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Chapter 3: Scene 3 : 8 Coloured Rainbow

"Whaaaatttttt...., Snake venom..??

Are you insane..?? You are the one who humiliated me.. You are the one who made me pay for the Coffee you threw to floor..

And yet I brought your diary back with kindness.. And now you are trying to kill me..??

Oh my god.., I'm feeling dizzy.. I am losing my senses.. I'm gonna die..."

Mike was panicking like a little lost monkey.

"Just cut out the drama already.."

Jenny simply said, sipping her coffee.

"Does this look like a drama to you..??

It's Venom..

I'm gonna diieee..

You tried to kill me, you devilish lady.."

Cried Mike, holding his throat.

"Venom is poisonous, only when it gets into your bloodstream..

Otherwise, Venom is just a complex protein. It goes into your stomach, gets digested, and done. By the way, since your coffee is hot, it's already partially denatured. So, cut out the drama and have your coffee.."

She said, sipping her coffee and enjoying it to the very last drop.

"So, I'm not gonna die then..!!

Oh my god.., thank you..

And why the heck did you add it in my coffee..??"

Asked Mike, making a fake angry face and trying to sound angry, even though he was not.

"You know how expensive venom is..??

A gram of it costs $2000

Feel happy that you have got to taste it at least once in your life..

It's my way of apologizing for what happened at the coffee store and a way of thanking you for getting my diary back to me.."

She finished her Coffee and put it down on the table in front.

"Umm.. ok.. sorry for panicking..

And I am so impressed..

How do you know all this..??

And why do you have snake venom..??"

Asked Mike curiously with his eyes wide open.

"Just finish the coffee and leave already.."

It seems like Jenny got irritated.

"Okay.., sorry..."

Mike took quick sips, while Jen leaned back on the couch, relaxed, and her eyes closed.

Mike finished his coffee, put it on the table and stood up to leave.

"Okay Miss Jenny, I'll leave then..

Take care.., have a good day.."

"I said, call me JENNY"

"Sorry, forgot.."

"It's ok, do you have a phone..??"

"Yeah, I do"

"Take my number.."

Mike was surprised. He didn't expect that she would see his face again. But out of blue, she was giving her phone number.

He took out his phone from his trouser pocket and saved her contact.

"What are your shift timings..??"

Queried Jenny.

"Morning 7 to post noon 4"

"Hmm.., wait till 5. That's when I leave the office. I'll come to the coffee store"

"Umm.., err.., ok Jenny.., I'll wait.. byee.."

He waved her a goodbye and left.

Who knows, a single cup of coffee with a few drops of venom could change their lives forever..

*The next day morning*

Jenny got up early today.

She was a lot happier than the other days.

She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled.

She felt strangely happy.

She got ready so quick and left for the coffee store.

It was a usual busy winter morning in the city of Walster.

The streets were packed with people.

She thought it was a futile idea to go to the coffee store, because anyway it would be packed and she won't get a chair to seat.

But her subconscious sensed something positive.

She thought it was worth a shot to go.

She entered the coffee shop and found it packed.

But there was only one table vacant with a "reserved" board.

She was about to leave the store disappointed.

While she was opening the door, she heard someone call her name.

"Jenny.., wait.."

She turned back to see.

It was Mike, with a huge smile on his face.

"I know you'd come. That's why I reserved a seat just for you.."

He took her to the table that had a "reserved" board.

"But I told you that I'd come in the evening. Then why did you reserve the table for me now in the morning..??"

Jenny asked, out of surprise.

"Don't know, but my subconscious told me you'd come. So, I thought it's worth a shot and reserved a seat for you.."

"Thanks Mike.."

She smiled.

She was not the Jenny he saw the previous day.

There were no signs of frustration or rage on her face.

She was happy and smiling.

She was a new Jenny.

He got her an American black coffee with cream.

She enjoyed it to the last sip.

She paid the money for five coffee.

Including the ones she threw the other day.

The cashier gave the money to Mike, since he already paid for those the previous day.

She smiled at him.

A smile of affection.

A smile of satisfaction.

A smile from her heart.

She waved him a goodbye and left for office.

She was waiting for the time to tick 5pm.

She wanted to see Mike again.

She was missing him already.

And finally after a long wait, she came out of the office and reached the coffee store really quick.

She got into the store and looked around for Mike.

He was not there.

She went to the counter and asked if they would tell Mike that Jenny came for him.

