/ Sci-fi / Bleak Belief

Bleak Belief Original

Bleak Belief

Sci-fi 22 Chapters 19.0K Views
Author: Lyonnedas

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This is a roadless path.
Death comes to the living.
Life goes to the fallen ones.
Chaos spread while order stumble apart.
Inhabiting such place, what could unite people's hearts?
Centuries after the collapse of the former civilization, the stability was finally beginning to gain format. Decrepit industries, ancient fortresses and numerous slums composed the vast majority of the current era. Yet, superpowers started to outbreak, creating fogs in the mind of many. Among those, Trevor Anirth had gone through an experiment to awaken abilities in order to save his missing father. A brand new era was about to start!
Cover art: Unfortunately, I could not find the magnificent one who created it. If you are the so one, warn me in case you want me to remove it.

Parents Strongly Cautioned


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Author Lyonnedas