/ Anime & Comics / Building my harem while getting stronger

Building my harem while getting stronger Original

Building my harem while getting stronger

Anime & Comics 7 Chapters 134.9K Views
Author: Hacker_69

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Hello i will only upload if i want to and dont read this because this has no plot and only focuses on harem building and the mc is gonna be evil and also dont expect it to be good this is for fun so this is the sypnosis
Also this is some extra tags:traps, (it is basically femboy like gasper from dxd) milf, loli (please dont call the fbi) and some stuff
In japan there is a man inside his room jacking off to haku a trap in naruto anime so after cumming he goes to his living room gets some tools and start cleaning hes room
He's name is ??? You dont need to know after cleaning meh this is just the sypnosis bye!

No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. Hacker_69
    Hacker_69 Contributed 21
  2. Nontr
    Nontr Contributed 10
  3. PUERKO_Senpai
    PUERKO_Senpai Contributed 6

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don't drop the story, please. also put the lemons and marranadas, without fear of success. ................................................................................................................................

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Author Hacker_69