/ Book&Literature / Broomsticks and Cauldrons

Broomsticks and Cauldrons Original

Broomsticks and Cauldrons

Book&Literature 18 Chapters 36.1K Views

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This is a Drarry Fanfic! Warning: This includes mentions of blood and some angst!
This is a slow burn, but it does get there!
Background info: This takes place in the 5th year after Dumbledore left the castle and Umbridge as Headmistress.
(Boy x Boy)
This is completed however there will eventually be a second part!

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  1. Fox_dance
    Fox_dance Contributed 3
  2. FayeWolfe
    FayeWolfe Contributed 1
  3. Girl_in_Luv
    Girl_in_Luv Contributed 1

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