/ Urban / As Fragile As Glass

As Fragile As Glass Original

As Fragile As Glass

Urban 124 Chapters 9.9K Views
Author: Thebrokengirlpoetry

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I believe that we are all as fragile as glass some are harder to break than others every time we struggle with our emotions and go through something painful a piece of us breaks sometimes people help us put our pieces back together sometimes we have to pick the pieces ourselves sometimes we cut people with our pieces even when we didn't mean to and we break and put our pieces back together and we're left with the cracks with every break we become more fragile but it matters how you put the pieces back together if you're stronger or not I believe this is how everyone lives life
(as fragile as glass) this is a novel were I turn my emotions and thoughts into poetry I find beauty in my tragedy



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    This novel is a very real and honest novel it shows so many different emotions and it's very relatable and understanding and it really sheds light on what it's like for someone with mental illness 👏🏻💚💚💚

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    Author Thebrokengirlpoetry