/ Fantasy / Apocalyptic Savior

Apocalyptic Savior Original

Apocalyptic Savior

Fantasy 28 Chapters 13.0K Views
Author: KLUX

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In a ordinary day there was a human who died by an accident, not by some normal accident but a paranormal accident.

I was walking towards my house, who I Youta Saturo a student, I live in a small apartment it's already dark because I was busy in the club activities.

While walking in a alley a bright flouting ball appeared, it's shining bright in the closer look it look like an thunder ball.

I thought it was a hologram or something so I went close and check it, but the moment I step closer into it I lost conscious.

I woke up on a bed in a small room, I get up the bed and look around, there was a small table near the bed and a letter.

I Open the letter

[ Hi! Youta Saturo, im the goddess of mistake Ατη you should already have guessed what happened, I... Make a mistake in your world you know about that shinny ball thingy right? That thing killed you, that shouldn't be there but you see Im clumsy tehee ]

I was fcking mad at that time like I died because of a mistake!???? WTF!?


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Author KLUX