/ Realistic / Blue Sky (Hekira no Ten)

Blue Sky (Hekira no Ten) Original

Blue Sky (Hekira no Ten)

Realistic 4 Chapters 6.6K Views
Author: PFSensei

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The human relationships are always the same. This is what Ishigami Nokaji believes. Freshly entered in the Yokohama University, a series of strange encounters present to him a group of strange people that he might start calling friends.
The apparently pure and charming Haru Hayami, the funny and friendly Junpei Makoto, the crazy and the annoying Yuki Kikyo and the "charming prince" Akihiko Riku.
How will his life turn out to be after he grouped up with this pack?
Will he run into the future? Or is past is going to come back for him?
Well, come what may, the sky will continue to be blue, as always.



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Author PFSensei