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Chapter 37: Chapter 27 - The Idiot Who Came Back




The blob took a step(?) forward, and the floodgates had seemingly broken as thousands of disfigured creatures rushed at me. I didn't let this bother me as I knelt down and placed a singular hand on the ground. Space bent and broke apart, revealing a massive wave.

The wave flowed like water over the disgusting spawn charging me, but it was crimson. The wave was none other than the Spawn of Crimson I had stored in my inventory, cascading outward like a tidal wave. I had the Spawn of Crimson take care of the enemy subordinates while I focused on their leader.

My path was clear as I walked up to the disgusting mass of nightmare fuel. I stopped two feet away from him and smirked. That obviously angered him, and a beam of black energy blasted outward. The black beam was like a condensed-pressure jet.

When he was finally done with his attack and the energy cleared, he looked shocked. I stood there right in the same spot he had just blasted with the same smirk on my face as if I had never been touched. "Are you ready to give up now?" My taunt didn't seem to be received well, as he struck out quickly with multiple tentacles.

Even as the shockwaves from him swinging his tentacles rattled the surroundings, I stood there without a care in the world. "H-How is this possible?!" He had been attacking me for a couple of seconds but finally got the memo that I wasn't going to be taking damage.

"Come here." I stuck my hand out like I was going to give him a high five. He looked skeptical. "Come on, if I was going to attack you, I would have done it after you finished your attack." I reiterated by stretching my fingers on my open hand, and he seemed to get the message.

His tentacle came up to try and touch my hand only to find an invisible barrier had been separating them. Even as he pushed further, he still couldn't get to me. "What is this?" He couldn't grasp whatever ability was blocking him from hitting me. "This is the infinity between me and you. No matter how much you attack me, you won't get past it." My smile grew as I continued speaking.

In the middle of his thinking, I grabbed his tentacle while still having infinity over it to make sure I didn't touch that disgusting thing. Pulling him in close, I proceeded to punch him in the gut as hard as I could. The effect was immediate as he had rag-dolled in the air, only to be stopped from flying away by my hand. His multiple mouths had all spit out saliva as his eyes became wide.

Before he could react, I pulled him in close again and hit him in the gut three times in a row. The impacts of my punches generated shockwaves as I kept punching into him. I let him go, only to spin in the air and deliver a nasty side kick that sent him crashing and skidding across the ground.

He quickly reoriented himself and came to a stop. Upon looking in front of him, his eyes widened as he saw me directly in front of him. I sent a punch straight into his face and watched him fly away. Once again, he reoriented himself and looked ahead, only to see me again.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" The anger in his voice could only be heard under his confusion and frustration. "Every time you get punched by me, you seem to think your body flies away. The second you stop moving through the air, I manipulate space to send you right back here by folding space, making it so you come right back here." My explanation made his eyes widen, but he didn't get any time to ponder it as I punched him again.


(POV: Enemy Leader)

What do I do against this? I can't attack him, I can't escape him, and I can't even focus from the attacks I'm receiving. If it weren't for my great regeneration, I would have died multiple times over.

I didn't think it would come to this, but I'll have to use it. "You've really got me in a corner! Your ability is possibly one of the strongest things I've encountered!" The smile on my face grew as I spoke. "Like I told you, you're weak." I received another punch in the face as I heard those words.

I found myself back in the same spot, right in front of him, but before he could punch me in the face. "Domain Expansion!" As soon as I started speaking, a domain appeared, trapping this entire dimension upon its calling.

The pitch-black murky water was only further enhanced by the disfigured trees. The sun looked like it was slowly dropping from the sky, with orange leaking from the sphere.

"Desecration of Creation!" The domain, now fully active, would start its sure hit effect. The domain attacked by summoning an eldritch mouth that would bite off pieces of you and change them with eldritch parts. This would entirely turn the enemy into a disfigured eldritch creature upon having eaten all the enemy.