The cashier told her that he already left.

Disappointed, she got out of the store and stared to walk towards her apartment.

She felt sad and low.

All the happiness and energy she had all day, disappeared in a moment.

While she was at the corner of Patrick's street and was about to take a turn, she heard something.

She thought it was her subconscious playing with her, but when she heard attentively, it was real. She was hearing it.

Suddenly the smile she lost, appeared again on her face.

She turned back.

And there was Mike, running towards her, shouting her name.

She felt butterflies in her stomach.

She tried to act cool, hiding her smile.

"I told you I'd come for you. Where did you go..??"

She showed fake anger on her face, failing to control her smile on the other side.

"I'm sorry, I actually went to bring some flowers for you.

I've been searching for these for over an hour.

Here you go..

Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady..

Happy birthday Jen..

Sorry, JENNY.."

He gave her a bunch of beautiful Tulips.

She was awestruck.

Speechless by his gesture.

She didn't expect that surprise at all. Because she didn't tell him it was her birthday.

She was surprised about how come he knew about that.

"Aww.., they are so beautiful.

But Tulips are expensive.

People generally gift like some three or five.

But you bought a bunch of them.

Didn't that cost too much..??"

She felt a little sorry for him, for she made him spend a lot in the flowers.

"That's ok, I used the money from my savings"

He smiled out of his heart.

"But, how come you know that it's my birthday today..??

I didn't tell you about it, did I..??

I just asked you to wait for me, so that I could take you out on a dinner as my birthday treat.

But you surprised me with the flowers.


She exclaimed in a tone of happy surprise.

"I've seen your birthday on your diary.

I thought I'd surprise you.

That's why I didn't wish you in the morning.

But I wanted to make it special for you.

So, I reserved a table for you.

And morning, I wanted to tell something else too.

But thought I'd be weird.

But I wanna tell you now.."

She didn't speak. She was looking at him, waiting for him to finish his words, her eyes filled with amazement.

"You look so beautiful today Jen.

Sorry, JENNY"

"Jen is nice. Call me Jen"

"As the birthday lady orders.."

He bowed to her like she was a queen and he was her main man following her orders.

"Just stop it already. People are looking at us. Come, let's go home.."

They both went to Jen's apartment.

"So, I'll go get freshen up, meanwhile you decide which restaurant you wanna go to"

"No, restaurant is routine. Let's just have a nice dinner here at home"

"At home..??

What shall we have at home..??

I ain't no professional chef to get what you order"

"Leave that to me.

You go get ready. I'll prepare a surprise for you.."

"You must not disappoint the Queen. Or you'll be punished"

She laughed.

"As you say your highness.."

He bowed again.

She went to her bedroom to take a shower and change into her birthday clothes.

Meanwhile, Mike went to the mall and brought fresh salmon, some green veggies, peas, bacon, eggs, oranges, and a fine bottle of champagne.

Jen got ready and came out of her room.

She was wearing a gown like that of a fairy tale princess.

It was a rose red gown.

She was looking absolutely stunning and gorgeous like an angel.

Her face glowing. And hair curly.

Mike arranged the dining table with all the dishes he cooked.

Alongside them were the glasses with champagne and two candles lit at the centre of the table.

"You look gorgeous. Just like a princess out of a fairy tale.

I'm speechless.."

He complimented her.

Her cheeks turned pink with happiness and shyness.

He went up to her, held her hand and led her to the dining table and held the chair for her to seat.

She tasted the food and was like wow.

"How come you cook so well..??"

"I've been living alone for a long time.

Cooking has become compulsory in my day to day life"

"What about your parents..??"

"My parents got separated when I was 6. I went with my dad. I lived with him for an year. Later he married a woman. She used to treat me very bad. She used to yell at me for silly reasons. Left me to hunger as a punishment. She was not even happy with, me studying.

So, I started living on my own.

I used to do part time jobs and make some money for my study and day to day needs. I passed out of Winston University with a gold medal in Mechanical and computer engineering.

I was so happy and went to show my certificates and medal to my dad. But my stepmom, threw away my medal and tore my certificates apart. Without them, I wouldn't be eligible for any job.

I went to the university and placed a request for an original copy of my certificates. But they were not at all bothered about it. They have been postponing it all the way. It has been three years now and I didn't get my certificates still. So, to make a living, I've been working in the Coffee place for the last three years.."

She was so moved by his life story. She got a strong feeling.

