/ Fantasy / AGUDA EMPIRE::-The Legend Of Omalinze

AGUDA EMPIRE::-The Legend Of Omalinze Original

AGUDA EMPIRE::-The Legend Of Omalinze

Fantasy 6 Chapters 998 Views
Author: Obi360Novels

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[What was the story told about Africa, Oh Africa and her colonial masters, far from it Aguda Empire ::- The legend of omalinze will tell you the tales of Africa written in sands of time when men walks like gods and struggle for power to rule. when magic and supernatural power became the obsession of men.]

Africa! Africa! my home, my mother, the land of opportunities. legends are legends and story tells the tales of legends, you might hear some other tales of Africa and her legends. this story you are about to hear haven't been told to anyone except the true sons of the soil, no one will tell you the truth but yet it still written in sands of time and the Havens bears witness to this events.

My story begin when men have been created and have increase in population, Africa witness wars within brothers and their cannibalism were in full display as days gone by questions were asked and answers were given. four young men from four villages took it opon themselves to unite Africa by creating an empire called Aguda which the many were in support of. they embark on a journey to the spirit world to speak with gods themselves, they are United under one goal, the unification of Africa. they embraced their destiny and they protect each other from harms. there determination pave there way while as human pain touched each of them till the time of sacrifice. the love for their mothers land drive their motive and they became the first four mortal men in Aguda to embark on such dangerous journey. Will omalinze become the first prince of aguda empire will they unify Africa an creat a large Empire

Read till the end to know


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This novel is the best Africa fantasy cultivation and magic novels. It still under development so I will reserve my comment till then. This novel potaintal is incalculable so I will give it five star

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Author Obi360Novels