My smile couldn't be contained as the spawn before me began looking around. "This domain… Is a*s." "What do you mean it's a*s?!" My anger couldn't be contained as my domain was the apex of my abilities.

"You heard me. This domain is trash. The effect and the look of it are absolutely disgusting." He trampled over all my hard work like it never existed. My anger had reached its peak! This creature makes me want to go all out!

I activated my domain ability, and tens of mouths all tried to take a bite of him. He had disappeared under the mouths, and I thought I had won. That was until I saw him walk forward, and out of the surrounding the mouths had him in. The same cocky smirk still on his face as he again walked up to me.

"You haven't noticed it, have you?"

"What was I supposed to notice? That you are not getting hit by my domain, or do you still think you have the upper hand?"

"What you were supposed to notice was the fact that you… Haven't moved from the spot I left you in." My eyes widened as I looked down and took a step backward, only to see that I was again in the same spot. I jumped back this time, intending to get farther, only to look down and see I was in the exact same spot.

"You get it now? It's useless."

With a look of shock on my face, I only had one thought. 'I am being toyed with. This isn't a fight, and he could have ended this the second he stepped in here.' The stupid smirk on his face grew for some reason.

"Since you finally realize it! I'll show you what a real domain looks like!" He slowly spread his arms out as a crimson crown lit ablaze above his head. All the eyes on his chest started looking in different directions.

"Domain Expansion: Infinite Crimson Expanse"


(POV: ???)

I woke up in my bed after gaming all night. It was early in the morning, and with barely any sleep, I got up to get ready for school. I opened my door and went into the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth.

I had dried myself and gotten my school clothes on before going downstairs. "Well, look at Mr sleepy head finally coming downstairs." My mother scolded me for staying up and gaming late, but I didn't mind it as I sat down and ate.

"I'm up now, so does it matter?" She frowned at my question. "Of course it does! Just make sure you aren't late for school!" I didn't need to hear her say it twice, so when I finished eating, I got up and left the house.

The school wasn't too far away, but it still took some walking time. As I was on my phone, I looked to the left of me as a black cat was on a fence. I don't know what compelled me to do that, bu- I had bumped into someone. "Sorry for that-" in front of me was something I was sure as hell wasn't human.

Standing at more than double my height with a crimson body and seven chains dug into its skin. It had antlers, too, but I couldn't keep my head up as the eyes of the thing in front of me were on its chest.

Suddenly, The eyes turned to look at me, and my vision went black.


In a fight for my life against the demons of hell as they invade heaven, it wasn't how I thought today would go. Alas, as an Angel of heaven, it was my duty to do battle with these infernal creatures.

Suddenly, as I was backing up through the air, I felt someone bump into me. It was strange as all the angels knew where they should and shouldn't be, so who could be behind me?

Turning around was my first and last mistake as I saw an entirely crimson creature. The eyes on its chest looked at nothing until they suddenly looked at me.

"Inconceivable, this can't b-"


A Daemon of Slaanesh was what I was. Being under the Dark Prince was excess and pleasure, but I weirdly felt something wrong today. I went through the whole day feeling this wrongness in the air, and yet it never came.

The ambush I expected wasn't here even as I made my way through this burning human world. As I was about to let go of that feeling, I suddenly bumped into something. "Who dares-"All I saw was crimson before my vision went black.


I was… Where was… No… Who am I? I feel so empty…



As I watched the blob deteriorate under the effects of my domain, I got to see his soul slowly disappear. It started off slow but picked up pace until what was left of him was just a dead body with no soul.

My domain gets rid of any chance of reincarnation or alternative selves. In the end, that blob that I just fought now exists… Nowhere. His soul is completely gone, and all versions of him with it, thus bringing him true death.

His domain was weak, and when I used it, it was immediately overpowered and destroyed. The price for viewing my technique was true erasure from everything.

I disabled my domain and returned all the Spawn of Crimson still alive back to my inventory. The souls of the subordinates he had would have been nice if I didn't hit them with my domain, too, but as they say, you can't cry over spoiled milk.

