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Chapter 7: Cadet Training

The morning came quickly as all the new recruits were abruptly woken up and forced to come out into the yard.

Seeing all the newly recruited cadets in front of him Lieutenant Colonel Aloin cleared his throat which quickly cleared up all the chattering among the cadets.

"Welcome once again young recruits, This is the 21st Squadron of the Restructured Armour Corps. We are under the Armored Division, the largest division under the Empire's military might. There are a total of 700 squadrons within the corp. Each Squadron is separated into 7 different regiments. Each regiment consisting of 100 squadrons all commanded by a Brigadier General. We are currently under the 3rd Regiment led by Sir Vorth Dawsun. Each regiment is said to represent a deadly sin. We are known as the Wrathful Warriors, we are one of the many swords of the Emperor. We bring ruin and destruction wherever we are deployed.

Now onto skills you may have heard me say to the boy I killed that his skill was strong. Which was true. In this world only the strong are respected and revered.

Skills are proof of your recognition by the world. Now some of you may be confused but I shall put it like this, say after years of training and tempering my body I was finally able to lift a really big rock and the world recognizes that by overcoming my limits I would be granted a skill. Of course this is an oversimplification of [Skill Theory] a subject that you will be taught the more you spend more time here. Now there are 4 types of skills we currently know of these are Common Skills, Extra Skills, Unique Skills and Resist Skills."

Seeing as multiple cadets had confused looks on their faces, The Lieutenant Colonel decided to answer their queries.

"If you have any questions feel free to ask."

As he had finished the statement, multiple cadets had already put their hands up in order to sate their curiosity. Looking around, the Colonel simply picked one of the cadets in front of him.

"Yes Cadet, state your number and then you may ask your question."

"Cadet 0832 Sir, You said one could acquire a skill when they are recognized by the world for overcoming a limit, Is that the only way to acquire a skill?" The cadet voiced his query in a distant tone.

"No, There are other ways to acquire skills. Some races are born with skills that lead to another class of skills called Intrinsic Skills. Take beasts for example, they are more naturally attuned with the natural Magicles of the world and so thus they have an easier time gaining skills.

Another rare method is through the mastery of an Art. This method is rare because of humans' low life spans but this also falls under the category of getting acknowledged by the world, you are rewarded a skill for the mastery of your Art.

There is also Skill Gifting, Although rare still exists these are people that possess a skill that allow them to grant others skills now this might come at a cost, not always as there are usually exceptions to this rule.

There is also another frowned option. Forceful possession is as impossible as it is rare for a lot of conditions would need to be met in order to successfully achieve this. Even the greatest minds were not able to devise a solution to this. Does that answer your question Cadet?"

"Yes Lieutenant Colonel!"

The Lieutenant Colonel spent a few more minutes answering the questions of various cadets, explaining the various ranks of the army and other technical terms and how to refer to a higher ranked individual.

"Alright now that you all have basic information, We shall begin your training."

The Lieutenant grinned as he was approaching his favorite part of his job.

" All of you drop down and give me 1,000 push ups. You have 4 hours starting now, Those unable to complete this can forget about even moving up in rank."

Soon all the cadets began to do push-ups and very quickly 4 hours had passed, each cadet was grunting and pushing themselves to their limits. It did not take long before all the cadets were sprawled out on the ground panting with sore arms.

"If you got below 900 pushups, And do not try to lie to me I watched each and every one of you!"

Soon the cadets had been divided into two lines, the ones that were able to complete it within the assigned time and those who weren't able to among the total of 1,856 only 120 were able to complete it within the assigned time.

"Now there was a reason I had you all do that, I watched those who struggled and persevered despite their arms being long exhausted and I also watched those who had the notion that they could never complete it within the assigned time. This was also to show you all what you would need to constantly do to get strong. Always surpassing your limits and beating the person you were before." The Lieutenant said in a rousing voice as all the cadets listening to him felt a sort of fire burn within them.

A fire to get better and stronger.

"Now for those 120 who have completed the task, Good job but this is not the end you must keep working hard in order not to be overtaken by the rest of your peers." Aloin said with a stern tone as he seemed to have high expectations for this set of cadets.

"You are all dismissed, Tomorrow we will meet her in order to complete the Magic Affinity Test and Magicle Count Test '' The Lieutenant said as he walked off leaving the cadets to their own devices.

-{Andre Min/1306}-

Ha ha ha, breathing hurts so much. Looking down at my arms I noticed the lack of feeling and this sense of numbness within them. They were as heavy as rocks. Although difficult I had barely managed to complete the Lieutenant Colonel's test as I passed with 967 push-ups. I looked at the other cadets among the 120 cadets that had completed the challenge. 3 of them managed to do it with such ease it made the rest of us look like wastrels.

And one of those three was Mahald, the odd individual I had made friends with yesterday. He was certainly odd as he constantly had this look in his eyes, one of scheming but to make things even weirder when I had talked to him yesterday to offer him some of the clothes my father had given me before I left my hometown. He seemed to have this indescribable aura around him.

I wondered where he had been in order to have such ragged and dirty clothes but I was scared to ask in fear that it would intrude upon his privacy.

Everyone here has their reasons for being here a lot of people come to enlist into the Eastern Empire's army due to their 100% acceptance no one is turned away thus refugees, criminals and even castaways come to enlist here in order to make a new life for themselves thus not much questions are asked with the influx of people from different backgrounds.

I looked over at the 3 other cadets beside me, sneakingly taking glances at them. I saw as Mahald remained seated on the ground in what seemed to be a meditation pose getting somewhat used to the oddity of his behavior's I looked over to the other two.

As I saw their distinctive features one seemed to be around 6 foot tall as he had a bored gaze on his face as he looked at all the other cadets still sprawled on the floor in a disappointing gaze. I had kept on watching till he turned his eyes onto me.

"You there, How many did you complete?" He asked in a harsh tone it felt like I was talking to the Lieutenant Colonel one on one.

"I did 967." I said hoping he would not notice the fear laced within my words.

"Useless!" He hissed as he turned away, not even bothering to look back at me.

I watched as he walked away and as he passed Mahald who still seemed to be in a meditative pose. Then he turned back and looked curiously at him.

"Hm? You there, How many were you able to do?" The boy asked in the same condescending tone.


There was no response, at this point alarm bells seemed to ring in my head as from what I had gained from the short interaction with the boy he definitely would take lightly to being ignored.

"Ignoring me are ya?" the boy said as a smirk came up on his face seemingly amused by Mahald's attitude towards him.

"Let's see if you can ignore this?" As he finished the statement he contorted his body as he drew back his feet for a lethal kick.

I watched in awe as the kick went towards Mahald at unmatched speeds. I would not be fast enough to get there in time. I looked away in order not to see what would occur when the kick connected.

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