It was not sympathy. It was a feeling that she wanted to support him and stand for him.

"That's so sad. A hard life and breaking situations you faced.."

Sadness sounded in her tone.

"That's ok, I'm used to it. By the way, what about you..??

What do your parents do..??

Where do they live..??"

"I was abandoned by my parents when I was three. I grew up in a Christian orphanage facing many hardships and problems.

Because of the situations I grew up in, I became an introvert. I don't like to mingle with people easily. So, I studied hard and wanted to live for myself. And I have become a software analyst at Omega Software Solutions, one of the top software companies.

But I was always lonely and depressed because of my bad childhood. It haunts me all my life. So, I started using narcotics to get out of it. But I was always in control and never got addicted to them. They got me promoted and transferred me to Walster. It has been only a week since I moved here. Since I woke up late yesterday, I was unable to make coffee at home. So, I stopped by the coffee store to have some, and met you there."

"So, we both are the same. Children with bad parents and a life of hardships.."

Mike briefed the point out.

"Fate has a strange way of bringing people together.

And here we are today. I'm so glad it brought you to me"

Smiled Jen.

They had a wonderful dinner together.

A bond formed by a cup of coffee, got strengthened by a glass of champagne.

Time flew by so fast.

They used to hang out everyday, go out on weekends, share their daily experiences, make each other laugh.

They found their happiness in each other.

One fine day, Jen called Mike and asked him to come to her apartment immediately. When he asked the reason, she told him that she wanted to talk something important with him.

He told he would be there shortly.

After a quarter hour, Mike was at Jen's place.

Ding donggg.. the doorbell rang.

"Come on in Mike.."

She opened the door.

"Hey Jen, what is that you wanted to talk to me about..??"

"Nothing much..

Actually I had a strange desire today. I wanted to see a rainbow. Since it's not possible, I called you so that I could see you. Because, the happiness I get when I see the rainbow, is same as the happiness when I see you.."

Mike smiled. He went up to Jen and held her hand and whispered in her ear.

"Come with me.."

He took her to the bathroom and closed the door.

He switched on the light and turned the hand shower on and made the water sprinkle out like very tiny droplets.

The light got dispersed in the water droplets and a rainbow started to form.

"Here you go.., your own rainbow in your bathroom.."

He laughed.

The happiness on her face was priceless.

They came to the living room and sat on the couch.

"You know, a rainbow has eight colours. The eighth colour is happiness. We can't see it, we can only feel it. It comes with the satisfaction and the smile we get when we see a rainbow. And I get the same happiness when I see you. Thank you so much Mike.."

She hugged him.

"Shall I become the rainbow of your life and give you the same happiness everyday..??"

He said, caressing her hair.

She let him loose and looked him in the eyes.

"I love you Jen. Will you be mine..??"

He held her hand against his lips and kissed.

"Of course I will..!!"

She hugged him even more tight.

"I'll go get some coffee for us"

She got up and went to the kitchen.

The moment she went out of his sight into the kitchen, the main door opened.


You already came here..!!"

It was Jen at the main door, looking at him smiling.

Mike went blank for a moment.

Just a moment ago he saw Jen go into the kitchen. Now she was at the main door, coming from outside.

"After I called you to come home, I was so impatient that I couldn't wait to see you. So, I came to the coffee store for you. They told me that you've already left. I wanted to call you, but I forgot my phone at home. So, I was looking for you on the way and came home. And here you are..!!

I know you'd be waiting for me in the house. After all you have a key with you anyway.."

Mike was totally in shock.

He couldn't believe what Jen was saying. Moments ago she was with him and went to the kitchen right in front of his eyes.

She came running to him and hugged him.

"All I wanted to tell you was that I love you.

I love you Mike.

I love you so much.

You are the rainbow of happiness in my life.."

Mike was turned to stone. He didn't know how to react. He was unable to utter a word. He brought himself together and asked her.

"But you were with me till now. I showed you a rainbow and I confessed my love to you. And you then went to the kitchen to get us coffee and now you were coming from the main door. What is happening Jen..??"

"Mr Mike, you got so much in to me, that you started hallucinating that I was there with you.

Aww my sweet little boy..

Come here you.."

She hugged him even more tight.

But a million thoughts were running in Mike's mind.

He started to think, "It felt so real. Her words, her presence. Her hug. Did that happen for real, or am I really hallucinating..??"

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