I walked through the portal along with Karasu, who looked confused about what happened to the enemies as he didn't have much in the way of magical abilities. He could see souls due to having [The World], but in his eyes, the souls inside the bodies of the enemy just disappeared.

I didn't explain anything to him as he never asked about it. 'Regeneration doesn't matter if I take the soul from the body.' A smirk appeared on my face from that stupid half-joke. 'I could have-' my thoughts were cut short by a feeling I've only felt once before.

Someone was trying to summon my real body. I don't know who could be stupid enough to try it, considering the person who was stupid enough to try did die. The only way to know was by answering the summon with my avatar so that I wasn't walking in blind.

I had Karasu and Anos guard over Nyarla's house just in case someone or something did try it. Upon ensuring everything was good, I accepted the summon with my avatar. Upon opening my eyes, there was only one thing to do. "For what purpose have you sum- How are you still alive?!" I was confused about how I was summoned by the same person previously.

I know my ability would allow her to stay alive, but it doesn't resurrect people. "Hey, how's it going?" I couldn't help but grit my teeth at her aloofness.

"What do you mean 'how's it going?' How are you still alive?! I gave you that whole send-off because I thought you would stay dead!" I didn't think she would come back to life, and that was the whole reason I went all out in making it memorable.

"I really don't know how I'm still alive, but… What happened to that other reality?" She seemed as confused as I was, but I wasn't going to let this hiccup ruin my mood. "That last reality you were in fell to me. Everything in there is gone, and nothing exists there anymore." The words seemed to bring her comfort in some way, but I don't know how or why they did.

There was only one option that allowed for her to come back. Some eldritch god was still dreaming of her, or were they dreaming of me? I don't think eldritch gods can be dreamt of, though.

"Well, if you're alive, some eldritch god must be dreaming of you," I spoke as I remembered one of the downsides of being an eldritch god in this reality.

"How does that work?"

"Eldritch gods dream up everything in reality, and as long as one eldritch god dreams of you, then you shall exist. It could be just you or an entire universe they dream up."

"What happens if every eldritch god woke up simultaneously?" She asked a terrifying question about this reality.

"Everything would cease to be, even the gods that dream everything." As I finished my sentence, I could see a disturbed look on her face.

"And that can just happen at any time?!" She had blurted out, almost yelling in the face of oblivion that could come at any moment.

"I mean, there are like fifty of us that dream, so I don't think you'd have to worry about that." A smile stretched across my face as I knew fifty was a small number for beings that dream up everything.

"T-There's only like... Fifty of you in all?" Her voice held a massive amount of nervousness as she spoke.

"Yeah, it's a pretty big famil-"

"Wait, so if eldritch gods dream up realities, why weren't you dreaming of me? Shouldn't you be the one dreaming of me and not someone else?" She had cut me off in order to get out her question. Frankly, her question was good, but…

"I don't dream about you. I didn't even think you still existed, so you were never on my mind. If you want me to think about you, you must earn it." She seemed dumbfounded at the blatant disregard of her being. It didn't matter to me because if she wanted to be in my mind, she'd have to do a lot more than that.

"That was rude…" she started pouting(?), but I didn't care. "The truth is hidden because people don't want to hear it. The truth can be rude, sad, hard to hear, or disappointing, but you cannot conceal it." Every time I said something about the 'truth', she would hunch over just a bit until she was looking down.

She suddenly shot up. "Alright, Alright, let's just do the rituals then!" I have no idea what brought her mood back up, but she probably thought about getting another kiss.

Unknown to her, I let Giratina out of my inventory with one task. Take the souls of everyone outside this apartment.


By the time you see this, for those on Pat*eon, I'll be making a Halloween special, but for the webnovel people, I'll be done with it.

(The people have spoken and want the rest of the chapters. I shall release all but the final chapter of the volume today. I gotta make keep y'all asking questions!)

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