got a cuddle night with Bell. The scarred adventurer stretched as the duo sat on the couch for dinner. They shared and Tyler smiled gratefully.

"Thanks. I'll see if I can't get more cash tomorrow for us."

Hestia sighed.

"I'm sorry you swore yourselves to such a useless goddess-"

"Oi! Hold up."

She jumped as Tyler beat bell to the punch. The taller guy then smiled.

"Aren't you the goddess of home and hearth?"

She nodded confused.


"Then you already did us the best favor out there. You gave us a home to return to each day. BELIEVE Me, Hestia, that is no small thing."

She smiled as bell nodded.

"He's right Goddess. Our familia is just starting out. We'll get there."

Tyler nodded.

"Oh we will. Long as I don't become some damned dog's chewtoy. That sucked!"

They laughed at his offended tone as the night wore down. Bell and Hestia climbed into her bed as Tyler stretched out on the couch.

"Night ladies."

Hestia laughed as Bell sighed as they drifted off.

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